view defs/pipedefs @ 1652:558cab468052

RG fixed a bug in the Vavasour emulator clock2 module. clock2 is now of type Sbrtn instead of Systm. clock.asm has been modified to link to this type.
author boisy
date Sat, 17 Jul 2004 12:20:31 +0000 (2004-07-17)
parents 8d4b5ee1cee4
children e396d4f24b27
line wrap: on
line source
         IFNE  PIPEDEFS-1

PIPEDEFS set   1

* PipeDefs - Pipe File Manager Definitions
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          1988/12/03  Chris J. Burke
* Coded from new PIPEMAN comments.

         nam   PipeDefs
         ttl   Pipe File Manager Definitions

*   IOMan equates duplicated for PipeMan use

NPATHS   set   16         ;Maximum local paths per task -- must match IOMan
NameMax  set   29         ;Maximum length of a file name

*   Device Driver Static Storage Layout
         org   V.User
V.List   rmb   2          ;Pointer to 1st pipe's pipe buffer
PManMem  equ   .          ;Device driver memory (drive table equivalent)

*   Pipe Buffer Data Structure
         org   0
PP.PD    rmb   2          ;Pointer to shared path descriptor
PP.Next  rmb   2          ;Pointer to next pipe buffer in system map
PP.Prev  rmb   2          ;Pointer to previous pipe buffer in system map
PP.Rsrv  rmb   2          ;Reserved
PP.Data  equ   .          ;Data buffer begins at this offset

*   Unique Path Descriptor Variables
         org   PD.FST
*** PP.Read must have bit 4 clear; PP.Writ must be PP.Read XOR 4
PD.Read  equ   .
PD.RPID  rmb   1          ;Process ID of reader waiting on signal
PD.RCT   rmb   1          ;Number of blocked readers
PD.RSIG  rmb   1          ;Signal to send reader
PD.REOR  rmb   1          ;Read EOR character
PD.Writ  equ   .
PD.WPID  rmb   1          ;Process ID of writer waiting on signal
PD.WCT   rmb   1          ;Number of blocked writers
PD.WSIG  rmb   1          ;Signal to send writer
PD.WEOR  rmb   1          ;Write EOR character (dummy)
*** End of special section
PD.End   rmb   2          ;Pointer to end of pipe buffer
PD.NxtI  rmb   2          ;Next in pointer
PD.NxtO  rmb   2          ;Next out pointer
PD.RFlg  rmb   1          ;"Ready" flag
PD.Wrtn  rmb   1          ;"Written" flag
PD.BCnt  rmb   2          ;# queue elements currently bufered
PD.Own   rmb   1          ;Process ID of pipe original creator
PD.Keep  rmb   1          ;Non-zero if pipe has been kept open artificailly
PD.QSiz  rmb   2          ;Max. elements in queue (copied from OPT section)

*   Path descriptor option section
*   Note that PD.Name overlaps with the last byte of PD.ECnt.
*   PD.ECnt is copied to PD.QSiz as part of OPEN or CREATE,
*   to make room for the pipe name.
         org   (PD.OPT+1)
PD.ESiz  rmb   1          ;Size of each queue element
PD.ECnt  rmb   2          ;Max. elements in queue (initial position)
         IFGT  Level-1
         org   (PD.OPT+3)
PD.Name  rmb   NameMax

*   Device Descriptor definitions
IT.PDC   equ   $12        ;Pipe device class (like IT.DTP, IT.DVC)
         org   IT.PDC
         rmb   1          ;Leave room for device class
IT.ESiz  rmb   1          ;Size of each queue element
IT.ECnt  rmb   2          ;Max. elements in queue (initial position)

*   End of pipedefs
