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view 3rdparty/packages/pacos9/score90.a @ 2444:597d98fc261e
RFM: never say die
author | aaronwolfe |
date | Fri, 26 Feb 2010 05:24:46 +0000 |
parents | f351932fa6cd |
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NAM Score TTL Routines to handle high score recording * Program segment to be compiled using Level II RMA * This is not a mainline program segment * Written by Larry Olson IFP1 * use /dd/defs/os9defs.a ENDc STACK EQU 100 PSECT SCORE,0,0,2,STACK,SBEGIN VSECT * Local Variables FPATH: rmb 1 File path number FSCORE: rmb 126 Names & scores put here PNAME: rmb 15 Players name NAMLGH rmb 2 Number of characters in name ENTCNT rmb 1 Entry counter ENTPNT rmb 2 Pointer to start of entry COUNT rmb 1 SAVEX rmb 2 CURPOS rmb 3 rmb STACK ENDSECT FILLST: fcc '/dd/sys/pac_scores' WRTNBY fcb 2,37,33,87,114,105,116,116 fcb 101,110,32,66,121,$1b,$32,1,2 fcb 35,36,76,97,114,114,121,32 fcb 69,46,32,79,108,115,111,110 LDGSCR fcb 2,33,34,76,111,97,100,105,110 fcb 103,32,72,105,103,104,32,83 fcb 99,111,114,101,115 ENTNAM fcb $1b,$32,1,$1b,$33,0,$0c,2,33,33 fcb 80,76,69,65,83,69,32 fcb 69,78,84,69,82,32,89,79 fcb 85,82,32,78,65,77,69,32 ARROW fcb $1b,$32,2,2,34,35,45,45,62 fcb 32,$1b,$32,3,95,2,38,35 QUESTN fcb $1b,$32,9,2,32,35,32,73,115,32 fcb 78,97,109,101,32,67,111,114,114 fcb 101,99,116,32,40,89,47,78,41,32,63 fcb 2,55,35 CONGRT fcb 2,37,33,$1b,$32,2,67,79,78 fcb 71,82,65,84,85,76,65,84,73 fcb 79,78,83,$1b,$32,4,2,38,35 NOTFND fcb $0c,$1b,$32,4,2,37,32,83,99,111 fcb 114,101,32,70,105,108,101,$1b,$32 fcb 2,2,34,34,47,100,100,47,115,121 fcb 115,47,112,97,99,95,115,99,111 fcb 114,101,115,$1b,$32,4,2,38,36 fcb 78,79,84,32,70,79,85,78,68 CREATE fcb 2,38,36,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32 fcb 32,2,37,36,67,114,101,97,116 fcb 105,110,103,32,73,116 CHGWK1 fcb $1b,$25,0,0,40,24 fcb $1b,$33,7 CHGWK2 fcb $1b,$25,8,9,22,7,2,32,32 CRLF fcb $0d,$0a CLRSCN fcb $0c CURXY1 fcb 2,32,32 CURXY2 fcb $0c,2,38,33,$1b,$32,4 CLNORM fcb $1b,$32,2,$1b,$33,0 CLINVT fcb $1b,$32,4,$1b,$33,0 CLNRM2 fcb $1b,$32,2,$1b,$33,0 SBEGIN: leax SCRBOX,pcr ldy #39 lbsr OUTST2 leax WRTNBY,pcr ldy #33 lbsr OUTST2 ldx #200 lbsr WAIT leax CLRSCN,pcr ldy #1 lbsr OUTST2 leax LDGSCR,pcr ldy #22 lbsr OUTST2 ldx #75 lbsr WAIT OPENFL lda #1 Set for read leax FILLST,pcr Point to pathlist os9 I$Open Open file lbcs OPNERR Go handle any errors sta FPATH,U READFL leax FSCORE,U Point to data storage area ldy #126 Read entire file (126 bytes) os9 I$Read Go do read lbcs REDERR Go handle any errors * Close file lda FPATH,U os9 I$Close lbcs ERR1 leax CLRSCN,pcr ldy #1 lbsr OUTST2 lbsr PRFIL2 Print score data leax CHGWK1,pcr Reset screen 0,0,40,24 ldy #9 lbsr OUTST2 rts SCEND: lda #0 sta ENTCNT,U lda #2 sta CURPOS,U lda #32 sta CURPOS+1,U lbsr SCRCMP Compare players score lda ENTCNT,U cmpa #-1 beq SCRTN OPNFL2 lda #2 Set to write leax FILLST,pcr os9 I$Open lbcs ERR1 sta FPATH,U WRITFL leax FSCORE,U ldy #126 os9 I$Write lbcs ERR1 lda FPATH,U os9 I$Close lbcs ERR1 ldx #100 lbsr WAIT SCRTN rts * File data has been put in memory * now print it on screen * This is used for path2 PRFIL2 leax CLNRM2,pcr ldy #6 lbsr OUTST2 leax CURXY1,pcr ldy #3 lbsr OUTST2 leax FSCORE,U leax -21,X ldb #7 pshs B,X PLOOP2 puls B,X decb beq PDONE2 leax 21,X pshs B,X ldy #21 lbsr OUTST2 leax CRLF,pcr ldy #2 lbsr OUTST2 bra PLOOP2 PDONE2 rts SCRCMP lda #0 Set entry count to zero ldb #0 sta ENTCNT,U Save it std ENTPNT,U Set entry pointer leay FSCORE,U Point to start of data SCLOOP leay 15,Y Move to first score leax SCRASC-1,U Point to players score -1 ldb #7 Set byte counter SCLOP2 decb Decrement counter beq NEXTCK If =, go get next score lda ,Y+ Get hi-score byte leax 1,X Bump player score pointer cmpa ,X Compare them beq SCLOP2 If =, go check next byte blo MOVE If <, insert players name NEXTCK lda ENTCNT,U Get entry counter inca Bump it cmpa #6 Done 6 yet ? bne NEXT Score not higher, Print old data lda #-1 sta ENTCNT,U bra PRFILE NEXT sta ENTCNT,U Save count leay FSCORE,U ldb #21 mul leay D,Y std ENTPNT,U bra SCLOOP * This routine is used to insert the * player's score into the hi-scores * Move name & score data down to allow player's * name & score to be inserted. This will remove * the last item from the list MOVE lda #5 Set constant suba ENTCNT,U Subtract entry counter ldb #21 Set multiplier mul B reg. holds loop counter leax FSCORE,U Point to start of data leax 126,X Move to last byte entry 6 +1 leay FSCORE,U leay 105,Y Move to last byte entry 5 +1 cmpd #0 If on bottom, then don't beq PUTIT move any down INLOOP lda ,-Y Get a byte sta ,-X Move it decb Decrement counter bne INLOOP * Now zero(underline) out previous entry at this location PUTIT ldb #15 Set byte counter lda #95 ASCII underline chacarter PUTLOP decb Decrement counter beq PUTSCR sta ,Y+ Store a '_' character bra PUTLOP Loop till 15 are done * Now transfer players score PUTSCR lda #32 Space character sta ,Y+ ldb #7 Set transfer byte counter leax SCRASC,U Point to players ascii score PLOOP decb Decrement counter beq PRFILE If 0, then exit lda ,X+ Get byte & increment X sta ,Y+ Put byte & increment Y bra PLOOP * File data has been put in memory * now print it on screen * This is used for path PRFILE leax CLNORM,pcr ldy #6 lbsr OUTST2 leax CHGWK2,pcr ldy #9 lbsr OUTST2 leax FSCORE,U leax -21,X lda #-1 ldb #7 pshs D,X PRLOOP puls D,X decb beq PRDONE leax 21,X Point to line to print inca Increment compare count pshs D,X cmpa ENTCNT,U Are we on the new line ? bne NORMPR stx SAVEX,U Save X register leax CLINVT,pcr Invert screen colors ldy #6 lbsr OUTST2 ldx SAVEX,U Get X register value ldy #21 Output 21 bytes lbsr OUTST2 leax CRLF,pcr Do a carriage return ldy #2 and a line feed lbsr OUTST2 leax CLNORM,pcr Reset screen colors ldy #6 lbsr OUTST2 bra PRLOOP NORMPR ldy #21 lbsr OUTST2 leax CRLF,pcr ldy #2 lbsr OUTST2 bra PRLOOP PRDONE lda ENTCNT,U cmpa #-1 lbeq RDDONE OPNBOT ldx #100 lbsr WAIT leax BOTWIN,pcr ldy #47 lbsr OUTST2 PNAMLP leax ENTNAM,pcr Print 'Please enter your name' ldy #33 Output 34 bytes lbsr OUTST2 leax ARROW,pcr Print '-->_' ldy #17 lbsr OUTST2 * Now get players name GETNAM leax PNAME,U Fill name storage lda #32 with spaces ldb #15 PNLOOP sta ,X+ decb bne PNLOOP RDNAME leax PNAME,U Get name from player ldy #15 14 + CR lda PATH2,U os9 I$ReadLn lbcs ERR1 tfr Y,D leax PNAME,U subd #1 leax D,X std NAMLGH,U lda #32 sta ,X Remove CR NAMEOK ldd NAMLGH,U cmpd #0 beq NAMASK leax CURXY2,pcr Clear screen, Move to XY ldy #7 location 6,0 lbsr OUTST2 and set color leax PNAME,U ldy NAMLGH,U lbsr OUTST2 NAMASK leax QUESTN,pcr ldy #33 lbsr OUTST2 lbsr READ2 lda RESPON,U cmpa #89 beq PUTNAM cmpa #121 beq PUTNAM leax CLRSCN,pcr ldy #1 lbsr OUTST2 lbra PNAMLP PUTNAM leax BOTEND,pcr ldy #15 lbsr OUTST2 leax PNAME,U leay FSCORE,U ldd ENTPNT,U leay D,Y ldb #14 PUTNML lda ,X+ sta ,Y+ decb bne PUTNML lda ENTCNT,U adda #32 sta CURPOS+2,U leax CURPOS,U ldy #3 lbsr OUTST2 leax FSCORE,U ldd ENTPNT,U leax D,X ldy #21 lbsr OUTST2 leax BOTWIN,pcr ldy #47 lbsr OUTST2 leax CONGRT,pcr ldy #27 lbsr OUTST2 leax PNAME,U ldy NAMLGH,U lbsr OUTST2 RDDONE ldx #200 lda ENTCNT,U cmpa #-1 beq RDWAIT ldx #150 RDWAIT lbsr WAIT Sleep for 150 or 200 ticks lda ENTCNT,U cmpa #-1 beq RDEXIT leax BOTEND,pcr ldy #15 lbsr OUTST2 RDEXIT rts * Handle file errors here * 214- no permission * 216- path name not found * OPNERR cmpb #216 Is it PATH NAME NOT FOUND ? lbne ERR1 * Print Creating score file leax NOTFND,pcr ldy #56 lbsr OUTST2 ldx #75 lbsr WAIT FILLSC leax FSCORE,U Point to data area ldb #7 Set counter stb COUNT,U DMLOOP lda COUNT,U deca beq CRFILE sta COUNT,U Save new count ldb #15 lda #46 '.' DLOOP2 decb beq SPACE sta ,X+ Put 14 '.' in data area bra DLOOP2 SPACE lda #32 ' ' sta ,X+ Put a space in data area lda #32 Space ldb #6 DLOOP3 decb beq DZERO sta ,X+ Put 5 spaces in data area bra DLOOP3 DZERO lda #48 '0' sta ,X+ bra DMLOOP * File doesn't exist, so create it CRFILE leax CREATE,pcr ldy #26 lbsr OUTST2 leax FILLST,pcr Point to path list lda #2 Access mode (2=write) ldb #47 Attributes (00101111) os9 I$Create Go create file lbcs ERR1 sta FPATH,U Save path # * Write data to file WRTFIL leax FSCORE,U Point to data ldy #126 Write 126 bytes lda FPATH,U Set path # os9 I$Write Do write lbcs ERR1 * Now close file CLSFIL lda FPATH,U os9 I$Close lbcs ERR1 ldx #75 lbsr WAIT rts REDERR lbra ERR1 ENDSECT