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view 3rdparty/packages/multivue/cmds_6809/gshell.asm @ 1363:53c50c807d55
Major move to new NitrOS-9 project
author | boisy |
date | Fri, 26 Sep 2003 12:26:10 +0000 |
parents | 45b82132183c |
children | 148d610f55a4 |
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nam GShell Graphics Shell ttl Source derived by Kent D. Meyers. IFNE H6309 * Signal handlers will have to handle new RBF call for directory updates * DIR has to be open (uses path #), but can be in READ+DIR mode * Renames, etc. will have to close DIR 1st, do function, re-open. * Compressed Version. Started February 7, 1988. Completed February 29. * Upgraded Version. Started March 2, 1988. Finished by KDM Feb 13, 1994 * NITROS9 ONLY VERSION. Started August 8,1998 by LCB * NOTE: When GSHPAL added, got rid of DEVICSET, and 2 other SETS from env.file * check in DP (3 DP bytes back) * NOTE: HAVE TRIED 5 ROWS OF ICONS (ICONYMAX=143, ICONROWH=32, ICONSCR=20), & * IT FITS, BUT LOOKS REALLY CROWDED * Killed all calls to F.SLEEP, embedded (shorter & faster) * Should do F$CpyMem of <$40-43 in direct page to get real RAM size - both * 6809 and NitrOS9. Then we can eliminate RAM= from the Env.fil entirely! * NOTE (6309 ONLY): ALL STD -2,S TO CHECK THE D FLAG CAN BE CHANGED TO TSTD *(SAME SIZE, FASTER) IFP1 USE defsfile ENDC BTEXT mod MODSIZE,MODNAME,$11,$81,CSTART,DATASIZE * COMPLETE DEFS FOR THIS ASSEMBLY. ICNONSCR equ 16 # icons on screen in 40 column mode * Standard character defs NUL equ C$NULL BEL equ C$BELL HT equ $09 LF equ C$LF FF equ $0C CR equ C$CR SPACE equ C$SPAC * GShell specific Data Structures. org 0 * File info - linked list for each icon FL.XSTRT rmb 2 X start position of icon \ These are for determining if FL.YSTRT rmb 2 Y start position of icon \ mouse clicks are on a particular FL.XEND rmb 2 X end position of icon / icon or not. FL.YEND rmb 2 Y end position of icon / FL.ICONO rmb 1 Icon type (IC.*) FL.AIFNO rmb 1 AIF # (entry # to look in ID.* table) FL.LINK rmb 2 Link to next FL.* entry FL.FNAME rmb 2 Ptr to filename FL.SIZE equ . org 0 * Structure for table entries for executable programs to fork into new * windows - called process tables here (see PTBL* vars) GD.MNAME rmb 2 Module name ptr? GD.INDVC rmb 2 ??? Ptr to ? GD.PRCID rmb 2 Process ID # for new process GD.STATS rmb 2 Last status of forked program (errors, etc.) GD.MTYPE rmb 1 Module type GD.MLANG rmb 1 Module language GD.MEMSZ rmb 2 Mem size required GD.WPATH rmb 2 Path to window GD.DW.OW rmb 2 Process running in overlay window flag: 1=Yes, else NO GD.XSTRT rmb 2 Start X,Y coords of window GD.YSTRT rmb 2 GD.XEND rmb 2 End X,Y coords of window GD.YEND rmb 2 GD.SCRNO rmb 2 Screen # GD.LINK rmb 2 Link to next GD.* entry GD.SIZE equ . * Defs for table entries of AIF data * NOTE: all ID.NUMBR's below IC.XTRNL ($14) are for internal AIF structures, * not from actual read in AIF files ($f-$13 are currently unused?) org 0 ID.NUMBR rmb 2 Entry # in ID.* structure (only 2nd byte is used) ID.WTYPE rmb 2 Window type for AIF program ID.XSIZE rmb 2 Minimum window X size for AIF program ID.YSIZE rmb 2 Minimum window Y size for AIF program ID.FRGND rmb 2 Window foreground color for AIF program ID.BKGND rmb 2 Window background color for AIF program ID.MEMSZ rmb 2 Data area size for AIF program ID.MNAME rmb 2 Ptr to module name for AIF program ID.XXXPT rmb 2 ??? Ptr to AIF 3 letter extension? ID.PARAM rmb 2 Ptr to parameters for AIF program ID.LINK rmb 2 Ptr to next ID.* structure in linked list ID.SIZE equ . * Structure for screens used table (maximum of 8) org 0 SC.PTHNO rmb 1 Path number to screen SC.WTYPE rmb 1 Full screen background window type SC.USERS rmb 1 # of users (programs) active on screen rmb 1 ??? reserved space? SC.SIZE equ . * Icon descriptor identifiers (reserved ones). For programs, they will have * there own entry for running in a new window (?) * These are stored in Fl.ICONO * NOTE: WE SHOULD ADD A PRINTER ICON, AND HAVE IT CALL THE FILE/PRINT ROUTINE * ALSO, A NEW VERSION OF COCOPR SHOULD BE WRITTEN TO HANDLE GRAPHIC SCREEN * DUMPS OF VEF'S. IT SHOULD ALSO ALLOW -F (FORMFEED AFTER TRAILER) AS AN * OPTION FROM THE ENV.FILE IC.TEXT equ $0001 Text file identifier IC.FOLDR equ $0002 Folder (directory) identifier IC.PRGRM equ $0003 Program (executable) identifier IC.CLOSE equ $0004 Close box IC.DRIVE equ $0005 Drive icon IC.AIF.F equ $0006 ??? AIF for a single program IC.F.XXX equ $0007 ??? AIF for an extension already allocated IC.DRBAR equ $0008 Drive bar (top of current dir window) IC.TRASH equ $0009 Trash can (delete from file menu) IC.GCALC equ $000A Calculator off of Tandy menu IC.GCLOK equ $000B Clock off of Tandy menu IC.GCAL equ $000C Calendar off of Tandy menu IC.SHELL equ $000D Shell off of Tandy menu IC.QUERY equ $000E '?' Help off of Tandy menu IC.PRNTR equ $000F Printer (print from file menu) * Looks like we have room to insert 5 entries here... like PRINTER IC.XTRNL equ $0014 Start of external entries (from AIF files) * Menu ID #'s MID.CLS equ $0002 MID.SUP equ $0004 MID.SDN equ $0005 MID.SRT equ $0006 MID.SLT equ $0007 MID.TDY equ $0014 MID.FIL equ $0017 MID.VEW equ $0018 MID.DSK equ $0019 MID.KDM equ $001A * Mouse packet variables (see manual) PT.VALID equ $0000 PT.CBSA equ $0008 PT.CBSB equ $0009 PT.STAT equ $0016 PT.ACX equ $0018 PT.ACY equ $001A PT.WRX equ $001C PT.WRY equ $001E STDOUT equ $0001 STDERR equ $0002 WT.FSWIN equ $0002 WT.DBOX equ $0004 WN.NMNS equ $0014 WN.SYNC equ $0017 WN.BAR equ $0020 WINSYNC equ $C0C0 PTR.ARR equ $0001 FNT.S8X8 equ $0001 FNT.S6X8 equ $0002 FNT.G8X8 equ $0003 PTR.SLP equ $0004 PTR.ILL equ $0005 MOUSIGNL equ $000A KYBDSGNL equ $000B DIRSIG equ $000C New signal for SS.FSig MI.SIZ equ $0015 MI.ENBL equ $000F MN.ENBL equ $0012 MN.SIZ equ $0017 WN.SIZ equ $0022 GRP.FNT equ $00C8 GRP.PTR equ $00CA * OS-9 DATA AREA DEFINITIONS org 0 WIPED rmb 1 Icons wiped flag (0=no need to redraw) DEFWTYPE rmb 2 GShell's current window type (default for GCalc, GClock, etc.) ICONCOLW rmb 2 Width of icon column. (in pixels) STRTYPOS rmb 2 Starting Y position for the first icon on screen. ICONYMAX rmb 2 Maximum Y value for displayed icons. ICONROWH rmb 2 Height of icon row. (in pixels) WINDWSZY rmb 2 Y size of GShell window path. PTBLNEXT rmb 2 Pointer to next available process descriptor link. FNAMEPTR rmb 2 Pointer to file name buffer. (null terminated) IDSCSPTR rmb 2 Pointer to start of icon descriptor table. IDSCNEXT rmb 2 Pointer to next available icon descriptor link DEVICNTR rmb 1 Current device count. (maximum 5) DRIVYPOS rmb 1 Starting Y position for first drive icon. * The preceding are loaded at startup with default values. STRTXPOS rmb 2 Starting X position for the first icon on screen. PIXELSWD rmb 2 Width of GShell window in pixels. FLAG640W rmb 1 640 pixels wide flag RECDSGNL rmb 2 Current received signal from intercept routine. MAXICONS rmb 2 Maximum number of icons per screen. (12/24) RAMSIZE rmb 2 Computer's memory size. (128/512) WNDWPATH rmb 2 GShell window I/O path number. WINDWSZX rmb 2 X size of GShell window path. PRCIDNUM rmb 2 GShell process ID number. (for GPLOAD) SCREENOW rmb 2 Number of current display icon screen. (0 to n-1) NSCREENS rmb 2 Number of available icon screens. STRTICON rmb 2 Pointer to file icon descriptor for first icon on current screen. FILESCTR rmb 2 Number of files in current data directory. FTBLSPTR rmb 2 Pointer to start of file icon descriptor table. FTBLNEXT rmb 2 Pointer to next available link in file icon descriptor table. SELECTED rmb 2 Pointer to file icon descriptor for currently selected icon. DEVICNOW rmb 2 Pointer to file icon descriptor for currently selected drive. PTBLSPTR rmb 2 Pointer to start of process descriptor table. DIRPTR rmb 2 Pointer to next directory entry in directory read buffer. XFD.ATT rmb 1 Buffer for FD.ATT (attributes) of current directory entry. NEXTXPOS rmb 2 Next X position for file icon on this screen. NEXTYPOS rmb 4 Next Y position for file icon on this screen. ACTVSCRN rmb 2 Number of the active process screen. (for window setup) PROCXSIZ rmb 2 Minimum X size for this process. PROCYSIZ rmb 2 Minimum Y size for this process. PROCWTYP rmb 2 Default window type for this process. WPOSGOOD rmb 2 Window OK flag. (for window setup) DWSETSTY rmb 2 Actual STY byte for process window. (for window setup) * Additions to handle GSHPALx=r,g,b commands (removed *SET ones) CURPAL rmb 1 Current GSHPAL palette # being worked on CURCOLOR rmb 1 Current palette value CURGFXSZ rmb 1 Size of GFXBUF to write for GSHPAL values GIPMSRES rmb 1 0=low res, 1=high res, $ff=not set (default=0) GIPMSPRT rmb 1 1=right, 2=left, $ff=not set (default=1) GIPKYST rmb 1 keyboard repeat start ($ff=not set) GIPKYSPD rmb 1 keyboard repeat speed ($ff=not set) DRTBLPTR rmb 2 Pointer to start of drive table. SUREYPOS rmb 2 Y position for "Sure" box. SUREXPOS rmb 1 X position for "Sure" box. BXOFFSET rmb 2 X size for selection box. WD48FLAG rmb 1 $80 if on type 7 windown. TNDYITMS rmb MI.SIZ*8 Tandy Menu items array. DISKITMS rmb 0 Disk Menu items array. ITM.FREE rmb MI.SIZ Free ITM.FLDR rmb MI.SIZ Folder ITM.FMAT rmb MI.SIZ*4 Format FILSITMS rmb 0 Files menu items array. ITM.OPEN rmb MI.SIZ Open ITM.LIST rmb MI.SIZ List ITM.COPY rmb MI.SIZ Copy ITM.STAT rmb MI.SIZ Stat ITM.PRNT rmb MI.SIZ Print ITM.RNAM rmb MI.SIZ Rename ITM.DELT rmb MI.SIZ Delete ITM.SORT rmb MI.SIZ*2 Sort VIEWITMS rmb 0 View Menu items array. ITM.LRES rmb MI.SIZ*3 Low Res 4 Color KDMITMS rmb MI.SIZ*2 KDM Menu items array. TNDYDESC rmb MN.SIZ Tandy Menu descriptor. FILSDESC rmb MN.SIZ Files Menu descriptor. DISKDESC rmb MN.SIZ Disk Menu descriptor. VIEWDESC rmb MN.SIZ View Menu descriptor. KDMDESC rmb MN.SIZ KDM Menu descriptor. SHELLNAM rmb 6 "shell" LISTNAM rmb 5 "list" GCALCNAM rmb 6 "gcalc" GCLOCKNM rmb 7 "gclock" GCALNAM rmb 5 "gcal" CONTRLNM rmb 8 "control" GPRINTNM rmb 7 "gprint" GPORTNAM rmb 6 "gport" HELPNAM rmb 5 "help" COCPRNM rmb 7 "cocopr" DBOXDESC rmb FL.SIZE Directory Close Box descriptor. (file icon descriptor format) DBARDESC rmb FL.SIZE Directory Bar descriptor. (file icon descriptor format) QURYDESC rmb FL.SIZE ? descriptor. (file icon descriptor format) TRSHDESC rmb FL.SIZE Trash Can descriptor. (file icon descriptor format) PRTRDESC rmb FL.SIZE Printer descriptor (file icon descriptor format) CALCDESC rmb ID.SIZE Icon descriptor for gcalc. CLOKDESC rmb ID.SIZE icon descriptor for gclock CALDESC rmb ID.SIZE icon descriptor for gcal. SHELDESC rmb ID.LINK icon descriptor for shell. ENDLINK rmb 2 Terminating link for internal icon descriptors. NXTICONO rmb 2 Next available external icon number. PRESSMSG rmb 14 "press any key" NEWNMSG rmb 18 "new name:" SLASHW rmb 3 "/w" ALLOCP rmb 3 "C" Variable. STTOP rmb 2 "C" Variable. MEMEND rmb 10 "C" Variable. 1st 2 is current upper boundary of data memory MTOP rmb 2 "C" Variable. STBOT rmb 2 "C" Variable. ERRNO rmb 2 "C" Variable. WINDDESC rmb WN.SIZ GShell window descriptor. DDIRNAME rmb 256 Full path name to current data directory. XDIRNAME rmb 256 Full path name to current execution directory. MOUSPCKT rmb 32 Mouse packet buffer. FNAMBUFR rmb 30 File name (null terminated) for file icon descriptor setup. DIRBUFER rmb 2048 Read buffer for current directory information. ICONBUFR rmb 144 Icon read/build buffer. (for GPLOAD) MULTIBFR rmb 256 Shared buffer. LINEBUFR rmb 80 80 character line input buffer. ASCIINUM rmb 8 ASCII number from binary/ASCII conversion routine. ASCIITMP rmb 8 Binary/ASCII temp buffer. (reversed) PARMSBFR rmb 256 Command/parameters build build buffer. AIFNMBFR rmb 8 file name build buffer. DNAMBUFR rmb 32 Directory name input buffer. SCRNTABL rmb SC.SIZE*8 Process screen table. ENVFLBFR rmb 80 80 character line buffer for ENV.FILE input. GFXBUF2 rmb 4 Graphics command build buffer. (small) SSOPTBFR rmb 34 Buffer for SS.OPT information. DRIVETBL rmb FL.SIZE*5 Device/Drive table. DRVNMTBL rmb 32*5 Device/Drive name table. BASE rmb 4 "C" Variable. SPARE rmb 2 "C" Variable. GFXBUF rmb 16 Graphics command build buffer. (large) * Added for mode changing palette support GSHBUF rmb 16 GSHPAL0 to 3 display code buffer. DIRPATH rmb 1 Path # to current dir. (added for dir monitoring) Dirup rmb 1 Copy of signal code (if it was new DIR signal) RenFlag rmb 1 Flag used by rename - whether to reset DIRSIG or not NSIGN rmb 1 "C" Variable. HANDLER rmb 2 "C" Variable. END rmb 896 "C" Variable. DATASIZE equ . MODNAME fcs "gshell" fcb 2 * Will change to not bother preserving U, assume data area always @ 0 CSTART pshs Y Save ptr to end of parm area pshs U Save ptr to start of data area clr ,-s Init all of direct page to 0's ldw #256 tfm s,u+ leas 1,s Eat 0 byte ldx ,S Get ptr to start of data area again leau ,X Point U to it again leax END,X Point to End of GSHELL data area pshs X Save it leay ETEXT,PC Point to a table of initialized data (includes screen height) ldw ,y++ Get size of data block tfm y+,u+ Block copy initialized data ldu 2,S Get ptr to start of data area again leau <TNDYITMS,U Point to Tandy Menu Items array in data area ldw ,y++ Get size of data block tfm y+,u+ Block copy initialized data ldw ,s Get end address clr ,-s Zero byte subr u,w W=Size of area to clear tfm s,u+ Clear until end of data area ldu 3,s Get ptr to start of data area again leas 5,s Eat zero byte & End/Start of data markers puls X Get ptr to end of parm area stx >MEMEND Save as end of data memory ptr leay ,U Point Y to start of data area bsr MAIN Call main GSHELL routine clrd No error & exit std ,--s lbra EXIT * Signal intercept trap SAVESGNL clra Save signal as D & return std RECDSGNL,U cmpb #DIRSIG Dir update signal? bne DoneSig stb Dirup,u Save copy (in case in middle of dir update, or stuck elsewhere) DoneSig rti MAIN pshs U,y Save U lbsr SETUPENV Setup drive tables, and read in ENV.FIL stuff puls y leax <SAVESGNL,PC Set up intercept trap tfr Y,U Copy start of data area to U os9 F$ICPT * FIXWINDW only called once, embed ! bsr FIXWINDW Get window path std -2,S Save it beq GSHABORT Could not get path, abort bsr BILDDESC Go build menu descriptor for GSHELL bsr SETWINDW Set some coords, graphics cursor, window type, etc. lbsr KILLPBUF Kill all GP buffers in the our ID # group lbsr FINLINIT Redo std I/O for window path, menus for 128/512k,mouse on lbsr GSHSTART GSHABORT puls U,PC Restore U & return * Entry: Y=start of data area ptr FIXWINDW ldd #SS.SCTYP Path=0, get screentype call os9 I$GETSTT bcc ONWINDOW No error on call, skip ahead clra std >ERRNO Save 16 bit error # lda #UPDAT. Attempt to open path to 'w/' ldx #SLASHW lbsr I.OPEN D=path for window DoneFix std <WNDWPATH Save path to window rts ONWINDOW lda #STDERR Get Std Error path lbsr I.DUP Duplicate path pshs d Save new path # (16 bit) lbsr DWEND DWEnd the window puls d Get path # bra DoneFix Save & return BILDDESC ldx #TNDYDESC Point to our copy of Tandy Menu descriptor stx WINDDESC+WN.BAR,Y Save as ptr to menu descriptors ldb #5 5 menus on the menu bar stb WINDDESC+WN.NMNS,Y ldd #WINSYNC Sync bytes to $c0c0 <grin> std WINDDESC+WN.SYNC,Y leax <GSHELLTL,PC Point to GSHELL title bar pshs X Save it ldx #WINDDESC Point to Gshell menu descriptor pshs X Save that lbsr STRCPY Copy title bar info into RAM copy of Menu descriptor leas 4,S Eat stack clr <PRCIDNUM pshs y Save Y os9 F$ID Get process # sta <PRCIDNUM+1 Save it puls y,pc Restore Y & return GSHELLTL fcc "GShell+ 1.26" fcb NUL SETWINDW bsr WINDPARM Set up some of the 40/80 column measurement stuff ldb #2 pshs d border color=2 pshs d background color=0 clrb pshs d foreground color=1 ldx WINDWSZY Get Window height ldb WINDWSZX+1 Get X window size (in chars) pshs d,X Save them clrb Start x,y=0,0 pshs d pshs d ldx DEFWTYPE Get window type ldb WNDWPATH+1 Get window path # pshs d,X Save them lbsr DWSET Do the device window set lbsr ResetPal Added to restore GSHPAL colors when re-setting window leas 18,S Eat all of our stack crap std -2,S blt SETWIND1 ??? Error, skip ahead lbsr MenuClr Set color for menu bars ldx #WINDDESC Point to Gshell menu structure ldd #WT.FSWIN Framed window with scrollbars pshs d,X Save on stack ldb WNDWPATH+1 Get path to window pshs d Save lbsr ST.WNSET Set the window to framed with scrollbars leas 6,S Eat stack stuff lbsr RegClr Set color for regular stuff std -2,S bge SETFONTS No error, skip ahead SETWIND1 ldd ERRNO,Y Get error # pshs d Save it lbsr TRYQUIT ??? Try resetting everything? leas 2,S Eat stack SETFONTS clrb Save regs pshs d,X,Y lbsr SELECT Select std in as current window ldb WNDWPATH+1 Get window path stb 1,S Save on stack lbsr SELECT Select Gshell window path as current window ldb #FNT.S6X8 Save 6x8 font # stb 1+4,S ldb #GRP.FNT Save font group # stb 3,S lbsr FONT Select the 6x8 font clrb Echo off, pause off std 2,S lbsr PAUSECHO Shut echo & pause off lbsr CURSCLOF Cursor off & Scaling off lbsr CRSRAROW Set graphics cursor to the arrow leas 6,S Eat stack & return rts WINDPARM clra Default flag to 320 res. ldb DEFWTYPE+1 Get default window type cmpb #7 640x200x4 color? bne WINDPAR3 No, leave at 320 res. WINDPAR1 inca Flag as 640 res. WINDPAR3 sta FLAG640W Save 640/320 flag bne WINDPAR4 640, skip ahead ldd #303 Set Gshell window width to 303 std PIXELSWD ldd #265 Set Directory Bar End X to 265 std DBARDESC+FL.XEND,Y ldd #280 '?' Start X pos to 280 std QURYDESC+FL.XSTRT,Y ldd #295 '?' End X pos to 295 std QURYDESC+FL.XEND,Y ldd #64 Start X position of icons on screen to 64 std STRTXPOS std ICONCOLW Also # pixels between icons (width) ldb #ICNONSCR Get max # icons on screen at once std MAXICONS Save it ldb #40 X Size of GShell window path to 40 clr WD48FLAG Set 40 column flag bra WINDPARX * 640 wide screen WINDPAR4 ldd #623 GShell window width=632 std PIXELSWD ldd #576 Set directory bar end X to 576 std DBARDESC+FL.XEND,Y ldd #597 '?' Start X pos to 597 std QURYDESC+FL.XSTRT,Y ldd #615 '?' End X pos to 615 std QURYDESC+FL.XEND,Y ldd #56 Start X pos of icons on screen to 56 std STRTXPOS ldb #ICNONSCR*2 # icons on screen max std MAXICONS Save it ldb #72 72 pixels between icons on screen stb ICONCOLW+1 ldb #$80 Flag 80 colum screen stb WD48FLAG ldb #80 80 column width WINDPARX std WINDWSZX Save # text chars wide screen is & return rts FINLINIT lbsr RESTDIO Close std I/O, Reopen with current window path lbsr SETVIEW Set up the VIEW menu tst RAMSIZE >128k RAM? bne FINLINIX Yes, skip ahead clr VIEWDESC+MN.ENBL No, disable the view menu (only allow 16k 320x200x4) clr ITM.FMAT+MI.ENBL Disable the FORMAT command lda WNDWPATH+1 Get window path ldb #SS.UMBAR Update the menu bar (to enforce above changes) os9 I$SETSTT FINLINIX lbsr STDICONS Preload built in icons (regular & expanded for some) lbsr MOUSENOW Turn on auto-follow mouse rts * Shut cursor & scaling off CURSCLOF clrd pshs d ldb 5,S pshs d lbsr SCALESW Shut scaling off lbsr CURSROFF Shut cursor off bra CURSCLOX * Clear out signal code, reset up Mouse/keyboard signals * CHANGED: will copy Dirup signal flag to RECDSGNL SETSGNLS clra Clear out last received signal ldb Dirup Get Saved Dir updated signal (0 means none) std RECDSGNL Clear or set saved DIR signal ldb WNDWPATH+1 D=window path to receive mouse signal from ldx #MOUSIGNL Mouse signal # pshs d,X Save for routine call (both only s/b 8 bit) lbsr ST.RELEA Release the mouse signal lbsr ST.MSSIG Set the mouse signal inc 3,S Bump up signal number (to keyboard signal) lbsr ST.SSIG Set keyboard signal CURSCLOX leas 4,S Eat temp stack & return rts GSHSTART pshs U Preserve U leas -3,S Make room on stack ldu #MOUSPCKT Point to mouse packet buffer lbsr INITSCRN WAITLOOP bsr SETSGNLS Set signals for keyboard & mouse ldd RECDSGNL Get signal bne SGNLRECD Got one, process it pshs d Preserve 0 lbsr HNDLWAIT Go sleep, check for signals std ,S++ Save child's signal code bne SGNLRECD Got one, process as if local signal bsr SETSGNLS Set signals again ldx RECDSGNL Get any new signal bne SGNLRECD Got one, process it os9 F$SLEEP Sleep until signal received SGNLRECD ldd RECDSGNL Get signal code (only need B portion) subb #DIRSIG Dir update signal? lbeq EQULSIGN Yes, go do incb Keyboard signal? lbeq CHKKEYBD yes, handle incb Mouse signal? bne WAITLOOP No, wait some more * Mouse signal handling here CHKMOUSE ldd WNDWPATH Get window path pshs d,U lbsr GT.MOUSE Get mouse packet leas 4,S ldb PT.VALID,U Mouse on current window? beq WAITLOOP No, continue waiting ldb PT.CBSA,U Is button A pressed? beq WAITLOOP No, continue waiting ldb PT.STAT,U Is mouse in control region or off window? bne CHEKMENU Yes, go check if menu select made pshs U lbsr CHEKSCRN No, check if user selected something not on menu bar SLCTRTRN leas 2,S Eat stack, poll keyboard/mouse bra WAITLOOP CHEKMENU lda WNDWPATH+1 Get window path ldb #SS.MNSEL Menu select call os9 I$GETSTT Do call (ignore errors... original does) * Error code added to see if we get errors when GSHELL "freezes" bcc NoError os9 F$EXIT NoError cmpa #MID.CLS Close box? beq CLOSEBOX cmpa #MID.SUP Scroll up arrow? beq SCRLLUPL cmpa #MID.SLT Scroll left arrow? beq SCRLLUPL cmpa #MID.SDN Scroll down arrow? beq SCRLLDNR cmpa #MID.SRT Scroll right arrow? beq SCRLLDNR cmpa #MID.TDY Tandy menu? beq TNDYMENU cmpa #MID.FIL File menu? beq FILEMENU cmpa #MID.DSK Disk menu? beq DISKMENU cmpa #MID.VEW View menu? beq VIEWMENU WAITRTRN bra WAITLOOP Continue waiting (About.. menu will never return item) * Called by hitting 'q' or clicking on close box CLOSEBOX lbsr SUREQUIT Do 'are you sure' box bra WAITRTRN Obviously hit 'no', continue SCRLLUPL ldd DEVICNOW Drive selected? beq WAITRTRN No, continue polling keyboard/mouse lbsr SCRLLUP1 Scroll up on current drive bra WAITRTRN Continue polling keyboard/mouse SCRLLDNR ldd DEVICNOW If drive selected, scroll down beq WAITRTRN continue polling keyboard/mouse lbsr SCRLLDN1 bra WAITRTRN * Entry for all 4 ????MENU calls is B=item # selected TNDYMENU clra pshs d lbsr TNDYSLCT Go handle Tandy menu bra SLCTRTRN Eat stack, continue polling FILEMENU clra pshs d lbsr FILESLCT Do File menu bra SLCTRTRN Eat stack, continue polling DISKMENU clra pshs d lbsr DISKSLCT Do Disk menu bra SLCTRTRN Eat stack, continue polling VIEWMENU clra pshs d lbsr VIEWSLCT Do View menu bra SLCTRTRN Eat stack, continue polling * Poll keyboard CHKKEYBD ldd #1 1 byte length/std in? pshs d leax 2,S Point to 1 byte buffer ldd WNDWPATH Get window path pshs d,X lbsr I.READ Read key leas 6,S std -2,S save byte ble WAITRTN2 No key(?), continue polling ldb ,S Get key press cmpb #'= beq EQULSIGN '=' - go refresh current drive/dir selection cmpb #'$ beq DOLRSIGN '$' - go set up new resizable shell window cmpb #28 (Pageup) beq SCRLLUPL Scroll up current dir cmpb #26 (PageDown) beq SCRLLDNR Scroll down current dir cmpb #63 '?' - call Help routine beq ICONQUR1 andb #$5F cmpb #'Q 'Q'uit Gshell beq CLOSEBOX cmpb #'S 'S'ame screen overlay shell beq LETTERS ldd WNDWPATH Illegal key, beep at user pshs d lbsr RINGBELL leas 2,S bra WAITRTN2 Continue polling * Resizable shell DOLRSIGN ldb #IC.SHELL We want the structure for the SHELL entry pshs d lbsr FNDIDESC (Returns D=ptr to proper ID structure) - may change screen type std ,S Save ptr ldd #1 ? Save flag that we want a double box window for the program pshs d ldx #SHELLNAM Point to shell name for F$Fork pshs X lbsr EXCICOND Execute shell in resizable window leas 6,S bra WAITRTN2 * Refresh current drive/dir (NEW RBF CALL, IF FULLY WORKING, MAY OBSOLETE THIS * ROUTINE FROM BEING CALLED BY A KEYPRESS) EQULSIGN ldd DEVICNOW If no drive selected, don't bother beq WAITRTN2 lbsr DONEWDIR Go refresh current drive stuff WAITRTN2 lbra WAITLOOP * Same screen overlay shell LETTERS clrd pshs d pshs d No parameter for calling program incb pshs d Flag that we want overlay window to run in ldx #SHELLNAM Point to 'shell' pshs X lbsr EXECPRGM Execute program in overlay window (MAYBE ALLOW RESIZE?) leas 8,S bra WAITRTN2 Continue polling after shell exited * Printer click ICONPRTR ldd SELECTED Is there a file/dir selected? beq ICONTRS1 No, don't do printer ldb #5 Print menu item # from FILES menu std ,S lbsr FILESLCT bra ICONTRS1 * Trash can click ICONTRSH ldd SELECTED Is there a file/dir selected? beq ICONTRS1 No, don't do trash stuff ldb #10 Trash delete option from FILES menu structure (no sure prompt) std ,S lbsr FILESLCT ICONTRS1 lbra ICONEXIT * ? in upper right corner - hot key ICONQUR1 pshs d Just so it exits properly ldb #7 pshs d lbsr TNDYSLCT bra WAITRTN2 ICONQURY ldb #7 '?' selected, call 'Help' (menu item 7) from Tandy menu pshs d lbsr TNDYSLCT lbra ICONEXT1 * Not menu bar selection, try other stuff on screen CHEKSCRN pshs U ldd 8-4,S pshs d,X lbsr ISITICON Check if drive or icon tfr D,U stu -2,S Set CC based on ptr to icon info lbeq DSLCTALL Empty spot clicked, clear any currently highlighted stuff ldb FL.ICONO,U Get selected icon buffer # cmpb #IC.TRASH Is it the trash can? beq ICONTRSH Yes, go handle cmpb #IC.PRNTR Is it the printer? beq ICONPRTR Yes, go do it cmpb #IC.QUERY Is it the question mark? beq ICONQURY Yes, go do help lbsr ENBLSOFF Disable any menu items that deal with specific file ldb #1 std ,S ldd SELECTED Get current selected icon beq CHEKSCR2 None, skip ahead cmpu SELECTED Same as previously selected icon? bne CHEKSCR1 No, unselect previous icon inc 1,S bra CHEKSCR2 CHEKSCR1 pshs d Unselect previously selected icon lbsr UNSLICON leas 2,S CHEKSCR2 stu SELECTED Save newly selected icon ldb FL.ICONO,U Get icon # (also type?) decb lbeq ICONTEXT 1=Text file icon decb beq ICONFLDR 2=Folder (dir) icon decb lbeq ICONPRGM 3=Program (executable) icon decb beq ICONCLOS 4=Close box for current device title bar decb beq ICONDRIV 5=Disk drive icon decb lbeq ICONAIF 6=AIF file icon decb lbeq ICON.XXX 7=file with extension already defined by AIF decb bne ICONEXT2 >8, exit icon check routine ldd DEVICNOW 8=current device title bar (to refresh current dir) beq ICONEXT2 lbsr DONEWDIR Refresh current dir bra ICONEXT2 * Select new drive icon ICONDRIV ldd DEVICNOW Get current device std 2,S pshs d lbsr UNSLICON Unselect current device stu ,S lbsr SELCICON Select new icon ldd FL.FNAME,U Get ptr to drive name std ,S lbsr NEWDDIR Get new drive dir std ,S++ bne ICONDROK Legit, continue pshs U lbsr UNSLICON Bad dir, unselect drive leas 2,S clrd std SELECTED Current device=none ldd 2,S Did user have a different drive selected before? beq ICONEXT2 No, exit pshs d lbsr SELCICON Re-select the old drive instead ICONEXT1 leas 2,S ICONEXT2 lbra ICONEXIT * User selected new, legitimate drive ICONDROK ldb #1 Enable menu items flag pshs d lbsr ENFREFLD Enable drive specific menu items (NOT FILE ONES!) leas 2,S stu DEVICNOW Save new current device bra ICONEXT2 * Selected current path close box (go up a directory) ICONCLOS lbsr PARENTDR Change to parent directory or drive bra ICONEXT2 * Selected a folder (directory) ICONFLDR ldd ,S ??? Get # times mouse clicked decb beq ONECLIKF Once, skip ahead ldd FL.FNAME,U Twice, get ptr to folder name pshs d lbsr OPENFLDR Open the folder & return bra ICONEXT1 ONECLIKF pshs U lbsr SELCICON Highlight (select) the folder ldb #1 std ,S lbsr ENBLOPEN Enable OPEN item on files menu lbsr ENSTRNDL Enable STAT, RENAME & DELETE on files menu bra ICONEXT1 Exit * Text file icon selected ICONTEXT ldb #1 Enable LIST & PRINT on Files menu pshs d lbsr ENLSTPRT ldd 2,S Get # of mouse clicks decb bne TWOCLIKT double click, skip ahead stu ,S Select the icon lbsr SELCICON bra ICONTEX1 TWOCLIKT ldx #1 Double clicked text file: try executing as shell script stx ,S ldd FL.FNAME,U Save ptr to filename pshs d ldd #SHELLNAM Save ptr to 'shell' and 'use overlay window' flag pshs d,X lbsr EXECPRGM Execute shell in overlay window leas 6,S bra ICONTEX1 * File with previously found AIF extension clicked on ICON.XXX ldd ,S Get # of clicks decb beq ICONAIF1 1 click, skip ahead pshs U lbsr EXEC.XXX Double click, execute the program related to icon bra ICONAIF2 * AIF file clicked on ICONAIF ldb #1 Enable LIST & PRINT on FILE menu pshs d lbsr ENLSTPRT leas 2,S ldd ,S Get # of clicks decb beq ICONAIF1 1 click, skip ahead pshs U lbsr EXECAIF 2 clicks, execute program AIF file refers to bra ICONAIF2 * Executable program clicked on ICONPRGM ldd ,S Get # of clicks decb beq ICONAIF1 1 click, skip ahead pshs d lbsr FILESLCT 2 clicks, Go to file select menu, option 1 (OPEN) leas 2,S bra ICONPRG1 ICONAIF1 pshs U lbsr SELCICON Do select icon on screen ICONAIF2 leas 2,S ICONPRG1 ldb #1 Enable OPEN item on FILES menu pshs d lbsr ENBLOPEN ICONTEX1 ldb #1 std ,S lbsr ENBLCOPY Enable COPY item on FILES menu lbra ICONEXT1 DSLCTALL ldd SELECTED Get ptr to current selected icon pshs d lbsr UNSLICON Unselect icon lbsr ENBLSOFF Shut all FILES menu items off leas 2,S clrd std SELECTED Set selected file/device to none ICONEXIT leas 4,S puls U,PC * Pop up overlay window to ask user for parameters for file we are about to * execute. GETPARMS pshs U ldd 4,S leas -48-10,S Make room on stack for string copy leax TENSPACE,PC pshs d,X Save ptr to 10 spaces & ptr to module name we are executing leax <PARMSFOR,PC Save ptr to "parameters for" text pshs X leax 4+2,S pshs X lbsr STRCPY Copy "paramters for" onto stack leas 4,S pshs d lbsr STRCAT Add 10 spaces leas 4,S pshs d lbsr STRCAT Add module name leas 4,S leax ,S pshs X lbsr INPTSCRN Get parameter info from user leas 48+2+10,S Eat stack & return puls U,PC PARMSFOR fcc "Parameters for " fcb NUL EXEC.XXX pshs U bsr IDESCTST beq EXECAIF3 pshs d ldd FL.FNAME,U Get ptr to file name pshs d lbsr STPREFIX puls d,U bra EXEC.XX1 * See if there is a ID.* entry for a FL.* entry * Entry: 0-1,s : RTS address * 2-3,s : ignored * 4-5,s : ignored * 6-7,s : FL.* ptr * Exit: D=ptr to ID.* structure (0 if none) IDESCTST ldu 4+2,S Get ptr to file info structure (FL.*) clra ldb FL.AIFNO,U Get entry # in ID.* table pshs d lbsr FNDIDESC Get ptr to appropriate ID.* table entry std ,S++ Set zero flag based on ptr rts EXECAIF pshs U Save U bsr IDESCTST Get ID.* ptr beq EXECAIF3 None, exit tfr D,U Move ptr to U EXEC.XX1 lda [ID.PARAM,U] Get 1st char of parms beq EXECAIF2 None, skip ahead cmpa #'? Question mark (prompt for parms)? bne EXECAIFN No, use parms raw ldd ID.MNAME,U Get ptr to module name pshs d bsr GETPARMS Prompt user for parms (uses overlay with module name) std ,S++ Size of user response beq EXECAIF2 Just hit enter, skip ahead bra EXECAIFP EXECAIFN ldd ID.PARAM,U Get ptr to parms string EXECAIFP pshs d Save ptr to parms string lbsr STPREFIX Prefix that onto Fork line string leas 2,S EXECAIF2 clrd pshs d,U ldd ID.MNAME,U Get ptr to module name to fork pshs d lbsr EXCICOND Go execute module in resizable window leas 6,S EXECAIF3 puls U,PC * Open folder OPENFLDR pshs U ldu 4,S pshs U lbsr CHGDDIR Change dir to newly selected folder std ,S++ bne OPENFLD1 ldx #DDIRNAME Append new dir to dir name on drive bar pshs X lbsr STREND Find end of current path leas 2,S tfr D,X ldb #'/ Add slash to end of path stb ,X+ bra NEWDDIR1 OPENFLD1 leax <CANTFLDR,PC bra OPENFLD2 NEWDDIR pshs U ldu 4,S pshs U lbsr CHGDDIR std ,S++ bne NEWDDIR2 lbsr KILIBUFS Kill previous dir's icon buffers & get/put buffers? ldx #DDIRNAME Point to full path to current data directory NEWDDIR1 pshs X,U lbsr STRCPY Add new path (,U) to end of current path (,X) leas 4,S lbsr DONEWDIR Refresh current drive on screen ldb #1 Exit with D=1 bra NEWDDIR3 NEWDDIR2 leax <CANTDEVC,PC OPENFLD2 pshs X lbsr OLAYPRNT leas 2,S clrb NEWDDIR3 clra puls U,PC CANTFLDR fcc "Can't open this folder" fcb NUL CANTDEVC fcc "Can't open this device" fcb NUL * Change to parent directory (clicked on dir bar close box) PARENTDR pshs U lbsr FNDSLASH Find slash NOTE: ONLY CALLED ONCE, EMBED! std -2,S On root? bne PARENTD1 Yes, skip ahead leax <DOTDOT,PC Change directory to '..' pshs X lbsr CHGDDIR ldx #DDIRNAME Get ptr to current full path to data dir. stx ,S lbsr TERMSLSH Cut data dir off one directory level earlier leas 2,S Eat stack lbsr DONEWDIR Refresh current drive on screen bra PARENTD2 * On root directory of current drive, unselect drive itself PARENTD1 clrb D=0 pshs d Save it lbsr ENFREFLD Disable Drive specific menu items lbsr CLRDSCRN Wipe out current dir icon window, reset scroll bars to 0,0 ldd DEVICNOW Get ptr to table for current selected drive std ,S Save it lbsr UNSLICON Unselect the current drive leas 2,S clrd std STRTICON Set ptr to start icon for screen to NONE std SELECTED Current selected icon to NONE std DEVICNOW Current selected device to NONE lbsr KILIBUFS Kill icon table & get/put buffers PARENTD2 puls U,PC DOTDOT fcc ".." fcb NUL KILPDS00 lbra KILPDS16 Eat stack & exit * Kill process info for a process that has stopped (update linked list) * NOTE: BOTH 6809/6309 - SOME STU -2,S LOOK PRETTY USELESS * Entry: 0-1,s RTS address * 2-3,s ptr to GD.* (process table entry ptr) to kill KILPDESC pshs U clrd No entry found yet pshs d Save it ldu PTBLSPTR Get ptr to start of process descriptor table beq KILPDS00 None, exit ldd 6,S Get process table entry ptr we are to kill beq KILPDS00 None, exit cmpu 6,S Is the requested entry to kill the 1st entry in table? beq KILPDES2 Yes, skip ahead * Entry other than 1st to kill KILPDES1 stu ,S Save ptr to entry previous to one we want to kill ldu GD.LINK,U Get ptr to next process table entry in chain * Following line should be removed (inherent from LDU) stu -2,S beq KILPDES2 No other entries, exit (if you follow below) (REALLY STUPID) cmpu 6,S Is this the entry we are trying to kill? bne KILPDES1 No, check next link * ??? Remove entry from linked list (next entry in list pointed to by U) KILPDES2 stu -2,S Next entry a legit one? beq KILPDS00 No, exit cmpu PTBLSPTR Is it the 1st entry? bne KILPDES3 No, skip ahead ldd GD.LINK,U Get ptr to next process table entry std PTBLSPTR Reset this ptr as the 1st process table entry bra KILPDES4 Skip ahead * one to remove is not 1st entry KILPDES3 ldd GD.LINK,U Get next entry in linked list ldx ,S Get ptr to one previous to the one we want to kill std GD.LINK,X Repoint previous entry to link to next entry (bypass us) KILPDES4 ldd #GD.LINK Offset to link ptr in structure addr u,d Point to next link ptr entry in current table entry cmpd PTBLNEXT Same as next available process descriptor link? bne KILPDES6 No, skip ahead ldd ,S Get previous entry ptr beq KILPDES5 None, skip ahead addd #GD.LINK Offset to next link ptr std PTBLNEXT Save as ptr to next available process descriptor link bra KILPDES6 KILPDES5 leax <PTBLSPTR,Y Point to 1st entry stx PTBLNEXT Save as next available process desc. link KILPDES6 ldd GD.WPATH,U Get window path for process blt KILPDS10 If negative, skip ahead cmpd WNDWPATH Same as current GSHELL path? bne KILPDES7 No, skip ahead lbsr KILLOLAY Remove overlay window it was running in. tst RAMSIZE 128k RAM machine? bne KILPDS12 >=256K, skip ahead lbsr CLRSCRN on 128k, clear GSHELL screen 1st bra KILPDS12 *Process killed was on different path than GSHELL itself is on KILPDES7 ldd GD.DW.OW,U Process running in overlay window? beq KILPDES8 No, skip ahead * NOTE: WHY DO SELECT TWO DIFFERENT WINDOWS IN A ROW??? * Something to do with overlay window vs. parent device window? ldd GD.WPATH,U Get path to window process was on pshs d Make it the active window lbsr SELECT ldd WNDWPATH Get GSHELL window path std ,S Select it lbsr SELECT Select window ldd GD.WPATH,U Get process' window path again std ,S End process' window lbsr DWEND bra KILPDES9 KILPDES8 ldd WNDWPATH Get path to GSHELL window pshs d Make it the active window lbsr SELECT KILPDES9 leas 2,S Eat temp stack ldd GD.WPATH,U Get path to process' window pshs d Close path to window lbsr I.CLOSE bra KILPDS11 KILPDS10 ldd WNDWPATH Get path to GSHELL window pshs d lbsr SELECT Make it the active window KILPDS11 leas 2,S Eat stack KILPDS12 ldd GD.SCRNO,U Get screen # ble KILPDS13 If negative or 0, skip ahead pshs d Save screen # lbsr UNLKWNDW Unlink window from active window/screen list leas 2,S KILPDS13 ldd GD.INDVC,U Get ptr to ??? beq KILPDS14 None, skip ahead pshs d lbsr FREE ??? Free memory of some sort? leas 2,S KILPDS14 ldd GD.MNAME,U Get ptr to process module name beq KILPDS15 None, skip ahead pshs d ??? Free mem for that? lbsr FREE leas 2,S KILPDS15 pshs U lbsr FREE leas 2,S KILPDS16 leas 2,S puls U,PC * Allocate & setup process entry for our table of forked proceses SETPDESC pshs U ldd #GD.SIZE Size we want to allocate pshs d lbsr MEMSPACE Allocate the memory tfr D,U Save ptr to allocated memory into U std [PTBLNEXT,Y] Save ptr to next available spot for process descriptor leax GD.LINK,U Point to next link stx PTBLNEXT Save ptr to next available ldd 4+2,S std ,S lbsr PUTSTRNG leas 2,S std GD.MNAME,U Save ptr to module name clrd std GD.MTYPE,U Default stuff to zeros std GD.INDVC,U ??? to 0 std GD.PRCID,U Process ID # to 0 std GD.MEMSZ,U memory size to 0 std GD.DW.OW,U Default to running on separate device window leax GD.LINK,U Point to next link ptr std ,X Set next link to empty ldd #-1 std GD.STATS,U std GD.WPATH,U No window path done yet std ,--X std ,--X std ,--X std ,--X std ,--X tfr U,D puls U,PC DONEWDIR lbsr KILLFTBL Kill current file table in memory lbsr RSTXYPTR Reset x/y pointers for icon starts lbsr NEWDIREC Redraw current dir screen bra DONEWDR1 Redraw screen & return SCRLLDN1 ldb SCREENOW+1 cmpb NSCREENS+1 bge SCRLLUDX incb bra SCRLLDN2 SCRLLUP1 ldb SCREENOW+1 beq SCRLLUDX decb SCRLLDN2 stb SCREENOW+1 DONEWDR1 bsr DRAWSCRN SCRLLUDX rts * Update screen: does 1) update directory bar, 2) update icons, 3) update * scroll bar marker. DRAWSCRN pshs U lbsr ENBLSOFF Disable any menu items that deal with a specific file ldd WNDWPATH Get GSHELL path pshs d,X lbsr GCSETOFF Shut graphics cursor off lbsr MOUSOFF Shut mouse off lbsr WIPICONS Wipe icons off screen (should not touch dir bar) clrd std SELECTED 0 out currently selected icon ptr ldd MAXICONS Get # icons/screen muld SCREENOW Multiply by screen set # stw 2,s Save result ldu FTBLSPTR Get ptr to file icon descriptor table bra DRAWSCR2 DRAWSCR1 ldu FL.LINK,U DRAWSCR2 ldd 2,S Get screen set # we want to print decd Base 0 std 2,S Save it back bge DRAWSCR1 If not 1st, skip ahead stu STRTICON Save ptr to 1st icon on current screen clrd bra DRAWSCR4 DRAWSCR3 pshs U lbsr WRITICON leas 2,S ldu FL.LINK,U ldd 2,S incd DRAWSCR4 std 2,S stu -2,S beq DRAWSCR5 cmpd MAXICONS blt DRAWSCR3 DRAWSCR5 ldd NSCREENS Get # of icon screens cmpd SCREENOW On last one? bne SCROLBAR No, skip ahead ldd #20 Yes, use Y pos 20 (for 200 line screen) bra DRAWSCR6 * Calculate position of vertical scroll bar (based on current screen #, and * how many screens of icons there is in current dir) SCROLBAR ldd NSCREENS Get # of screens of icons beq DRAWSCR6 If 0, just put in position 0 lda SCREENOW+1 Get current screen# beq Force0 If 0, that is Y position leas -3,s make room on stack for temp vars incb Base 1 for divide stb 3,s Save # of screens ldd #21 Maximum # of screens divd 3,s B= # of Y positions per screen std 1,s Save remainder & answer lda SCREENOW+1 Get current screen # inca Base 1 mul Multiply by answer (rough Y pos) stb ,s Save that result lda SCREENOW+1 Get current screen # inca Base 1 ldb 1,s Get original remainder mul Calculate 2ndary offset divd 3,s Divide by # screens total (Y pos=B) addb ,s Add 2ndary to primary Y pos calc leas 3,s Eat stack decb Base 0 for scroll bar SETSTAT call bge NotNeg not negative, skip ahead Force0 clrd Force to 0 NotNeg cmpb #20 Past end? bls DRAWSCR6 No, good, so update scroll bars ldb #20 Force to 20 * Actually update the scrollbar (Y only one used) * Entry: D=Y position wanted (0-20) DRAWSCR6 std ,S Save Y pos pshs d And again ldx #77 Default to X position 77 tst FLAG640W 80 or 40 column? bne DRAWSCR8 80, continue ldx #37 X position to 37 for 40 column DRAWSCR8 ldd WNDWPATH Get GSHELL window path pshs d,X Save path & x position lbsr ST.SBAR Set scroll bar positions lbsr MOUSENOW Turn auto-follow mouse back on leas 6,S eat stack lbra GENLEXIT Fix stack & return * Wipe interior window, & redraw directory bar (latter done by call to * WRITDBAR). Change so it doesn't redraw directory bar unless directory has * changed WIPICONS pshs U ldb #21 Window Y size to clear - NOTE: WE HAVE TO ELIMINATE THE pshs d EXTRA BOX LINE IT CURRENTLY DRAWS ldx WINDWSZX Get window X size leax -7,X Subtract 7 (leaves scroll bars & drive icons alone) ldb #2 Start Y at 2 (skip menu bar and current path line) pshs d,X ldx #6 Start X (skip left border & drive icons) ldd WNDWPATH Get GSHELL path pshs d,X lbsr CWAREA Change working area lbsr CLRSCRN Clear screen (Send CHR$(12)) leas 10,S Eat stack lbsr FULLSCRN Change working area to whole window except border stuff lbsr WRITDBAR Do initial drawing of "inside" screen REDOES DIR STUFF clr WIPED Flag that icons need not be redrawn puls U,PC Exit * Wipe interior window, except drive icons (but including box around dir * contents) CLRDSCRN pshs U ldb #22 Y size pshs d ldx WINDWSZX X size -6 (includes box around dir contents) leax -6,X ldb #1 Y start=1 (includes dir bar) pshs d,X ldx #5 X start=5 (includes box around dir) ldd WNDWPATH pshs d,X lbsr CWAREA Clear out interior window lbsr CLRSCRN lbsr FULLSCRN Full interior window size (except border) clrd Redo scroll bars at 0,0 std 4,S std 2,S lbsr ST.SBAR leas 10,S puls U,PC * new dir - read in and print 1st screen NEWDIREC pshs U ldb #$ff Flag that we have to redo icons stb WIPED bsr WIPICONS Wipe icons off screen (leave current dir border) clrd std FILESCTR # files in current dir=0 ldb #PTR.SLP Hourglass ptr pshs d,X,Y ldx #GRP.PTR ldd WNDWPATH pshs d,X lbsr GCSET lbsr MOUSOFF Shut mouse off - Change later to slow sampling? * New DIR check code here lda DIRPATH Get current DIR path # beq SkipClos None, don't try closing os9 I$Close Close dir path 1st * New label here SkipClos ldb #DIR.+READ. std 2,S leax ONEDOT,PC Point to '.' stx ,S lbsr I.OPEN2 Open current dir leas 6,S std 2,S Save path # to stack lblt BAD.DIR Couldn't read current dir stb DIRPATH Successfull open; Save current dir path * NOTE: Done this early so if opening a large directory, and updates are done * during read, they will get caught too clr Dirup Clear out Directory update flag (saved signal) * New DIR code here - We want a signal if DIR changes * Moved here so will detect changes even on dir we are doing lda DIRPATH path in A ldx #DIRSIG Signal code to send on dir update ldb #SS.FSIG Send signal on file update setstat os9 I$SetStt Enable call ldd #DIR.SZ*2 Flag to read 2 entries (. & ..) - NOTE IF ONE OR BOTH OF THESE pshs d IS NOT PRESENT, THEN GSHELL WILL SKIP ENTRIES! ldx #DIRBUFER ldd 6-2,S pshs d,X lbsr I.READ Read . & .. leas 6,S bra READ.DIR Go read rest of dir DIRVALID ldd ,S Get # of bytes of dir entries pshs d Save # to divide by ldb #5 lbsr CCASR divide by 32 (2^5) (size of dir entry) std ,S ldx #DIRBUFER Point to start of DIR buffer stx DIRPTR Save it bra CLASTEST Check which kind of file CLASSIFY ldb [DIRPTR,Y] Get 1st byte of dir entry beq CLASSIF4 NUL (Deleted file, skip to next) ldx DIRPTR Get ptr to filename ldd FNAMEPTR Get ptr to current filename buffer pshs d,X lbsr STRHCPY Copy filename, including fixing hi-bit marker lbsr UPDTIPTR Update icon/file table ptrs leas 4,S tfr D,U stu -2,S beq CLASSIF4 bsr GTFD.ATT Get file attributes ldb #IC.FOLDR Default to folder (dir) bita #DIR. If it is dir, done bne CLASSIF3 ldb #IC.PRGRM bita #EXEC. If executable, program type bne CLASSIF3 pshs U lbsr ISIT.XXX Check if an AIF type we know about leas 2,S CLASSIF3 stb FL.ICONO,U Save icon type CLASSIF4 ldd DIRPTR Go onto next dir entry addd #DIR.SZ std DIRPTR CLASTEST ldd ,S Get # of dir entries in this 2k block decd Subtract 1 std ,S bge CLASSIFY Still going, classify file type, otherwise, get next 2k block READ.DIR ldd #2048 Size of read buffer (64 dir entries @ once) pshs d ldx #DIRBUFER ldd 6-2,S pshs d,X lbsr I.READ Read in 2K of directory leas 6,S std ,S bgt DIRVALID Good read, continue * New DIR code here * We want a signal if DIR changes lda DIRPATH path in A ldx #DIRSIG Signal code to send on dir update ldb #SS.FSIG Send signal on file update setstat os9 I$SetStt Enable call bra READDIR2 BAD.DIR leax <CANTFLD2,PC pshs X lbsr OLAYPRNT READDIRX leas 2,S READDIR2 bsr CNTSCRNS lbra GENLEXIT CANTFLD2 fcc "Can't open folder" fcb NUL * Count # of screens to hold icons CNTSCRNS clrd std SCREENOW Set current "screen" of icons to 0 (1st) ldd FILESCTR Get # files current dir beq CNTSCRN2 zero, save & exit decd divd MAXICONS+1 Divide by # icons/"screen" clra 16 bit result CNTSCRN2 std NSCREENS Save # of icon "screens" & return rts GTFD.ATT leax <XFD.ATT,Y ldd DIRPTR pshs d,X ldd 6+2,S pshs d lbsr GT.FDINF leas 6,S lda XFD.ATT rts * Write icon to screen WRITICON pshs U ldu 4,S ?? Get ptr to current FL.* entry ldb FL.ICONO,U Get icon type pshs d Save it bra WRITICO2 WRITICO1 ldb FL.AIFNO,U std ,S bra WRITICO3 WRITICO2 subb #IC.F.XXX beq WRITICO1 incb beq WRITICO1 WRITICO3 ldd FL.YSTRT,U Get icon Y start position pshs d Save it ldx FL.XSTRT,U Get icon X start position ldd 2,S Get icon buffer # orb WD48FLAG +$80 if double wide (for 80 column) pshs d,X Save 'em ldx PRCIDNUM Get group # ldd WNDWPATH Get window path pshs d,X Save 'em lbsr PUTBLK Put icon on screen leas 10,S Eat temp stack ldd ,S Get icon type andb #$7F Strip hi bit cmpb #IC.TRASH Trash icon? beq NoName Yes, don't print name cmpb #IC.PRNTR Printer icon? bne WRITICO6 No, print name NoName pshs U Yes, fake stack for exit, NO name printing bra GENLEXIT Eat stack & return WRITICO6 cmpb #IC.DRIVE Drive icon? bne WRITICO4 No, skip ahead pshs U lbsr POSIDRNM Print drive name below drive icon bra GENLEXIT Eat stack & exit WRITICO4 pshs U If not trash or drive, print icon name bsr WRITFNAM WRITICO5 bra GENLEXIT Eat stack & exit WRITFNAM pshs U ldu 4,S Get ptr to current icon table ldd FL.FNAME,U Get ptr to icon name pshs d Save em pshs U bra ERWRFNAM Write out icon (file) name * Erase the filename from the screen (under the icon) ERASFNAM pshs U leax <TENSPACE,PC ldd 4,S pshs d,X ERWRFNAM bsr POSIFNAM Print filename under icon GENLEXIT leas 4,S Eat stack, restore U and return puls U,PC TENSPACE fcc " " FOURSPAC fcc " " fcb NUL POSIFNAM pshs U ldu 4,S ldd 8-2,S pshs d lbsr STRLEN cmpd #10 ble POSIFNA1 ldd #10 tst WD48FLAG beq POSIFNA1 incb POSIFNA1 std ,S ldd FL.YSTRT,U Get Y start of icon addd #1 Force to next text line lbsr DIVDX8 Divide by 8 (text Y position) addd #3 Add 3 (to skip 3*8 pixel height of icon) pshs d ldd 2,S asra rorb pshs d ldd FL.XSTRT,U pshs d ldd #6 lbsr CCDIV subd ,S++ addd #2 tst WD48FLAG beq POSIFNA3 addd #2 POSIFNA3 pshs d ldd WNDWPATH pshs d tst WD48FLAG bne POSIFNA4 ldd FL.XSTRT,U cmpd #200 blo POSIFNA4 inc 3,S POSIFNA4 lbsr GOTOXY ldd 0+6,S std 4,S ldd 10+4,S bra POSIFNA2 * Print drive name (max 4 chars) at proper position below drive icon POSIDRNM pshs U ldu 4,S Get ptr to icon entry for current drive ldd FL.FNAME,U Get drive name ptr pshs d Save it lbsr STRLEN Calculate length of drive name cmpd #4 4 or less? ble POSIDRN1 Yep, continue ldd #4 No, 4 is max. POSIDRN1 std ,S Save drive name size ldd FL.YSTRT,U Get Y icon start lbsr DIVDX8 Calc char. position addd #2 +2 to skip icon itself pshs d Save it ldb #1 X position=1 pshs d ldd WNDWPATH Window path pshs d lbsr GOTOXY Position text cursor ldd 6,S Get drive name size std 4,S Save it ldd FL.FNAME,U Get drive name ptr POSIFNA2 std 2,S Save it lbsr I.WRITE Write out drive name leas 8,S Eat temp stack puls U,PC Restore U & return * Scroll bar Y position table (for # of icon-filled screens) * SCROLLxx: xx is the number of screens of icons present * the last screen is ALWAYS the last position (20), irregardless of the # * of screens used. * since using x200 now, can expand to 21 screen, using 0-20 * Data is then which Y position to be in for each screen set * This should be a DIV type instruction, and screw the table to save memory * in the 6309 version * EVENTUALLY, SEE IF WINDINT CAN HANDLE VARIABLE SIZED SCROLL * BARS (SEE NOTES I PUT IN MULTI-VUE MANUAL). SCROLL02 fcb 0 SCROLL03 fcb 0,10 SCROLL04 fcb 0,7,14 SCROLL05 fcb 0,7,11,15 SCROLL06 fcb 0,6,9,13,16 SCROLL07 fcb 0,4,7,10,13,16 SCROLL08 fcb 0,4,7,9,12,14,17 SCROLL09 fcb 0,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 SCROLL10 fcb 0,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17 SCROLL11 fcb 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18 SCROLL12 fcb 0,1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,18 SCROLL13 fcb 0,1,2,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,18 SCROLL14 fcb 0,1,2,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,16,17,18 SCROLL15 fcb 0,1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,13,15,16,17,18 SCROLL16 fcb 0,1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,13,14,15,16,17,18 SCROLL17 fcb 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,13,14,15,16,17,18 SCROLL18 fcb 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 SCROLL19 fcb 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 SCROLL20 fcb 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 * Select icon on screen - draw box around AIF ones, just FFill for drives, * folders, data files or executables. Done in color 3, reverts to color 1 * on exit. * NOTE: TRY CHANGING TO XOR BAR AROUND ICON & NAME OF ICON. SHOULD BE FASTER * & SMALLER (don't need "stop box" around AIF's to prevent FFILL leaking) * Entry: U=Ptr to FL.* data structure SELCICON pshs U ldu 4,S beq SELCICO3 ldb #3 color 3 pshs d,X ldb WNDWPATH+1 pshs d lbsr FCOLOR Change foreground color to 3 ldb FL.ICONO,U Get icon type beq SELCICO2 cmpb #IC.PRGRM Program, folder or text? bls SELCICO1 Yes, draw box cmpb #IC.DRIVE Drive icon? beq SELCICO1 Yes, draw box subb #IC.AIF.F If AIF file, draw box around icon 1st beq SELCICO1 decb If anything but AIF itself or found AIF extension, don't bne SELCICO2 draw box around icon SELCICO1 lde #1 Flag we want inverted shadow as well bsr DRAIFBOX Draw "selected" box around icon SELCICO2 std 2,S clrb Reset foreground color to black std 2,S lbsr FCOLOR leas 6,S SELCICO3 puls U,PC * Unselect icon * Entry: U=ptr to FL.* structure UNSLICON pshs U ldu 4,S beq SELCICO3 ldb FL.ICONO,U Get icon type beq UNSLICO2 cmpb #IC.PRGRM text, folder or program? bls UNSLICO1 Yes, draw box cmpb #IC.DRIVE Drive? beq UNSLICO1 Yes, draw grey box subb #IC.AIF.F If AIF or previously done AIF, we do outside box stuff 1st beq UNSLICO1 decb bne UNSLICO2 UNSLICO1 ldx #2 If AIF related, set color to 2 and draw box around it (clear ldb WNDWPATH+1 box around around icon) pshs d,X lbsr FCOLOR clre Flag that we are just doing light grey box bsr DRAIFBOX Light grey box (same as background color) clrb stb 3,S lbsr FCOLOR Reset foreground color to black leas 4,S UNSLICO2 puls u,pc ALSO REDRAWS FILENAME - UNNECESSARY FROM HERE, ANYWAYS * Draw select box around selected drive/icon * Color should be set up before calling * Entry: E=0 if just straight box, <>0 if box AND dark grey invert shadow * U=ptr to FL.* structure * Uses F DRAIFBOX ldd FL.YSTRT,U Get Y start coord for icon, subtract 2 for box subb #2 A little above top of icon pshs d ldx FL.XSTRT,U Get X pos of icon ldf FL.ICONO,u Get icon type subf #IC.DRIVE Drive? (special case) bne NormIcon No, do normal box leax -3,x Yes, smaller box bra Minus9 Go save X pos NormIcon leax -9,X -9 to include text tst WD48FLAG If 40 column, bump down by another 14 bne Minus9 leax -16,x ldd FL.XSTRT,u Get original icon start again lsld Put column # in A lsld AdjLoop leax 2,x 2 pixels per column deca bne AdjLoop Minus9 ldd WNDWPATH Save X start & window path pshs d,X lbsr SETDPTR Set draw ptr to upper left corner of box * include text below icon as well ldd #36 Box height 36 pixels (2 above & below) tstf bne NormIco2 ldd #24 Unless drive, then 24 NormIco2 std 4,S tstf Drive? bne NormIco3 No, determine width ldb #29 Special width for drive bra DRAIFBO1 NormIco3 ldb #68 80 columns defaults to 68 pixel width tst WD48FLAG If 80 column skip ahead bne DRAIFBO1 ldb #62 Box width 62 pixels for 40 column DRAIFBO1 std 2,S Save box width lbsr RBOX Draw box & return * use entry flag to flag whether tste Do we want shadow too? beq DoneAIFB No, exit ldb #1 Dark Grey color std 2,s lbsr FCOLOR clrb Set X offset to 0 std 2,s lbsr RLINE Draw vertical line clrb Set Y offset to 0 std 4,s tstf Drive? bne NormIco4 No ldb #28 bra Do40Shdw NormIco4 ldb #61 61 pixel width for 40 column tst WD48FLAG beq Do40Shdw ldb #67 67 pixel width for 80 column Do40Shdw std 2,s X offset lbsr RLINE Draw horizontal dark grey line DoneAIFB leas 6,S Eat stack & return rts UPDTDEVC pshs U ldu #DRIVETBL ldx #21 ldb #4 pshs d,X ldx #1 pshs X ldb WNDWPATH+1 pshs d,X lbsr CWAREA lbsr MOUSOFF lbsr CLRSCRN lbsr FULLSCRN bra UPDTDEV2 UPDTDEV1 lbsr WRITICON Print icon on screen ldu FL.LINK,U Get next device in linked list UPDTDEV2 stu ,S Save it bne UPDTDEV1 Still more drives, do next one ldx #TRSHDESC Now, do trash can stx ,S lbsr WRITICON ldx #PRTRDESC And printer stx ,s lbsr WRITICON ldd DEVICNOW Get current drive (if any) std ,S lbsr SELCICON Select it on screen ldd WNDWPATH std ,S lbsr INITMOUS Set mouse parms leas 10,S puls U,PC * Get ptr to root path (not including drive name) * Exit: X=ptr to either end of pathname (if on root), or ptr to root path * D=1 if on root * D=0 if found path FNDSLASH ldx #DDIRNAME+1 Point to full path of current dir (skip 1st '/') FNDSLAS1 ldb ,X+ Get char beq FNDSLAS2 End of path, exit with D=1 cmpb #'/ Find slash? bne FNDSLAS1 No, keep looking clrb Exit with D=0 bra FNDSLAS3 FNDSLAS2 incb FNDSLAS3 clra rts * Check if icon (or clickable option) * Exit: D=0 if no icon selected * else D=ptr to FL.* structure for icon selected ISITICON pshs U ldx 4,S Get ptr to mouse packet ldd PT.ACY,X Get Y coord subd #8 pshs d,X Save modified Y coord & room for X coord ldd PT.ACX,X Get X coord tst FLAG640W 640 wide screen? bne ISITICO1 No, skip ahead asrd Divide by 2 (scale to 320) ISITICO1 subd #8 std 2,S Save modified X coord cmpd #32 Is X coord within 32 pixels of left side (no border)? ble ISITDEVC Yes, check for device (NOTE: WHERE PRINTER SHOULD GO) ldd ,S Get Y adjusted coord cmpd #8 Is it in the current directory bar area? bgt ISITDISP No, skip ahead ldu #DBOXDESC Point to icon info table entry for CLOSE box in current dir bar bra ISITICO4 Go check that ISITDISP ldu STRTICON Get ptr to icon descriptor for 1st icon on current scrn bra ISITICO4 Check it ISITDEVC ldu #DRIVETBL Point to start of device/drive table ldd ,S Get adjusted Y coord (NOTE: LDB 1,S BOTH 6809/6309) cmpb #128 From 0-128 (drives themselves)? blo ISITICO4 Yes, check with drive table entries cmpb #160 Trash? blo TryPrntr No, try printer ldu #TRSHDESC Try the trash can descriptor bra ISITICO4 TryPrntr ldu #PRTRDESC Try printer descriptor bra ISITICO4 ISITICO2 ldd 2,S Get X coord cmpd FL.XSTRT,U Within X start coord of current file table entry? blt ISITICO3 No, check next file entry cmpd FL.XEND,U Within X end coord of current entry? bgt ISITICO3 No, check next file entry ldd ,S Get Y coord cmpd FL.YSTRT,U Within Y start coord of current entry? blt ISITICO3 No, check next cmpd FL.YEND,U Within Y end coord of current entry bgt ISITICO3 No, check next tfr U,D Found, move table entry ptr to D & exit bra ISITICO5 * Go to next file table entry ISITICO3 ldu FL.LINK,U Get next file table ptr ISITICO4 stu -2,S Is this a legit ptr? bne ISITICO2 Yes, go check it clra No match, return with 0 (done, & no icon clicked) clrb ISITICO5 leas 4,S Eat stack & return puls U,PC SET48X24 ldd #288 std 14,S ldx #MULTIBFR Point to general purpose buffer stx 16,S ldb #7 stb 9,S ldd #48 std 10,S ldb 7,S orb #$80 stb 7,S rts SET24X24 ldd #144 std 14,S ldx #ICONBUFR Point to icon build buffer stx 16,S ldb #6 stb 9,S ldd #24 std 10,S rts * Load standard icons STDICONS leas -12,S Make temp buffer on stack ldx PRCIDNUM Get GSHELL's process id # (for group) ldd WNDWPATH Get GSHELL's window path pshs d,X Save them ldb #24 Save ??? (height in pixels?) std 10,S leax txticon,pc Point to new 4 color image of text ldb #144 lbsr CopyIcon lbsr ICN48X24 ldd #IC.TEXT std 4,S bsr SET24X24 lbsr GPLOAD bsr SET48X24 lbsr GPLOAD leax foldricn,pc Point to new 4 color image of folder ldb #144 lbsr CopyIcon lbsr ICN48X24 ldb #IC.FOLDR std 4,S bsr SET24X24 lbsr GPLOAD bsr SET48X24 lbsr GPLOAD leax execicon,pc Point to new 4 color image of executable ldb #144 lbsr CopyIcon lbsr ICN48X24 Make double width version for 80 column screen ldb #IC.PRGRM std 4,S bsr SET24X24 lbsr GPLOAD lbsr SET48X24 lbsr GPLOAD leax trashicn,pc Point to new 4 color image of trashcan ldb #144 lbsr CopyIcon ldb #IC.TRASH std 4,S bsr SET24X24 lbsr GPLOAD ldb #7 stb 7,S ldb #IC.TRASH+$80 stb 5,S lbsr GPLOAD lbsr SET24X24 leax driveicn,pc Point to new 4 color image of drive ldb #72 lbsr CopyIcon ldd #72 72 bytes to load std 12,S ldb #12 12 lines high std 10,S ldb #IC.DRIVE Buffer # std 4,S lbsr GPLOAD Load it in ldb #7 Screen type 7 stb 7,S ldb #IC.DRIVE+$80 Buffer #+$80 for type 7 version (useless, same as type 6) stb 5,S lbsr GPLOAD Load the type 7 version (eliminate later!) leax prntricn,pc Point to new 4 color image of printer ldb #90 90 bytes to load/copy lbsr CopyIcon ldd #90 72 bytes to load std 12,S ldb #15 12 lines high std 10,S ldb #IC.PRNTR Buffer # std 4,S lbsr GPLOAD Load it in ldb #7 Screen type 7 stb 7,S ldb #IC.PRNTR+$80 Buffer #+$80 for type 7 version (useless, same as type 6) stb 5,S lbsr GPLOAD Load the type 7 version (eliminate later!) leas 16,S rts * NOTE: XPNDICONS ROUTINE ORIGINALLY HERE...NO LONGER NEEDED * duplicate a 24x12 4 color buffer to a 48x12 ICN48X24 ldb #144 Counter for # of bytes in 4 color icon pshs B,U Save it ldx #ICONBUFR Point to 4 color icon buffer ldu #MULTIBFR Point to bigger buffer to expand into (could expand into LINEBUFR) IC48X24L ldb ,X+ Get 4 color byte bsr SR48X24 Expand 2 pixels (a nibble) into 4 pixels (a byte) bsr SR48X24 Do next last half of byte dec ,S Are we done all 144 source bytes? bne IC48X24L No, continue puls B,U,PC Restore & return SR48X24 clra Zero out hi byte lslb Shift 1st color into B (2 bits) rola lslb rola lsla Now, shift that over 1 pixel lsla lslb Shift in the next pixel from the source byte rola lslb rola pshs A Save that byte (2 source pixels, now separated by a pixel) lsla Shift it left by a pixel lsla ora ,S+ Merge with original (effectively doubling each pixel) sta ,U+ Save doubled up byte rts AIF.NAME fcc "aif" ONEDOT fcb '. fcb NUL * Entry: 0-1,s=RTS address * 2-3,s=Ptr to file table entry FILE.XXX pshs U ldu 4,S Get ptr to file table entry leas -64,S Make large buffer on stack clrd std 28,S ldd FL.FNAME,U Get ptr to filename pshs d lbsr ISIT.AIF std 28+2,S ldd 70+2,S std ,S lbsr MTCH.XXX leas 2,S std 22,S lbne FILEXXX3 ldd 70,S pshs d leax <AIF.NAME,PC pshs X leax 38-2,S pshs X lbsr STRCPY leas 4,S pshs d lbsr STRCAT std 26+4,S ldx #READ. stx 2,S std ,S lbsr I.OPEN2 Open AIF file leas 4,S std 30,S Save path to AIF file lblt FILEXXX2 Couldn't open, skip ahead ldd 70,S pshs d lbsr PUTSTRNG std ID.XXXPT+2,S ldd 30+2,S Get path to AIF file std ,S lbsr RDLN80CH Read line of up to 80 chars (program name) std ,S Save size of read lbsr PUTSTRNG Allocate mem & copy string into that mem std ID.MNAME+2,S Save pointer to program name in AIF structure std 26+2,S Save again ldd 30+2,S Get path to AIF file again std ,S lbsr RDLN80CH Read parameters line std ,S Save size of read lbsr PUTSTRNG Allocate mem & copy string std ID.PARAM+2,S Save parm line ldd 30+2,S std ,S lbsr RDLN80CH Get icon file path std ,S Save # bytes read lbsr PUTSTRNG Allocate mem & copy string std 24+2,S ldd 30+2,S std ,S lbsr GETNUMBR Get memory modifier (in 256 byte pages) HANDLES +/- std ID.MEMSZ+2,S Save mem size lbsr GETNUMBR std ID.WTYPE+2,S Save window type (includes - & 0's!) lbsr GETNUMBR std ID.XSIZE+2,S Save minimum X size lbsr GETNUMBR std ID.YSIZE+2,S Save minimum Y size lbsr GETNUMBR std ID.BKGND+2,S Save background color lbsr GETNUMBR std ID.FRGND+2,S Save foreground color lbsr I.CLOSE Close the AIF file ldb #EXEC.+READ. std ,S ldd 26,S Get icon file path ptr pshs d lbsr I.OPEN2 Open icon file leas 4,S std 30,S Save path # to icon file blt FILEXXX1 Error opening, skip ahead ldd #144 Size of icon file pshs d ldx #ICONBUFR Point to buffer to hold icon data ldd 34-2,S Get path # pshs d,X Save them both lbsr I.READ Read in icon data ldd 30+6,S Get path # again std ,S lbsr I.CLOSE Close icon file ldd 24+6,S std ,S lbsr FREE ldd 70+6,S std ,S lbsr EXTICTBL Allocate a new AIF descriptor entry (ID.*) std 22+6,S Save ptr to new entry std ,S and again ldd #ID.SIZE Get size of ID.* structure std 4,S Save it leax 2+4,S stx 2,S lbsr STRNCPY ?? Copy stack copy of ID.* structure into allocated entry ldd NXTICONO,Y ldx 22+6,S std ,X incd std NXTICONO,Y clrd std ID.LINK,X ldd #24 std ,S pshs d ldd [32-2,S] pshs d,X ldx PRCIDNUM ldd WNDWPATH pshs d,X lbsr SET24X24 lbsr GPLOAD lbsr ICN48X24 lbsr SET48X24 lbsr GPLOAD leas 16,S bra FILEXXX2 FILEXXX1 ldd 14,S pshs d lbsr FREE ldd 18+2,S std ,S lbsr FREE ldd 24+2,S std ,S lbsr FREE leas 2,S FILEXXX2 ldd 30,S bge FILEXXX3 clrd bra FILEXXX6 FILEXXX3 ldd 28,S beq FILEXXX4 ldx 22,S ldd ID.MNAME,X pshs d pshs U lbsr RPLFICON leas 4,S tfr D,U ldd #IC.AIF.F stb FL.ICONO,U bra FILEXXX5 FILEXXX4 ldd #IC.F.XXX FILEXXX5 std 28,S ldd [22,S] stb FL.AIFNO,U ldd 28,S FILEXXX6 leas 64,S puls U,PC * Allocate new ID.* descriptor * Exit:D=0 if could not allocate new descriptor * or D=ptr to where new descriptor is EXTICTBL pshs U ldd #ID.SIZE Size of ID.* structure (for AIF's) pshs d,X lbsr MEMSPACE Try to allocate memory for another ID.* entry leas 2,S std ,S Save ptr to where new ID.* entry will go std [IDSCNEXT,Y] ??? Save where process ID # is supposed to be??? addd #ID.LINK offset to next link ptr within ID.* entry std IDSCNEXT Save as ptr to next available icon desc. link ldd ,S++ Get ptr to new entry puls U,PC Return with it FIND.XXX ldx 2,S lbsr STREND1 ldb #'. cmpb -4,X bne ISITAIF4 leax -3,X tfr X,D rts * Get a numeric input * Entry: Path # to read from on stack GETNUMBR ldd 2,S Get path to do read from pshs d lbsr RDLN80CH Go do 80 char readln std ,S Save # chars read beq GETNUMB1 If no characters read, exit lbsr ATOI Convert ASCII # to raw binary form GETNUMB1 leas 2,S rts ISIT.AIF ldx 2,S ldd ,X++ andd #$5f5f cmpd #"AI bne ISITAIF4 ldd ,X anda #$5F cmpd #"F. beq ISITAIF5 ISITAIF4 clra clrb ISITAIF5 rts MTCH.XXX pshs X,U ldu 6,S ldx IDSCSPTR leax ID.SIZE*2,X ldx ID.LINK,X beq MTCH.XX2 MTCH.XX1 ldd ID.XXXPT,X pshs d,U lbsr STRCMP leas 4,S std -2,S beq MTCH.XX2 ldx ID.LINK,X bne MTCH.XX1 MTCH.XX2 tfr X,D puls X,U,PC * Entry: 0-1,s : RTS address * 2-3,s : AIF entry # (anything lower than IC.XTRNL is internal AIF's * only, such as GCALC, etc.) * Exit: D=ptr to ID.* structure that matches * D=0 if no match found FNDIDESC pshs U ldd 4,S Get AIF entry # for ID.* structure (only need B) ldu IDSCSPTR Get ptr to start of icon descriptor table FNDIDES1 cmpb ID.NUMBR+1,U Is this the correct ID.* entry? beq FNDIDES2 Yes, skip ahead ldu ID.LINK,U Get ptr to next ID.* entry bne FNDIDES1 Go check it out bra FNDIDES5 Hit end of list, no match so exit with ptr=0 FNDIDES2 cmpb #IC.XTRNL Is this an external AIF? bge FNDIDES5 Yes, exit cmpb #IC.GCAL Is it the calender program? bne FNDIDES3 No, use GSHELL's current window type * ADDED FOR GCAL - to allow it on an 80 column screen ldd DEFWTYPE Get current GSHELL window type cmpd #8 Is it a 16 color? bne FNDIDES4 No, allow GSHELL window type ldd #6 Force GCAL to use type 6 (320x200x4) bra FNDIDES4 FNDIDES3 ldd DEFWTYPE Use default window type (GShell's actual type) FNDIDES4 std ID.WTYPE,U Save as AIF's window type FNDIDES5 tfr U,D D=ptr to AIF entry found puls U,PC * Kill icon Get/put buffer, free up table entry??? KILIBUFS pshs U ldu IDSCSPTR leau ID.SIZE*3,U ldd ID.LINK,U pshs d clra clrb std ID.LINK,U bra KILIBUF2 KILIBUF1 ldd ID.LINK,U std ,S ldd ID.NUMBR,U pshs d ldd PRCIDNUM pshs d ldd WNDWPATH pshs d lbsr KILBUF ldb 5,S orb #$80 stb 5,S lbsr KILBUF ldd ID.MNAME,U std ,S lbsr FREE ldd ID.XXXPT,U std ,S lbsr FREE ldd ID.PARAM,U std ,S lbsr FREE stu ,S lbsr FREE leas 6,S KILIBUF2 ldu ,S bne KILIBUF1 ldd #IC.XTRNL std NXTICONO,Y ldx #ENDLINK stx IDSCNEXT puls d,U,PC PUTSTRNG ldd 2,S pshs d lbsr STRLEN addd #1 std ,S bsr MEMSPACE std ,S++ beq PUTSTRNX ldx 2,S pshs d,X lbsr STRCPY leas 4,S PUTSTRNX rts * Allocate memory from internal data area? * Entry: # bytes requested at 0,s * Exit: appears to be ptr to start of memory received, or 0 if couldn't get * memory requested MEMSPACE ldd 2,S Get size of memory requested pshs d lbsr MALLOC Allocate it std ,S Save ptr to memory received bne MEMSPAC1 Successful MALLOC, exit with new mem ptr leax <OUTOFMEM,PC Unsuccesfull, print 'Out of memory" in overlay window pshs X lbsr OLAYPRNT leas 2,S MEMSPAC1 puls d,pc Return with ptr OUTOFMEM fcc "Out of memory" CRETURN fcb CR,NUL * See if all forked processes shut down before we exit * Exit: D=-1 if still active processes * TESTQUIT pshs U ldu PTBLSPTR Get ptr to start of linked list of process descriptors beq TSTQUIT3 No entries TSTQUIT1 ldx GD.LINK,U ldd GD.STATS,U bge TSTQUIT2 leax <STILACTV,PC Print "processes still active" in overlay window pshs X lbsr OLAYPRNT leas 2,S ldd #-1 Flag we can't exit GSHELL yet TSTQUIT3 puls U,PC TSTQUIT2 tfr X,U stu -2,S bne TSTQUIT1 puls U,PC TRYQUIT pshs U ldx #1 ldb WNDWPATH+1 pshs d,X lbsr PAUSECHO Set pause & echo ON lbsr CURSORON Turn text cursor ON lbsr ST.RELEA Release any pending signals lbsr KILLPBUF clr 3,S lbsr NOMOUSE Shut mouse autofollow off lbsr ST.WNSET clrb pshs d lbsr SELECT leas 2,S lbsr I.CLOSE leas 4,S ldd 4,S blt TRYQUIT4 pshs d lbsr F.EXIT TRYQUIT4 clra clrb puls U,PC STILACTV fcc "Processes still active" fcb NUL ERRPRINT pshs U ldu 6,S ldd GD.WPATH,U Get process window path cmpd WNDWPATH Same as GSHELL window path? ble ERRPRIN1 pshs d lbsr SELECT ldd WNDWPATH std ,S lbsr SELECT leas 2,S ERRPRIN1 ldd GD.STATS,U Get last status (error) from program pshs d ldx GD.MNAME,U Get ptr to module name that had error ldd 6,S pshs d,X bsr BUILDMSG leas 6,S puls U,PC BUILDMSG ldd 6,S pshs d lbsr BIN2ASCI std ,S leax <QUOTDASH,PC pshs X ldx 8,S ldd 6,S pshs d,X ldx #MULTIBFR pshs X lbsr STRCPY leas 4,S pshs d lbsr STRCAT leas 4,S pshs d lbsr STRCAT leas 4,S pshs d lbsr STRCAT leas 4,S pshs d bsr OLAYPRNT leas 2,S rts QUOTDASH fcb '" fcc " - " fcb NUL OLAYPRNT ldx #1 ldd 2,S pshs d,X ldd WNDWPATH pshs d lbsr OLAYGNBK bsr WAITPRES lbsr KILOLAY2 bra OLAYPRN1 * Write out a string to the current window path (string length determined by * NUL char) * Entry: 0-1,s = RTS address * 2-3,s = ptr to string to write WTSTRLEN ldd 2,S Get ptr to string to write pshs d lbsr STRLEN Determine length std ,S Save it ldx 4,S ldd WNDWPATH Get path to window pshs d,X lbsr I.WRITE Write it out OLAYPRN1 leas 6,S Eat temp stack & return rts * Write out a string to the current window path (string length determined by * NUL char) and add a Carriage return if there isn't one already * Entry: 0-1,s = RTS address * 2-3,s = ptr to string to write WRLNWCR pshs Y,U ldd 6,S Get ptr to string pshs d lbsr STREND Get end position of string tfr D,U subd ,S++ Calculate size of string tfr D,Y ldx 6,S Get ptr to string again lda WNDWPATH+1 Get window path os9 I$WRITLN Write it ldb -1,U Was last char a CR? cmpb #CR beq WRLNWCRX Yep, done ldy #1 No, write a CR too leax CRETURN,PC os9 I$WRITLN WRLNWCRX puls Y,U,PC WAITPRES pshs U ldu 4,S pshs U lbsr ST.RELEA ldd #NEWNMSG-PRESSMSG std ,S ldx #PRESSMSG pshs X pshs U lbsr I.WRITE leas 6,S lbsr WAITPSIG puls U,PC * ReadLn up to 80 chars into [LINEBUFR] RDLN80CH ldd #80 Max read size pshs d ldx #LINEBUFR Get ptr to read buffer ldd 4,S Get path to read from pshs d,X lbsr I.READLN Read line up to 80 chars (note:includes CR!) leas 6,S addd #1 Add 1 to total of chars read beq RDLN80C0 If was -1 (had error),try reading again subd #2 Just CR? bne RDLN80C1 No, skip ahead RDLN80C0 clr LINEBUFR,Y If just one char, NUL instead of CR rts RDLN80C1 ldx #LINEBUFR Point to input buffer pshs X leax D,X Point to last char read in buffer clr ,X Terminate read string @ CR puls D,PC Return with D=ptr to start of read buffer BIN2ASCI pshs U ldu #ASCIITMP Point to buffer to hold ASCII version of # (reverse order) ldd 4,S bra BIN2ASC2 BIN2ASC1 pshs d ldd #10 lbsr CCMOD addd #'0 'ASCII'ize the digit stb ,U+ ldd 4,S pshs d ldd #10 lbsr CCDIV std 4,S BIN2ASC2 cmpd #9 bgt BIN2ASC1 addd #'0 ldx #ASCIITMP pshs X ldx #ASCIINUM bra BIN2ASC4 BIN2ASC3 ldb ,-U BIN2ASC4 stb ,X+ cmpu ,S bhi BIN2ASC3 leas 2,S clr ,X ldx #ASCIINUM tfr X,D puls U,PC LINKLOAD pshs U ldu 4,S ldb #PTR.SLP Change ptr to sleep icon pshs d,X ldx #GRP.PTR ldd WNDWPATH pshs d,X lbsr GCSET lbsr MOUSOFF Shut mouse off leas 6,S pshs U lbsr NMLNKLOD Attempt to link/load module std ,S++ beq LINKLOA1 Error, deal with it ldd #1 No error, status=successful bra LINKLOA2 LINKLOA1 ldd ERRNO,Y Get error code std GD.STATS,U Save in forked program status leax <CANTFORK,PC Tell user we could not fork program pshs X,U lbsr ERRPRINT leas 4,S clra Non successful fork clrb LINKLOA2 std ,S Save status of fork lbsr MOUSENOW Turn mouse back on and return puls d,U,PC CANTFORK fcc "Can't fork " fcb '",NUL RUNCNAME fcc "runc" fcb NUL RUNBNAME fcc "runb" fcb NUL BAS09NAM fcc "basic09" fcb NUL * Fork program pointed to by GD.* ptr, onto it's proper window (obviously * already set up in GD.INDVC or GD.WPATH earlier). Does language stuff * automatically like SHELL, and mem size stuff * Stack on entry: * 0-1,s = RTS address * 2-3,s = Ptr to GD.* vars FORKPROC pshs U Save U ldu 4,S Get GD.* ptr leas -12,S Make temp stack clra clrb std 10,S Set some things to 0 std 8,S std ,S ldb GD.MLANG,U Get language type of module to fork cmpb #OBJCT ML code? ble SETPRGRM Yes, go set cmpb #ICODE RUNB required? beq SETRUNB Yes, set that cmpb #PCODE Pascal required? beq SETPASCL Yes, set that cmpb #CBLCODE COBOL required? bne BADLANG No, don't have a clue what it is leax <RUNCNAME,PC Must be RUNC (whatever that is?) stx 10,S Save ptr to runtime module name bra SETLANG SETRUNB leax <RUNBNAME,PC Set ptr to RUNB module name stx 10,S leax <BAS09NAM,PC 2nd ptr to BASIC09 bra SETRUNB1 SETPASCL leax <PASCSNAM,PC Set ptr to PASCALS module name stx 10,S leax <PASCNNAM,PC 2nd ptr to PASCALN SETRUNB1 stx 8,S bra SETLANG PASCSNAM fcc "pascals" fcb NUL PASCNNAM fcc "pascaln" fcb NUL BADLANG leax <CANTLANG,PC Code type is unknown, notify user that we can pshs X not run. lbsr OLAYPRNT leas 2,S clra clrb lbra BADLANGX CANTLANG fcc "Can't determine language" fcc " for module" fcb CR,NUL * Entry: 10,s=ptr to runtime module * X=ptr to 2ndary module (if needed) ex. BASIC09 for RUNB SETLANG ldd #$0101 Module type=Program module, language=ML std GD.MTYPE,U Save module type&language of primary program to execute SETPRGRM ldd 10,S Get ptr to name of primary program beq FORKPRC2 If raw ML module (no runtime package), skip ahead ldd GD.MNAME,U Get ptr to sub-module name (ex. program name for RUNB) pshs d Save it lbsr STPREFIX Build (into PARMSBFR) program name <space> module name leas 2,S Eat stack ldd 10,S Get ptr to name of primary program bra FORKPRC3 FORKPRC2 ldd GD.MNAME,U Get ptr to module to run FORKPRC3 std 6,S Save it ldx #PARMSBFR Point to temp buffer pshs X Save it lbsr STRLEN Get length of command line to run leas 2,S Eat stack std 2,S Save length beq FORKPRC4 If 0, just put a CR in it addd #-1 Dec length by 1 (space on end?) ldx #PARMSBFR Point to start of command line leax D,X Point to end of it ldd #CR*256 Append a CR/NUL to it std ,X bra FORKPRC5 FORKPRC4 ldd #CR*256 Nothing in command buffer, just put CR/NUL in std PARMSBFR,Y FORKPRC5 ldd 2,S Get length of command line to run addd #1 bump up by 1 & save it again std 2,S pshs U lbsr NEWSTDIO Change I/O paths (all 3) to window path in current GD.* ptr std ,S++ Were we successful? beq FORKPRC7 No, skip ahead clra Select std IN path as current window (in other words, clrb select GD.* path as new window pshs d lbsr SELECT ldd GD.MEMSZ,U Get memory size required std ,S Save it clra clrb pshs d pshs d ldx #PARMSBFR Point to parms buffer ldd 8,S pshs d,X ldd 16,S pshs d lbsr F.FORK Fork the program std 16,S ble FORKPR51 leas 12,S bra FORKPRC6 FORKPR51 ldd 20,S bne FORKPR52 leas 12,S bra FORKPRC7 FORKPR52 std ,S lbsr F.FORK leas 12,S std 4,S ble FORKPRC7 FORKPRC6 ldd 4,S std GD.PRCID,U ldd #1 std ,S * Couldn't change std paths to new window FORKPRC7 ldd GD.MNAME,U Get ptr to module name pshs d Save it lbsr F.UNLOAD Unload the module leas 2,S Eat stack ldd ,S ??? bne FORKPRC8 But don't print FORK ERROR if it is<>0 ldd ERRNO,Y Get error code std GD.STATS,U Save as last status for forked program leax <FORKERR,PC Report FORK error in overlay window pshs X,U lbsr ERRPRINT leas 4,S FORKPRC8 clr PARMSBFR,Y NUL the command buffer pshs U lbsr RESTDIO Restore std I/O paths to normal GSHELL window path leas 2,S ldd ,S Get ??? BADLANGX leas 12,S Eat stack & return puls U,PC FORKERR fcc "Fork error - " fcb '",NUL * Call F$Wait. If no child process, returns immediately. * Otherwise, returns with child ID # & child exit status code) * Stack usage (from -6,s): * 0,s = ??? * 2,s = Child process ID # * 4,s = Child process signal code * NOTE: IF child is ABORTED (CTRL-E), GSHELL's keyboard buffer is cleared. * IF child is INTERRUPTED, GSHELL's keyboard buffer is left intact. HNDLWAIT pshs U leas -6,S Temp stack clra Default child status code to 0 clrb std 4,S HNDLWAI1 leax 4,S Point to temp ID/exit status pshs X Save ptr for subroutine call lbsr F.WAIT NOTE: ONLY CALLED FROM HERE! EMBED (6809 &6309) leas 2,S Eat temp X ptr std 2,S Save child process' ID # beq HNDLWAI2 None, eat temp stack & return cmpd #-1 Error from F$Wait? beq HNDLWA10 Yes, return with exit signal=0 (no signal) ldd RECDSGNL Did get child signal; try local signal beq HNDLWAI3 None, process child signal HNDLWAI2 ldd #S$WAKE Exit with WAKE signal (flag to redo signal loop) bra HNDLWA12 * Child process has sent us a signal HNDLWAI3 ldd 2,S Get child process ID # pshs d Save on stack (silly, unless destructive) bsr GTPRDESC Get our process descriptor table entry ptr tfr D,U Move to U stu ,S++ Legit? beq HNDLWA11 No, if signal=0, try WAIT again, else exit ldd 4,S Get child's signal code std ERRNO,Y Save as error std GD.STATS,U Save as last status for forked program beq HNDLWAI8 If child's signal was 0, skip ahead cmpb #S$ABORT Abort signal? beq HNDLWAI4 yes, go handle cmpb #S$INTRPT Interrupt signal? bne HNDLWAI7 Yes, go handle * Child ABORTed (CTRL-E) HNDLWAI4 clrb D=0 pshs d ldd GD.WPATH,U Get programs window path pshs d lbsr PAUSECHO Shut pause & echo off for that window leas 4,S Eat temp stack bra HNDLWAI6 * Flush out keyboard buffer for main GSHELL window HNDLWAI5 pshs d Save # of chars in main window buffer ldx #MULTIBFR Point to temp buffer area ldd WNDWPATH Get window path for GSHELL pshs d,X lbsr I.READ Read (eat/flush) all chars in keyboard buffer for GSHELL leas 6,S Eat temp stack HNDLWAI6 ldd WNDWPATH Get path to GSHELL window pshs d lbsr GT.READY Check if any data ready in keyboard buffer leas 2,S std ,S Save # chars waiting bgt HNDLWAI5 There are some, process * Child INTERRUPTed (CTRL-C) HNDLWAI7 leax <PROCERR,PC Point to 'process error' msg pshs X,U lbsr ERRPRINT Print error to screen leas 4,S HNDLWAI8 ldd GD.DW.OW,U Child running on overlay window in main GSHELL scrn? cmpd #1 beq HNDLWAI9 Yes, Skip ahead pshs U No, save ptr to Process dsc. entry lbsr KILPDESC Remove process descriptor out of table, kill device window leas 2,S HNDLWAI9 cmpu 10,S Current process desc. entry ptr same as ??? bne HNDLWA11 HNDLWA10 clra Return with D=0 (no signal) clrb bra HNDLWA12 * If signal received not for any child of ours (done directly from GSHELL) * ,exit with D=0, else redo WAIT and try again (could this be 'infinite' * loop bug where sometimes just auto-follow mouse works, but nothing else? HNDLWA11 ldd 4,S Get child's signal code lbeq HNDLWAI1 If none, redo WAIT call & try again HNDLWA12 leas 6,S Eat temp stack & return puls U,PC PROCERR fcc "Process error - " fcb '",NUL * Exit: D=0 if no child processes in table * D=ptr to process descriptor table entry GTPRDESC ldx PTBLSPTR Get ptr to start of process descriptor table beq GTPRDES3 None, exit GTPRDES1 ldd GD.PRCID,X Get process id # for current table entry cmpd 2,S This the one we are looking for? bne GTPRDES2 No, skip to next one tfr X,D Exit with D=process table entry ptr rts GTPRDES2 ldx GD.LINK,X Get ptr to next process in table bne GTPRDES1 got one, check it GTPRDES3 clra End of table, exit with D=0 clrb rts * Add a string prefix to the current string * Entry: 0-1,s = RTS address * 2-3,s = String that we are inserting in front of STPREFIX pshs U Preserve U ldd 4,S Get ptr to string we are inserting in front of pshs d,X,Y Save it & regs lbsr STRLEN Get length of string we are inserting in front of * NOTE: WHEN TFM'ING BELOW, DELETE ADDD #1 addd #1 std 4,S Save length of string+1 ldu #PARMSBFR Point to temp buffer stu ,S Save ptr lbsr STRLEN Get length of string in temp buffer leas 2,S Eat stack * WHEN TFMING BELOW, DELETE INCB incb Bump length up by 1 * 6309 * tfr d,w Save length * addr w,u Point to end of string+1 * DELETE LDA 1,S BELOW std ,S Save it leau D,U Point to end of string+1 tfr U,X Save ptr in X ldd 2,S Get length of string we are inserting in front of leau D,U Calculate end ptr of two strings together lda 1,S Get # of bytes to move (size of inserted string) bra STPREFX2 * 6309 - DELETE ABOVE BRA STPREFX2 * NOTE THAT DELETING INCB & ADDD #1 ABOVE IS BECAUSE TFM IS _POST_ DECREMENT, * WHILE ORIGINAL ,-X IS _PRE_DECREMENT * NOTE: 6309 ONLY: CHANGE TO TFM * tfm x-,u- * Copy string we are inserting in front of further ahead in buffer to make * room for inserted string STPREFX1 ldb ,-X Get char from 1st string stb ,-U Append in 2nd STPREFX2 deca Dec # bytes left bge STPREFX1 Still some left continue copying ldx 8,S Get ptr to another string ldu #PARMSBFR Point to start of temp buffer bra STPREFX4 STPREFX3 ldb ,X+ Copy char from string to temp buffer stb ,U+ STPREFX4 ldb ,X Get char from string bne STPREFX3 Not end of string, copy character ldd #SPACE A=0, B=Space char stb ,U Add space char leas 4,S Eat stack & return puls U,PC * Change all 3 standard I/O paths to path pointed to by current program * table entry (GD.*) (or WNDWPATH if GD.WPATH is negative & there is no * ptr to a pathname in GD.INDVC) * Entry: 0-1,s = RTS address * 2-3,s = Ptr to current entry in GD.* table NEWSTDIO pshs U ldu 4,S Get GD.* ptr lda GD.WPATH+1,U Get path # to window program is/will be running on. bgt NEWSTDI1 If positive value, skip ahead lda WNDWPATH+1 If negative, use GSHELL window path NEWSTDI1 pshs A Save new window path # clra Close current input/output/error paths os9 I$CLOSE inca os9 I$CLOSE inca os9 I$CLOSE ldx GD.INDVC,U Get ptr to new window's path NAME beq NEWSTDI2 None, use path # on stack lda #READ. There is a path name, OPEN a READ path to it os9 I$OPEN & use it's path # for new std i/o paths bra NEWSTDI3 NEWSTDI2 lda ,S Get new window's path # from stack os9 I$DUP Duplicate new path as std in NEWSTDI3 bcs NEWSTDI4 lda ,S and std out os9 I$DUP bcs NEWSTDI4 lda ,S and std err os9 I$DUP bcs NEWSTDI4 puls A eat copy of new path # ldd #1 D=1 if new std i/o paths created successfully puls U,PC NEWSTDI4 leas 1,S Eat stack clra Exit with D=0 if could not create new paths clrb puls U,PC * Restore std I/O paths to normal GSHELL path RESTDIO clra Close std in/out/error paths os9 I$CLOSE inca os9 I$CLOSE inca os9 I$CLOSE lda WNDWPATH+1 Duplicate normal GSHELL window paths to std i/o os9 I$DUP lda WNDWPATH+1 os9 I$DUP lda WNDWPATH+1 os9 I$DUP rts EXTFITBL pshs U ldd 4,S pshs d lbsr STRLEN addd #FL.SIZE+1 std ,S lbsr MEMSPACE leas 2,S tfr D,U stu -2,S beq EXTFITB1 leax FL.SIZE,U stx FL.FNAME,U ldd 4,S pshs d pshs X lbsr STRCPY leas 4,S inc FILESCTR+1 bne EXTFITB1 inc FILESCTR EXTFITB1 tfr U,D puls U,PC UPDTIPTR ldd 2,S pshs d bsr EXTFITBL std ,S beq UPDTIPT1 std [FTBLNEXT,Y] tfr D,X clra clrb std FL.LINK,X std FL.ICONO,X lbsr ICNXYSET leax FL.LINK,X stx FTBLNEXT UPDTIPT1 puls d,PC ADDFICON ldd 2,S pshs d bsr UPDTIPTR std ,S beq ADDFICO3 ldb 7,S cmpb #IC.AIF.F beq ADDFICO1 cmpb #IC.F.XXX bne ADDFICO2 ADDFICO1 bsr ISIT.XXX ADDFICO2 ldx ,S stb FL.ICONO,X bsr UPDTNSCR ADDFICO3 puls d,PC UPDTNSCR ldd FILESCTR subd #1 pshs d ldd MAXICONS lbsr CCDIV std NSCREENS rts ISIT.XXX pshs U ldu 4,S ldd FL.FNAME,U pshs d lbsr FIND.XXX std ,S++ beq ISITXXX1 pshs d pshs U lbsr FILE.XXX leas 4,S std -2,S beq ISITXXX1 puls U,PC ISITXXX1 incb puls U,PC RPLFICON pshs U ldd 6-2,S pshs d,X bsr SRCHFTBL std 2,S ldd 8+2,S std ,S lbsr EXTFITBL tfr D,U ldd #FL.FNAME std ,S ldd 8,S pshs d pshs U lbsr STRNCPY leas 6,S ldx 6,S cmpx STRTICON bne RPLFICOX stu STRTICON RPLFICOX ldx FL.LINK,X bne RPLFICO1 leax FL.LINK,U stx FTBLNEXT RPLFICO1 ldx ,S bne RPLFICO2 stu FTBLSPTR bra RPLFICO3 RPLFICO2 stu FL.LINK,X RPLFICO3 ldd 6,S pshs d lbsr FREE ldd FILESCTR subd #1 NOTE: 6309 DECD std FILESCTR bsr UPDTNSCR tfr U,D leas 4,S puls U,PC RMVFICON pshs U ldx 4,S ldu FL.LINK,X pshs X bsr SRCHFTBL std ,S stu -2,S bne RPLFICO1 ldd ,S bne RMVFICO1 leax <FTBLSPTR,Y stx FTBLNEXT bra RPLFICO1 RMVFICO1 addd #FL.LINK std FTBLNEXT bra RPLFICO1 SRCHFTBL clra clrb pshs d ldx FTBLSPTR SRCHFTB1 cmpx 4,S bne SRCHFTB2 puls d,PC SRCHFTB2 stx ,S ldx FL.LINK,X bne SRCHFTB1 clra clrb rts KILLFTBL pshs d,U ldu FTBLSPTR bra KILLFTB2 KILLFTB1 ldu FL.LINK,U lbsr FREE KILLFTB2 stu ,S bne KILLFTB1 leax <FTBLSPTR,Y stu ,X stx FTBLNEXT puls d,U,PC * Update file icon table position entry, as well as next icon position on * screen. * Entry: 0-1,s = RTS address * 2-3,s = Ptr to current file table (FL.*) entry ICNXYSET pshs U ldu 4,S Get ptr to current file table entry ldd NEXTXPOS Get next X position for file icon on screen std FL.XSTRT,U Save as X start for file table entry addd #24 Add 24 pixels (Width of icon) tst WD48FLAG Using wide 80 column screen? beq ICNXYSE2 No, skip ahead addd #24 Yes, add another 24 pixels (48 pixels for wide) ICNXYSE2 std FL.XEND,U Save as X end for file table entry ldd NEXTYPOS Get next Y position std FL.YSTRT,U Save as Y start for file table entry addd #24 Add 24 std FL.YEND,U Save Y end for file table entry ldd NEXTXPOS Get next X start pos again addd ICONCOLW Add icon column width (including spacing) std NEXTXPOS Save as new next X pos pshs d * NOTE: 6309 SUBR ldd PIXELSWD Get GSHELL window width subd ,S++ cmpd #24 Is next icon going to be past right window edge? bge ICNXYSE1 No, skip ahead ldd STRTXPOS Yes, reset next X pos to start X pos (left side) std NEXTXPOS ldd NEXTYPOS Bump Y pos up too by icon row height addd ICONROWH std NEXTYPOS cmpd ICONYMAX Are we passed the bottom of the GSHELL window too? ble ICNXYSE1 No, skip ahead ldd STRTYPOS Yes, reset next Y pos as start Y pos (top side) std NEXTYPOS ICNXYSE1 puls U,PC UPDFITBL bsr RSTXYPTR Reset X/Y positions of next icon to upper left corner ldx FTBLSPTR Get ptr to start of file table bra UPDFITB2 Update table icon positions again UPDFITB1 pshs X Save file table entry ptr bsr ICNXYSET Set X/Y positions of file icon leas 2,S ldx FL.LINK,X Get ptr to next file table entry UPDFITB2 bne UPDFITB1 There is one, go fix it's coords rts Done them all, return * Reset next positions for icons to upper left corner RSTXYPTR ldd STRTXPOS std NEXTXPOS ldd STRTYPOS std NEXTYPOS rts * FILE menu - Sort option FLSORT lbsr SUREBOX6 std -2,S beq FLSORT1 clrd pshs d pshs d No parameter for program pshs d No overlay window leax <GSORTNAM,PC Save primary module name ptr pshs X lbsr EXECPRGM Execute GSORT without overlay window (does it's own) leas 8,S lbsr DONEWDIR FLSORT1 lbra FILSEXIT GSORTNAM fcc "gsort" fcb NUL DELDIRNM fcc "deldir" fcb NUL CANTDELT fcc "Can't delete " fcb '",NUL * FILE menu, Delete option (Trash entry a little further in. NOTE: Use this * as the basis for the PRINT option) FLDELETE lbsr SUREBOX6 Ask user if he/she is sure they want to delete std -2,S lbeq FILSEXIT Said no, don't delete FLTRASH ldb FL.ICONO,U Get icon buffer number for file to delete cmpb #IC.FOLDR Is it a folder (directory)? bne NOTADIR No, skip ahead clra Call DELDIR to delete a directory clrb pshs d ldx FL.FNAME,U incb pshs d,X leax <DELDIRNM,PC pshs X lbsr EXECPRGM leas 8,S FLDELET1 std 4,S bra FLDELET3 * Not a dir, delete a normal file NOTADIR pshs U lbsr GETFLPTR Get ptr to filename std ,S lbsr I.DELETE leas 2,S std 4,S beq FLDELET3 ldd ERRNO,Y cmpb #E$PNNF bne FLDELET2 clra clrb bra FLDELET1 FLDELET2 ldx ERRNO,Y ldd FL.FNAME,U pshs d,X leax <CANTDELT,PC pshs X lbsr BUILDMSG leas 6,S FLDELET3 ldd 4,S bne FILSEXIT pshs U lbsr RMVFICON leas 2,S clra clrb std SELECTED lbsr UPDFITBL ldd FL.ICONO,U cmpa #IC.AIF.F bne FLDELET9 ldx FTBLSPTR beq FLDELET6 lda #IC.TEXT FLDELET4 cmpb FL.AIFNO,X bne FLDELET5 clr FL.AIFNO,X sta FL.ICONO,X FLDELET5 ldx FL.LINK,X bne FLDELET4 FLDELET6 ldx IDSCSPTR FLDELET7 cmpb ID.NUMBR+1,X bne FLDELET8 ldx ID.XXXPT,X clr ,X bra FLDELET9 FLDELET8 ldx ID.LINK,X bne FLDELET7 FLDELET9 FLCOPYEX lbsr DRAWSCRN bra FILSEXIT * FILE menu, Quit option FLQUIT lbsr SUREQUI3 Ask user if they are sure bra FILSEXIT * FILES menu FILESLCT pshs U leas -8,S ldu SELECTED Get ptr to icon table entry currently selected ldd 12,S Get FILES menu item # decb beq FLOPEN decb lbeq FLLIST decb lbeq FLCOPY decb lbeq FLSTAT decb lbeq FLPRINT decb lbeq FLRENAME decb lbeq FLDELETE decb lbeq FLSORT decb beq FLQUIT decb lbeq FLTRASH FILSEXIT leas 8,S puls U,PC * File menu - OPEN option FLOPEN ldb FL.ICONO,U Get icon type cmpb #IC.AIF.F Is it a one shot AIF file? beq FLOPNAIF Yes, open as an AIF file cmpb #IC.FOLDR Is it a folder/directory? beq FLOPFLDR Yes, switch to that sub-directory cmpb #IC.F.XXX Is it a file that matches a previous AIF extension bne FLOPRGRM No, treat as an executable pshs U Save file info ptr lbsr EXEC.XXX Do the AIF match thing bra FLEXHOOK * File menu - OPEN for a one-shot AIF file FLOPNAIF pshs U Save file info ptr lbsr EXECAIF Execute using AIF stuff bra FLEXHOOK * File menu - OPEN for a folder (directory) FLOPFLDR ldd FL.FNAME,U Get ptr to directory name pshs d lbsr OPENFLDR Change to sub-directory FLEXHOOK leas 2,S Eat temp stack & exit bra FILSEXIT FLOPRGRM ldd FL.FNAME,U Get ptr to filename to execute pshs d leax <SLASH,PC Point to a slash pshs X ldx #DDIRNAME Point to current full path name pshs X ldx #MULTIBFR Place to store path & filename pshs X lbsr STRCPY Copy pathname to temp buffer leas 4,S pshs d lbsr STRCAT Add slash (NOTE: DO MANUALLY!) leas 4,S pshs d lbsr STRCAT Add filename of program to execute leas 4,S ldd FL.FNAME,U Point to filename (for get params prompt) pshs d lbsr GETPARMS Prompt & get any params needed from user leas 2,S std 2,S ldd #1 We want overlay window to run program in flag pshs d ldx 4,S pshs d,X ldx #MULTIBFR Point to new filename path FLEXEC pshs X lbsr EXECPRGM Fork that program in an overlay window leas 8,S FILSEXT2 bra FILSEXIT SLASH fcc "/" fcb NUL * File menu - LIST option FLLIST ldd #1 pshs d pshs U lbsr GETFLPTR Get ptr to filename we want to list std ,S Save it ldd #1 Flag that we want to run LIST in an overlay window pshs d ldx #LISTNAM Point to 'LIST ' bra FLEXEC * File menu - COPY option FLCOPY ldx #NEWNMSG Point to 'new name:' pshs X lbsr INPTSCRN Prompt for destination path for copy std 4,S beq FLEXHOOK User just hit <ENTER>, abort copy std ,S Save ptr to string we are inserting in front of lbsr STPREFIX Insert original filename to copy (?) clra clrb std ,S pshs U lbsr GETFLPTR Get ptr to filename we want to copy std ,S clra No overlay window for COPY command clrb pshs d leax <COPYNAME,PC pshs X lbsr EXECPRGM Execute COPY program leas 8,S std -2,S bne FILSEXT2 ldd 2,S pshs d lbsr INOURDIR leas 2,S std 2,S beq FILSEXT2 ldb FL.ICONO,U sex pshs d ldd 4,S pshs d lbsr ADDFICON leas 4,S lbra FLCOPYEX * File menu - FSTAT option FLSTAT ldd #1 pshs d pshs U lbsr GETFLPTR Get ptr to filename we are FSTATing std ,S ldd #1 Flag we want this in an overlay window pshs d leax <FSTATNAM,PC Point to 'fstat' lbra FLEXEC COPYNAME fcc "copy" fcb NUL FSTATNAM fcc "fstat" fcb NUL * File menu - PRINT option - NOTE: ADD PRINT ICON CALL TO HERE FLPRINT ldd #1 pshs d pshs U bsr GETFLPTR Get ptr to file to print std ,S ldd #1 We want this to run in an overlay window pshs d ldx #COCPRNM Execute 'COCOPR' program lbra FLEXEC * File menu - RENAME option - patch to not allow DIRSIG to trigger needlessly FLRENAME ldx #NEWNMSG Prompt user for new filename pshs X lbsr INPTSCRN std 4,S Save ptr to new filename beq FLRENAM1 User hit <ENTER>, abort rename std ,S lbsr STPREFIX clra clrb std ,S pshs U bsr GETFLPTR Get ptr to filename of original filename to rename std ,S * If Dirup <>0, leave RECDSGNL/Dirup alone (another process has updated DIR) * If Dirup=0, we want to wipe out RECDSGNL & Dirup right after Fork comes back * before we exit this routine. lda Dirup Any directory update signal? sta RenFlag Save it (irregardless) clra No overlay window for RENAME clrb pshs d leax <RENAMENM,PC Rename the file pshs X lbsr EXECPRGM leas 8,S std -2,S lbne FILSEXIT lda RenFlag Was their a dir update originally? bne SkipSigC Yes, leave signal stuff alone sta Dirup Clear queued dir update signal flag (rename triggered it) sta RECDSGNL+1 Clear signal copy as well SkipSigC pshs U lbsr ERASFNAM Erase the original filename from the screen ldd 4,S std ,S pshs U lbsr RPLFICON Update the file table entry for the new name leas 4,S std SELECTED pshs d lbsr WRITFNAM Write the new filename on the screen FLRENAM1 lbra FLEXHOOK RENAMENM fcc "rename" fcb NUL * Get ptr to filename * Entry: 0-1,s = RTS address * 2-3,s = Ptr to file table entry for current file GETFLPTR ldx 2,S Get ptr to file table entry ldb FL.ICONO,X Get icon type cmpb #IC.AIF.F Is it a one shot AIF type? bne GETFLPT1 No, skip ahead pshs X Save ptr to file table entry bsr FPTR.XXX Generate filename, return with ptr to it leas 2,S rts * Non AIF one-shot GETFLPT1 ldd FL.FNAME,X Get filename ptr & return rts * AIF one shot (need name of AIF itself, not program referenced in it) FPTR.XXX pshs U leau AIF.NAME,PC Point to 'aif' ldx #AIFNMBFR Point to buffer to build filename pshs X,U lbsr STRCPY Copy 'aif' into buffer leas 4,S ldu 4,S clra ldb FL.AIFNO,U Get entry # into ID.* table pshs d lbsr FNDIDESC Go find the right entry tfr D,U std ,S++ beq FPTRXXX1 None, skip ahead ldu ID.XXXPT,U Get ptr to ??? ldx #AIFNMBFR Point to AIF buffer again pshs X,U lbsr STRCAT append the 3 letter AIF code leas 4,S FPTRXXX1 puls U,PC Return with ptr to filename INOURDIR pshs U ldu 4,S ldb ,U cmpb #'/ bne INOURDI1 pshs U bsr TERMSLSH Cut directory name off one dir. level earlier std ,S Save ptr to end of new path ldx #DDIRNAME pshs X,U lbsr STRCMP leas 4,S puls X std -2,S bne INOURDI2 leax 1,X tfr X,D bra INOURDI4 INOURDI1 ldb ,U+ beq INOURDI3 cmpb #'/ bne INOURDI1 INOURDI2 clra clrb puls U,PC INOURDI3 ldd 4,S INOURDI4 puls U,PC * Shorten string at [2,S] to end at the previous '/' * Used to shorten directory paths by one directory level * Exit: D=ptr to end of new pathname TERMSLSH ldx 2,S Get ptr to pathname lbsr STREND1 Get end of string ptr into D TERMSLS1 ldb ,-X Get previous char cmpb #'/ Slash? bne TERMSLS1 No, keep looking cmpx 2,S Yes, are we at the beginning of the path again? beq TERMSLS2 Yes, done clrb Found previous dir, flag string end here stb ,X TERMSLS2 tfr X,D rts * FILE menu, Free option DOFREE ldd #1 Do in an overlay window pshs d ldx DEVICNOW Get ptr to file entry for current device ldx FL.FNAME,X Get ptr to device name pshs d,X leax <FREENAME,PC Fork FREE command on that drive bra FORKHOOK FREENAME fcc "free" fcb NUL SORCDEVC fcc " Source device" fcb LF,NUL DESTDEVC fcc " Dest. device" fcb LF,NUL BACKUPNM fcc "backup" fcb NUL SNAME fcc "s" fcb NUL * - Backup command - NOTE: SHOULD WE CHANGE THIS TO USE BRUCE ISTED'S STREAM? DOBACKUP leax <SORCDEVC,PC Point to ' Source device' pshs X lbsr SLCTDEVC Prompt user for source device to BACKUP tfr D,U stu ,S++ beq DISKEXIT User just hit <ENTER>, exit leax <DESTDEVC,PC Prompt user for destination device to BACKUP pshs X lbsr SLCTDEVC leas 2,S std 2,S beq DISKEXIT User just hit <ENTER>, exit cmpu 2,S Same as source drive? beq SNGLDRIV Yes, doing single drive backup pshs d lbsr STPREFIX Append leas 2,S clra No overlay window (since will be automatic) clrb bra TWODRIVE * Single drive backup SNGLDRIV ldd #1 Need overlay window for disk swap prompts TWODRIVE std ,S pshs U lbsr STPREFIX ldd #1 std ,S ldd 2,S beq TWODRIV1 leax <SNAME,PC tfr X,D TWODRIV1 pshs d ldd #1 pshs d leax <BACKUPNM,PC FORKHOOK pshs X lbsr EXECPRGM leas 8,S bra DISKEXIT DOSTEXEC lbsr NOMOUSE ++X25 lbsr STEXCDVC bra DISKEXIT DOSETDVC lbsr NOMOUSE ++X25 lbsr FIXDRTBL lbsr CHGDEVCS lbsr UPDTDEVC bra DISKEXIT * DISK MENU DISKSLCT pshs U leas -4,S ldd 8,S decb lbeq DOFREE Free decb beq DONWFLDR Create new folder (directory) decb beq DOFORMAT Format disk decb lbeq DOBACKUP Backup disk decb beq DOSTEXEC Set execution directory decb beq DOSETDVC Set data directory (drive) DISKEXIT leas 4,S lbsr MOUSENOW Turn mouse back on puls U,PC DONWFLDR lbsr NOMOUSE Turn mouse off leax <FOLDRNAM,PC Ask for new folder name pshs X lbsr INPTSCRN tfr D,U std ,S++ beq DISKEXIT ldb #PEXEC.+PREAD.+EXEC.+UPDAT. pshs d pshs U lbsr I.MAKDIR leas 4,S tstb bne DONWFLD1 pshs U lbsr INOURDIR tfr D,U stu ,S++ beq DISKEXIT ldb #IC.FOLDR pshs d pshs U lbsr ADDFICON leas 4,S lbsr DRAWSCRN bra DISKEXIT DONWFLD1 ldd ERRNO,Y pshs d leax <CANTMAKE,PC pshs X,U lbsr BUILDMSG leas 6,S bra DISKEXIT DOFORMAT leax <FMTDEVIC,PC pshs X bsr SLCTDEVC tfr D,U stu ,S++ beq DISKEXIT lbsr SUREBOX5 tstb beq DISKEXIT ldd #1 pshs d pshs d,U leax <FORMATNM,PC lbra FORKHOOK FOLDRNAM fcc "Folder name: " fcb NUL CANTMAKE fcc "Can't make " fcb '",NUL FMTDEVIC fcc " Format device" fcb LF,NUL FORMATNM fcc "format" fcb NUL * Select a new drive SLCTDEVC pshs U lbsr NOMOUSE Shut the mouse off ldx #MOUSPCKT ldd #8 std BXOFFSET clrb pshs d,X ldb #3 pshs d,X decb pshs d ldx #10 ldd 16-2,S pshs d,X lbsr STRLEN addd #2 std ,S clrb pshs d ldb #10 pshs d ldx #1 ldd WNDWPATH pshs d,X lbsr OWSET ldd #WT.DBOX Double box overlay window std 2,S lbsr ST.WNSET ldd 10+16,S std ,S lbsr WRLNWCR leas 2+14,S ldd #16 std ,S ldu #DRIVETBL bra SLCTDEV2 SLCTDEV1 ldd FL.FNAME,U pshs d ldx #DNAMBUFR pshs X lbsr STRCPY clr DNAMBUFR+11,Y leax FOURSPAC,PC stx ,S lbsr WTSTRLEN ldx #DNAMBUFR stx ,S lbsr WRLNWCR ldd 4,S std 2,S ldd #8 std ,S lbsr DRAWABOX leas 4,S ldd ,S addd #8 std ,S ldu FL.LINK,U SLCTDEV2 stu -2,S bne SLCTDEV1 stu RECDSGNL ldd WNDWPATH pshs d,X lbsr ST.RELEA lbsr MOUSENOW ldd #MOUSIGNL std 2,S lbsr ST.MSSIG leas 4,S ldx RECDSGNL Get signal bne SLCTDEV3 Got one, process os9 F$SLEEP Sleep for remainder of tick SLCTDEV3 ldd RECDSGNL cmpb #MOUSIGNL bne SLCTDEV6 ldx 4,S ldd WNDWPATH pshs d,X lbsr GT.MOUSE leas 4,S ldd #16 std ,S ldu #DRIVETBL bra SLCTDEV5 SLCTDEV4 pshs d ldx #8 ldd 8-2,S pshs d,X lbsr TESTDBOX leas 6,S std 2,S bne SLCTDEV6 ldd ,S addd #8 std ,S ldu FL.LINK,U SLCTDEV5 stu -2,S bne SLCTDEV4 SLCTDEV6 ldd WNDWPATH pshs d lbsr OWEND leas 2,S lbsr MOUSENOW ldd 2,S beq SLCTDEV7 ldd FL.FNAME,U bra SLCTDEVX SLCTDEV7 clra clrb bra SLCTDEVX STEXCDVC pshs U ldd #3 pshs d leax <SETEXEC,PC ldd WNDWPATH pshs d,X lbsr OLAYGNBK lbsr CURSORON leax <PREVIOUS,PC stx ,S lbsr WTSTRLEN ldx #XDIRNAME stx ,S lbsr WRLNWCR leax <NEW.MSG,PC stx ,S lbsr WTSTRLEN lbsr INPUTCHK leas 2+4,S tfr D,U stu -2,S beq STEXCDV3 ldb ,U beq STEXCDV3 pshs U lbsr CHGXDIR std ,S++ bne STEXCDV1 ldx #XDIRNAME pshs X,U lbsr STRCPY leas 4,S bra STEXCDV3 STEXCDV1 lbsr KILLOLAY ldd ERRNO,Y pshs D leax <CANTOPEN,PC pshs X,U lbsr BUILDMSG SLCTDEVX leas 6,S puls U,PC STEXCDV3 lbsr KILLOLAY puls U,PC SETEXEC fcc " Set execution folder " fcb NUL PREVIOUS fcb LF fcc "Prev: " fcb NUL NEW.MSG fcc "New: " fcb NUL CANTOPEN fcc "Can't open " fcb '",NUL SUREQUI3 lbsr TESTQUIT bne SUREQUI2 lbsr SUREBOX8 bra SUREQUI4 SUREQUIT lbsr TESTQUIT bne SUREQUI2 lbsr SUREBOX7 SUREQUI4 std -2,S beq SUREQUI2 ldd #-1 pshs D lbsr TRYQUIT std ,S++ bne SUREQUI2 os9 F$ID ldx #DIRBUFER os9 F$GPRDSC tst 1,X bne SUREQUI1 lds #$FF leax <EXITSHEL,PC Point to SHELL leau <IEQUALS,PC Point to 'i=/1' ldy #PARMSIZE * NOTE: WE SHOULD CHANGE SO THAT GSHELL RECORDS THE ORIGINAL WINDOW TYPE, AND * RESTORES IT AS WELL. IT SHOULD ALSO RESET PAUSE PROPERLY ldd #$0100 Chain to regular SHELL os9 F$CHAIN SUREQUI1 pshs D lbsr EXIT SUREQUI2 rts EXITSHEL fcc "shell" fcb CR IEQUALS fcc "i=/1" fcb CR PARMSIZE equ *-IEQUALS * Entry: 0-1,s = RTS address * 2-3,s = Ptr to mouse packet TESTDBOX pshs U ldu 4,S Get ptr to mouse packet ldx PT.WRX,U Get ldd PT.WRY,U pshs d,X ldd 10,S cmpd 2,S bge TESTDBO1 addd BXOFFSET cmpd 2,S blt TESTDBO1 ldd 12,S cmpd ,S bge TESTDBO1 addd #8 cmpd ,S blt TESTDBO1 ldd 12,S addd #2 pshs d ldd 12,S addd #2 pshs d ldd WNDWPATH pshs d lbsr SETDPTR lbsr FFILL ldx #10 Sleep for 10 ticks os9 F$SLEEP leas 6,S ldb #1 bra TESTDBO2 TESTDBO1 clrb TESTDBO2 clra leas 4,S puls U,PC VIEWSLCT ldb 3,S Get menu item # beq VIEWEXIT None selected, exit cmpb #3 Higher than the 3 we ignore (HOW WOULD THIS HAPPEN?) bhi VIEWEXIT addb #5 Adjust to match OS9 window types cmpb DEFWTYPE+1 Same as current type? beq VIEWEXIT Yes, don't do anything stb DEFWTYPE+1 Save new type stb WIPED Flag that we have to redo dir bar bsr SETVIEW Do changes to the VIEW menu for the new type lbsr SETHLRES Change current GSHELL window to new type VIEWEXIT rts * Update VIEW menu options SETVIEW ldb #1 ldx #ITM.LRES+MI.ENBL stb ,X stb MI.SIZ,X stb MI.SIZ*2,X ldb DEFWTYPE+1 subb #5 SETVIEW1 decb beq SETVIEW2 leax MI.SIZ,X bra SETVIEW1 SETVIEW2 clr ,X rts * Select off of the TANDY menu * Entry: 0-1,s = RTS parameter * 2-3,s = Menu item # selected TNDYSLCT clrd Put 4 zero bytes on stack pshs D pshs D ldb 7,S Get 1 byte version of menu item selected decb beq SELCALC 1=Calculator decb beq SELCLOCK 2=Clock decb beq SELCAL 3=Calender decb beq SELCNTRL 4=Control Panel decb beq SELPRNTR 5=Printer control panel decb beq SELPORT 6=Serial port control panel decb beq SELHELP 7=Help command decb bne TNDYEXIT 9 or greater, exit Tandy menu incb Save ??? stb 1,S ldb #IC.SHELL Execute resizable window SHELL command ldx #SHELLNAM Point to word "shell" with NUL bra TNDYEXEC Go execute it * Clock from Tandy menu selected SELCLOCK ldb #IC.GCLOK Clock forked process ID # ldx #GCLOCKNM Point to name of clock program bra TNDYEXEC Go execute it * Calendar from Tandy menu selected SELCAL ldb #IC.GCAL Execute GCalendar ldx #GCALNAM bra TNDYEXEC * Control panel selected SELCNTRL ldx #CONTRLNM bra TNDYEXC1 * Printer panel selected SELPRNTR ldx #GPRINTNM bra TNDYEXC1 * Serial ports panel selected SELPORT ldx #GPORTNAM TNDYEXC1 pshs X Save ptr to program name to fork lbsr EXCOPOPR leas 2,S bra TNDYEXIT SELHELP incb pshs D ldx SELECTED beq SELHELP1 ldd FL.FNAME,X std 2,S inc 5,S SELHELP1 ldx #HELPNAM pshs X lbsr EXECPRGM leas 4,S bra TNDYEXIT SELCALC ldb #IC.GCALC ldx #GCALCNAM * Execute resizable window, call program * Entry: B=IC.* id number * X=Pointer to program to call (no parameters at this point) TNDYEXEC pshs D Preserve id # lbsr FNDIDESC Find Ptr to ID descriptor we are looking for std 2+2,S Save on stack stx ,S Save ptr to program name bsr EXCICOND Go execute leas 2,S Eat temp stack TNDYEXIT leas 4,S Eat rest of temp stack & return rts *Execute an IC.* program * Entry: 0-1,s RTS address * 2-3,s Ptr to name of program to be called EXCICOND pshs U Preserve U ldd 4,S Get ptr to program to be forked pshs D Add entry to our internal table of programs we have forked lbsr SETPDESC std ,S Save ptr to current descriptor entry lbeq EXCICON9 None (couldn't make), clear 1st byte of parms buffer/exit tfr D,U Move ptr to U lbsr LINKLOAD Shut mouse off/Hourglass, link or load program in question std ,S++ Did we have an error? lbeq EXCICON8 Yes, kill our GD.* process link, window (if any), exit tst RAMSIZE Check our RAM size bne EXCICON4 >128k, skip ahead ldd 8,S 128k pshs D pshs U lbsr ISCR128K Do special 128k processing for new window leas 4,S Eat stack std -2,S Check if new window create successful beq EXCICON1 Yes, continue bgt EXCICON6 Screen type of 7 or 8, can't create in 128k lbsr SETHLRES Reinit main window, then print 'can't create' error bra EXCICON6 EXCICON1 ldd 6,S ??? beq EXCICON2 ldx #WT.DBOX Double box border ldb WNDWPATH+1 Window path pshs D,X Save for routine lbsr ST.WNSET Set window to double box leas 4,S Eat temp stack std -2,S Error on Window Set? bne EXCICON3 Yes, reset window (?) and exit EXCICON2 pshs D Save regs pshs D pshs U ?? Save ptr to process to fork lbsr FORKWAIT Go fork process leas 6,S EXCICON3 lbsr SETHLRES Change current window type & exit bra EXCICN10 * >128k RAM for forking IC.* program EXCICON4 ldd 8,S pshs D pshs U lbsr ISCR512K Go set up new window to fork program into leas 4,S Eat temp stack std -2,S Successful window create? blt EXCICN11 No, report error ldd 6,S Get double box window flag beq EXCICON5 Not set, go straight to program fork ldx #WT.DBOX Draw Double box window ldd GD.WPATH,U Get path # to window program is/will be running on pshs D,X lbsr ST.WNSET leas 4,S std -2,S bne EXCICON6 Couldn't create double box window, report error EXCICON5 pshs U Save ptr to GD.* variables lbsr FORKPROC Fork program std ,S++ bne EXCICN10 Successful fork, exit EXCICON6 ldd WNDWPATH Print error on main window that we could not pshs D make a new window lbsr SELECT leas 2,S leax <CANTWIND,PC EXCICON7 pshs X lbsr OLAYPRNT Print message on overlay window (main screen) ldd GD.MNAME,U std ,S lbsr F.UNLOAD Unload program we tried to fork leas 2,S EXCICON8 pshs U lbsr KILPDESC Yank entry out of current forked processes list EXCICON9 leas 2,S clr PARMSBFR,Y Flag parameters buffer as empty & return EXCICN10 puls U,PC EXCICN11 cmpd #-1 beq EXCICON6 If error flag=-1,"can't create new window" error leax <EXECTERM,PC "Execution terminated" error bra EXCICON7 EXECTERM fcc "Execution terminated" fcb NUL * Execute program in pop up window on main GSHELL screen? EXCOPOPR pshs U ldd 4,S pshs D lbsr SETPDESC Allocate internal process descriptor table entry tfr D,U std ,S beq EXCICON9 lbsr LINKLOAD std ,S++ beq EXCICON8 pshs U lbsr OLAYWTBK std ,S++ beq EXCICON8 ldx #1 ldb WNDWPATH+1 pshs D,X lbsr SCALESW leas 4,S clra clrb pshs D incb bra EXECPRG3 CANTWIND fcc "Can't open new window" fcb NUL * Execute program * Entry: 0-1,s = RTS address * 2-3,s = Ptr to primary module name * 4-5,s = Flag 0=Make overlay window, <>0 = no overlay window * 6-7,s = Ptr to parameter to send? EXECPRGM pshs U ldd 4,S Get ptr to primary module to execute pshs D lbsr SETPDESC Allocate a process table entry std ,S beq EXECPRG5 If primary module ptr empty, exit ldu ,S Get ptr to primary module name lbsr LINKLOAD Attempt to link or load it std ,S++ Eat stack beq EXECPRG4 Could not load/link, return process tbl mem & exit ldd 6,S Get overlay window flag beq EXECPRG1 If flag=0, don't do overlay window pshs U lbsr OLAYBLWT bsr NOMOUSE leas 2,S EXECPRG1 ldd 8,S beq EXECPRG2 pshs D lbsr STPREFIX leas 2,S EXECPRG2 ldd 10,S pshs D ldd 8,S EXECPRG3 pshs d pshs U bsr FORKWAIT pshs d bsr MOUSENOW puls d leas 6,S lbsr ResetPal Reset palettes to GSHPAL in case CONTROL was called. puls U,PC EXECPRG4 pshs U lbsr KILPDESC Kill the process table entry we had allocated EXECPRG5 leas 2,S Exit with error flag set ldd #-1 puls U,PC NOMOUSE ldd WNDWPATH pshs d lbsr GCSETOFF lbsr MOUSOFF puls d,PC MOUSENOW ldd WNDWPATH Get path to gshell window pshs d Save it lbsr CRSRAROW Set gfx cursor to arrow lbsr INITMOUS Set mouse parms puls d,PC FORKWAIT pshs U ldu 4,S pshs U,PC lbsr FORKPROC Fork process std ,S++ Successful? beq FORKWAI3 No, flag error & kill process descriptor entry FORKWAI1 clra Succesful - clear received signal clrb std RECDSGNL pshs U lbsr HNDLWAIT Handle waiting while forked process runs leas 2,S ldd GD.STATS,U Get child's exit signal cmpd #-1 If -1, try waiting again beq FORKWAI1 std ,S Save signal ldd 8,S beq FORKWAI5 ldd 10,S beq FORKWAI4 ldd ,S bne FORKWAI4 ldx #PRESSMSG "Press any key" message pshs X lbsr WRLNWCR leas 2,S bsr WAITPSIG Wait for signal bra FORKWAI4 FORKWAI3 ldd #-1 Flag error std ,S FORKWAI4 pshs U lbsr KILPDESC Kill process descriptor entry leas 2,S tst RAMSIZE Only 128k? bne FORKWAI5 No, exit lbsr INITSCRN Yes, reinit screen before exiting FORKWAI5 puls d,U,PC WAITPSIG lbsr SETSGNLS Reset mouse & keyboard signals ldd RECDSGNL Get current signal (could be dirupdate from SETSGNLS) beq WAITPSLP None, sleep for one. cmpb #DIRSIG Queued Dir update signal? beq WAITPSL2 Yes, sleep till next signal bsr FORKWTST Check for key press, abort or interrupt signal bne WAITPSIG Different signal, wait for a different one bsr FORKWSUB Go read a key from current window bra WAITPSIG Now wait for signal again WAITPSL2 clrb WAITPSLP tfr d,x Sleep till we receive a signal os9 F$SLEEP bsr FORKWTST Have signal, check it out bne WAITPRSX Not key, abort or interrupt, skip ahead bsr FORKWSUB If one of those, eat key from kybd buffer 1st WAITPRSX ldd <WNDWPATH Release signals for window pshs d lbsr ST.RELEA leas 2,S clrd Clear out signal received & return std <RECDSGNL rts FORKWSUB clr ,-S ldd WNDWPATH pshs d,DP lbsr PAUSECHO Shut echo & pause off on current window ldd #1 std ,S ldd WNDWPATH leax 2,S pshs d,X lbsr I.READ Read 1 char for current window leas 8,S rts * Received signal - Set for BEQ if keyboard, interrupt or abort signal, else * BNE FORKWTST ldd <RECDSGNL Get last received signal clr <RECDSGNL Clear out old signal code clr <RECDSGNL+1 cmpb #KYBDSGNL Key pressed? beq FORKWTEX Yes, return cmpb #S$ABORT Abort signal? beq FORKWTEX Yes, return cmpb #S$INTRPT Interrupt signal, return FORKWTEX rts DRAWABOX ldd 2,S ldx 4,S pshs d,X ldd WNDWPATH pshs D lbsr SETDPTR ldd BXOFFSET std 2,S ldb #8 std 4,S lbsr RBOX leas 6,S rts *Change current window type (from VIEW menu) SETHLRES ldd #PTR.SLP Set mouse cursor to hourglass pshs d ldx #GRP.PTR ldd WNDWPATH pshs d,X lbsr GCSET lbsr ST.RELEA Release any signals lbsr MOUSOFF ldx #30 Sleep for 1/2 second SETHLRE1 os9 F$SLEEP leax ,X Did we finish sleeping? bne SETHLRE1 No, continue sleeping SETHLRE2 ldd WNDWPATH Get window path std ,S lbsr DWEND End current window leas 6,S lbsr SETWINDW Set new window lbsr CNTSCRNS Figure out how many screens needed to hold all icons lbsr UPDFITBL Rebuild icon positions in file table (FL.* stuff) lbsr INITSCRN Init new screen rts AREYSURE fcc " Are you sure?" fcb NUL YES.NO fcb LF fcc " Yes!" fcb NUL SUREBOX5 ldd #10 bra SUREBOX9 SUREBOX6 ldd #4*256+5 bra SUREBOX9 SUREBOX7 ldd #0 bra SUREBOX9 SUREBOX8 ldd #6*256+5 SUREBOX9 std SUREYPOS+1 pshs U lbsr NOMOUSE ldu #MOUSPCKT ldb #3 pshs D,DP,X decb pshs D ldx #6 ldb #14 pshs D,X ldx SUREYPOS ldb SUREXPOS pshs D,X ldx #1 ldb WNDWPATH+1 pshs D,X lbsr OWSET ldd #WT.DBOX std 2,S lbsr ST.WNSET leax <AREYSURE,PC stx ,S lbsr WRLNWCR leax <YES.NO,PC stx ,S lbsr WTSTRLEN ldd #16 std BXOFFSET std 0+2,S ldb #20 std ,S lbsr DRAWABOX lbsr MOUSENOW lbsr SETSGNLS tst RECDSGNL+1 bne SUREBOX0 tfr 0,x Sleep for remainder of tick (ldx #0 for 6809) os9 F$SLEEP SUREBOX0 leas 16,S ldd RECDSGNL cmpb #MOUSIGNL bne SUREBOX1 ldb WNDWPATH+1 pshs d,U lbsr GT.MOUSE ldd #16 std 2,S ldb #20 std ,S pshs U lbsr TESTDBOX leas 6,S bra SUREBOX4 SUREBOX1 cmpb #KYBDSGNL bne SUREBOX3 ldb #1 pshs D leax 4,S ldb WNDWPATH+1 pshs D,X lbsr I.READ leas 6,S ldb 2,S andb #$5F cmpb #'Y bne SUREBOX3 ldd #1 bra SUREBOX4 SUREBOX3 clra clrb SUREBOX4 std ,S ldd WNDWPATH pshs D lbsr OWEND lbsr MOUSENOW ldd 2,S leas 5,S puls U,PC * Create overlay window for calling other programs * Does White on Black OLAYBLWT pshs U ldb #13 Overlay window height of 13 lines pshs D,X,Y,U ldx #75 75 char wide window as default tst FLAG640W On 640 screen? bne OLAYBLW2 Yes, continue on ldx #37 320 screen, only do 37 char wide window OLAYBLW2 ldb #9 Start Y of overlay at 9 chars down from top pshs D,X ldx #2 Start X of overlay at 2 chars from left ldd WNDWPATH pshs D,X lbsr CWAREA Change working area to outside of overlay clrb Background color black std 14,S ldb #3 Foreground color (WHITE) std 12,S ldb #13 Y size of overlay std 10,S ldb #75 Width of overlay tst FLAG640W bne OLAYBLW4 ldb #37 40 column width OLAYBLW4 std 8,S clrb std 6,S Start Y=0 std 4,S Start X=0 tst RAMSIZE Enough RAM to save overlay area? beq OLAYBLW6 No, don't bother incb Flag to preserve contents OLAYBLW6 std 2,S lbsr OWSET Do overlay window leas 16,S Eat stack std -2,S Save error code bne OLAYBERR ldx #WT.DBOX Double box around window ldd WNDWPATH pshs D,X lbsr ST.WNSET Draw double box leas 4,S bra OLAYBLW7 * Theoretically, OLAYWTBK pshs U clrb Black background pshs D ldb #3 White foreground pshs D ldx WINDWSZY Get window Y size leax -3,X Drop by 3 ldd WINDWSZX Get window X size asra Divide by 2 rorb pshs D,X Save X/Y sizes clrb pshs D pshs D tst RAMSIZE beq OLAYWTB2 incb OLAYWTB2 pshs D Save 'save screen' flag ldd WNDWPATH pshs D lbsr OWSET leas 16,S Eat stack std -2,S bne OLAYBERR OLAYBLW7 ldd 4,S pshs D bsr OLAYIOPS lbra ISC128K5 OLAYBERR clrd puls U,PC OLAYIOPS pshs U ldu 4,S bsr IOOPTSON ldd WNDWPATH Get GSHELL window path std GD.WPATH,U Save as window path for forked program clrd std GD.SCRNO,U Screen # 0 incb std GD.DW.OW,U ??? to 1 puls U,PC * Turn ON: page pause, echo, text cursor, and release any pending signals IOOPTSON ldb #1 Flag for turning stuff ON pshs D ldb WNDWPATH+1 pshs D lbsr PAUSECHO Turn pause & echo on lbsr CURSORON Turn text cursor on lbsr ST.RELEA Release any pending signals leas 4,S rts KILLOLAY pshs U ldd WNDWPATH Get path to current window pshs D,X clr 3,S lbsr ST.RELEA Release any pending signals lbsr MOUSOFF Shut mouse off lbsr OWEND Remove overlay window lbsr FULLSCRN Change working area to full screen lbsr PAUSECHO lbsr CURSROFF Shut text cursor off lbsr INITMOUS Set mouse parms leas 4,S puls U,PC * Make double bordered overlay window with text in it OLAYGNBK pshs U ldu 6,S leas -12,S Make stack buffer ldd 16,S pshs D lbsr ST.RELEA Release any pending signals stu ,S lbsr STRLEN Get string length of prompt text std 4+2,S leas 2,s *NOTE: SINCE THIS MULD DOES THE WIDTH OF A WINDOW, WHICH CAN NEVER GET PAST * 106 CHARACTERS, WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO USE A STRAIGHT 8 BIT MUL, FOLLOWED BY * AND ADDD#7 ON _BOTH_ THE 6809 & 6309 VERSIONS. muld #6 Multiply by 6 (for 6 pixel font chars) ldd #7 Add 7 extra pixels (border?) addr w,d lbsr DIVDX8 Divide by 8 (shift method) for # 8 pixel chars for window width addd #3 Add 3 more for borders? cmpd WINDWSZX Too big for current screen width? blo OLAYGNB1 No, continue ldd WINDWSZX Yes, change to screen width-1 decb OLAYGNB1 std 6,S Save overlay window width ldd 20,S ??? incd std 20,S leax ,S Where we are going to store Y size pshs X leax 4,S Where we are going to store X size ldd 20-2,S pshs D,X Save path # & ptr to where to store X size lbsr GT.SCSIZ Get the current screen size leas 6,S Eat ptrs & path duplicates ldd 2,S Get X size of screen cmpd 6,S bhi OLAYGN05 If it is wider than the proposed overlay window, jump dec 6,S If not, bump X size of overlay down by one clr 11,S ??? Clear flag bra OLAYGN07 OLAYGN05 subd 6,S Get # of characters extra we have for window vs scrn width pshs D * NOTE: HARD CODE SINGLE SHIFT HERE! (6809 & 6309) ldd #2 Divide by 2 (to figure out start X coord of overlay) lbsr CCDIV std 10,S Save start X coord OLAYGN07 ldb #3 Save background palette #3 (white in new windint) pshs D * NOTE: 6309 ONLY - USE DARK GREY? (PALETTE #1) ldb #1 Save foreground palette #1 (dark grey in new windint) pshs D ldd 24,S Get Y size for border (usually 2) addb #3 ??? Add 3 for data entry lines (not including borders) pshs D Save overlay Y size ldd 12,S Save X size of overlay pshs D * Start Y coord for overlay * NOTE: 6309 - Change to use W on first load, then SUBR ldd 28,S Get Y size of border (usually 2) addd #3 Add 3 for height added to overlay window for data entry pshs D ldd 10,S Get height of screen subd ,S++ Subtract overlay Y size asra Divide result by 2 rorb pshs D Save Y start coord ldd 20,S Start X coord of overlay pshs D ldb #1 Save switch to ON pshs D ldd 30,S Get path to window pshs D lbsr OWSET Make overlay window leas 16,S Eat temp stack std -2,S If error, eat stack & return bne OLAYGNB4 ldx #WT.DBOX Now make the overlay a double bordered box ldd 18-2,S pshs D,X lbsr ST.WNSET leas 4,S ldd 20,S ??? Flag to indicate whether we add CR to text on overlay beq OLAYGNB2 or not. If 0, do NOT add CR. ldd 4,S pshs D Save length of string to write ldd 20-2,S pshs D,U Save path # and ptr to text to write lbsr I.WRITLN Write text to double box window ldd #1 Length to write=1 std 4,S leax CRETURN,PC Write out a single CR stx 2,S lbsr I.WRITLN bra OLAYGNB3 OLAYGNB2 ldd 4,S Get length of string to write pshs D Save it ldd 20-2,S Get ptr to text to write pshs D,U lbsr I.WRITE Write text out (NO CR) OLAYGNB3 leas 6,S Eat stack & exit OLAYGNB4 leas 12,S puls U,PC * Pop up overlay window and ask for input from user INPTSCRN pshs U ldd #1 pshs D ldx 6,S ldd WNDWPATH pshs D,X lbsr OLAYGNBK Pop up overlay window & print prompt lbsr CURSORON Turn text cursor on bsr INPUTCHK Get input from user leas 2+4,S tfr D,U lbsr KILLOLAY Shut off overlay prompt window tfr U,D puls U,PC INPUTCHK ldd WNDWPATH Get window path pshs D INPTLOOP lbsr SETSGNLS Reset both mouse & keyboard signals ldd RECDSGNL Any signal received? bne INPTSGNL Yes, go process tfr d,x os9 F$SLEEP Sleep for remainder of tick ldd RECDSGNL Get signal code INPTSGNL cmpb #S$INTRPT Interrupt signal? beq INPTQUIT Yes, abort input cmpb #S$ABORT Abort signal? beq INPTQUIT Yes, abort input cmpb #MOUSIGNL Mouse signal? bne INPTKYBD No, skip ahead (must be keyboard) clrd Mouse signal, abort input & return bra INPTEXIT INPTKYBD cmpb #KYBDSGNL Keyboard signal? * NOTE (6309 ONLY): IF LIVE DIRECTORY UPDATE IS ENABLED, WE WILL HAVE TO FLAG * IT HERE TO ACT ON _AFTER_ PROCESSING KEYBOARD INPUT bne INPTLOOP No, ignore any other signals lbsr IOOPTSON Turn pause,echo,text cursor on, release signals lbsr RDLN80CH Go read in up to 80 chars INPTEXIT leas 2,S Eat stack & return rts * Waiting for user input, but received abort or interrupt signal INPTQUIT lbsr ST.RELEA Release any other pending signals ldd #1 Read 1 char from window path pshs D leax 2,S Point to temp spot ldd WNDWPATH pshs D,X lbsr I.READ Read 1 key from keyboard (hot key) clrd exit leas 8,S rts KILOLAY2 pshs U ldd 4,S pshs D lbsr ST.RELEA lbsr OWEND bra ISC128K5 ISCR128K pshs U ldu 6,S ldd ID.WTYPE,U Get window type pshs d Save it cmpd #6 bgt ISC128K4 ldd WNDWPATH Get GSHELL window path ldx 6,S std GD.WPATH,X Save as program window path pshs d lbsr GCSETOFF lbsr ST.RELEA lbsr DWEND ldd ID.BKGND,U std ,S pshs d ldx ID.FRGND,U * Changed for x200 screens ldb #25 pshs d,X ldd 8,S Get screen type lbsr COLS4080 40 or 80 column? beq ISC128K1 80 column, skip ahead ldb #40 40 columns bra ISC128K2 ISC128K1 ldb #80 80 columns ISC128K2 pshs d clrb pshs d pshs d ldx 14,S Get window type ldd WNDWPATH Get path # to window pshs D,X lbsr DWSET Set the new window leas 18,S std -2,S bne ISC128K3 ldx #1 ldd WNDWPATH pshs D,X lbsr SELECT lbsr MOUSENOW lbsr PAUSECHO leas 4,S clra clrb bra ISC128K5 ISC128K3 ldd #-1 bra ISC128K5 ISC128K4 ldd #1 ISC128K5 leas 2,S puls U,PC * Get mouse packet - wait till button A is released GETMPAKT pshs U ldu #MOUSPCKT ldd 4,S pshs D,U GETMPAK1 lbsr GT.MOUSE Get mouse packet ldd PT.CBSA,U Button A pressed? bne GETMPAK1 Yes, wait till it is released leas 4,S puls U,PC * Use mouse to position & size new window SETSTOP pshs U leas -10,S Make 10 byte temp area ldu #MOUSPCKT Point to mouse packet ldd 14,S pshs D bsr GETMPAKT Let auto-follow mouse for start position of window run until leas 2,S button A is released * Upper left corner is now selected SETSTOP1 ldd 14,S pshs D,X,Y lbsr ST.RELEA Release signals clra clrb std RECDSGNL std WPOSGOOD ldd #KYBDSGNL Set keyboard signal (So we can trap SPACEBAR to switch screens std 2,S for new window) lbsr ST.SSIG clra clrb std 6,S std 4,S std 8,S std 2,S lbsr SETDPTR Draw ptr=0,0 ldd PROCYSIZ Min. X size of process std 4,S ldd PROCXSIZ Min. Y size of process std 2,S lbsr BOX Draw box (for window sizing) leas 6,S SETSTOP2 pshs U ldd 16,S pshs D lbsr GT.MOUSE Get mouse update leas 4,S ldb PT.CBSB,U Button B pressed? beq SETSTOP3 No, skip ahead ldd #S$WAKE Flag WAKE signal std RECDSGNL lbra SETTOP13 SETSTOP3 ldb PT.CBSA,U Button A pressed? beq SETSTOP4 No, skip ahead ldd 14,S Button B pressed - do this? pshs D bsr GETMPAKT Do auto-follow mouse update until button A pressed leas 2,S ldd WPOSGOOD lbeq SETTOP13 bra SETSTOP2 * Button A pressed when positioning window SETSTOP4 ldd PT.ACX,U Get current X coord of mouse std 6,S Save it ldd PROCWTYP Get window type lbsr COLS4080 40 or 80 column? beq SETSTOP5 80 column, skip ahead ldd 6,S Get current X coord of mouse lsra divide by 2 rorb std 6,S Save it SETSTOP5 ldd 6,S Get X coord of mouse andb #%11111000 Make it evenly divisible by 8 std 6,S Save new X coord ldd PT.ACY,U Get current mouse Y coord andb #%11111000 Make it evenly divisible by 8 std 4,S Save it ldd 6,S Get X coord cmpd 2,S bne SETSTOP6 ldd 4,S cmpd ,S beq SETTOP11 SETSTOP6 ldd 4,S addd PROCYSIZ pshs D ldd 8,S addd PROCXSIZ pshs D ldx 8,S ldd 12-2,S pshs D,X lbsr CHKPOSIT See if we can position window on existing screen leas 8,S std -2,S beq SETSTOP9 ldd WPOSGOOD beq SETSTOP7 ldd 14,S pshs D lbsr GOODWPOS leas 2,S bra SETSTOP8 SETSTOP7 bsr MAKERBOX SETSTOP8 ldd 4,S std ,S pshs D ldx 8,S stx 4,S ldd 18-2,S pshs D,X lbsr SETDPTR leas 6,S bsr MAKERBOX std -2,S bge SETTOP11 bra SETTOP10 * Draw relative box MAKERBOX ldd PROCYSIZ Y size pshs D ldd PROCXSIZ X size pshs D ldd 18+2,S Get path # to full-screen window underneath program windows pshs D lbsr RBOX Draw box from current coord for currently selected size leas 6,S rts SETSTOP9 ldd WPOSGOOD bne SETTOP11 bsr MAKERBOX SETTOP10 ldd 14,S pshs D lbsr STOPSIGN leas 2,S SETTOP11 ldd RECDSGNL lbeq SETSTOP2 cmpb #KYBDSGNL bne SETTOP12 ldd #1 pshs D leax 10,S ldd 18-2,S pshs D,X lbsr I.READ leas 6,S bra SETTOP13 SETTOP12 clra clrb std RECDSGNL lbra SETSTOP2 SETTOP13 ldd RECDSGNL Get last signal received beq SETTOP15 None, skip ahead ldd WPOSGOOD ??? Window positioning good? bne SETTOP14 Yes, create selected window pos/size to run program in bsr MAKERBOX No, Draw current SETTOP14 ldd 14,S pshs D lbsr GOODWPOS leas 2,S lbsr GETPSCRN Create new window (screen) if possible std 14,S Save flag blt SETTOP16 lbra SETSTOP1 SETTOP15 ldd 14,S pshs D lbsr ST.RELEA Release signals leas 2,S ldd 2,S ldx 16,S std GD.XSTRT,X ldd ,S std GD.YSTRT,X SETTOP16 ldd 14,S leas 10,S puls U,PC SETSBOTM pshs U ldu 4,S leas -14,S ldx #MOUSPCKT stx 12,S clra clrb std WPOSGOOD ldx 20,S ldd GD.XSTRT,X addd PROCXSIZ std 2,S std 6,S ldd GD.YSTRT,X addd PROCYSIZ std ,S std 4,S SETSBOT1 ldd 12,S pshs D pshs U lbsr GT.MOUSE leas 4,S ldd WPOSGOOD beq SETSBOT2 ldx 12,S ldb PT.CBSA,X bne SETSBOT1 SETSBOT2 ldx 12,S Get ptr to mouse packet ldd PT.ACX,X Get current mouse X coord std 10,S Save it ldd PROCWTYP Get new process' window type lbsr COLS4080 Check if 40 or 80 column beq SETSBOT3 80 column, skip ahead ldd 10,S Get mouse X coord again asra Divide by 2 rorb std 10,S Save it SETSBOT3 ldd 10,S Get mouse X coord pshs D Save it lbsr RNDUPTO8 Round up to nearest 8 pixel boundary std 10+2,S Save it again ldx 12+2,S Get mouse packet ptr again ldd PT.ACY,X Get mouse Y coord std ,S Save it lbsr RNDUPTO8 Round it up to nearest 8 pixel boundary leas 2,S Eat temp stack std 8,S Save it ldd 10,S Get X coord cmpd 6,S bge SETSBOT4 ldd 6,S std 10,S SETSBOT4 ldd 8,S cmpd 4,S bge SETSBOT5 ldd 4,S std 8,S SETSBOT5 ldd 10,S cmpd 2,S bne SETSBOT6 ldd 8,S cmpd ,S beq SETBOT11 SETSBOT6 ldx 8,S ldd 12-2,S pshs D,X ldx 24,S ldd GD.YSTRT,X pshs D ldd GD.XSTRT,X pshs D lbsr CHKPOSIT leas 8,S std -2,S beq SETSBOT9 ldd WPOSGOOD beq SETSBOT7 pshs U lbsr GOODWPOS leas 2,S bra SETSBOT8 MAKEBOX2 ldd 2,S pshs D ldd 4+2,S pshs D pshs U lbsr BOX leas 6,S rts SETSBOT7 bsr MAKEBOX2 SETSBOT8 ldd 8,S std ,S pshs D ldd 12,S std 4,S pshs D pshs U lbsr BOX leas 6,S std -2,S bge SETBOT11 bra SETBOT10 SETSBOT9 ldd WPOSGOOD bne SETBOT10 bsr MAKEBOX2 SETBOT10 pshs U bsr STOPSIGN leas 2,S SETBOT11 ldx 12,S ldb PT.CBSA,X lbeq SETSBOT1 ldd WPOSGOOD lbne SETSBOT1 ldd 8,S ldx 20,S std GD.YEND,X pshs D ldd 12,S std GD.XEND,X pshs D pshs U lbsr BOX leas 14+6,S puls U,PC RNDUPTO8 pshs U ldd 4,S addd #7 andb #$F8 addd #-1 puls U,PC STOPSIGN pshs U ldd #1 std WPOSGOOD ldb #PTR.ILL pshs D ldx #GRP.PTR ldd 8-2,S pshs D,X lbsr GCSET leas 6,S puls U,PC GOODWPOS clra clrb std WPOSGOOD ldd 2,S pshs D lbsr GCSETOFF puls D,PC * Theoretically, code to check if we can fit new window on an existing * screen CHKPOSIT pshs U ldu PTBLSPTR Get ptr to process descriptors table bra CHKPOSI8 NOTE: BOTH CPUS: S/B ABLE TO BRA PAST STU -2,S CHKPOSI1 ldd GD.SCRNO,U Get screen # for process entry cmpd ACTVSCRN Same as active process screen? bne CHKPOSI7 Nope, skip ahead ldd GD.XSTRT,U cmpd 4,S blt CHKPOSI3 cmpd 8,S blt CHKPOSI4 bra CHKPOSI7 CHKPOSI3 ldd GD.XEND,U cmpd 4,S bgt CHKPOSI4 cmpd 8,S ble CHKPOSI7 CHKPOSI4 ldd GD.YSTRT,U cmpd 6,S blt CHKPOSI5 cmpd 10,S blt CHKPOSI6 bra CHKPOSI7 CHKPOSI5 ldd GD.YEND,U cmpd 6,S bgt CHKPOSI6 cmpd 10,S ble CHKPOSI7 CHKPOSI6 clra clrb puls U,PC CHKPOSI7 ldu GD.LINK,U Get ptr to next forked program entry CHKPOSI8 stu -2,S Is there one? bne CHKPOSI1 Yes, check positions ldd #1 No, set flag to 1 & exit puls U,PC * Entry: B=screen type * Exit: B=0 (80 column) * B=1 (40 column) COLS4080 decb Type 1? beq COLS408X Yes, flag 40 column cmpb #5 320x200x4? beq COLS408X Yes, flag 40 column cmpb #7 320x200x16? beq COLS408X Yes, flag 40 column clrb Flag for 80 column rts COLS408X ldb #1 rts * >128k RAM, try to make new window??? ISCR512K pshs U ldu 4,S Get ptr to current GD (forked process table) structure clrd std ACTVSCRN Current active screen to none std DWSETSTY New window type to none ldx 6,S lbsr GFXSIZXY Set window type & minimum X/Y sizes ldd ID.MEMSZ,X Get mem size need for new program std GD.MEMSZ,U Save it in forked process table ldd PROCWTYP Get default window type new program pshs d,X,Y Save window type, ID.* tbl ptr & room for 2 bytes(?) bsr COLS4080 Figure it if 40 or 80 column screen stb 5,S Save 40/80 flag (0=80 column) puls d Get window type back decb beq ISC512K3 H/W text handler (type 1) - Just create new window decb beq ISC512K3 H/W text handler (type 2) - Just create new window ldb #40 Default to 40 column screen tst 3,S Was process window type 40 or 80 column bne ISC512K2 40, skip ahead ldb #80 It was 80 ISC512K2 cmpb ID.XSIZE+1,X If min width<>full width window, go to window bne ISC512K6 sizing routine lda ID.YSIZE+1,X If min height<>full height window, go to window sizing cmpa #25 routine bne ISC512K6 * New window is full size goes here ISC512K3 clrd Default window x,y start to 0,0 std GD.XSTRT,U std GD.YSTRT,U ldd #319 Default to 320 X pixel size tst 3,S Was it 40 column window? bne ISC512K5 Yes, 320 is fine ldd #639 80 column, so 640 X pixel size ISC512K5 std GD.XEND,U Save X size for new process ldd #199 Y end is 199 (NitrOS9 only) std GD.YEND,U ldd #-1 Flag active screen with -1 (?) std ACTVSCRN ldd PROCWTYP Get process' requested type std DWSETSTY Save as screen type to use to create new window bra ISC512K7 * New window is sized by user - do positioning/sizing ISC512K6 lbsr GETPSCRN ???Activate screen we will be putting new window on std ,S Save flag lblt IS512K13 If -2 or -1, eat stack & exit (Either scrn tbl full, or deleted old screen) pshs d,U lbsr SETSTOP Position & size window with mouse leas 4,S std ,S Save flag lblt IS512K13 pshs d,U lbsr SETSBOTM ldd 4,S std ,S lbsr GCSETOFF leas 4,S ldx #0 ldd ,S pshs d,X lbsr LSET leas 4,S * Create new window (?) ISC512K7 ldd ACTVSCRN std GD.SCRNO,U blt ISC512K8 lbsr LINKWNDW ISC512K8 lda #UPDAT. Open path to next available window ldx #SLASHW lbsr I.OPEN std 2,S Save path # blt IS512K13 negative (error), skip ahead std GD.WPATH,U Save as path # to window for program to fork ldx 10,S bne ISC512K9 clra clrb ldx #1 bra IS512K10 ISC512K9 ldd ID.FRGND,X Get foreground color ldx ID.BKGND,X Get background color IS512K10 pshs X Save border color (Background copy) pshs d,X Save background & foreground colors leas -12,S Make room on stack for rest of DWSET ldd GD.YSTRT,U bsr DIVDX8 std 6,S Save Y start of window ldd GD.YEND,U incb bsr DIVDX8 subd 6,S Save Y window size std 10,S ldd GD.XSTRT,U Save X start of window bsr DIVDX8 std 4,S ldd GD.XEND,U Save X window size incd bsr DIVDX8 subd 4,S std 8,S ldd DWSETSTY Save screen type std 2,S ldd 20,S Save path to new window std ,S lbsr DWSET leas 18,S std -2,S bne IS512K12 ldd DWSETSTY beq IS512K11 ldd 2,S pshs D lbsr SELECT puls D IS512K11 ldd #2 std GD.DW.OW,U decb bra IS512K13 IS512K12 ldd #-1 IS512K13 leas 4,S puls U,PC *D=D/8 DIVDX8 asra rorb asra rorb asra rorb rts *D=D*8 MULDX8 aslb rola aslb rola aslb rola rts * ??? * NOTE: BOTH CPUS: SINCE MAX=8, LDB ACTVSCRN+1 WOULD BE FINE * Exit: D=-1 : screen table full, could not create new screen * D=-2 : Closed existing screen table, did not create new screen GETPSCRN pshs U Preserve U leas -2,S Make room on stack ldu #SCRNTABL Point to start of screens used table ldd ACTVSCRN Get active screen # aslb x4 (size of each entry) aslb leau D,U Point to active screen entry ldb ACTVSCRN+1 Get active screen # again beq GETPSCR3 1st entry, skip ahead (?) leax SC.SIZE,U Point to next entry lda SC.USERS,X Any paths already open to this next screen? bne GETPSCR3 Yes, skip ahead * Cleanup? seems to close screen path if no programs on screen ldd WNDWPATH No programs on this screen, get GSHELL window path pshs D,X lbsr SELECT Go select GSHELL window puls D,X lbsr CLOSE.X Close screen entry path ldd #-2 Exit flag bra GETPSCR6 * NOTE: IN ADDITION TO ADDING SUPPORT FOR VDG SCREENS, AND WINDOW TYPES * WITH GSHELL PALETTES (INSTEAD OF STANDARD), WE SHOULD PUT IN A WILDCARD * ONE FOR PROGRAMS THAT DON'T CARE (EX. ZONE RUNNER, ROGUE, ETC.) THAT CAN * RUN ON ANY TYPE AS LONG AS THERE IS ROOM, BASED ON MINIMUM X/Y SIZES. * (AND IT HAS TO BE ON A GRAPHICS WINDOW) * SC.USERS count will be at least 1 (for the underlying size select window) * This chunk checks against window types for screens in active use... GETPSCR1 lda SC.WTYPE,U Get screen type cmpa PROCWTYP+1 Same as window type needed for process? bne GETPSCR2 No, try next screen lda SC.USERS,U Screen initialized already? bne GETPSCR8 Yes, skip ahead GETPSCR2 incb Set active screen to next one stb ACTVSCRN+1 leau SC.SIZE,U Bump to next screen table GETPSCR3 cmpb #8 On last possible active screen? blt GETPSCR1 No, check this screen * No current screen entry of correct type ldu #SCRNTABL IF on last screen, point to start of screen table clrb Next routine starts @ screen 0 again bra GETPSCR5 See if we can add new screen to list * This chunk checks to see if we can add a new screen to the screen table GETPSCR4 lda SC.USERS,U Is this screen initialized already? beq GETPSCR7 No, use it incb Yes, try next one leau SC.SIZE,U GETPSCR5 stb ACTVSCRN+1 Save screen # cmpb #8 On last one? blt GETPSCR4 No, check next ldd #-1 ERROR - no room for new screen GETPSCR6 std ,S Save flag as to what happened bra GETPSCR9 Restore regs & exit * Empty screen table entry - add new entry (Screen) for process GETPSCR7 ldd PROCWTYP Get process window type stb SC.WTYPE,U Save as screen table screen type pshs D Save it bsr OPNSLSHW Open new window (/w) leas 2,S Eat stack stb SC.PTHNO,U Save new window path # GETPSCR8 ldb SC.PTHNO,U Get path # to screen sex Save it as D for subroutines std ,S blt GETPSCR9 If new window failed, exit inc ACTVSCRN+1 Bump up active screen # bsr INITPSCR Select new window, LSET to XOR, set up mouse GETPSCR9 puls D,U,PC * Select new window, prepare for sizing/etc. INITPSCR pshs D Save new window path # pshs D & again lbsr INITMOUS Set mouse parms & turn auto follow on lbsr CURSCLOF Cursor & scaling off lbsr SELECT Select new window as interactive one ldd #3 gfx logic set to XOR std 2,S lbsr LSET clr 3,S lbsr PAUSECHO Shut echo & pause off leas 4,S Eat stack & return rts * Create new window - GSHPAL window stuff & VDGINT stuff should go here! * Called from GETPSCR7 only. Should be able to sneak GSHPAL flag as 1st byte * of window type (0=not gshpal, <>0=gshpal), so window type needs no * massaging here (or, do masks here) * Entry: 0-1,s = RTS address * 2-3,s = window type * Exit: D=New window path # * <0 means failure on OPEN OPNSLSHW pshs U ldx #SLASHW lda #UPDAT. lbsr I.OPEN Open /w tfr D,U Copy path # to U std -2,S blt OPNSLSHX Error opening path, exit ldb #80 lda 5,S Get window type (could put GSHPAL flag at 4,s) * beq SetupVDG Add this in for when we do VDG window support anda #1 See if 40 or 80 column window bne OPNSLSH2 ldb #40 OPNSLSH2 pshs d Save window width for DWSET ldb #2 Border color=2 pshs d clrb Background color=0 pshs d incb Foreground color=1 pshs d ldb #25 Window height=25 pshs d ldx 8,S Get window width clrb pshs d,X Save Y start & window width pshs d Save X start ldd 20,S Get window type pshs d Save for DWSET pshs U Save path # to new window (new screen) lbsr DWSET Set the window clrb std 2,S lbsr DWPROTSW leas 20,S Eat temp stack OPNSLSHX tfr U,D Transfer new window path # to D & exit puls U,PC SRWINDOW decb - Note, if B does not need to be signed, change ldx #SCRNTABL LEAX d,x to abx aslb aslb leax D,X rts LINKWNDW bsr SRWINDOW inc SC.USERS,X rts * Unlink window from active screen list UNLKWNDW ldd 2,S bsr SRWINDOW dec SC.USERS,X Dec # users on current screen bne UNLKWND1 Still some left, exit * Close current SC.* entry path * Entry: X=ptr to current entry in used screen table CLOSE.X lda SC.PTHNO,X Get path to window os9 I$CLOSE Close it clra Flag as no path anymore & return sta SC.PTHNO,X UNLKWND1 rts * Calc highest pixel values allowed for AIF entry (X&Y), and window type * Saves PROCYSIZ, PROCXSIZ, PROCWTYP * Entry: X=ptr to ID.* structure GFXSIZXY ldd ID.XSIZE,X Get min. X size for AIF entry lbsr MULDX8 *8 for pixels subd #1 -1 for far right pixel base 0 std PROCXSIZ Save as min. X size for process ldd ID.YSIZE,X Do pixel Y calc lbsr MULDX8 subd #1 std PROCYSIZ Save as min. Y size for process ldd ID.WTYPE,X Save AIF window type too. std PROCWTYP rts ENV.FILE fcc "/dd/sys/env.file" fcb NUL GET.ENV pshs U ldu #ENVFLBFR Point U to 80 char buffer for enviornment file lines ldd #$ffff Defaults for keyboard & mouse stuff std <GIPMSRES Both mouse defaults std <GIPKYST Both keyboard defaults ldd #128 Default RAM size to 128k sta <CURGFXSZ Size of GSHPAL buffer to 0 std <RAMSIZE leax <ENV.FILE,PC Point to filename pshs X,Y pshs U lbsr STRCPY leas 4,S lda #READ. tfr U,X lbsr I.OPEN Open env.file std ,S Save path # blt GET.ENV3 Bad path #, exit GET.ENV1 ldd #80 Size of line buffer to read pshs d pshs U ldd 4,S pshs d lbsr I.READLN Read line from env.file leas 6,S std -2,S ble GET.ENV2 End of file, close & exit pshs U bsr PROCENVF Go process lines we actually pay attention to leas 2,S bra GET.ENV1 Keep going till env.file done ResetPal pshs d,u For GET.ENV3 below bra DoPal GET.ENV2 lbsr I.CLOSE pshs y Do mouse/keyboard updates lda <GIPMSRES Any change to Mouse resolution? cmpa #$ff bne Mse2 Yes, use it clra No, default to low res Mse2 ldb <GIPMSPRT Any change to mouse port? cmpb #$ff bne Kybd1 Yes, use it ldb #1 No, default to right port Kybd1 tfr d,x Move mouse stuff to X ldy <GIPKYST Get keyboard repeat start/repeat speed lda <WNDWPATH+1 Get window path ldb #$94 SS.GIP call os9 I$SETSTT Set keyboard/mouse stuff puls y DoPal ldb <CURGFXSZ Get current graphics buffer write size beq GET.ENV3 Empty, exit clra Put in Y pshs y Save Y (else screws up) tfr d,y ldx #GSHBUF Point to start of buffer lda <WNDWPATH+1 Get path # to window os9 I$Write Write out palette changes puls y Restore y GET.ENV3 puls D,U,PC RBFDEVEQ fcc "RBFDEV=" RBFSEND fcb NUL RAMEQU fcc "RAM=" RAMSEND fcb NUL * Process and env.file line PROCENVF pshs U ldu 4,S leas -2,S ldb #RBFSEND-RBFDEVEQ leax <RBFDEVEQ,PC bsr PROCLINE Check if 'RBFDEV=' bne PROCENV2 No, check next leau RBFSEND-RBFDEVEQ,U Point to start of string PROCENV1 pshs U Save start of string ptr bsr TERMNATE Append NUL terminator on end of device name std 2,S Save flag as to whether whole string is done lbsr ADDEVICE Add the device to the list lbsr STRLEN Get length of device name leas 2,S Eat extra on stack addd #1 Bump length up to accomodate NUL (INCD for 6309) leau D,U Point to start of next device name (if any) ldd ,S Get flag - do we have more to do? beq PROCENV1 Yes, keep doing until all devices done bra PROCENV4 No, exit process current line of env.file routine * Check if current env.file line=current flag we are looking for * Entry:B=Size of compare to do * X=Text of current flag we are looking for * Exit: Flags set so BEQ will mean a match PROCLINE pshs d pshs X pshs U lbsr STRNCMP leas 6,S std -2,S rts PROCENV2 ldb #RAMSEND-RAMEQU Check for RAM setting ALREADY HANDLES >128K leax <RAMEQU,PC bsr PROCLINE bne PROCENV3 Not RAM, check next leau RAMSEND-RAMEQU,U Point to after RAM= pshs U Save ptr lbsr ATOI Convert ASCII text from [,u] into D register leas 2,S Save RAM size from file std <RAMSIZE Save RAM size found bra PROCENV4 Done processing current line EXECEQU fcc "EXEC=" EXECSEND fcb NUL PROCENV3 ldb #EXECSEND-EXECEQU Check for EXEC setting leax <EXECEQU,PC bsr PROCLINE bne GSHPal leau EXECSEND-EXECEQU,U Point to 1st byte after EXEC= pshs U bsr TERMNATE Terminate the string with a NUL lbsr CHGXDIR Change Execution directory to one read from env.file std ,S++ Eat stack & set CC bne PROCENV4 ldx #XDIRNAME Copy execution path name here pshs X,U lbsr STRCPY leas 4,S PROCENV4 puls d,U,PC Restore regs & return GSHPALEQ fcc "GSHPAL" --Added for GShell palettes GSHSEND fcb NUL * Add a NUL to the end of a string segment (, or CR delimeter) * Entry: 2,S=Ptr to string * Exit: D=0 if end of string * D=1 if string has more to process yet TERMNATE ldx 2,S Get ptr to start of string clrb NUL to terminate string with TERMNAT1 lda ,X Get char beq TERMNAT4 Already NUL, flag & exit cmpa #', Comma? beq TERMNAT2 Yes, set NUL & exit cmpa #CR End of line? beq TERMNAT3 Yes, set NUL & flag & exit leax 1,X Bump up string ptr bra TERMNAT1 Keep looking TERMNAT2 stb ,X Save NUL as separator clra We're done the entire string flag rts TERMNAT3 stb ,X Save NUL as separator TERMNAT4 ldd #1 We still have more in string to do flag rts * NOTE: FROM HERE ON, SHOULD CHANGE NON-LBRA TO PROCENV4 TO BE SHORT BRANCHES * TO THE TERMINATING LBRA PROCENV4 (TO SAVE A LITTLE SPACE) * Added by LCB 8/12/1998 - Check for GShell default palettes (only 0-3 legit) GSHPal ldb #GSHSEND-GSHPALEQ Check for GSHPAL setting leax <GSHPALEQ,pc bsr PROCLINE lbne DefCheck Not, try next PalLoop leau GSHSEND-GSHPALEQ,u Point to 1st byte after GSHPAL ldd ,u++ Get palette # to assign to cmpb #'= 2nd char '='? bne PROCENV4 No, ignore this line suba #$30 Convert to binary palette # blt PROCENV4 Went negative, ignore line cmpa #3 Within palette range? bhi PROCENV4 No, ignore this line sta <CURPAL Save palette # ldd ,u++ Get next 2 chars cmpb #', 2nd a comma? bne PROCENV4 No, ignore line suba #$30 Convert to binary blt PROCENV4 negative, ignore line cmpa #3 Within range? bhi PROCENV4 (No, ignore line) lsla Move to 1st red bit lsla tfr a,b Save copy anda #4 Save lsb pshs a lslb Calculate msb of RED lslb andb #$20 addb ,s+ Merge the reds together stb <CURCOLOR Save it ldd ,u++ Get next color cmpb #', 2nd char a comma? bne PROCENV4 No, ignore line suba #$30 Convert to binary blt PROCENV4 negative, ignore line cmpa #3 Within range? bhi PROCENV4 (No, ignore line) lsla Shift to 1st Green bit tfr a,b Save copy anda #2 Save lsb pshs a lslb Calculate msb of Green lslb andb #$10 addb ,s+ Merge the greens together orb <CURCOLOR mix with red stb <CURCOLOR Save it ldd ,u++ Get last color cmpb #CR 2nd char a CR? bne GSHPalEx No, ignore line suba #$30 Convert to binary blt GSHPalEx negative, ignore line cmpa #3 Within range? bhi GSHPALEx (No, ignore line) tfr a,b andb #1 pshs b Save lsb of Blue lsla Move msb of Blue lsla anda #$08 Just msb adda ,s+ Merge blues together ora <CURCOLOR merge with red/green ldx #GSHBUF Point to start of palette buffer ldb <CURGFXSZ Get size of previous buffer abx Point X to start addb #4 Add for next position stb <CURGFXSZ Save it sta 3,x Save color lda <CURPAL Get current palette sta 2,x Save palette ldd #$1b31 Change palette command std ,x Save it GSHPalEx lbra PROCENV4 Done processing line DEFTYPE fcc "DEFTYPE=" DEFTPEND fcb NUL MONITOR fcc "MONTYPE=" MONTEND fcb NUL * Added by LCB 12/24/1998 - Check for Default screen type=6,7,8 DefCheck ldb #DEFTPEND-DEFTYPE Check for Default screen type leax <DEFTYPE,PC lbsr PROCLINE bne MonCheck No, try next leau DEFTPEND-DEFTYPE,u Point to after DEFTYPE= lda ,u Get screen type suba #$30 Adjust to binary cmpa #6 Below type 6? blo DefEx Yes, ignore cmpa #8 Above type 8? bhi DefEx Yes, ignore sta DEFWTYPE+1 One of 3 good ones, save it DefEx lbra PROCENV4 Done processing current line * Added by LCB 04/15/1999 - set monitor type MonCheck ldb #MONTEND-MONITOR Check for monitor type leax <MONITOR,pc lbsr PROCLINE bne MousChk1 No, try next leau MONTEND-MONITOR,u Point to after MONTYPE= ldb ,u Get monitor type subb #$30 Adjust to binary cmpb #2 Above 2, ignore bhi MonEx clra tfr d,x Move to proper register lda <WNDWPATH+1 Get path # to window ldb #$92 SS.Montr call os9 I$SETSTT Change monitor type MonEx lbra PROCENV4 Done processing current line PTRSIDE fcc "PTRSID=" PTRSDEND fcb NUL * Following 4 (PTRSID, PTRRES, REPSPD, REPSTR) added by LCB 04/15/1999 - set * keyboard and mouse parameters MousChk1 ldb #PTRSDEND-PTRSIDE Check for Mouse port leax <PTRSIDE,pc lbsr PROCLINE bne MousChk2 No, try next leau PTRSDEND-PTRSIDE,u Point to after PTRSID= lda ,u Get parm suba #$30 ASC to binary cmpa #1 bhi Mse1Ex <>0 or 1 is illegal ldb #1 subr a,b Invert value incb Bump up to 1-2 for SS.GIP sta <GIPMSPRT Save it Mse1Ex lbra PROCENV4 PTRRES fcc 'PTRRES=' PTRRESEN fcb NUL MousChk2 ldb #PTRRESEN-PTRRES Check for mouse resolution leax <PTRRES,pc lbsr PROCLINE bne KybdChk1 No, try next leau PTRRESEN-PTRRES,u Point to after PTRRES= lda ,u Get parm suba #$30 ASC to bin cmpa #1 bhi Mse2Ex <>1 or 2 is illegal sta <GIPMSRES Save mouse res Mse2Ex lbra PROCENV4 REPSTR fcc 'REPSTR=' REPSTREN fcb NUL * Start delay table from CONTROL StrtTble fcb 0,45,30,20,10 KybdChk1 ldb #REPSTREN-REPSTR Check for keyboard repeat start leax <REPSTR,pc lbsr PROCLINE bne KybdChk2 No, try next leau REPSTREN-REPSTR,u Point to after REPSTR= lda ,u Get parm suba #$30 ASC to bin beq Key1Ex 0 not legal cmpa #5 bhi Key1Ex Above 5 ain't either (unlike manual's 3) leax <StrtTble,pc Point to table deca 0-4 ldb a,x Get speed setting stb <GIPKYST Save keyboard repeat start Key1Ex lbra PROCENV4 REPSPD fcc 'REPSPD=' REPSPDEN fcb NUL SpdTble fcb 24,12,6,3,2 KybdChk2 ldb #REPSPDEN-REPSPD Check for keyboard repeat speed leax <REPSPD,pc lbsr PROCLINE bne Key2Ex No, done processing current line leau REPSPDEN-REPSPD,u Point to after REPSPD= lda ,u Get parm suba #$30 ASC to bin beq Key2Ex 0 not legal cmpa #5 bhi Key2Ex Above 5 ain't either (unlike manual's 3) leax <SpdTble,pc Point to table deca 0-4 ldb a,x Get speed setting stb <GIPKYSPD Save keyboard repeat speed Key2Ex lbra PROCENV4 * Get file descriptor info GT.FDINF pshs d,X,Y,U ldx 12,S leax DIR.FD,X lda ,X+ ldb #1 tfr D,Y ldu ,X ldx 14,S lda 1,S ldb #SS.FDINF os9 I$GETSTT puls d,X,Y,U bra ISYSRET1 * Entry: 0-1,s = RTS address * 2-3,s = Path for window (only use 3,s) * 4-5,s = On/off flag (0=off, 1=on) (only use 5,s) PAUSECHO ldx #SSOPTBFR Point to window's SS.option buffer lda 3,S Get path clrb SS.OPT Getstat os9 I$GETSTT Get current window options bcs ISYSRET1 ldb 5,S Get on/off flag stb 4,X Set echo stb 7,X Set page pause clrb SS.OPT SetStat os9 I$SETSTT Set echo & pause options ISYSRET1 lbra SYSRET *Close box char, and CurXY to 8,0 CBOXICON fcb $C7,$02,$28,$20 *Text string to draw 80 column wide stripes for directory bar * We should make this box/line calls, as faster (possibly smaller?) STRIPBAR fcb $C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5 fcb $C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5 fcb $C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5 fcb $C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5 fcb $C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$C5,$00 WBOX.BAR leax <CBOXICON,PC Point to CLOSE box & CurXY 8,0 ldb #29 Default to close box & 25 "stripe" bar chars to write tst FLAG640W beq WRITEBX If 320 pixel screen, go write it ldd <WNDWPATH Save window path pshs d ldb #33 Do close box & 29 "stripe" bar chars bsr WRITEBX leas 2,S Eat temp window path ldb #36 Do 36 more "stripe" bar chars (65 total) leax <STRIPBAR,PC bra WRITEBX GOTOXY ldx #GFXBUF2 lda #2 ldb 5,S addb #SPACE std ,X ldb 7,S addb #SPACE stb 2,X ldb #3 GFXWR2 ldx #GFXBUF2 * Write text string * Entry: B =# chars to write * X =Ptr to text to write * 4-5,s=Path to write to (only 5 used) WRITEBX pshs Y clra tfr D,Y lda 5,S os9 I$WRITE puls Y bra ISYSRET1 CLRSCRN ldb #FF bra OUT1 RINGBELL ldb #BEL OUT1 stb GFXBUF2,Y ldb #1 bra GFXWR2 CURSORON ldb #$21 bra CURSRSET CURSROFF ldb #$20 CURSRSET lda #5 std GFXBUF2,Y ldb #2 bra GFXWR2 * Change gfx cursor to arrow CRSRAROW lda #GRP.PTR ldb #PTR.ARR bra GCSET.2 GCSETOFF clra clrb GCSET.2 std GFXBUF2+2,Y ldd #$1B39 std GFXBUF2,Y ldb #4 bra GFXWR2 * Entry for change EXEC dir CHGXDIR lda #EXEC. bra I.CHGDIR * Entry for change DATA dir CHGDDIR lda #READ. I.CHGDIR pshs A * SHOULD WE CHANGE TO JUST DROP SAMPLING RATE SO MOUSE CAN STILL MOVE? * Shut mouse off (note that keyboard mouse ignores this) lbsr NOMOUSE puls A ldx 2,S os9 I$CHGDIR pshs CC,B * Mouse back on lbsr MOUSENOW puls CC,B lbra SYSRET MOUSOFF clra clrb bra INITMOU1 * 0-1,s = Path to window to read mouse from * 2-3,s = Mouse sampling rate * 4-5,s = Mouse button timeout * 6-7 ,s= Auto follow mouse flag * Init mouse to INITMOUS ldd #3 INITMOU1 ldx #1 pshs X pshs d,X Save mouse sampling rate & mouse button timeout ldd 8,S pshs d Save path to window mouse is on * NOTE: ONLY CALLED ONCE...EMBED WITH RAW CALL! lbsr ST.MOUSE Set mouse parms leas 8,S Eat temp stack & return rts SETUPENV pshs U ldu #DRIVETBL stu <DRTBLPTR ldx #DRVNMTBL clra SETUPEN1 stx FL.FNAME,U ldb #IC.DRIVE stb FL.ICONO,U ldb #8 std FL.XSTRT,U ldb #32 std FL.XEND,U ldb <DRIVYPOS std FL.YSTRT,U addb #12 std FL.YEND,U addb #12 stb <DRIVYPOS leax 32,X leau FL.SIZE,U dec <DEVICNTR bne SETUPEN1 lbsr GET.ENV Read env.sys file puls U,PC ADDEVICE pshs U ldx <DRTBLPTR ldb <DEVICNTR cmpb #5 bge ADDEVIC1 pshs B inc DEVICNTR ldu 5,S pshs X,U bsr MOVDNAME puls X,U leau FL.SIZE,X stu <DRTBLPTR ldb ,S+ beq ADDEVIC1 leau 0-FL.SIZE,X stx FL.LINK,U ADDEVIC1 puls U,PC MOVDNAME ldx 2,S ldd FL.FNAME,X ldx 4,S pshs d,X lbsr STRCPY leas 4,S rts FIXDRTBL ldb <DEVICNTR beq FIXDRTB1 ldd <SELECTED beq FIXDRTBX pshs d lbsr UNSLICON leas 2,S FIXDRTBX ldx <DRTBLPTR clrd std <SELECTED std FL.LINK-FL.SIZE,X ldd <DEVICNOW beq FIXDRTB1 cmpx <DEVICNOW bhi FIXDRTB1 clrd std <DEVICNOW std <STRTICON lbsr ENFREFL1 lbsr ENBLSOFF lbsr CLRDSCRN FIXDRTB1 rts CHGDEVCS pshs U leas -38,S leax 6,S stx 4,S ldd #3 pshs d decb pshs d ldb #10 pshs d ldx #20 ldb #11 pshs d,X decb pshs d ldx #1 ldb <WNDWPATH+1 pshs d,X lbsr OWSET Overlay window ldd #WT.DBOX std 2,S lbsr ST.WNSET Double boxed window lbsr IOOPTSON leax <CHGDEVNM,PC stx ,S lbsr WRLNWCR leas 2+14,S ldu #DRIVETBL bra CHGDEVC2 CHGDEVC1 ldd FL.FNAME,U pshs d lbsr WRLNWCR leas 2,S ldu FL.LINK,U CHGDEVC2 stu -2,S bne CHGDEVC1 ldu <DRTBLPTR ldb <DEVICNTR bra CHGDEVC5 CHGDEVC3 ldd #32 pshs d ldx 6,S ldd WNDWPATH pshs d,X lbsr I.READLN leas 6,S std ,S ble CHGDEVC6 ldb [4,S] cmpb #'/ bne CHGDEVC6 ldd ,S decb addd 4,S tfr D,X clr ,X ldd 4,S pshs d pshs U lbsr MOVDNAME leas 4,S ldb 3,S beq CHGDEVC4 stu FL.LINK-FL.SIZE,U CHGDEVC4 clrd std FL.LINK,U leau FL.SIZE,U ldb 3,S incb CHGDEVC5 stb 3,S cmpb #5 blt CHGDEVC3 CHGDEVC6 lbsr KILLOLAY leas 38,S puls U,PC CHGDEVNM fcc "Change device names" fcb LF,NUL ENBLSOFF clrb Flag to disable menu items on FILES menu pshs d bsr ENBLOPEN Set OPEN item on FILES menu bsr ENLSTPRT Set LIST & PRINT items on FILES menu bsr ENBLCOPY Set COPY item on FILES menu bra ENBLSOFX ENFREFLD ldb 3,S * Enable/Disable FREE, FOLDER & SORT on DISK menu ENFREFL1 stb ITM.FREE+MI.ENBL stb ITM.FLDR+MI.ENBL stb ITM.SORT+MI.ENBL rts * Enable/Disable OPEN item on FILES menu ENBLOPEN ldb 3,S stb ITM.OPEN+MI.ENBL rts * Enable/Disable LIST & PRINT items on FILES menu ENLSTPRT ldb 3,S stb ITM.LIST+MI.ENBL stb ITM.PRNT+MI.ENBL rts * Enable/Disable COPY item on FILES menu ENBLCOPY ldd 2,S stb ITM.COPY+MI.ENBL pshs d bsr ENSTRNDL Deal with 3 other menu items ENBLSOFX leas 2,S rts * Enable/Disable STAT, RENAME & DELETE items on FILES menu ENSTRNDL ldb 3,S stb ITM.STAT+MI.ENBL stb ITM.RNAM+MI.ENBL stb ITM.DELT+MI.ENBL rts INITSCRN bsr FULLSCRN Change working area to everything but menu/scroll bars ldd WNDWPATH Get window path pshs d lbsr CLRSCRN Send $0c to clear screen leas 2,S Eat stack lbsr UPDTDEVC Update device list at left in window ONLY ldd DEVICNOW Get ptr to icon descriptor for current selected drive beq INITSCR1 No drive selected, return lbsr DRAWSCRN Disable OPEN,COPY,LIST,PRINT,STAT,RENAME,DELETE options INITSCR1 rts Wipe out icons, draw icons, etc., etc. * Changed from 22 to 23 for NitrOS9 FULLSCRN ldb #23 Save CWAREA height pshs d ldd WINDWSZX CWAREA width=full width-2 subb #2 pshs d Save it ldx #1 Save '1' pshs X ldb WNDWPATH+1 Get window path pshs d,X Save '1' again & path lbsr CWAREA Change working area leas 10,S rts * Draw border stuff for current dir, re-title dir bar WRITDBAR clrd pshs d ldx #39 39,0 for 1st coord (relative to window inside border) ldd WNDWPATH pshs d,X lbsr MOUSOFF Shut mouse off lbsr SETDPTR Set draw ptr ldb #183 Draw to 39,183 (for 200 line screen) std 4,S lbsr LINE ldb #8 Y coord=8 std 4,s lbsr SETDPTR Set draw ptr to 39,8 ldd PIXELSWD Get far right coord of current dir window std 2,s lbsr LINE Draw top line ldb WIPED icons ok already? lbeq WIPICEXT Yes, exit * From here on draws the dir bar, question mark, and current directory. * Should flag to NOT do this if still in same dir. ldd #FNT.G8X8 8x8 graphic font std 4,S ldb #GRP.FNT std 2,S lbsr FONT Set font to special GSHELL font set clrd std 4,S ldb #6 std 2,S lbsr GOTOXY Text cursor to 6,0 lbsr WBOX.BAR Draw dir entry close box, and bars all the way across ldb #FNT.S8X8 Select 8x8 text font std 4,S ldb #GRP.FNT std 2,S lbsr FONT ldb #5 Write out ' <?> ' for help box stb 5,S leax <QUERY,PC stx 2,S lbsr I.WRITE ldb #FNT.S6X8 6x8 text font std 4,S ldb #GRP.FNT std 2,S lbsr FONT Text cursor to 10,0 clrd std 4,S ldb #10 std 2,S lbsr GOTOXY ldx #DDIRNAME Print dir name (as far as can fit) stx 2,S pshs X lbsr STRLEN puls X cmpd #34 If 320 screen, we can fit up to 34 chars bls WRITDBA1 tst FLAG640W Check if 640 screen, in which case we can fit up to 87 chars beq WRITDB05 cmpd #87 bls WRITDBA1 subd #87 leax D,X ldd #87 bra WRITDB07 WRITDB05 subd #34 leax D,X ldd #34 WRITDB07 stx 2,S WRITDBA1 std 4,S lbsr I.WRITE Write out current directory name ldd #1 std 4,S leax <ONESPACE,PC Add one space stx 2,S lbsr I.WRITE WIPICEXT lbsr INITMOUS Re-init mouse leas 6,S Eat stack & return rts QUERY fcc " <?> " ONESPACE fcc " " * memory allocation ala K&R * functionally identical to the C stuff from MicroWare * but 75% as much code and faster * calloc split out to save size * Allocates memory in multiples of 256 bytes (pages) * Exit:D=-1 If could not get the memory requested MORECORE ldd 2,S get nu (Get # 4 byte units requested) addd #255 nu + NALLOC - 1 Round up to even 256 byte page clrb divided by NALLOC pshs D rnu = result Save # of 256 byte pages needed aslb * sizeof(HEADER) (Multiply by 4) rola aslb rola pshs D Save # lbsr SBRK Go allocate more data mem & clear it leas 2,S Eat temp puls U get rnu into U (U=# 256 byte pages requested) cmpd #-1 Did we get our requested data memory? beq ANRTS No, return with D=-1 exg D,U Swap # 256 byte pages & ptr to start of free data mem std 2,U Save # 256 byte pages at 2,<start of free data mem> leau 4,U up += 1 (Point to next entry after free data header)?? pshs U Save ptr bsr FREE leas 2,S waste up ldu ALLOCP,Y return allocp (never 0) ANRTS rts * Allocate memory within our data area MALLOC pshs D,U Preserve regs ldd 6,S Get # bytes to be allocated addd #3 nbytes + sizeof(HEADER) - 1 lsrd div by sizeof(HEADER) (4 bytes) lsrd incd result+1 std ,S nunits = result (units allocated seems to be 4 byte chunks) ldx ALLOCP,Y q = allocp (Get current value) bne MALLOC1 if not 0 (If not zero, it has been initialized) ldx #BASE q = &base (Initialize it to BASE) stx ALLOCP,Y allocp = q = &base stx BASE,Y base.ptr = .... = &base (BASE points to itself) clrd std BASE+2,Y base.size = 0 (it's size=0) MALLOC1 ldu ,X p = q->ptr (Get ptr to current allocp (last mem entry?) bra MALLOC3 MALLOC2 tfr U,X q = p ldu ,U p = p->ptr MALLOC3 ldd 2,U Get size of last block allocated cmpd ,S Compare with # 4 byte blocks requested blo MALLOC6 if (p->size >= nunits) bne MALLOC4 if (p->size == nunits) ldd ,U std ,X q->ptr = p->ptr bra MALLOC5 MALLOC4 ldd 2,U p->size -= nunits subd 0,S std 2,U aslb (char) p->size rola aslb rola leau D,U p += (char) p->size ldd ,S p->size = nunits std 2,U MALLOC5 stx ALLOCP,Y allocp = q leau 4,U p += 1 (header) tfr U,D set up for return bra MALLOC7 MALLOC6 cmpu ALLOCP,Y if (p == allocp) bne MALLOC2 lbsr MORECORE nunits above return addr (Get more data mem) bne MALLOC2 if (p = .... == 0) (Get mem failed?) clrd set up zero for return MALLOC7 leas 2,S puls U,PC * Entry: 0-1,s RTS address * 2-3,s Ptr of some sort (to data area after 4 byte header?) * D=# 256 byte pages requested * U=Ptr to header+4 FREE pshs D,U Save ??? ptr & #256 byte pages ldu 6,S Get ptr to data start of allocated chunk? leau -4,U p = ap - 1 (Point to star of chunk header?) ldx ALLOCP,Y q = allocp ??? bra FREE3 FREE1 cmpx ,X if (q >= q->ptr) blo FREE2 cmpu ,S && (p > q bhi FREE4 cmpu ,X || p < q->ptr) blo FREE4 break FREE2 ldx ,X q >= q->ptr FREE3 stx ,S q' = q Save ??? (chunk header?) cmpu ,S if (p > q) Is bls FREE1 cmpu ,X && (p < q->ptr) bhs FREE1 FREE4 pshs U stack p ldd 2,U t$1 = p->size aslb scale it rola aslb rola addd ,S++ t$1 = p + p->size cmpd ,X if (p + p->size == q->ptr) bne FREE5 pshs X save q ldx ,X q = q->ptr ldd 2,X t$1 = q->ptr->size puls X recover q addd 2,U t$1 = p->size + p->ptr->size std 2,U p->size = t$1 ldd [,X] t$1 = q->ptr->ptr bra FREE6 FREE5 ldd ,X t$1 = q->ptr FREE6 std ,U p->ptr = t$1 ldd 2,X t$1 = q->size aslb scale it rola aslb rola addd ,S t$1 = q + q->size *NOTE 6309:CMPR D,U pshs D cmpu ,S++ if (q + q->size == p) bne FREE7 ldd 2,X t$1 = q->size addd 2,U t$1 += p->size std 2,X q->size = t$1 ldd ,U t$1 = p->ptr std ,X q->ptr = t$1 bra FREE8 FREE7 stu ,X q->ptr = p FREE8 stx ALLOCP,Y allocp = q bra MALLOC7 NMLNKLOD pshs U leas -4,S leax ,S leau 2,S pshs X,U ldu 12,S ldd GD.MNAME,U pshs D bsr F.NMLINK std -2,S bne LINLOA1 bsr F.NMLOAD std -2,S bne LINLOA1 leas 6,S bra LINLOA3 LINLOA1 leas 6,S ldb 1,S andb #$F0 lsrb lsrb lsrb lsrb stb GD.MTYPE,U ldb 1,S andb #$0F stb GD.MLANG,U ldd GD.MEMSZ,U bne LINLOA3 ldd 2,S tstb beq LINLOA2 inca LINLOA2 tfr A,B clra std GD.MEMSZ,U ldb #1 LINLOA3 leas 4,S puls U,PC F.NMLOAD pshs X,Y ldx 6,S clra os9 F$NMLOAD bra F.NML1 F.NMLINK pshs X,Y ldx 6,S bsr SKPSLASH clra os9 F$NMLINK F.NML1 bcc F.NML2 puls X,Y stb ERRNO+1,Y clrd rts F.NML2 sty [10,S] tfr A,B clra std [8,S] ldb #1 puls X,Y,PC F.UNLOAD ldx 2,S bsr SKPSLASH clra os9 F$UNLOAD rts SKPSLASH pshs X lbsr STREND1 SKPSLAS1 cmpx ,S ble SKPSLAS2 ldb ,-X cmpb #'/ bne SKPSLAS1 leax 1,X stx ,S SKPSLAS2 puls X rts KILLPBUF clrb pshs D ldx PRCIDNUM ldd WNDWPATH pshs D,X lbsr KILBUF leas 6,S rts * NOTE: ONLY CALLED FROM * Wait for forked program to die (or wait for signal) * Entry: [,x] is a ptr to a 16 bit area to save the child's exit code * Exit: [,x] child's exit code * D=0 - if [,x] ptr was 0 * else D= Child's proces # F.WAIT clrd Wait for signal os9 F$WAIT bcs OS9ERR2 Error, save error code & return (no child process) ldx 2,S Get ptr to ??? beq F.WAITX If 0, exit with child ID process #=0 stb 1,X Save child's exit code in pointed to area clr ,X F.WAITX tfr A,B D=Deceased child process's ID # clra rts F.FORK pshs Y,U ldx 6,S ldy 8,S ldu 10,S lda 13,S ora 15,S ldb 17,S os9 F$FORK puls Y,U bcs OS9ERR2 tfr A,B clra rts * Raw read I.READ pshs Y Save Y ldx 6,S Get ptr to buffer to read into lda 5,S Get file path ldy 8,S Get size of read os9 I$READ Read data READ1 bcc WRITE10 cmpb #E$EOF EOF error? bne WRITERR No, report error clrd If EOF error, report 0 bytes read puls Y,PC * Read line: Exits with D=# bytes read I.READLN pshs Y lda 5,S ldx 6,S ldy 8,S os9 I$READLN bra READ1 I.WRITE pshs Y ldy 8,S beq WRITE10 lda 5,S ldx 6,S os9 I$WRITE WRITE1 bcc WRITE10 WRITERR puls Y OS9ERR2 lbra OS9ERR WRITE10 tfr Y,D puls Y,PC * Perform WritLn call * Entry: 0-1,s =RTS address * 2-3,s =Path to write to (use only B) * 4-5,s =Ptr to text to write * 6-7,s =Length to write I.WRITLN pshs Y ldy 8,S beq WRITE10 lda 5,S ldx 6,S os9 I$WRITLN bra WRITE1 I.DUP os9 I$DUP bra ERRTEST I.OPEN2 ldx 2,S lda 5,S I.OPEN os9 I$OPEN ERRTEST bcs OS9ERR2 tfr A,B clra rts I.CLOSE lda 3,S os9 I$CLOSE bra I.SYSRET I.MAKDIR ldx 2,S ldb 5,S os9 I$MAKDIR bra I.SYSRET I.DELETE ldx 2,S os9 I$DELETE I.SYSRET lbra SYSRET * Get String length - terminated by NUL (CHR$(0)) char * Entry: 0-1,s is RTS address * 2-3,s is the ptr to the string to check * Exit: X=Ptr to end of string (not including NUL) * D=Length of string STRLEN ldx 2,S Get ptr to string we are checking length of STRLEN1 ldb ,X+ Get char bne STRLEN1 Not end of string, keep checking leax -1,X Found it, point to last char tfr X,D subd 2,S D=length of string rts * Get string end - terminated by NUL char * Entry: [,s] is the ptr to the string to check * Exit: D=Ptr to end of string (not including NUL) STREND ldx 2,S STREND1 ldb ,X+ bne STREND1 leax -1,X tfr X,D rts STRCPY pshs X,U ldu 6,S STRCAT2 ldx 8,S STRCPY1 ldb ,X+ stb ,U+ bne STRCPY1 ldd 6,S puls X,U,PC STRCAT pshs X,U ldu 6,S STRCAT1 ldb ,U+ bne STRCAT1 leau -1,U bra STRCAT2 * Compare two strings * Exit: D=0 if they are the same * D=-1 if they are not the same STRCMP pshs X,U Save regs ldu 6,S Get ptr to 1st string beq STRCMP2 No string, exit with <> ldx 8,S Get ptr to 2nd string beq STRCMP2 No string, exit with <> STRCMP1 ldb ,U+ Get char from 1st string cmpb ,X+ Same as char from 2nd string? bne STRCMP2 No, exit with <> tstb Same, is it an end of string marker? bne STRCMP1 No, continue comparing clra Exit with '=' puls X,U,PC * Flag not equal strings STRCMP2 ldd #-1 puls X,U,PC * String compare with maximum length of strings * Exit: D=-1 if they are <> * D=0 if they are = STRNCMP pshs X,U ldu 6,S Get ptr to string 1 beq STRNCMP4 ldx 8,S Get ptr to string 2 beq STRNCMP4 lda 11,S Get maximum size to compare beq STRNCMP2 If 0, exit with = STRNCMP1 deca Done max length? blt STRNCMP3 Yes, process ldb ,U+ Get char cmpb ,X+ Same as in 2nd string? bne STRNCMP4 No, exit with <> tstb End of string early? bne STRNCMP1 No, continue comparing STRNCMP2 clrd Exit with = puls X,U,PC * If done up to max length, compare last chars of each string * NOTE: THIS LOOKS LIKE THE LDB/CMPB/BEQ IS USELESS??? SHOULD JUST EXIT * WITH D=0??? STRNCMP3 ldb ,-U If last 2 chars matched, exit with = cmpb ,-X beq STRNCMP2 STRNCMP4 ldd #-1 Exit with <> STRNCMPX puls X,U,PC STRHCPY pshs U ldu 4,S ldx 6,S STRHCPY1 ldb ,X+ stb ,U+ bgt STRHCPY1 andb #$7F stb -1,U clrb stb ,U ldd 4,S puls U,PC * Copy B bytes from X to Y * NOTE: CHANGE TO TFM! STRNCPY pshs X,U ldu 6,S ldx 8,S ldb 11,S STRNCPY1 lda ,X+ sta ,U+ decb bne STRNCPY1 puls X,U,PC * Allocate more memory from our remainding data memory, or get more data mem- * ory and allocate from that * Exit:D=-1 if could not get memory * or D=Ptr to start of free data memory SBRK ldd MEMEND,Y Get end of data memory ptr pshs D Save it ldd 4,S Get # bytes requested cmpd SPARE,Y Will that fit in what we have left right now? * following should be BLO bcs SBRK20 Yes, skip ahead addd MEMEND,Y Calculate what total data area size should now be bcs SBRK05 >64k, too big to fit in process space, exit with error pshs Y Preserve Y os9 F$MEM Attempt to change data area size to D bytes tfr Y,D Move new end of data mem address to D puls Y Restore Y bcc SBRK10 No error on F$MEM call, continue SBRK05 ldd #-1 Eat stack & exit with error flag set leas 2,S rts * Extra memory requested was succesful SBRK10 std MEMEND,Y Save new end of data mem ptr addd SPARE,Y Add to amount of free data mem before request came in subd ,S Subtract original end of data mem ptr std SPARE,Y Save new amount of spare data mem SBRK20 leas 2,S ldd SPARE,Y Get amount of spare data mem pshs D subd 4,S Subtract the amount of mem requested std SPARE,Y Save new amount of spare data mem ldd MEMEND,Y Get end of data mem ptr * NOTE 6309:SUBR, AND KEEP SIZE OF SPARE MEM. CHANGE LOOP BELOW TO TFM subd ,S++ Calculate start address of free data mem pshs D Save it clra Zero byte ldx ,S X=start of free data mem SBRK30 sta ,X+ Clear out all free data mem cmpx MEMEND,Y bcs SBRK30 puls D,PC Get ptr to start of data mem & return with it GT.READY lda 3,S ldb #SS.READY os9 I$GETSTT bcs OS9ERR3 clra rts * setup mouse parms - NOTE: should embed elsewhere - only called once. * In routine: 0-1,s = Preserved Y * 2-3,s = RTS address * 4-5,s = Path to window to read mouse from * 6-7,s = Mouse sampling rate * 8-9,s = Mouse button timeout * 10-11,s= Auto follow mouse flag ST.MOUSE pshs Y Preserve Y lda 7,S Get # clock ticks between mouse reads ldb 9,S Get mouse button timeout value tfr D,X clra Get auto-follow flag ldb 11,S tfr D,Y lda 5,S Get path for window mouse is on ldb #SS.MOUSE Setup mouse parms os9 I$SETSTT puls Y Restore Y & return bra SYSRET2 GT.MOUSE lda 3,S ldb #SS.MOUSE ldx 4,S pshs Y ldy #0 os9 I$GETSTT puls Y bra SYSRET2 ST.SSIG lda 3,S ldb #SS.SSIG ldx 4,S os9 I$SETSTT bra SYSRET2 ST.RELEA lda 3,S ldb #SS.RELEA os9 I$SETSTT SYSRET2 lbra SYSRET OS9ERR3 lbcs OS9ERR pshs A sex std [5,S] puls B clra rts * Get current screen size in 8x8 text chars * Entry: 0-1,s = RTS address * 2-3,s = 16 bit path # (only use 3,s) * 4-5,s = Ptr to where to store X size * 6-7,s = Ptr to where to store Y size GT.SCSIZ lda 3,S Get path to screen ldb #SS.SCSIZ pshs X,Y Preserve regs os9 I$GETSTT bcs SCSIZERR stx [8,S] Save X size (by pointer) sty [10,S] Save Y size (by pointer) clrd bra SCSIZEXT SCSIZERR ldy 2,S Get data area pointer back clra std ERRNO,Y Save error code ldd #-1 Flag error & return SCSIZEXT puls X,Y rts ST.SBAR lda 3,S ldb #SS.SBAR ldx 4,S pshs Y ldy 8,S os9 I$SETSTT puls Y bra SYSRET2 ST.MSSIG lda 3,S ldb #SS.MSSIG ldx 4,S os9 I$SETSTT bra SYSRET2 * Do WINDINT window style * Entry: 0-1,s =RTS address * 2-3,s =Window path (only use B) * 4-5,s =window type (WT.*) * 6-7,s =Ptr to window/menu data (for framed windows only) ST.WNSET lda 3,S Get path ldb #SS.WNSET pshs Y ldy 6,S Get window type ldx 8,S Get ptr for framed window data os9 I$SETSTT Convert current window puls Y bra SYSRET2 * Entry: all parms for DWSET are on stack, in order-but with 2 bytes/parm * whether it needs it or not! * 0-1,s: RTS address * 2-3,s: path # to window * 4-5,s: screen type * etc. for other DWSET parms DWSET ldd #$1B20 Device window Set bsr DW.OWSET Set up GFXBUF to contain full display code sequence for DWSET ldb #9 # of bytes to write in DWSET sequence tst 5,S Check low byte of window type (actual type) ble DOWSETX If current displayed or current processes screen, don't bother with border incb If positive, bump # bytes up to 10 (to cover border color) DOWSETX bra GFXWR3 Go write it out and return from there OWSET ldd #$1B22 bsr DW.OWSET ldb #9 bra DOWSETX DW.OWSET ldx #GFXBUF Place to put actual command bytes for DWSET std ,X++ Save command sequence lda 7,S Get screen type (low byte only) ldb 9,S std ,X++ Get start, end ,etc. parms & append them lda 11,S ldb 13,S std ,X++ lda 15,S ldb 17,S std ,X++ lda 19,S ldb 21,S Get border color (may not be used) std ,X rts DWEND ldd #$1B24 bra OUT2 OWEND ldd #$1B23 bra OUT2 SELECT ldd #$1B21 OUT2 std GFXBUF,Y ldb #2 bra GFXWR3 CWAREA ldd #$1B25 ldx #GFXBUF std ,X++ lda 5,S ldb 7,S std ,X++ lda 9,S ldb 11,S std ,X ldb #6 bra GFXWR3 GCSET ldd #$1B39 bra OUT4 FONT ldd #$1B3A bra OUT4 KILBUF ldd #$1B2A OUT4 ldx #GFXBUF std ,X++ lda 5,S ldb 7,S std ,X ldb #4 GFXWR3 lbra GFXWR SCALESW ldb #$35 bra OUT3 DWPROTSW ldb #$36 bra OUT3 FCOLOR ldb #$32 bra OUT3 LSET ldb #$2F OUT3 lda #$1B std GFXBUF,Y ldb 5,S stb GFXBUF+2,Y ldb #3 bra GFXWR3 LINE ldb #$44 bra OUT6 LINEM ldb #$46 bra OUT6 RLINE ldb #$45 bra OUT6 BOX ldb #$48 bra OUT6 RBOX ldb #$49 bra OUT6 SETDPTR ldb #$40 OUT6 lda #$1B ldx #GFXBUF std ,X++ ldd 4,S std ,X++ ldd 6,S std ,X ldb #6 bra GFXWR PUTBLK ldx #GFXBUF ldd #$1B2D std ,X++ lda 5,S ldb 7,S std ,X++ ldd 8,S std ,X++ ldd 10,S std ,X ldb #8 bra GFXWR FFILL ldd #$1B4F std GFXBUF,Y ldb #2 bra GFXWR GPLOAD ldx #GFXBUF ldd #$1B2B std ,X++ lda 5,S ldb 7,S std ,X++ lda 9,S sta ,X+ ldd 10,S std ,X++ ldd 12,S std ,X++ ldd 14,S std ,X ldd 2,S pshs D ldb #11 bsr GFXWR leas 2,S ldx 16,S pshs Y ldy 16,S lda 5,S os9 I$WRITE bcs GFXERR puls Y,PC * Entry:B= # bytes to write GFXWR clra D=B ldx #GFXBUF Point to buffer that holds graphics commands to execute pshs Y tfr D,Y Length of command sequence to write lda 5,S Get path # to write to os9 I$WRITE Send gfx command puls Y bcs GFXERR clra clrb rts GFXERR clra std ERRNO,Y ldd #-1 rts * Convert ASCII # to 16 bit signed integer * NOTE:WILL DO WEIRD THINGS IF RESULT IS >65535 (WRAPS AT 16 BIT) * Works by saving neg/pos flag, and then going from left to right, multiplying * cumulative result by 10 each time a new digit is found, until non-digit * found. Also eats leading spaces & tabs. * Entry: ptr to ASCII buffer on stack * Exit: D=signed 16 bit value ATOI pshs U Preserve U ldu 4,S Get ptr to text to convert clrd Clear carry, and default # to 0 pshs CC,d,dp CC=storage for current ASC char, dp=sign, D=current result ATOI1 ldb ,U+ Get 1st ascii character stb ,S Save it cmpb #SPACE Is it a space? beq ATOI1 Yes, skip that char cmpb #HT Is it a TAB char? beq ATOI1 Yes, skip that char cmpb #'- Is it a negative sign? bne ATOI2 No, process character ldb #1 Flag that we are working with a negative # bra ATOI3 ATOI2 clrb Flag that it is a positive # ATOI3 stb 3,S Save positive/negative flag ldb ,S Get char again cmpb #'- Was it a negative sign? beq ATOI5 Yes, go onto next character cmpb #'+ Was it a plus sign? bne ATOI6 No, go check if it was a numeric char bra ATOI5 +, skip to next char * CHANGE MAIN LOOP TO PRE SUBTRACT #$30 INSTEAD OF CMP 1ST WHEN CHECKING * RANGE (?) ATOI4 ldd 1,S Get current result (so far) muld #10 Bump up by one order of magnitude (Since on next digit) ldb ,S Get original numeric char sex make 16 bit (note: still ascii version!) addr w,d Add to current base digit value (1,10,100,1000,10000) std 1,S Save current result ATOI5 ldb ,U+ Get next char from ASCII buffer ATOI6 subb #$30 Convert to binary stb ,S Save it blt ATOI65 Below '0', stop conversion cmpb #9 Above '9'? bls ATOI4 No, numeric, go process cmpb #'0 Below a numeric char? blo ATOI65 Yes, skip ahead cmpb #'9 Above a numeric char? bls ATOI4 No, a numeric, go process * Non numeric char stops conversion ATOI65 ldd 1,S Get current result tst 3,S Was there a negative sign? beq ATOI8 No, done negd ATOI8 leas 4,S Eat temp vars puls U,PC Restore U & exit CCMOD leax <CCDIV,PC stx HANDLER,Y clr NSIGN,Y tst 2,S bpl CCMOD1 inc NSIGN,Y CCMOD1 subd #0 bne CCMOD2 puls X ldd ,S++ jmp ,X CCMOD2 ldx 2,S pshs X jsr [HANDLER,Y] ldd ,S std 2,S tfr X,D tst NSIGN,Y beq CCMODX negd CCMODX std ,S++ rts DIVIDE.0 puls D std ,S ldd #45 bra RPTERR CCDIV subd #0 beq DIVIDE.0 pshs D leas -2,S clr ,S clr 1,S tsta bpl CCDIV1 negd inc 1,S std 2,S CCDIV1 ldd 6,S bpl CCDIV2 negd com 1,S std 6,S CCDIV2 lda #1 CCDIV3 inca asl 3,S rol 2,S bpl CCDIV3 sta ,S ldd 6,S clr 6,S clr 7,S CCDIV4 subd 2,S bcc CCDIV5 addd 2,S andcc #^Carry bra CCDIV6 CCDIV5 orcc #Carry CCDIV6 rol 7,S rol 6,S lsr 2,S ror 3,S dec ,S bne CCDIV4 std 2,S tst 1,S beq CCDIV7 ldd 6,S negd std 6,S CCDIV7 ldx 4,S ldd 6,S std 4,S stx 6,S ldx 2,S ldd 4,S leas 6,S rts CCASR tstb beq CCSEXIT CCASR1 asr 2,S ror 3,S decb bne CCASR1 CCSEXIT ldd 2,S pshs D ldd 2,S std 4,S ldd ,S leas 4,S rts RPTERR std ERRNO,Y pshs B,Y os9 F$ID puls B,Y os9 F$SEND rts * Save error # & set flag OS9ERR clra std ERRNO,Y ldd #-1 rts SYSRET bcs OS9ERR clrd rts EXIT F.EXIT ldd 2,S os9 F$EXIT * Quick hack to copy new 4 color icon stuff into buffer used by GPLOAD routine * Entry: X=Source buffer of icon * B=# bytes to copy CopyIcon pshs u ldu #ICONBUFR Point to icon build buffer CpyIc lda ,x+ sta ,u+ decb bne CpyIc puls u,pc * Reset fore/back colors for Menu bar updates MenuClr pshs d,x,y leax <MenuColr,pc bra WritColr * Reset fore/back colors for non-Menu bar updates RegClr pshs d,x,y leax <RegColr,pc WritColr ldy #6 lda <WNDWPATH+1 Get window path os9 I$Write puls d,x,y,pc MenuColr fcb $1b,$32,2,$1b,$33,0 RegColr fcb $1b,$32,0,$1b,$33,2 * New 4 color disk drive icon 24x12 driveicn fcb 255,255,255,255,255,253 fcb 234,170,170,170,170,169 fcb 234,170,170,170,170,169 fcb 234,170,170,170,170,169 fcb 234,170,85,85,170,169 fcb 233,85,64,1,85,233 fcb 235,255,234,171,255,233 fcb 234,170,255,255,170,169 fcb 234,170,170,170,175,233 fcb 229,106,170,170,173,105 fcb 234,170,170,170,170,169 fcb 213,85,85,85,85,85 * New trash can icon 24x24 trashicn fcb 170,170,170,170,170,170 fcb 170,128,0,0,170,170 fcb 160,5,85,155,2,170 fcb 129,17,86,102,188,170 fcb 4,85,89,154,239,42 fcb 1,17,102,167,188,42 fcb 32,5,89,159,2,42 fcb 42,128,0,0,170,42 fcb 42,170,170,170,170,42 fcb 40,10,170,168,10,42 fcb 35,210,128,163,210,42 fcb 35,146,61,35,146,42 fcb 35,146,57,35,146,42 fcb 35,146,57,35,146,42 fcb 35,146,57,35,146,42 fcb 35,146,57,35,146,42 fcb 35,146,57,35,146,42 fcb 35,146,57,35,146,42 fcb 35,146,57,35,146,42 fcb 35,146,57,35,146,42 fcb 40,10,57,40,10,22 fcb 130,170,128,170,160,85 fcb 168,10,170,168,5,85 fcb 170,160,0,1,85,86 * New 4 color EXECUTABLE icon 24x24 execicon fcb 255,255,255,255,255,253 fcb 228,169,21,100,74,165 fcb 228,169,20,161,10,165 fcb 213,85,85,85,85,85 fcb 253,170,170,170,170,253 fcb 233,145,170,18,170,201 fcb 233,132,170,70,170,193 fcb 233,145,170,18,170,213 fcb 233,170,170,170,170,233 fcb 233,148,106,20,170,253 fcb 233,145,106,80,170,233 fcb 233,170,170,170,170,213 fcb 233,170,170,170,170,233 fcb 233,157,234,170,170,233 fcb 233,180,106,170,170,233 fcb 233,131,106,170,170,233 fcb 233,170,170,170,170,213 fcb 233,129,42,170,170,193 fcb 233,132,42,170,170,209 fcb 213,170,170,170,170,213 fcb 255,255,255,255,255,253 fcb 193,174,106,170,170,65 fcb 225,174,106,170,170,73 fcb 85,85,85,85,85,85 * New 4 color Folder icon 24x24 foldricn fcb 170,130,170,170,170,170 fcb 170,60,10,170,170,170 fcb 170,55,240,170,170,170 fcb 1,225,124,170,170,170 fcb 60,42,168,10,170,170 fcb 63,192,171,240,42,170 fcb 62,191,2,175,192,170 fcb 58,170,252,10,191,2 fcb 58,170,171,240,42,252 fcb 58,170,170,175,194,160 fcb 58,170,170,170,146,164 fcb 58,170,170,170,145,148 fcb 58,170,170,170,146,100 fcb 58,170,170,170,145,148 fcb 58,170,170,170,146,82 fcb 58,170,170,170,164,146 fcb 58,170,170,170,164,82 fcb 21,170,170,170,164,146 fcb 128,86,170,170,164,82 fcb 170,1,90,170,164,10 fcb 170,168,5,106,165,10 fcb 170,170,160,21,153,10 fcb 170,170,170,128,85,10 fcb 170,170,170,170,0,10 * Text Icon 24x24 txticon fcb 0,0,0,0,0,10 fcb 63,255,255,253,85,70 fcb 61,183,229,253,154,134 fcb 61,119,109,125,230,134 fcb 63,255,255,253,249,134 fcb 63,255,255,253,190,70 fcb 61,191,246,253,85,70 fcb 62,223,155,191,255,198 fcb 63,255,255,255,255,198 fcb 63,255,255,255,255,198 fcb 62,109,253,215,251,198 fcb 63,126,122,219,185,198 fcb 63,255,255,255,255,198 fcb 63,255,255,255,255,198 fcb 62,254,254,255,251,198 fcb 62,125,110,125,249,198 fcb 63,255,255,255,255,198 fcb 63,255,255,255,255,198 fcb 62,189,127,231,151,198 fcb 62,255,175,223,251,198 fcb 63,255,255,255,255,198 fcb 0,0,0,0,0,6 fcb 149,85,85,85,85,86 fcb 170,170,170,170,170,170 * NEW - printer icon (24x15) prntricn fcb 170,168,0,2,170,170 fcb 170,168,255,200,170,170 fcb 170,168,195,205,42,170 fcb 170,168,255,192,42,170 fcb 170,168,192,255,42,170 fcb 170,168,255,195,42,170 fcb 170,128,192,255,2,170 fcb 170,136,255,255,34,170 fcb 170,0,0,0,0,170 fcb 168,166,102,102,106,42 fcb 168,170,170,170,130,42 fcb 168,170,170,170,170,42 fcb 168,0,0,0,0,42 fcb 170,38,102,102,104,170 fcb 170,128,0,0,2,170 ETEXT fdb INTCOUNT-DPAGDATA DPAGDATA fcb $FF WIPED On initialization, we have to refresh DIR screen fdb 6 DEFWTYPE fdb 64 ICONCOLW fdb 15 STRTYPOS fdb 135 ICONYMAX fdb 40 ICONROWH fdb 25 WNDWSZY fdb PTBLSPTR PTBLNEXT fdb FNAMBUFR FNAMEPTR fdb CALCDESC IDSCSPTR fdb ENDLINK IDSCNEXT fcb 5 DEVICNTR fcb 2 DRIVYPOS Was 18 (making room for printer) * End of Direct Page Variables. INTCOUNT fdb DTXCOUNT-INITDATA * TNDYITMS INITDATA fcc "Calc" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "Clock" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "Calendar" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "Control" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "Printer" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "Port" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "Help" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "Shell" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * MAY WANT TO ADD BACK IN IF WE START USING CLIPBOARD FUNCTIONS * FCC "Clipboard" * FCB NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL * FCB 0,0,0,0 * FCB 0,0 * DISKITMS * ITM.FREE fcc "Free" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 0,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * ITM.FLDR fcc "New Folder" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 0,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * ITM.FMAT fcc "Format" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "Backup" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "Set Execute" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "Set Devices" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * ITM.OPEN fcc "Open" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 0,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * ITM.LIST fcc "List" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 0,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * ITM.COPY fcc "Copy" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 0,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * ITM.STAT fcc "Stat" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 0,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * ITM.PRNT fcc "Print" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL fcb 0,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * ITM.RENAM fcc "Rename" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL fcb 0,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * ITM.DELT fcc "Delete" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL fcb 0,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * ITM.SORT fcc "Sort" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 0,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "Quit" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * VIEWITEMS * ITM.LRES fcc "40x25-4" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "80x25-4 (FAT)" fcb NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "40x25-16" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 1,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * KDMITMS fcc "<KDM&LCB>" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 0,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 fcc "V#1.26" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb 0,0,0,0 fcb 0,0 * TNDYDESC fcc "Tandy" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL fcb MID.TDY fcb 8,8,1 fdb $0000 fdb TNDYITMS * FILSDESC fcc "Files" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL fcb MID.FIL fcb 6,9,1 fdb $0000 fdb FILSITMS * DISKDESC fcc "Disk" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL,NUL fcb MID.DSK fcb 12,6,1 fdb $0000 fdb DISKITMS * VIEWDESC fcc "View" fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb NUL,NUL,NUL fcb MID.VEW fcb 13,3,1 fdb $0000 fdb VIEWITMS * KDMDESC fcc "About.." fcb NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL,NUL fcb MID.KDM fcb 9,2,1 fdb $0000 fdb KDMITMS * SHELLNAM fcc "shell" fcb NUL * LISTNAM fcc "list" fcb NUL * GCALCNAM fcc "gcalc" fcb NUL * GCLOCKNM fcc "gclock" fcb NUL * GCALNAM fcc "gcal" fcb NUL * CONTROLNM fcc "control" fcb NUL * GPRINTNM fcc "gprint" fcb NUL * GPORTNAM fcc "gport" fcb NUL * HELPNAM fcc "help" fcb NUL * COCPRNM fcc "cocopr" fcb NUL * SCRLPTRS table of pointers was here * DBOXDESC fdb 48,0,56,8 fcb IC.CLOSE fcb 0 fdb DBARDESC fdb $0000 * DBARDESC fdb 58,0,600,8 fcb IC.DRBAR fcb 0 fdb QURYDESC fdb $0000 * QURYDESC fdb 600,0,623,8 fcb IC.QUERY fcb 0 fdb $0000,$0000 * TRSHDESC - moved down to make room for printer fdb 8,160,32,184 Was 8,144,32,168 fcb IC.TRASH fcb 0 fdb $0000,$0000 * PRTRDESC - NEW fdb 8,133,32,148 fcb IC.PRNTR fcb 0 fdb $0000,$0000 * CALCDESC fdb IC.GCALC fdb 6,20,12,1 fdb 0,0 fdb GCALCNAM fdb $0000,$0000 fdb CLOKDESC * CLOKDESC fdb IC.GCLOK fdb 6,20,10,1 fdb 0,0 fdb GCLOCKNM fdb $0000,$0000 fdb CALDESC * CALDESC fdb IC.GCAL fdb 6,40,25,1 fdb 0,0 fdb GCALNAM fdb $0000,$0000 fdb SHELDESC * SHELDESC fdb IC.SHELL fdb 6,10,5,1 fdb 0,0 fdb SHELLNAM fdb $0000,$0000 * ENDLINK fdb $0000 * NXTICONO fdb IC.XTRNL * PRESSMSG fcc "Press any key" fcb NUL * NEWNMSG fcc "New name: " fcb NUL * SLASHW fcc "/w" fcb NUL * ALLOCP fcb 0,0,0 DTXCOUNT emod MODSIZE equ * end ELSE * 6809 version ENDC