view 3rdparty/utils/boisy/send.asm @ 2444:597d98fc261e

RFM: never say die
author aaronwolfe
date Fri, 26 Feb 2010 05:24:46 +0000
parents 0e08f0830fd8
line wrap: on
line source

* Send - Sends a signal to a process
* By: Boisy G. Pitre
*     Southern Station, Box 8455
*     Hattiesburg, MS  39406-8455
*     Internet:
* Usage:  Send [-signal] procID [...] [-signal] [procID] [...]
*         Where signal# is a decimal number from 0-255 and procID is the
*         process' ID number (obtainable by the PROCS command).  The
*         default signal is 0 if none is specified.  Different signals
*         can be sent to different processes on the same command line:
*                Send -3 45 55 -1 12 4 -0 5 6
*         ...sends signal 3 to processes 45 and 55, signal 1 to processes
*         12 and 4, and signal 0 to processes 5 and 6.
*         If a process cannot be killed for whatever reason, an error will
*         be printed, and parsing of the line will continue.
*         Standard Signals:
*                                0 - Kill (non-interceptable)
*                                1 - Wake up a sleeping process
*                                2 - Keyboard terminate
*                                3 - Keyboard interrupt
*                                4 - Window change
*                          128-255 - User defined
* For a detailed explanation on signals, see the OS-9 Level II Operating
* System Manual's "Technical Reference" section, page 2-15.

         nam     Send
         ttl     Signaler utility

         use     defsfile

         mod     Size,Name,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+1,Start,Finish

Name     fcs     /Send/
         fcb     $02

XPlace   rmb     1
Signal   rmb     1                     Holds current signal
stack    rmb     200
params   rmb     200
Finish   equ     .

Start    decb                          Check for no params
         beq     Help                  If not, show help
         clr     Signal                else clear signal (assume signal 0)

Parse    lda     ,x+                   get char
         cmpa    #'-                   dash?
         beq     GetSig                yeah, get signal no
         cmpa    #C$SPAC               space?
         beq     Parse                 yeah, get next char
         cmpa    #C$CR                 eol?
         beq     Done                  yeah, exit

KillIt   leax    -1,x                  backup on char.. must be a pid
         bsr     Str2Byte              convert to byte
         tfr     b,a                   put B (pid) in A
         ldb     Signal                load B with current signal
         os9     F$Send                and send it to the process
         bcc     Parse
         os9     F$PErr                else print the error
         bra     Parse                 and continue parsing

Done     clrb                          clear, no error
Error    os9     F$Exit                exit

GetSig   bsr     Str2Byte              convert to byte
         stb     Signal                save the new signal
         bra     Parse                 and resume parsing

* Str2Byte - Converts an ASCII string to a single byte
* Entry: X - Address of first char in string
* Done:  B - Converted byte
*        X - Last number in string + 1

Str2Byte   clrb
cnvloop    lda    ,x+
           cmpa   #'9
           bhi    cnvdone
           suba   #'0
           blo    cnvdone
           pshs   a
           lda    #10
           addb   ,s+
           bra    cnvloop
cnvdone    leax    -1,x

Help      leax    HelpMsg,pcr
          lda     #2
          ldy     #200
          os9     I$WritLn
          bcs     Error
          bra     Done

HelpMsg  fcc     /Usage:  Send [-signal] procID [...]/
         fcb     C$CR

Size     equ     *