view 3rdparty/drivers/burke/hdcmd.src @ 1652:558cab468052

RG fixed a bug in the Vavasour emulator clock2 module. clock2 is now of type Sbrtn instead of Systm. clock.asm has been modified to link to this type.
author boisy
date Sat, 17 Jul 2004 12:20:31 +0000
parents c10820aa211b
line wrap: on
line source

***                                     ***
***     HDCMD.SRC                       ***
***                                     ***
***     COPYRIGHT BURKE & BURKE 1987    ***
***     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED             ***
***                                     ***
***     COPYRIGHT BURKE & BURKE 1992    ***
***     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED             ***
***                                     ***

*   This is the routine that executes controller commands, and
*   its support routines.
*   Modification History
*   --------------------
*   Date        Who     Description
*   --------    ---     ------------------------------------
*   12/20/87    CJB     Modified GetDat and PutDat to call
*                        SNOOZE routine if not ready for data.
*                        This causes the driver to sleep 
*                        during disk seeks.
*                       Modified s25flg stuff for generic
*                        32x4x?? drives.
*   02/07/88    CJB     Added CMEXIN to process special drive
*                        parameters during formatting
*   04/17/88    cjb     Added WaitIdl, which waits for controller
*                        ready to receive a command.
*                       Added call to Snooze in WaitIdl.
*   04/21/88    cjb     Added code to OR RetryEn into step rate
*                        byte.  This allows retries to be disabled
*                        by RetryEn = $80.
*   05/18/88    cjb     Checked all paths for proper handling of
*                        premature command termination
*   06/12/88    cjb     Added WaitId2 to assure sleep for at least
*                        one tick.
*                       Fixed DrvCmd to check for WX$XIN opcode
*                        if formatting enabled.
*   07/01/88    cjb     Fixed bug in CMESTS -- changed "<" to ">"
*   10/10/88    cjb     Modified to save error track if format enabled
*   02/01/89    cjb     Fixed bug in error routine -- now dumps
*                        cache on any uncorrectable error
*                       Fixed bug in error routine to save
*                        error track # correctly
*   05/05/90    cjb     Added kludge for ST11R in WAIRDY
*                       Added support for drives in multiple slots
*   04/15/92    cjb     Fixed bug in location of DBLRDD - caused
*                       driver to hang up on an error message.
*                       Lenghtened a bit for speed, and to allow
*                       easy 6309E overlays.

*   Byte saver.
*   Call here to send command in Reg-A to drive in Reg-B,
*   with 0's as the rest of the command.  
*   Note that this command sets the step rate to 3 ms!
DrvCmd  pshs    y,x,a           ;Save registers same as CmExec
        sts     AbtStk,U        ;Save stack pointer for error recovery

*   Enter here to send WX$STS -- stack etc. already set up

DrvCm2  bsr     WAIRDY          ;Wait for ready for command -- preserves B
        lda     ,S              ; recover reg-A

    ifne    fmtflg
        bsr     ChkCmd          ; translate cmd. if necessary

    ifne    (Drives-1)          ;If multiple drives,
        andb    #$01            ; 2 drives per controller, different slots
        aslb                    ;convert drive # to controller's format
        clrb                    ;drive # is always 0

        bsr     PutCm2          ;Send command & drive #

*  Send the rest of the command as 0's (including step rate . . . 3ms)
*  Note that RetryEn is ignored here.

        bsr     PutCm2
        bsr     PutCm2          ;Send 4 zeros for rest of command

*  Pass control to dispatch routine, and wait for end when done

        bra     CmDisp

*   Put Reg-D to controller as command bytes
*   Assumes AbtStk is valid.
    ifne    icdflg              ;If ignoring C/D status bit

PutCm2  lbra    PutDt2


PutCm2  bsr     PutCmd
        tfr     B,A             ;Fall through to PutCm2


*   Wait for controller to indicate it is ready to receive
*   a command byte, then send it from Reg-A.
*   Assumes AbtStk,U has been set to the error recovery
*   stack pointer.
*   If the command aborts, the stack is cleaned and control
*   passed to CmdDun.
    ifne    icdflg              ;If ignoring C/D status bit

PutCmd  lbra    PutDat


PutCmd  pshs    A

PCM0    bsr     ChkAbt              ;Get status, check for abort
        cmpa    #%00001101          ;Check for command request
         bne    PCM0

*  Ready.  Put the data

        puls    A
        sta     >HDDATA


*   Get status of hard disk controller, and abort command in
*   progress if controller says so.
*   Assumes AbtStk,U has been set to the error recovery
*   stack pointer.
*   If the command aborts, the stack is cleaned and control
*   passed to CmdDun.
ChkAbt  lda     >HDSTAT
        cmpa    >HDSTAT             ;Data must be stable
         bne    ChkAbt

        anda    #%00001111
        cmpa    #%00001111          ;Check for abort
         bne    CKA9

*  Well, the command is complete.  This normally means it
*  aborted.  Pass control to CmdDun

        lds     AbtStk,U            ;Clean stack
        bra     CmdDun

*  Not done yet.  Return current status to caller

CKA9    rts

    ifne    fmtflg          ;If formatting allowed,
*   Convert command op-code before transmission to controller
*   if necessary.
*   The special initialization code WX$XIN is not a real controller
*   op-code.
ChkCmd  cmpa    #WX$XIN         ;Check for bogus INITIALIZE PARAMETERS
         bne    CCM9
        lda     #WX$INI         ; convert to real INITIALIZE PARAMETERS
CCM9    rts

*   Wait for controller ready to receive a command, then
*   get its attention.  Blows away Reg-A.  
*   Does not time out.
WAIRDY  bsr     WaitIdl         ;Wait for controller idle
        clr     >HDATTN         ;Get attention of controller

*   Wait for controller ready to receive a command

WaitIdl lda     >HDSTAT
*        anda    #%00001111
        anda    #%00001001      ;Special mask works for ST11R, too
        cmpa    #%00000000      ; (all bits must be clear if ready)
         beq    WaitId9

*   Enter here to sleep for at least one tick.
*   Waste time while waiting for HD.

WaitId2 lbsr    Snooze          ;Give up slot, sleep.
        bra     WaitIdl

WaitId9 rts

*   Command execution module for CoCo XT.
*   Enter with:
*   Command op-code in Reg-A
*   Buffer pointer in Reg-X (points to buffer for data part of cmd)
*   Command image set up at IMAGE,U
*   Reg-Y points to real or bogus path descriptor (for drive # and
*   step rate).
*   Slot 3 is assumed to be selected, with interrupts disabled.
*   Exits w/ carry clear if success, otherwise carry set and
*   error code in Reg-B.
CMEXEC  pshs    y,x,a           ;Save caller's registers
        sts     AbtStk,U        ;Save stack pointer for error recovery

*   Wait for drive ready to accept a command

        bsr     WaiRdy

*   Point to the command block

        leax    IMAGE,U

*   Issue the command . . . op-code 1st
*   PutCmd and PutCm2 will automatically abort the command
*   if the controller indicates that this is necessary.

        lda     0,S             ;Recover command op-code

    ifne    fmtflg
        bsr     ChkCmd          ;Translate command op-code if needed

CMX1    bsr     PutCmd

        ldd     ,X++            ; (send head & sector)
        bsr     PutCm2

        ldd     ,X++            ; (send cylinder & block count)
        bsr     PutCm2

        lda     PD.STP,Y        ; (send step rate)
        ora     RetryEn,U       ; (and send retry flag)
        bsr     PutCmd

*   Now dispatch the command based on it's op-code.  If a command
*   isn't explicitly checked for in this loop, it is assumed that
*   the command has no data arguments and is now executing.

CmDisp  equ     *

*   Command in progress.  Dispatch to service routine.
*   Note that the service routine must check for premature
*   command termination via CHKABT.

        ldx     1,S             ;Recover possible data pointer
        lda     0,S             ;Recover op-code

        cmpa    #WX$RDD         ;READ SECTOR
         beq    CMERDD

        cmpa    #WX$WRT         ;WRITE SECTOR
         beq    CMEWRT

        cmpa    #WX$INI         ;SET DRIVE PARAMETERS
         lbeq   CMEINI

    ifne    fmtflg
        cmpa    #WX$WBF         ;WRITE SECTOR BUFFER (for format)
         lbeq   CMEWBF

        cmpa    #WX$XIN         ;Bogus SET DRIVE PARAMETERS
         lbeq   CMEXIN

        cmpa    #WX$STS         ;DETAILED STATUS REQUEST
         lbeq   CMESTS

*   Wait for end of command execution.  Then get completion status
*   byte and decode any errors encountered.

WaiEnd  bsr     ewait           ;Wait for command done

*   Get completion status byte
*   Stack pointer and ABTSTK,U match

CmdDun  clrb                    ;Clear carry, assume no error

        lda     >HDDATA
        bita    #%00000010
         beq    NoErr

*   Error bit is set -- note this could still be a "null" error
*   or a correctable error, so we have to get the status packet.

        lda     0,S             ;Check op-code
        cmpa    #WX$STS         ;Was it an error status request?
         bne    GetErr

*   Unknown error, or error while trying to determine error.

NotRdy  comb
        ldb     #E$Read         ;Report it as a "read" error

*   Generic exit

NoErr   equ     *
CMEXIT  puls    a,x,y,pc

*   Issue command to read error from controller.  This command
*   will return the error code in Reg-B w/ carry set.

GetErr  lda     #WX$STS         ;Recurse to get detailed status (implicit bfr)

    ifne    Drives-1            ;If more than 1 drive,
        ldb     PD.DRV,Y

        lds     AbtStk,U        ;Recover stack pointer
        sta     0,S             ;Put command on stack
        lbra    DrvCm2          ;Go try again.

*   Wait for command to terminate

ewait   lda     >HDSTAT
        anda    #%00000111      ;NOTE:  IGNORE BUSY BIT
        cmpa    #%00000111      ; (all bits set for command completion byte)
         beq    ewx

*  Not done.  Sleep for the rest of this tick, then try again.

        lbsr    Snooze          ;Give up slot, sleep, get back slot
        bra     ewait

*   Exit

ewx     rts

*   Handle tail end of sector read.
*   Get the data to the caller's buffer.
CMERDD  lda     secnum,u
        bita    #1
         bne    CMRODD

*  Read even logical sector on track -- 1st half of physical sector
*  Save 2nd half if necessary.

        bsr keep256

    ifne    cchflg          ;If read cache supported,

        tst BFRFLG,U
         beq CMRE1

*  Copy 2nd half of sector to verify buffer (possible cache)
        leax    vrfbuf,U
        bsr     keep256
        bra     WaiEnd


*  Discard 2nd half of sector
CMRE1   bsr     dump256
        bra     WAIEND

*  Read odd logical sector on track -- 2nd half of physical sector
*  Throw away the 1st half
CMRODD  bsr     dump256
        bsr     keep256
        bra     WAIEND

*   Handle tail end of sector write.
*   Get the data from the caller's buffer.
CMEWRT  lda     secnum,u
        bita    #1
         bne    CMWODD

*  Write even lsn on track -- uses 1st half, get 2nd half from verify bfr
        bsr     writ256
        bsr     copy256
        bra     WAIEND

*  Write odd lsn on track -- uses 2nd half, get 1st half from verify bfr
CMWODD  bsr     copy256
        bsr     writ256
        bra     WAIEND

    ifne    fmtflg          ;If hard formatting enabled,

*  Process command to fill sector buffer with (A).
*  This is only used at the beginning of a FORMAT command.
CMEWBF  ldd     #$E600      ; ($00 -> 256 iterations)
        bsr     CMF0
        bsr     CMF0        ; Reg-B is still 0 from previous iteration
        lbra    WAIEND

CMF0    bsr     PutDat      ;Fill 256 bytes of sector buffer with (A)
        bne     CMF0



*  Copy 256 bytes from sector buffer to (X)

    ifne    fstflg              ;If fast transfers,

Keep256 bsr     GetDat          ;Full handshake on 1st byte
        sta     ,X+
    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD9
        bsr     GetDat          ;Get 2nd (quick move goes in pairs)
        sta     ,X+
        ldb     #$7F            ;pair count
        pshs    B

RDD1    lda     >HDDATA         ;Read the rest of the block w/o handshake
        ldb     >HDDATA
        std     ,X++
        dec     ,S
         bne    RDD1

    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD8

        puls    A,PC            ;Flush counter

    else                        ;If slow transfers,

Keep256 clrb                    ;Copy 256 bytes
    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD9

RDD1    bsr     GetDat          ;Full handshake on every byte
        sta     ,X+
         bne    RDD1

    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD8



*  Copy 256 bytes from sector buffer to bit bucket

    ifne    fstflg              ;If fast transfers,

Dump256 bsr     GetDat          ;Full handshake on 1st byte
    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD9
        bsr     GetDat          ;Quick dump goes in pairs
        ldb     #$7F

RDD2    lda     >HDDATA         ;Read the rest of the block w/o handshake
        lda     >HDDATA
         bne    RDD2

    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD8

    else                        ;If slow transfers,

Dump256  clrb                   ;Copy 256 bytes
    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD9

RDD2    bsr     GetDat          ;Full handshake on every byte
         bne    RDD2

    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD8


*   Wait for controller to indicate it is ready to transmit
*   a data byte, then get it to Reg-A.
*   Assumes AbtStk,U has been set to the error recovery
*   stack pointer.
*   If the command aborts, the stack is cleaned and control
*   passed to CmdDun.
GetDat  equ     *

GDT0    lbsr    ChkAbt              ;Get status, check for abort
    ifne    icdflg                  ;If ignoring C/D bit,
        anda    #%00001011
        cmpa    #%00001011          ;Check for data request
         beq    GDT1                ; (branch if request present)

*   New -- sleep if controller not ready (D.DMAReq only)

        lbsr    Snooze
        bra     GDT0

*  Ready.  Get the data

GDT1    lda     >HDDATA

*  Copy 256 bytes from (X) to sector buffer

    ifne    fstflg              ;If fast transfers,

Writ256 ldd     ,X++
        bsr     PutDt2          ;Full handshake on 1st byte pair
    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD9
        ldb     #$7F
        pshs    B

WRT1    ldd     ,X++
        sta     >HDDATA         ;Write the rest of the block w/o handshake
        stb     >HDDATA
        dec     ,S
         bne    WRT1

    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD8
        puls    A,PC            ;clean up counter

    else                        ;If slow transfers,

Writ256  clrb                    ;Copy 256 bytes
    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD9

WRT1    lda     ,X+
        bsr     PutDat          ;Full handshake on every byte
         bne    WRT1

    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD8


*  Copy 256 bytes from verify buffer to sector buffer

copy256 pshs    X

        leax    vrfbuf,u        ;Get verify buffer pointer
        bsr     writ256

        puls    X,PC

*   Put Reg-D to controller as data bytes
*   Assumes AbtStk is valid.
PutDt2  bsr     PutDat
        tfr     B,A             ;Fall through to PutCm2

*   Wait for controller to indicate it is ready to receive
*   a data byte, then send it from Reg-A.
*   Assumes AbtStk,U has been set to the error recovery
*   stack pointer.
*   If the command aborts, the stack is cleaned and control
*   passed to CmdDun.
PutDat  pshs    A

PDT0    lbsr    ChkAbt              ;Get status, check for abort
    ifne    icdflg                  ;If ignoring C/D bit,
        anda    #%00001011
        cmpa    #%00001001          ;Check for data request
         beq    PDT1                ; (branch if request present)

*   New -- sleep if controller not ready (D.DMAReq only)

        lbsr    Snooze
        bra     PDT0

*  Ready.  Put the data

PDT1    puls    A
        sta     >HDDATA

*   Process detailed status request command.
*   This routine performs the status request, then
*   translates the controller's error code and returns
*   it as the error status of the operation w/ C-bit set.
*   "Null" and correctable errors do not cause C-bit set.
CMESTS  equ     *

*  Recover error status from controller

        bsr     GetDat      ;Read result of last disk command
        pshs    a           ; (save)

    ifne    FMTFLG
        bsr     GetDat      ; (dump head #)
        bsr     GetDat      ;Get shifted cyl # MS byte
        tfr     A,B
        bsr     GetDat      ;Get shifted cyl # LS byte
        exg     A,B
        std     ERRHCYL,U   ;Save cylinder # of error for FORMAT
        bsr     DBLRDD      ;Dump last 3 response bytes
        bsr     GetDat      ; (dump last response byte)

        lbsr    ewait       ; Wait for command complete
        lda     >HDDATA     ;  and dump completion byte

        puls    a           ; (recover error code)

*  Look up error code in Reg-A -> Reg-B

        anda    #$3F        ;Keep only error bits
         beq    NULERR

        cmpa    #WE$CER     ;Correctable error
         bne    EL0

*   Special processing for correctable errors.
*   If formatting (RetryEn,U != 0), report these

        tst     RetryEn,U       ;If retries disabled, error out.
         beq    NULERR          ; (retries enabled -- ignore error)

EL0     equ     *

    ifne    cchflg          ;If read cache supported,
        clr     BFRFLG,U        ;Dump cache on any error
    ifne    errflg      ;If good error messages enabled,

        leax    ERRTBL,PCR     ;Point to lookup table

*  Search error list.  Error code is in Reg-A

EL1     tst     ,X
         bmi    XXXERR
        cmpa    ,X++
         bne    EL1

*  Found error code
        comb                ;Set carry
        ldb     -1,X            ;Fetch error code
        bra     XCMXIT


*  Didn't find error code.  Note that errors that translate
*  to E$Read are not in the table -- we just let them default
*  to here.

XXXERR  comb
        ldb     #E$Read
        bra     XCMXIT          ;Return status to caller

NULERR  clrb                    ;Force carry clear
XCMXIT  lbra    CMEXIT          ;Return status to caller

*  Byte saver

DBLRDD  lbsr    GetDat          ;Read 1 byte
        lbra    GetDat

    ifne    fmtflg      ;If formatting allowed,
*   Process special drive parameters command.
*   This command sends the legal track count rather
*   than the park track count.
CMEXIN  ldd     PD.CYL,Y        ;get track count
        bra     CMIN01

*   Process command to send drive parameters to controller.
*   Assumes Reg-Y points to real or bogus *PATH* descriptor.
*   This routine fetches the drive parameters from the descriptor,
*   and sends them to the controller.
CMEINI  equ     *

*   Send # of cylinders.  We send the park track, since it
*   is the largest track # that will be used.

    ifne    (Drives-1)      ;if 2 drives,
     ifne   trsflg          ; if optimized for 32 SPT, 4 heads,
        bsr     GtPkLSN         ;Get park LSN to B:X
        pshs    X,B
        ldd     ,S
        addd    ,S
        leas    3,S             ;Convert to track by dividing by 128
        bsr     GtPkLSN         ;Get park LSN to B:X
        lbsr    LSNDIV
        tfr     X,D             ;Calculate track and get to D
    else                    ;if 1 drive,
     ifne   trsflg          ; if optimized for 32 SPT, 4 heads,
        ldd     PRKLSN,U
        addd    PRKLSN,U        ;park track = park LSN/128
        ldb     (PRKLSN+0),U
        ldx     (PRKLSN+1),U    ;get park LSN
        lbsr    LSNDIV
        tfr     X,D             ;Calculate track and get to D

*   Enter here w/ track count in Reg-D

CMIN01  addd    #1              ; (advance track count by 1)
        bsr     PutDt2          ;Send last legal track to controller

*  Send # of heads

        lda     PD.SID,Y
        bsr     PutDat

*  Send (bogus) reduced write current cylinder

        ldd     PD.CYL,Y
        lbsr    PutDt2

*  Send write pre-comp cylinder (DD had wpc/4)

    ifne    (Drives-1)         ;if 2 drives,
        pshs    Y
        ldb     PD.DRV,Y        ;Get drive #
        lbsr    GOBPtr          ;Get option pointer for this drive
        ldb     (PCCYL-OBSTART),Y
        puls    Y
        ldb     PCCYL,U         ;Get precomp cylinder / 4
        lda     #4
        mul                     ;Convert to real cyl # in D
        lbsr    PutDt2

*   Send maximum error correction burst length (WD recommends 4)

        lda     #4
        lbsr    PutDat

*   Wait for end of command, etc.

        lbra    WaiEnd

    ifne    (Drives-1)
*   Utility to get park lsn to B:X for systems with 2 drives.
GtPkLSN pshs    Y
        ldb     PD.DRV,Y        ;Get drive #
        lbsr    GOBPtr          ;Get option pointer for this drive
        ldb     (PRKLSN+0-OBSTART),Y
        ldx     (PRKLSN+1-OBSTART),Y
        puls    Y,PC

    ifne    errflg      ;If good errors enabled,
*   Table of error code followed by OS9 error code
*   This translation is somewhat arbitrary.
*   Remember, E$Read errors are not in the table.

ERRTBL  fcb     WE$NSC,E$Seek,WE$WRF,E$Write,WE$NRD,E$NotRdy,WE$NT0,E$Seek
        fcb     WE$DSS,E$Seek,WE$SIK,E$Seek,WE$BTK,E$Read,WE$CMD,E$Unit
        fcb     WE$ISA,E$Sect
        fcb     -1


*   End of hdcmd.src