view 3rdparty/drivers/burke/hdutil3.src @ 2444:597d98fc261e

RFM: never say die
author aaronwolfe
date Fri, 26 Feb 2010 05:24:46 +0000
parents c10820aa211b
line wrap: on
line source

*   Date        Who     Description
*   --------    ---     ---------------------------------
*   08-14-87    CJB     Added modification history.
*                       Added assembly switch for controller
*                        in slot 1.
*   10-26-87    CJB     Added conditional assembly to leave
*                       interrupts enabled if IRQFLG zero.
*   11-20-87    CJB     Fixed IRQ DISABLE bug (uses switch IRQFLG)
*                       Added work-around for F$SLEEP bug (GRFDRV ONLY)
*   12-20-87    CJB     Added routine to sleep or delay while waiting
*                       for disk seeks (SNOOZE)
*   01/28/88    CJB     Added improved slot switching and slot
*                       independence.  Slot # in PD.DNS
*   02/08/88    CJB     Added SAVSLT for improved read cache performance
*   05/18/88    cjb     Added CLR V.WAKE,U in SLOT4 routine
*   07/14/91    cjb     Rev. 2.5 added support for fast recalibration

*   Select HD controller slot SPARESEL in multi-Pak.
*   Enter w/ Reg-U -> static storage,
*   Reg-Y -> path descriptor
*   The active ROM/CART slot is preserved.
*   This routine is normally called with interrupts enabled.
*   It disables them if IRQFLG is 1, for use on L1, V1
*   systems.
*   Note that this routine does *NOT* set the DMA semaphore.
*   This is only done once, at the very beginning of each command.
SLOT3   equ     *

    ifeq    IRQFLG              ;If level 2, or version 2 of level 1
        pshs    CC              ;Save entry CC

        orcc    #$50        ;No interrupts during MPAK update

        bsr     SavSlt          ;Save old slot #, get to A
        anda    #%11110000
        ora     PD.DNS,Y        ;Use device's slot #
        sta     >MPAK

    ifeq    IRQFLG              ;If level 2, or version 2 of level 1
        puls    CC,PC           ; restore entry CC
        rts                     ; exit with interrupts disabled

*   Utility to save old slot
*   Preserves B:X

SavSlt  lda     >MPAK
        sta     OldSlt,U

*   Restore original slot SPARESEL in multi-PAK.
*   Enter w/ Reg-U -> static storage
*   This routine preserves carry and B, since it is called
*   before returning an error code.
*   The active ROM slot and CART interrupt is also preserved.
*   This routine is always called with interrupts disabled.
*   (or with interrupts enabled and SLOT4 selected already)
*   It always enables interrupts.
*   Note that this routine does *NOT* clear the DMA semaphore
*   unless entered at Release.  This is only done once, at 
*   the very end of each command.
Release orcc    #$50            ;Force no interrupts during updates

        lda     #0              ;preserve carry
*        sta     >D.DMAReq       ;clear "DMA in use" semaphore
        sta     >DMASEM         ;Zero OS9 level-dependent semaphore

SLOT4   orcc    #$50            ;Force no interrupts during update

        lda     OLDSLT,U        ;Recover old slot
        sta     >MPAK
        lda     #0              ;Preserve carry
        sta     V.WAKE,U        ;Free anyone waiting on us.

        andcc   #$AF            ;Enable interrupts

*   Wait for end of other processes disk I/O.  This is
*   indicated by semaphore $6A = 0.  Grab semaphore
*   as soon as it frees up.
*   Assumes slot 3 is selected at entry, and interrupts
*   are enabled.
*   Always exits with slot 3 selected and interrupts disabled.
Semfor  pshs    U,X,Y,B,A,CC

*  Wait for semaphore loop . . .
Sem0    orcc    #$50            ;No interrupts!

        tst     >DMASEM         ;Check OS9 level-dependent semaphore
*        tst     >D.DMAReq       ;Check semaphore
         bne    W6.SLP

*  Semaphore is free.  Grab it.

        dec     >DMASEM         ;Grab OS9 level-dependent semaphore
*        dec     >D.DMAReq       ;Grab semaphore!
        puls    CC,A,B,Y,X,U    ;restore interrupts, etc
        bra     Slot3           ; and select hard disk controller

*   Routine to waste time during disk seeks, etc.
*   On systems that support D.DMAReq, we set the slot to 4 and
*   give up the processor.  Otherwise, we return immediately.
Snooze  pshs    U,Y,X,D

    ifeq    IRQFLG              ;If D.DMAReq,
        bsr     TikNap          ; surrender slot and processor
        bsr     Slot3           ; map controller in again

        puls    D,X,Y,U,PC

*  Semaphore is busy.  Sleep a bit.
W6.SLP  bsr     TikNap          ;Surrender the processor
        bra     Sem0

*   Force slot 4, enable interrupts,
*   Sleep for the rest of this tick.
TikNap  pshs    X               ;Save entry X
        bsr     Slot4           ;Select slot 4, enable interrupts

    ifne    (XLEVEL-1)      ;If Level 2,
        ldx     <D.SYSPRC
        cmpx    <DPROC
         beq    TikXit          ;WORKAROUND -- IF LOADING GRFDRV, NO SLEEP!

        ldx     #1
        OS9     F$Sleep         ;Give up the rest of this tick

TikXit  puls    X,PC

*  Perform a SEEK command
SEEK    lda     #WX$SIK    ;Construct "SEEK" command
        lbsr    CmExec

*  Seek to track 0
SEEKT0  tst     PD.STP,Y
         bpl    ST0A

*   Here for drives that don't need recalibration
*   Just return immediately.


*   Here for drives that need it

ST0A    lda     #WX$TK0      ;Create "RECALIBRATE" command
        lbsr    CmExec
         bcs ST0XIT

    ifne    (Drives-1)
        ldx     actdrv,u   ;Clear track number in active drive table
        clr     V.TRAK,x
        clr     V.TRAK+1,x
        clr     DRVTBL+V.TRAK,U
        clr     DRVTBL+V.TRAK+1,U

ST0XIT  rts

*   end of hdutil3.src