view 3rdparty/packages/pacos9/ @ 2945:582b5b7232c0

pacos9: Rename assembler files to .as and port makefile to lwtools And build pacos9 by default again. Nowadays .a files are library archive files. According to rules.mak, as. files are to be built as object files for later linking with lwlink, similar to old RMA/RLINK.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 08 Feb 2014 01:03:26 +0100
parents 3rdparty/packages/pacos9/check90.a@f351932fa6cd
children 06508da42c98
line wrap: on
line source

         NAM   Check
         TTL   Routines to check & react to status

*     Program segment to be compiled using Level II RMA
*          This is not a mainline program segment
*                 Written by Larry Olson

*         use   /dd/defs/os9defs.a

STACK    EQU   100

         PSECT Check,0,0,2,STACK,CHECKS


*     Lcoal Variables

         RMB   STACK


PALST1:  fcb   $1b,$31,3,18
         fcb   $1b,$31,4,36
         fcb   $1b,$31,5,63
         fcb   $1b,$31,6,25

PALST2:  fcb   $1b,$31,3,53
         fcb   $1b,$31,4,53
         fcb   $1b,$31,5,53
         fcb   $1b,$31,6,53

CHECKS:  lda   HITFLG     Check hit flag
         lbeq  CHKGH      If 0 the continue
         lbpl  KILPAC     Pacman is hit, so kill him

*    Kill ghost routine
*    Make noise
         ldd   #1550      Set starting frequency
         std   SNDPR2     Save it in variable
KLOOP    ldx   #$3201     Set amplitude & duration
         ldd   SNDPR2
         addd  #250
         cmpd  #4050      Are we done yet?
         beq   KILGHT
         std   SNDPR2     Save new value
         tfr   D,Y        Put value in Y reg.
         lbsr  SND        Go make noise
         bra   KLOOP

KILGHT   leax  G1OFST,U   Point to ghost tables
         lda   GHTHIT     Get # of ghost destroyed
         leax  A,X        Move to that ghosts table
         stx   XSAVE      Save ghost table pointer
         ldb   #-3
         stb   10,X       Set status -3(killed)
*    Erase ghost
         ldd   2,X        Get ghost scrn X location
         std   PGXLOC     Give it to PUTGHT
         ldd   4,X        Get ghost scrn Y location
         std   PGYLOC     Give it to PUTGHT
         lda   #1
         sta   PGBFN      Set buff# to blank ghost
         lbsr  PUTGHT     Go erase ghost
*    Reset ghost table
         lda   GHTHIT     Get ghost counter
         leay  GHTABL,U   Point to backup tables
         leay  A,Y        Use current ghost data
         ldx   XSAVE      Restore X reg.
         ldb   #20        Transfer 20 bytes
RSLOOP   lda   ,Y+        Get a byte
         sta   ,X+        Transfer it
         decb             Decrement counter
         bne   RSLOOP     Loop till 20 are done
*    Reset palette for ghost
         ldx   XSAVE      Point X reg. to ghost table
         ldd   18,X       Get palette number & color
         std   PALBT1+2   Put them in string
         leax  PALBT1,U   Point to bytes to output
         ldy   #4         Output 4 bytes
         lbsr  OUTSTR     Go output them
*    Draw ghost in cage
         ldx   XSAVE      Point X reg. to ghost table
         ldd   2,X        Get ghost scrn X location
         std   PGXLOC     Put it in PUTGHT string
         ldd   4,X        Get ghost scrn Y location
         std   PGYLOC     Put it in PUTGHT string
         lda   11,X       Get ghost buffer number
         sta   PGBFN      Put it in PUTGHT string
         lbsr  PUTGHT     Go put buffer to screen
*    Reset hit flag
         clr   HITFLG     Reset hit flag
*    Add points to score
         lda   #50        50 points for ghost
         sta   POINTS+2
         lbsr  ADDUP      Go add to score
         lbra  MAIN1      Return to main

KILPAC:  ldx   #$3209     Set amplitude & duration
         ldy   #2000      Set frequency
         lbsr  SND        Go make sound
         ldd   PXNEW      Get pacman scrn X location
         std   PXLOC      Give it to PUTBLK
         ldd   PYNEW      Get pacman scrn Y location
         std   PYLOC      Give it to PUTBLK
         lda   #59        Starting buffer -1
         sta   PBFN       Give it to PUTBLK
         ldd   #4050      Set frequency
         std   SNDPR1
HLOOP    inc   PBFN       Increment buffer number
         lbsr  PUTBLK     Put object on screen
         ldx   #$3205     Set amplitude & duration
         ldd   SNDPR1     Get frequency
         subd  #150       Subtract 150 from it
         std   SNDPR1     Put it back
         tfr   D,Y        Also put it in Y reg.
         lbsr  SND        Go make sound
         lda   PBFN       Check buffer number
         cmpa  #67        Are we done ?
         bne   HLOOP      If not, then keep looking
         lda   #37        37 = Blank pacman
         sta   PBFN       Give it to PUTBLK
         lbsr  PUTBLK     Put it on screen

*    Go to delete pacman routines in MAIN

         lbra  DELPAC     Go delete pacman

*    Check if current ghost can be moved, if so then move it
*     Two ghost moves will be made for each pacman move
*      so the ghosts will be half as slow as pacman.
*    If we made 4 ghost moves for each pacman move then the
*     ghosts would move at the same speed as pacman.

CHKGH    lda   POWFLG     Check power pill flag
         lbeq  MOVGH
         deca             Decrement flag (counter)
         sta   POWFLG     Put it back
         lbeq  PALRST     If 0 then reset palettes
TIMCHK   cmpa  #25        Are we close to zero?
         lbhi  MOVGH      If not, go move ghost
         leax  PALST1,pcr  Point to palette reset string
         ldy   #16        Output 16 bytes
         lbsr  OUTSTR     Go output code bytes

         stb   STRLGH     Set string length to 0
         leax  STRING,U   Point to where string goes
         leay  G1OFST,U   Move to top of ghost tables
         lda   10,Y       Get status for #1 ghost
         cmpa  #2         Is ghost chasing ?
         bne   PLCHG2     If so then branch
         ldd   #$1b31     
         std   ,X++       PUT 2 bytes in string 
         ldd   #$043d
         std   ,X++       Put 2 bytes in string
         inc   STRLGH     Increment counter
PLCHG2   lda   30,Y       Get status for ghost #2
         cmpa  #2         Is ghost chasing ?
         bne   PLCHG3     If so then branch
         ldd   #$1b31
         std   ,X++       Put 2 bytes in string
         ldd   #$063d
         std   ,X++       Put 2 bytes in string
         inc   STRLGH     Increment counter
PLCHG3   lda   50,Y       Get status for ghost #3
         cmpa  #2         Is ghost chasing ?
         bne   PLCHG4     If so then branch
         ldd   #$1b31
         std   ,X++       Put 2 bytes in string
         ldd   #$053d
         std   ,X++       Put 2 bytes in string
         inc   STRLGH     Increment counter
PLCHG4   lda   70,Y       Get status for ghost #4
         cmpa  #2         Is it chasing ?
         bne   PLTEST     If so then branch
         ldd   #$1b31
         std   ,X++       Put 2 bytes in string
         ldd   #$033d
         std   ,X         Put 2 bytes in string
         inc   STRLGH     Increment counter
PLTEST   ldb   STRLGH     Get counter value
         beq   PLDONE     If 0 then we're done
         lda   #4         Set multiplier
         mul              Mul. 4 x STRLGH
         tfr   D,Y        Put result in Y reg.
         leax  STRING,U   Point to start of string
         lbsr  OUTSTR     Go output string

PALRST   leax  PALST1,pcr  Point to palette reset bytes
         ldy   #16        Output 16 bytes
         lbsr  OUTSTR     Go output bytes
*    Now reset ghosts status from running to chasing
         leax  G1OFST,U
         ldb   #1
         lda   10,X
         cmpa  #2         Is ghost running?
         bne   STRST2
         stb   10,X       Set to chasing
STRST2   lda   30,X
         cmpa  #2         Is ghost running?
         bne   STRST3
         stb   30,X       Set to chasing
STRST3   lda   50,X
         cmpa  #2         Is ghost running?
         bne   STRST4
         stb   50,X       Set to chasing
STRST4   lda   70,X
         cmpa  #2         Is ghost running?
         bne   MOVGH
         stb   70,X       Set to chasing

*    Make 3 ghost moves for each pacman move
*    This means that the 4 ghosts will be a
*    little slower on the screen than pacman

MOVGH    lbsr  GHCHCK     Go check for ghost move
         lbsr  GHCHCK     Do it again

*    Bonus Routines
BONUS    lda   BONFLG     Check bonus flag
         beq   PUTBON     Go put bonus on screen
         dec   BONTIM     Decrement bonus timer
         bne   MOVGH2
*    Erase bonus from screen
ERSBON   ldd   #310
         std   PXLOC
         ldd   #95
         std   PYLOC
         lda   #69
         sta   PBFN
         lbsr  PUTBLK     Go erase bonus
         leax  ARRAY,U
         ldd   #1966
         leax  D,X
         clr   ,X         Erase bonus from array
         clr   BONFLG     Reset bonus flag
         lda   #150
         sta   BONTIM     Reset bonus timer
         bra   LEAVE

*    Put bonus on screen
PUTBON   lda   BONCNT     Check counter
         cmpa  #10        Has player got 10 yet ?
         beq   MOVGH2     If so, then no more
         dec   BONTIM     Decrement timer
         bne   MOVGH2
         lbsr  RANDNM     Go pick random number
         cmpa  #200
         bhi   LEAVE
         lda   BONBUF     Get bonus buffer #
         cmpa  #73
         bne   PUTBN2
         lda   #70
         sta   PBFN
         ldd   #310
         std   PXLOC
         ldd   #95
         std   PYLOC
         lbsr  PUTBLK     Put bonus on screen
         leax  ARRAY,U
         ldd   #1966
         leax  D,X
         lda   #6
         sta   ,X         Put bonus in array
         lda   #50
         sta   BONTIM     Set bonus timer
         inc   BONFLG     Set bonus flag
         bra   LEAVE

*  If power pill flag is set then slow ghosts down

MOVGH2   lbsr  GHCHCK     One more time
*         tst   POWFLG
*         bne   LEAVE
*         lbsr  GHCHCK     One more time

*    Go return to main loop

LEAVE    lbra  MAIN1      Return to MAIN loop
