view level1/modules/scf.asm @ 2558:5b465ca3ba67

author boisy
date Thu, 09 Sep 2010 12:04:43 +0000 (2010-09-09)
parents 2244c43efe0e
children b8c7b7fbf3c9
line wrap: on
line source
* SCF - NitrOS-9 Sequential Character File Manager
* $Id$
* This contains an added SetStat call to allow placing prearranged data
* into the keyboard buffer of ANY SCF related device.
* Usage:
* Entry: X = Pointer to the string
*        Y = Length of the string
*        A = Path number
*        B = SS.Fill ($A0) (syscall SETSTAT function call number)
* NOTE: If high bit of Y is set, no carriage return will be appended to
*       the read buffer (used in Shellplus V2.2 history)
* This also includes Kevin Darlings SCF Editor patches.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          1993/04/20  ???
* V1.09:
* - Speeded up L05CC (write char to device) routine by a few cycles
* - Slightly optimized Insert char.
* - Move branch table so Read & ReadLn are 1 cycle faster each; fixed
*   SS.Fill so size is truncated @ 256 bytes.
* - Added NO CR option to SS.Fill (for use with modified Shellplus V2.2
*   command history).
*          1993/04/21  ???
* Slight speedup to some of ReadLn parsing, TFM's in Open/Close.
* - More optimization to read/write driver calls
* - Got rid of branch table @ L05E3 for speed
*          1993/05/21  ???
* V1.10:
* Added Boisy Pitre's patch for non-sharable devices.
* - Saved 4 cycles in routine @ L042B
* - Modified Boisy's routine to not pshs/puls B (saves 2 cycles).
* - Changed buffer prefill of CR's to save 1 byte.
*          1993/07/27  ???
* V1.11:
* Changed a BRA to a LBRA to a straight LBRA in L0322.
* - Optimized path option character routine @ L032C
*          1993/08/03  ???
* Modified vector table @ L033F to save 1 cycle on PD.PSC
* - Sped up uppercase conversion checks for ReadLn & WritLn
* - Changed 2 BRA's to L02F9 to do an LBRA straight to L05F8 (ReadLn loop)
* - Moved L0565 routine so Reprint line, Insert & Delete char (on ReadLn)
*   are 1 cycle faster / char printed
* - Changed 2 references to L0420 to go straight to L0565
* - Sped up ReadLn loop by 2 or 3 cycles per char read
*          1993/09/21  ???
* V1.12:
* Sped up L0435 by 1 or 2 cycles (depending on branch)
* - Changed LDD ,S to TFR X,D (saves 1 cycle) @ L04F1 (Write & WritLn)
* - Modified L04F1 to use W without TFR (+1 byte, -3 cycles) (Write)
*          1993/11/09  ???
* Took LDX #0/LDU PD.BUF,y from L03B5 & merged in @ L028A, L02EF & L0381.
* Also changed BEQ @ L03A5 to skip re-loading X with 0.
*          1993/11/10  ???
* Moved L04B2 routine to allow a couple of BSR's instead of LBSR's In READ.
* - Moved driver call right into READ loop (should save 25 cycles/char read)
* - Moved driver call right into L0565 (should save 12 cycles/char written on echo,
*   line editing, etc.)
*          1993/11/26  ???
* Moved L02FE (ReadLn parsing) to end where ReadLn routine is moved L03E2
* so Read loop would be optimized for it (read char from driver) instead of
* L042B (write filled buffer to caller).
* Changed LDA #C$NULL to CLRA.
*          1993/12/01  ???
* Modified device write call (L056F) to preserve Y as well, to cut down on
* - Changed L03E2 & L03DA to exit immediately if PD.DEV or PD.DV2 (depending
* on which routine) is empty (eliminated redundant LEAX ,X).
*          1994/05/31  ???
* Attempted mode to L03F1 to eliminate LDW #D$READ, changed:
*      LDX V$DRIV,x
*      ADDW M$Exec,x
*      JSR w,x
* to:
*      LDW V$DRIV,x
*      ADDW M$Exec,w
*      JSR D$READ,w
* Did same to L05C9 & L056F (should speed up each by 1 cycle)
*          1994/06/07  ???
* Attempted to modify all M$Exec calls to use new V$DRIVEX (REQUIRES NEW IOMAN)
* - L01FA (Get/SetStat), L03F1 (Read), L05C9 (Write), L056F (Write)
* - Changed L046A to use LDB V.BUSY,x...CMPB ,s...TFR B,A
*          1994/06/08  ???
* Changed TST <PD.EKO,y in read loop (L02BC) to LDB PD.EKO,y
* - Changed LEAX 1,X to LDB #1/ABX @ L02C4
* - Changed LEAX >L033F,pc @ L032C to use < (8 bit) version
* - Modified L02E5 to use D instead of X, allowing TSTA, and faster exit on 0 byte
*   just BRAnching to L0453
*          1994/06/09  ???
* Changed LEAX 1,X to LDB #1/ABX @ L053D, L05F8, L0312, L0351, L03B8
* - Changed to L0573: All TST's changed to LDB's
* - Changed Open/Create init to use LEAX,PC instead of BSR/PULS X
* - Changed TST PD.CNT,y to LDA PD.CNT,y @ close
* - Eliminated L010D, changed references to it to go to L0129
* - Eliminated useless LEAX ,X @ L0182, and changed BEQ @ L0182 to go to L012A
*   instead of L0129 (speeds CLOSE by 5 or 10 cycles)
* - Moved L06B9 into L012B, eliminate BSR/RTS, plus
* - Changed TST V.TYPE,x to LDB V.TYPE,x
* - Moved L0624 to just before L05F8 to eliminate BRA L05F8 (ReadLn)
* - Changed TST PD.EKO,y @ L0413 to LDB PD.EKO,y
* - Moved L0413-L0423 routines to later in code to allow short branches
* - As result of above, changed 6 LBxx to Bxx
* - Changed TST PD.MIN,y @ L04BB to LDA PD.MIN,y
* - Changed TST PD.RAW,y/TST PD.UPC,y @ L0523 to LDB's
* - Changed TST PD.ALF,y @ L052A to LDB
* - L053D: Moved TST PD.RAW,y to before LDA -1,u to speed up WRITE, changed it to LDB
*          1994/06/10  ???
* Changed TST PD.ALF,y to LDB @ L052A
* - Changed CLR V.WAKE,u to CLRA/STA V.WAKE,u @ L03F1 (Read)
* - Changed CLR V.BUSY,u to CLRA/STA V.BUSY,u @ L045D
* - Changed CLR PD.MIN,y to CLRA/STA PD.MIN,y, moved before LDA P$ID,x @ L04A7
* - Changed CLR PD.RAW,y @ L04BB to STA PD.RAW, since A already 0 to get there
* - Changed CLR V.PAUS,u to CLRA/STA V.PAUS,u @ L05A2
* - Changed TST PD.RAW,y to LDA PD.RAW,y @ L05A2
* - Changed TST PD.ALF,y to LDA PD.ALF,y @ L05A2
* - Changed CLR V.WAKE,u to CLRB/STB V.WAKE,u @ L05C9
* - Changed CLR V.WAKE,u to CLRB/STB V.WAKE,u @ L056F
* - Changed TST PD.UPC,y to LDB PD.UPC,y @ L0322
* - Changed TST PD.DLO,y/TST PD.EKO,y to LDB's @ L03A5
*          1994/06/16  ???
* Changed TST PD.UPC,y to LDB PD.UPC,y @ L0322
* - Changed TST PD.BSO,y to LDB PD.BSO,y @ L03BF
* - Changed TST PD.EKO,y to LDB PD.EKO,y @ L03BF
*          2002/10/11  Boisy G. Pitre
* Merged NitrOS-9 and TuneUp versions for single-source maintenance.  Note that
* the 6809 version of TuneUp never seemed to call GrfDrv directly to do fast screen
* writes (see note around g.done label).
*  16r2    2002/05/16  Boisy G. Pitre
* Removed pshs/puls of b from sharable code segment for non-NitrOS-9 because it was
* not needed.
*  16r3    2002/08/16  Boisy G. Pitre
* Now uses V$DRIVEX.
*  16r4    2004/07/12  Boisy G. Pitre
* 6809 version now calls the FAST TEXT entry point of GrfDrv.
*  17      2010/01/15  Boisy G. Pitre
* Fix for bug described in Artifact 2932883 on SF
* Also added Level 1 conditionals for eventual backporting

*  17      2010/01/15  Boisy G. Pitre
* Handling of device exclusivity using the SHARE. bit has been rearchitected.
* The '93 patch looked at the mode bytes in the descriptor and driver and
* determined that if both were set, then only one path would be allowed to
* be opened on the device at a time.
* I now believe this is wrong.
* The mode bytes in the device driver and descriptor are capability bytes.
* They advertise what the device is capable of doing (READ, WRITE, etc) so
* the mode bytes alone do not convey action, but merely what is possible.
* When the user calls I$Open on a device, he passes the desired mode byte
* in RegA and IOMan checks to make sure that all bits in that register are
* set in the mode bytes of the driver and descriptor.  So once we get into
* the Open call of this file manager, we know that all set bits in RegA are
* also set in the mode bytes of the driver and descriptor.
* For SHARE., what we SHOULD be doing is checking the number of open paths
* on the device.  If the SHARE. bit is set in RegA, then we check if a path
* is already open and if so, return the E$DevBsy error.
* Likewise, if SHARE. is not set in RegA, we check the path at the head of
* the open path list, and if ITS mode byte has the SHARE. bit set, we exit
* with E$DevBsy too.  The idea is that if the SHARE. bit is set on the newly
* opened path or an existing path, then there can "be only one."
*  18      2010/01/23  Boisy G. Pitre
* SCF has successfully been backported to NitrOS-9 Level 1.
* SCF now returns on carry set after calling SS.Open.  Prior to this
* change, SS.ComSt would be called right after SS.Open even if SS.Open
* failed. This caused misery with the scdwn driver wildcard feature.

         nam   SCF
         ttl   NitrOS-9 Sequential Character File Manager

         use   defsfile
         use   scfdefs

tylg     set   FlMgr+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   0
edition  equ   18

         mod   eom,SCFName,tylg,atrv,SCFEnt,0

SCFName  fcs   /SCF/
         fcb   edition

* Default input buffer setting for SCF devices when Opened/Created
*               123456789!123456789!1234567890
*msg      fcc   'by B.Nobel,C.Boyle,W.Gale-1993'
msg      fcc   ''
msgsize  equ   *-msg        Size of default input buffer message
         fcb   C$CR         2nd CR for buffer pad fill
blksize  equ   256-msgsize  Size of blank space after it

* Return bad pathname error
opbpnam  puls  y
bpnam    comb               Set carry for error
         ldb   #E$BPNam     Get error code
oerr     rts                Return to caller

* I$Create/I$Open entry point
* Entry: Y= Path dsc. ptr
open     ldx   PD.DEV,y     Get device table pointer
         stx   PD.TBL,y     Save it
         ldu   PD.RGS,y     Get callers register stack pointer
         pshs  y            Save path descriptor pointer
         ldx   R$X,u        Get pointer to device pathname
         os9   F$PrsNam     Parse it
         bcs   opbpnam      Error, exit
         tsta               End of pathname?
         bmi   open1        Yes, go on
         leax  ,y           Point to actual device name
         os9   F$PrsNam     Parse it again
         bcc   opbpnam      Return to caller with bad path name if more
open1    sty   R$X,u        Save updated name pointer to caller
         puls  y            Restore path descriptor pointer
         ldd   #256         Get size of input buffer in bytes
         os9   F$SRqMem     Allocate it
         bcs   oerr         Can't allocate it return with error
         stu   PD.BUF,y     Save buffer address to path descriptor
         leax  <msg,pc      Get ptr to init string

         IFNE  H6309

         ldw   #msgsize     get size of default message
         tfm   x+,u+        Copy it into buffer (leaves X pointing to 2nd CR)
         ldw   #blksize     Size of rest of buffer
         tfm   x,u+         Fill rest of buffer with CR's


CopyMsg  lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         cmpa  #C$CR
         bne   CopyMsg
CopyCR   sta   ,u+
         bne   CopyCR


         ldu   PD.DEV,y     Get device table entry address
         beq   bpnam        Doesn't exist, exit with bad pathname error
         ldx   V$STAT,u     Get devices' static storage address
         lda   PD.PAG,y     Get devices page length
         sta   V.LINE,x     Save it to devices static storage
         ldx   V$DESC,u     Get descriptor address
         ldd   PD.D2P,y     Get offset to device name (duplicate from dev dsc)
         beq   L00CF        None, skip ahead

         IFNE  H6309

         addr  d,x          Point to device name in descriptor
         lda   PD.MOD,y     Get device mode (Read/Write/Update)
         lsrd               ??? (swap Read/Write bits around in A?)


         leax  d,x
         lda   PD.MOD,y     Get device mode (Read/Write/Update)


         IFGT  Level-1
         pshs  y            Save path descriptor pointer temporarily
         ldy   <D.Proc      Get current process pointer
         ldu   <D.SysPrc    Get system process descriptor pointer
         stu   <D.Proc      Make system current process
         os9   I$Attach     Attempt to attach to device name in device desc.
         IFGT  Level-1
         sty   <D.Proc      Restore old current process pointer
         puls  y            Restore path descriptor pointer
         bcs   OpenErr     Couldn't attach to device, detach & exit with error
         stu   PD.DV2,y     Save new output (echo) device table pointer
*         ldu   PD.DEV,y     Get device table pointer
L00CF    ldu   V$STAT,u     Point to it's static storage

         IFNE  H6309





         std   PD.PLP,y     Clear out path descriptor list pointer
         sta   PD.PST,y     Clear path status: Carrier not lost
         pshs  d            Save 0 on stack
         ldx   V.PDLHd,u    Get path descriptor list header pointer
* 05/25/93 mod - Boisy Pitre's non-sharable device patches
* 01/15/10 mod - Boisy Pitre redoes his non-sharable device patch
         beq   Yespath      No paths open, so we know we can open it
* IOMan has already vetted the mode byte of the driver and the descriptor
* and compared it to REGA of I$Open (now in PD.MOD of this current path).
* here we know there is at least one path open for this device.
* in order to properly support SHARE. (device exclusivity), we get the
* mode byte for the path we are opening and see if the SHARE. bit is set.
* if so, then we return error since we cannot have exclusivity to the device.
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #SHARE.,PD.MOD,y
         lda   PD.MOD,y 
         bita  #SHARE.
         bne   NoShare      
* we now know that the path's mode doesn't have the SHARE. bit set, so 
* we need to look at the mode of the path in the list header pointer to
* see if ITS SHARE. bit is set (meaning it wants exclusive access to the
* port).  If so we bail out
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #SHARE.,PD.MOD,x
         lda   PD.MOD,x 
         bita  #SHARE.
         beq   CkCar        Check carrier status
NoShare  leas  2,s          Eat extra stack (including good path count)
         ldb   #E$DevBsy    Non-sharable device busy error
         bra   OpenErr       Go detach device & exit with error
Yespath  sty   V.PDLHd,u    Save path descriptor ptr
         bra   L00F8        Go open the path

L00E6    tfr   d,x          Change to PD.PLP path descriptor
CkCar    ldb   PD.PST,x     Get Carrier status
         bne   L00EF        Carrier was lost, don't update count
         inc   1,s          Carrier not lost, bump up count of good paths
L00EF    ldd   PD.PLP,x     Get path descriptor list pointer
         bne   L00E6        There is one, go make it the current one
         sty   PD.PLP,x     Save path descriptor ptr as path dsc. list ptr
L00F8    lda   #SS.Open     Internal open call
         pshs  a            Save it on the stack
         inc   2,s          Bump counter of good paths up by 1
         lbsr  L025B        Do the SS.Open call to the driver
         lda   2,s          Get counter of good paths
         leas  3,s          Eat stack
* NEW: return with error if SS.Open return error
         bcs   L010F        +++BGP+++
         deca               Bump down good path count
         bne   L0129        If more still open, exit without error
         blo   L010F        If negative, something went wrong
         lbra  L0250        Set parity/baud & return

* we come here if there was an error in Open (after I$Attach and F$SRqMem!)
L010F    bsr   RemoveFromPDList        Error, go clear stuff out
OpenErr  pshs  b,cc         Preserve error status
         bsr   L0136        Detach device
         puls  pc,b,cc      Restore error status & return

* I$Close entry point
close    pshs  cc           Preserve interrupt status
         orcc  #IntMasks    Disable interrupts
         ldx   PD.DEV,y     Get device table pointer
         bsr   L0182        Check it
         ldx   PD.DV2,y     Get output device table pointer
         bsr   L0182        Check it
         puls  cc           Restore interrupts
         lda   PD.CNT,y     Any open images?
         beq   L012B        No, go on
L0129    clra               Clear carry
L012A    rts                Return

* Detach device & return buffer memory
L012B    bsr   RemoveFromPDList
         lda   #SS.Close    Get setstat code for close
         ldx   PD.DEV,y     get pointer to device table
         ldx   V$STAT,x     get static mem ptr
         ldb   V.TYPE,x     Get device type    \ WON'T THIS SCREW UP WITH
         bmi   L0136        Window, skip ahead / MARK OR SPACE PARITY???
         pshs  x,a          Save close code & X for SS.Close calling routine
         lbsr  L025B        Not window, go call driver's SS.Close routine
         leas  3,s          Purge stack
L0136    ldu   PD.DV2,y     Get output device pointer
         beq   L013D        Nothing there, go on
         os9   I$Detach     Detach it
L013D    ldu   PD.BUF,y     Get buffer pointer
         beq   L0147        None defined go on
         ldd   #256         Get buffer size
         os9   F$SRtMem     Return buffer memory to system
L0147    clra               Clear carry
         rts                Return

* Remove path descriptor from device path descriptor linked list
* Entry: Y = path descriptor
         ldx   #1
         pshs  cc,d,x,y,u
         ldu   PD.DEV,y     Get device table pointer
         beq   L017B        None, skip ahead
         ldu   V$STAT,u     Get static storage pointer
         beq   L017B        None, skip ahead
         ldx   V.PDLHd,u    Get path descriptor list header
         beq   L017B        None, skip ahead
         ldd   PD.PLP,y     Get path descriptor list pointer
         cmpy  V.PDLHd,u    is the passed path descriptor the same?
         bne   L0172        branch if not
         std   V.PDLHd,u
         bne   L017B
         clr   4,s          Clear LSB of X on stack
         bra   L017B        Return

* D = path descriptor to store
L016D    ldx   PD.PLP,x     advance to next path descriptor in list
         beq   L0180        branch if at end of linked list
L0172    cmpy  PD.PLP,x     is the passed path descriptor the same?
         bne   L016D        branch if not
         std   PD.PLP,x     store
         IFNE  H6309
L017B    clrd
L017B    clra
         std   PD.PLP,y
L0180    puls  cc,d,x,y,u,pc

* Check path number?
* Entry: X=Ptr to device table (just LDX'd)
*        Y=Path dsc. ptr
L0182    beq   L012A        No device table, return to caller
         ldx   V$STAT,x     Get static storage pointer
         ldb   PD.PD,y      Get system path number from path dsc.
         lda   PD.CPR,y     Get ID # of process currently using path
         pshs  d,x,y        Save everything
         cmpa  V.LPRC,x     Current process same as last process using path?
         bne   L01CA        No, return
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   <D.Proc      Get current process pointer
         ldx   >D.Proc      Get current process pointer
         leax  P$Path,x     Point to local path table
         clra               Start path # = 0 (Std In)
L0198    cmpb  a,x          Same path as one is process' local path list?
         beq   L01CA        Yes, return
         inca               Move to next path
         cmpa  #NumPaths    Done all paths?
         blo   L0198        No, keep going
         pshs  y            Preserve path descriptor pointer

         IFNE  H6309

         lda   #SS.Relea    Release signals SetStat
         ldf   #D$PSTA      Get Setstat offset


         ldd   #SS.Relea*256+D$PSTA


         bsr   L01FA        Execute driver setstat routine
         puls  y            Restore path pointer
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   <D.Proc      Get current process pointer
         ldx   >D.Proc      Get current process pointer
         lda   P$PID,x      Get parent process ID
         sta   ,s           Save it
         IFGT  Level-1
         os9   F$GProcP     Get pointer to parent process descriptor
         ldx   <D.PrcDBT
         os9   F$Find64
         leax  P$Path,y     Point to local path table
         ldb   1,s          Get path number
         clra               Get starting path number
L01B9    cmpb  a,x          Same path?
         beq   L01C4        Yes, go on
         inca               Move to next path
         cmpa  #NumPaths    Done all paths?
         blo   L01B9        No, keep checking
         clr   ,s           Clear process ID
L01C4    lda   ,s           Get process ID
         ldx   2,s          Get static storage pointer
         sta   V.LPRC,x     Store it as last process
L01CA    puls  d,x,y,pc     Restore & return

* I$GetStt entry point
getstt   lda   PD.PST,y     Path status ok?
         lbne  L04C6        No, terminate process
         ldx   PD.RGS,y     Get register stack pointer
         lda   R$B,x        Get function code
         bne   L01F8        If not SS.Opt, go on
* SS.Opt Getstat
         pshs  a,x,y        Preserve registers
         lda   #SS.ComSt    Get code for Comstat
         sta   R$B,x        Save it in callers B
         ldu   R$Y,x        Preserve callers Y
         pshs  u
         bsr   L01F8        Send it to driver
         puls  u            Restore callers Y
         puls  a,x,y        Restore registers
         sta   R$B,x        Do SS.OPT
         ldd   R$Y,x        Get com stat
         stu   R$Y,x        Put original callers Y back
         bcs   L01F6        Return if error
         std   PD.PAR,y     Update path descriptor
L01F6    clrb               Clear carry
L01F7    rts                Return

* Execute device driver Get/Set Status routine
* Entry: A=GetStat/SetStat code

         IFNE  H6309

L01F8    ldf   #D$GSTA      Get Getstat driver entry offset
L01FA    ldx   PD.DEV,y     Get device table pointer
         ldu   V$STAT,x     Get static storage pointer
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   V$DRIVEX,x   get execution pointer of driver
         pshs  d
         ldx   V$DRIV,x     get driver module
         ldd   M$EXEC,x
         leax  d,x
         puls  d
         pshs  y,u          Preserve registers
         jsr   f,x          Execute driver
         puls  y,u,pc       Restore & return


L01F8    ldb   #D$GSTA
L01FA    ldx   PD.DEV,y
         ldu   V$STAT,x
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   V$DRIVEX,x
         pshs  d
         ldx   V$DRIV,x     get driver module
         ldd   M$EXEC,x
         leax  d,x
         puls  d
         pshs  u,y
LC486    jsr   b,x
         puls  y,u,pc


* I$SetStt entry point
setstt   lbsr  L04A2
L0212    bsr   L021B        Check codes
         pshs  cc,b         Preserve registers
         lbsr  L0453        Wait for device
         puls  cc,b,pc      Restore & return

putkey   cmpa  #SS.Fill     Buffer preload?
         bne   L01FA        No, go execute driver setstat
         IFEQ  H6309
         pshs  u,y,x
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   <D.Proc      Get current process pointer
         ldx   >D.Proc      Get current process pointer
         lda   R$Y,u        Get flag byte for CR/NO CR
         pshs  a            Save it
         IFGT  Level-1
         lda   P$Task,x     Get task number
         ldb   <D.SysTsk    Get system task
         IFNE  H6309
         ldx   R$X,u        Get pointer to data to move
         ldf   R$Y+1,u      Get number of bytes (max size of 256 bytes)
         ldu   PD.BUF,y     Get input buffer pointer
         clre               High byte of Y
         tfr   w,y          Move size into proper register for F$Move
         pshs  d
         ldb   R$Y+1,u
         ldx   R$X,u
         ldu   PD.BUF,y
         tfr   d,y
         puls  d
* X=Source ptr from caller, Y=# bytes to move, U=Input buffer ptr
         os9   F$Move       Move it
         bcs   putkey1      Exit if error
         tfr   y,d          Move number of bytes to D
         lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         leay  -1,y
         bne   loop
         lda   ,s           Get CR flag
         bmi   putkey1      Don't want CR appended, exit
         lda   #C$CR        Get code for carriage return
         sta   b,u          Put it in buffer to terminate string
         IFNE  H6309
putkey1  puls  a,pc         Eat stack & return
L021B    ldf   #D$PSTA      Get driver entry offset for setstat
putkey1  puls  a,x,y,u,pc   Eat stack & return
L021B    ldb   #D$PSTA      Get driver entry offset for setstat
         lda   R$B,u        Get function code from caller
         bne   putkey       Not SS.OPT, go check buffer load
         ldx   PD.PAU,y     Get current pause & page
         IFGT  Level-1
         pshs  y,x          Preserve Path pointer & pause/page
         ldx   <D.Proc      Get current process pointer
         lda   P$Task,x     Get task number
         ldb   <D.SysTsk    Get system task number
         ldx   R$X,u        Get callers destination pointer
         leau  PD.OPT,y     Point to path options
         ldy   #OPTCNT      Get option length
         os9   F$Move       Move it to caller
         puls  y,x          Restore Path pointer & page/pause status
         bcs   L01F7        Return if error from move
         pshs  x,y
         ldx   R$X,u
         leay  PD.OPT,y
         ldb   #OPTCNT
         lda   ,x+
         sta   ,y+
         bne   optloop
         puls  x,y
         IFEQ  H6309
         pshs  x
         ldd   PD.PAU,y     Get new page/pause status
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpr  d,x          Same as old?
         cmpd  ,s++
         beq   L0250        Yes, go on
         ldu   PD.DEV,y     Get device table pointer
         ldu   V$STAT,u     Get static storage pointer
         beq   L0250        Go on if none
         stb   V.LINE,u     Update new line count
L0250    ldx   PD.PAR,y     Get parity/baud
         lda   #SS.ComSt    Get code for ComSt
         pshs  a,x          Preserve them 
         bsr   L025B        Update parity & baud
         puls  a,x,pc       Restore & return

* Update path Parity & baud
L025B    pshs  x,y,u        Preserve everything
         ldx   PD.RGS,y     Get callers register pointer
         ldu   R$Y,x        Get his Y
         lda   R$B,x        Get his B
         pshs  a,x,y,u      Preserve it all
         ldd   $10,s        Get current parity/baud
         std   R$Y,x        Put it in callers Y
         lda   $0F,s        Get function code
         sta   R$B,x        Put it in callers B
         IFEQ  H6309
         ldb   #$0C
         lbsr  L04A7        Wait for device to be ready
         lbsr  L0212        Send it to driver
         puls  a,x,y,u      Restore callers registers
         stu   R$Y,x        Put back his Y
         sta   R$B,x        Put back his B
         bcc   L0282        Return if no error
         cmpb  #E$UnkSvc    Unknown service request?
         beq   L0282        Yes, return
         coma               Set carry
L0282    puls  x,y,u,pc     Restore & return

* I$Read entry point
read     lbsr  L04A2        Go wait for device to be ready for us
         bcc   L028A        No error, go on
L0289    rts                Return with error
L028A    inc   PD.RAW,y     Make sure we do Raw read
         ldx   R$Y,u        Get number of characters to read
         beq   L02DC        Return if zero
         pshs  x            Save character count
         ldx   #0
         ldu   PD.BUF,y     Get buffer address
         bsr   L03E2        Read 1 character from device
         bcs   L02A4        Return if error
         tsta               Character read zero?
         beq   L02C4        Yes, go try again
         cmpa  PD.EOF,y     End of file character?
         bne   L02BC        No, keep checking
L02A2    ldb   #E$EOF       Get EOF error code
L02A4    leas  2,s          Purge stack
         pshs  b            Save error code
         bsr   L02D5        Return
         comb               Set carry
         puls  b,pc         Restore & return

* SCF file manager entry point
* Entry: Y = Path descriptor pointer
*        U = Callers register stack pointer

SCFEnt   lbra  open         Create path
         lbra  open         Open path
         lbra  bpnam        Makdir
         lbra  bpnam        Chgdir
         lbra  L0129        Delete (return no error)
         lbra  L0129        Seek (return no error)
         bra   read         Read character
         lbra  write        Write character
         lbra  readln       ReadLn
         lbra  writln       WriteLn
         lbra  getstt       Get Status
         lbra  setstt       Set Status
         lbra  close        Close path

* MAIN READ LOOP (no editing)
L02AD    tfr   x,d          move character count to D
         tstb               past buffer end?
         bne   L02B7        no, go get character from device
* Not often used: only when buffer is full
         bsr   L042B        move buffer to caller's buffer
         ldu   PD.BUF,y     reset buffer pointer back to start
* Main char by char read loop
L02B7    bsr   L03E2        get a character from device
         bcs   L02A4        exit if error
L02BC    ldb   PD.EKO,y     echo turned on?
         beq   L02C4        no, don't write it to device
         lbsr  L0565        send it to device write
L02C4    ldb   #1           Bump up char count
         sta   ,u+          save character in local buffer
         beq   L02CF        go try again if it was a null
         cmpa  PD.EOR,y     end of record charcter?
         beq   L02D3        yes, return
L02CF    cmpx  ,s           done read?
         blo   L02AD        no, keep going till we are

L02D3    leas  2,s          purge stack
L02D5    bsr   L042B        move local buffer to caller
         ldu   PD.RGS,y     get register stack pointer
         stx   R$Y,u        save number of characters read
L02DC    bra   L0453        update path descriptor and return

* Read character from device
L03E2    pshs  u,y,x        Preserve regs
         ldx   PD.DEV,y     Get device table pointer for input
         beq   L0401        None, exit
         ldu   PD.DV2,y     Get device table pointer for echoed output
         beq   L03F1        No echoed output device, skip ahead
L03EA    ldu   V$STAT,u     Get device static storage ptr for echo device
         ldb   PD.PAG,y     Get lines per page
         stb   V.Line,u     Store it in device static
L03F1    tfr   u,d          Yes, move echo device' static storage to D
         ldu   V$STAT,x     Get static storage ptr for input
         std   V.DEV2,u     Save echo device's static storage into input device
         sta   V.WAKE,u     Flag input device to be awake
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   V$DRIVEX,x   Get driver execution pointer
         pshs  d
         ldx   V$DRIV,x     get driver module
         ldd   M$EXEC,x
         leax  d,x
         puls  d
         jsr   D$READ,x     Execute READ routine in driver
L0401    puls  pc,u,y,x     Restore regs & return

* Move buffer to caller
* Entry: Y=Path dsc. ptr
*        X=# chars to move
L042B    pshs  y,x            Preserve path dsc. ptr & char. count
         ldd   ,s             Get # bytes to move
         beq   L0451          Exit if none
         tstb                 Uneven # bytes (not even page of 256)?
         bne   L0435          Yes, go on
         deca                 >256, so bump MSB down
L0435    clrb                 Force to even page
         ldu   PD.RGS,y       Get callers register stack pointer
         ldu   R$X,u          Get ptr to caller's buffer
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,u            Offset to even page into buffer
         clre                 Clear MSB of count
         ldf   1,s            LSB of count on even page?
         bne   L0442          No, go on
         ince                 Make it even 256 
         IFGT  Level-1
         lda   <D.SysTsk      Get source task number
         leau  d,u
         ldb   1,s
         bne   L0442          No, go on
L0442    pshs  d
         IFGT  Level-1
         lda   <D.SysTsk      Get source task number
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   <D.Proc        Get destination task number
         ldb   P$Task,x
         ldx   PD.BUF,y       Get buffer pointer
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   w,y            Put count into proper register
         puls  y
         os9   F$Move         Move it to caller
         ldx   PD.BUF,y       Get buffer pointer
         puls  y
         pshs  u
         lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         leay  -1,y
         bne   L0443
         puls  u
L0451    puls  pc,y,x         Restore & return

* I$ReadLn entry point
readln   bsr   L04A2        Go wait for device to be ready for us
         bcc   L02E5        No error, continue
         rts                Error, exit with it
L02E5    ldd   R$Y,u        Get character count
         beq   L0453        If none, mark device as un-busy
         tsta               Past 256 bytes?
         beq   L02EF        No, go on
         ldd   #$0100       Get new character count
L02EF    pshs  d            Save character count
         ldd   #$FFFF       Get maximum character count
         std   PD.MAX,y     Store it in path descriptor
         ldx   #0           Set character count so far to 0
         ldu   PD.BUF,y     Get buffer ptr
         lbra  L05F8        Go process readln

* Wait for device - Clears out V.BUSY if either Default or output devices are
* no longer busy
* Modifies X and A
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   <D.Proc        Get current process
         ldx   >D.Proc        Get current process
         lda   P$ID,x         Get it's process ID
         ldx   PD.DEV,y       Get device table pointer from our path dsc.
         bsr   L045D          Check if it's busy
         ldx   PD.DV2,y       Get output device table pointer
L045D    beq   L0467          Doesn't exist, exit
         ldx   V$STAT,x       Get static storage pointer for our device
         cmpa  V.BUSY,x       Same process as current process?
         bne   L0467          No, device busy return
         sta   V.BUSY,x       Yes, mark device as free for use
L0467    rts                  Return

L0468    pshs  x,a            Preserve device table entry pointer & process ID
L046A    ldx   V$STAT,x       Get device static storage address
         ldb   V.BUSY,x       Get active process ID
         beq   L048A          No active process, device not busy go reserve it
         cmpb  ,s             Is it our own process?
         beq   L049F          Yes, return without error
         bsr   L0453          Go wait for device to no longer be busy
         tfr   b,a            Get process # busy using device
         os9   F$IOQu         Put our process into the IO Queue
         inc   PD.MIN,y       Mark device as not mine
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   <D.Proc        Get current process
         ldx   >D.Proc        Get current process
         ldb   P$Signal,x     Get signal code
         lda   ,s             Get our process id # again for L046A
         beq   L046A          No signal go try again
         coma                 Set carry
         puls  x,a,pc         Restore device table ptr (eat a) & return

* Mark device as busy;copy pause/interrupt/quit/xon/xoff chars into static mem
L048A    sta   V.BUSY,x       Make it as process # busy on this device
         sta   V.LPRC,x       Save it as the last process to use device
         lda   PD.PSC,y       Get pause character from path dsc.
         sta   V.PCHR,x       Save copy in static storage (faster later)
         ldd   PD.INT,y       Get keyboard interrupt & quit chars
         std   V.INTR,x       Save copies in static mem
         ldd   PD.XON,y       Get XON/XOFF chars
         std   V.XON,x        Save them in static mem too
L049F    clra                 No error & return
         puls  pc,x,a         Restore A=Process #,X=Dev table entry ptr

* Wait for device?
L04A2    lda   PD.PST,y       Get path status (carrier)
         bne   L04C4          If carrier was lost, hang up process
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   <D.Proc        Get current process ID
         ldx   >D.Proc        Get current process ID
         sta   PD.MIN,y       Flag device is mine
         lda   P$ID,x         Get process ID #
         ldx   PD.DEV,y       Get device table pointer
         bsr   L0468          Busy?
         bcs   L04C1          No, return
         ldx   PD.DV2,y       Get output device table pointer
         beq   L04BB          Go on if it doesn't exist
         bsr   L0468          Busy?
         bcs   L04C1          No, return
L04BB    lda   PD.MIN,y       Device mine?
         bne   L04A2          No, go wait for it
         sta   PD.RAW,y       Mark device with editing
L04C1    ldu   PD.RGS,y       Get register stack pointer
         rts                  Return

* Hangup process
L04C4    leas  2,s            Purge return address
L04C6    ldb   #E$HangUp      Get hangup error code
         cmpa  #S$Abort       Termination signal (or carrier lost)?
         blo   L04D3          Yes, increment status flag & return
         lda   PD.CPR,y       Get current process ID # using path
         ldb   #S$Kill        Get kill signal
         os9   F$Send         Send it to process
L04D3    inc   PD.PST,y       Set path status
         orcc  #Carry         Set carry
         rts                  Return

* I$WritLn entry point
writln   bsr   L04A2          Go wait for device to be ready for us
         bra   L04E1          Go write

* I$Write entry point
write    bsr   L04A2          Go wait for device to be ready for us
         inc   PD.RAW,y       Mark device for raw write
L04E1    ldx   R$Y,u          Get number of characters to write
         lbeq  L055A          Zero so return
         pshs  x              Save character count
         ldx   #$0000         Get write data offset
         bra   L04F1          Go write data

L04EC    tfr   u,d            Move current position in PD.BUF to D
         tstb                 At 256 (end of PD.BUF)?
         bne   L0523          No, keep writing from current PD.BUF

* Get new block of data to write into [PD.BUF]
* Only allows up to 32 bytes at a time, and puts them in the last 32 bytes of
* the 256 byte [PD.BUF] buffer. This way, can use TFR U,D/TSTB to see if fin-
* inshed
L04F1    pshs  y,x            Save write offset & path descriptor pointer
         tfr   x,d            Move data offset to D
         ldu   PD.RGS,y       Get register stack pointer
         ldx   R$X,u          Get pointer to users's WRITE string
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x            Point to where we are in it now
         ldw   R$Y,u          Get # chars of original write
         subr  d,w            Calculate # chars we have left to write
         cmpw  #64            More than 64?
         bls   L0508          No, go on
         ldw   #64            Max size per chunk=64
L0508    ldd   PD.BUF,y       Get buffer ptr
         inca                 Point to PD.BUF+256 (1 byte past end
         subr  w,d            Subtract data size
         leax  d,x
         ldd   R$Y,u
         subd  ,s
         cmpd  #$0020
         bls   L0508
         ldd   #$0020
L0508    pshs  d
         ldd   PD.BUF,y
         subd  ,s
         tfr   d,u            Move it to U
         lda   #C$CR          Put a carriage return 1 byte before start
         sta   -1,u           of write portion of buffer
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldy   <D.Proc        Get current process pointer
         lda   P$Task,y       Get the task number
         ldb   <D.SysTsk      Get system task number
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   w,y            Get number of bytes to move
         puls  y
         os9   F$Move         Move data to buffer
         puls  y
         pshs  u
L0509    lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         leay  -1,y
         bne   L0509
         puls  u
         puls  y,x            Restore path descriptor pointer and data offset

* at this point, we have
* 0,s = end address of characters to write
* X = number of characters written
* Y = PD pointer
* U = pointer to data buffer to write
* Level 2: Use callcode $06 to call grfdrv (old DWProtSW from previous versions,
*   now unused by GrfDrv
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldb   PD.PAR,y     get device parity: bit 7 set = window
         cmpb  #$80         is it even potentially a CoWin window?
         bne   L0524        no, skip the rest of the crap

         clrb               set to no uppercase conversion
         lda   PD.RAW,y     get raw output flag
         bne   g.raw        if non-zero, we do raw writes: no conversion
         ldb   PD.UPC,y     get uppercase conversion flag: 1 = do uppercase

g.raw    pshs  b,x,y,u      save length, PD, data buffer pointers

         lbsr  get.wptr     get window table ptr into Y
         bcs   no.wptr      do old method on error

* now we find out the number of non-control characters to write...   lda   5,s          grab page number
         inca               go to the next page
         clrb               at the top of it
         subd  5,s          take out number of bytes left to write
         pshs  b            max. number of characters

         clrb               always <256 characters to write
g.loop   lda   ,u+          get a character
         cmpa  #$20         is it a control character?
         blo   g.done       yes, we're done this stint
         tst   1,s          get uppercase conversion flag
         beq   g.loop1      don't convert
         lbsr  L0403        do a lower-uppercase conversion, if necessary
         sta   -1,u         save again

g.loop1  incb               done one more character
         cmpb  ,s           done as many as we can?
         bne   g.loop

g.done   leas  1,s          kill max. count of characters to use
         cmpb  #1           one or fewer characters?
         bls   no.wptr      yes, go use old method

*         IFEQ  H6309
* Note: this was present in the TuneUp version of SCF, and seems to
* never allow grfdrv to be called directly, so did fast text screens
* ever work in TuneUp??? - BGP
*         bra   no.wptr      
*         ENDC

* now we call grfdrv...
         ldu   5,s          get start pointer again
         abx                done B more characters...
         stx   1,s          save on-stack
         lbsr  call.grf     go call grfdrv: no error possible on return
         leau  b,u          go up B characters in U, too
         stu   5,s          save old U, too
         puls  b,x,y,u      restore registers
         bra   L0544        do end-buffer checks and continue

no.wptr  puls  b,x,y,u      restore all registers

L0524    lda   ,u+            Get character to write
         ldb   PD.RAW,y       Raw mode?
         bne   L053D          Yes, go write it
         ldb   PD.UPC,y       Force uppercase?
         beq   L052A          No, continue
         bsr   L0403          Make it uppercase
L052A    cmpa  #C$LF          Is it a Line feed?
         bne   L053D          No, go print it
         lda   #C$CR          Get code for carriage return
         ldb   PD.ALF,y       Auto Line feed?
         bne   L053D          Yes, go print carriage return first
         bsr   L0573          Print carriage return
         bcs   L055D          If error, go wait for device
         lda   #C$LF          Now, print the line feed

* Write character to device (call driver)
L053D    bsr   L0573          Go write it to device
         bcs   L055D          If error, go wait for device
         ldb   #1             Bump up # chars we have written
L0544    cmpx  ,s             Done whole WRITE call?
         bhs   L0554          Yes, go save # chars written & exit
         ldb   PD.RAW,y       Raw mode?
         lbne  L04EC          Yes, keep writing
         lda   -1,u           Get the char we wrote
         lbeq  L04EC          NUL, keep writing
         cmpa  PD.EOR,y       End of record?
         lbne  L04EC          No, keep writing
L0554    leas  2,s            Eof record, stop & Eat end of buffer ptr???
L0556    ldu   PD.RGS,y       Get callers register pointer
         stx   R$Y,u          Save character count to callers Y
L055A    lbra  L0453          Mark device write clear and return

* Check for forced uppercase
L0403    cmpa  #'a            Less then 'a'?
         blo   L0412          Yes, leave it
         cmpa  #'z            Higher than 'z'?
         bhi   L0412          Yes, leave it
         suba  #$20           Make it uppercase
L0412    rts                  Return

L055D    leas  2,s            Purge stack
         pshs  b,cc           Preserve registers
         bsr   L0556          Wait for device
         puls  pc,b,cc        Restore & return

* Check for end of page (part of send char to driver)
L0573    pshs  u,y,x,a        Preserve registers
         ldx   PD.DEV,y       Get device table pointer
         cmpa  #C$CR          Carriage return?
         bne   L056F          No, go print it
         ldu   V$STAT,x       Get pointer to device stactic storage
         ldb   V.PAUS,u       Pause request?
         bne   L0590          Yes, go pause device
         ldb   PD.RAW,y       Raw output mode?
         bne   L05A2          Yes, go on
         ldb   PD.PAU,y       End of page pause enabled?
         beq   L05A2          No, go on
         dec   V.LINE,u       Subtract a line
         bne   L05A2          Not done, go on
         ldb   #$ff           do a immediate pause request
         stb   V.PAUS,u
         bra   L059A          Go read next character

L03DA    pshs  u,y,x        Preserve registers
         ldx   PD.DV2,y     Get output device table pointer
         beq   NoOut        None, exit
         ldu   PD.DEV,y     Get device table pointer
         lbra  L03EA        Process & return

NoOut    puls  pc,u,y,x     No output device so exit

* Wait for pause release
L0590    bsr   L03DA          Read next character
         bcs   L059A          Error, try again
         cmpa  PD.PSC,y       Pause char?
         bne   L0590          No, try again

L059A    bsr   L03DA          Reset line count and read a character
         cmpa  PD.PSC,y       Pause character?
         beq   L059A          Yes, go read again

* Process Carriage return - do auto linefeed & Null's if necessary
* Entry: A=CHR$($0D)
L05A2    ldu   V$STAT,x       Get static storage pointer
         sta   V.PAUS,u       Clear pause request
         lda   #C$CR          Carriage return (in cases from pause)
         bsr   L05C9          Send it to driver
         lda   PD.RAW,y       Raw mode?
         bne   L05C7          Yes, return
         ldb   PD.NUL,y       Get end of line null count
         pshs  b              Save it
         lda   PD.ALF,y       Auto line feed enabled?
         beq   L05BE          No, go on
         lda   #C$LF          Get line feed code
L05BA    bsr   L05C9          Execute driver write routine
         bcs   L05C5          Error, purge stack and return
L05BE    clra                 Get null character
         dec   ,s             Done null count?
         bpl   L05BA          No, go send it to driver
         clra                 Clear carry
L05C5    leas  1,s            Purge stack
L05C7    puls  pc,u,y,x,a     Restore & return

* Execute device driver write routine
* Entry: A=Character to write
* Execute device driver
* Entry: W=Entry offset (for type of function, ex. Write, Read)
*        A=Code to send to driver
L05C9    ldu   V$STAT,x       Get device static storage pointer
         pshs  y,x            Preserve registers
         stb   V.WAKE,u       Wake it up
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   V$DRIVEX,x     Get driver execution pointer
         pshs  d
         ldx   V$DRIV,x     get driver module
         ldd   M$EXEC,x
         leax  d,x
         puls  d
         jsr   D$WRIT,x       Execute driver
         puls  pc,y,x         Restore & return

* Send character to driver
L0565    pshs  u,y,x,a        Preserve registers
         ldx   PD.DV2,y       Get output device table pointer
         beq   L0571          Return if none
         cmpa  #C$CR          Carriage return?
         beq   L05A2          Yes, go process it
L056F    ldu   V$STAT,x       Get device static storage pointer
         stb   V.WAKE,u       Wake it up
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   V$DRIVEX,x     Get driver execution pointer
         pshs  d
         ldx   V$DRIV,x     get driver module
         ldd   M$EXEC,x
         leax  d,x
         puls  d
         jsr   D$WRIT,x       Execute driver
L0571    puls  pc,u,y,x,a     Restore & return

* Check for printable character
L0413    ldb   PD.EKO,y       Echo turned on?
         beq   NoEcho         No, return
L0418    cmpa  #C$SPAC        CHR$(32) or higher?
         bhs   L0565          Yes, go send to driver
         cmpa  #C$CR          Carriage return?
         bne   L0423          No, change it to a period
         bra   L0565          Anything else output to driver

NoEcho   rts

L0423    pshs  a              Save code
         lda   #'.            Get code for period
         bsr   L0565          Output it to device
         puls  pc,a           Restore & return

L0624    bsr   L0418        check if it's printable and send it to driver
* Process ReadLn
L05F8    lbsr  L03E2        get a character from device
         lbcs  L0370        return if error
         tsta               usable character?
         lbeq  L02FE        no, check path descriptor special characters
         ldb   PD.RPR,y     get reprint line code
         cmpb  #C$RPRT      cntrl D?
         lbeq  L02FE        yes, check path descriptor special characters
         cmpa  PD.RPR,y     reprint line?
         bne   L0629        no, Check line editor keys
         cmpx  PD.MAX,y     character count at maximum?
         beq   L05F8        yes, go read next character
         ldb   #1           Bump char count up by 1
         cmpx  ,s           done?
         bhs   L0620        yes, exit
         lda   ,u+          get character read
         beq   L0624        null, go send it to driver
         cmpa  PD.EOR,y     end of record character?
         bne   L0624        no, go send it to driver
         leau  -1,u         bump buffer pointer back 1
L0620    leax  -1,x         bump character count back 1
         bra   L05F8        go read next character

* Process print rest of line
L0629    cmpa  #C$PLINE       Print rest of line code?
         bne   L0647          No, check insert
L062D    pshs  u              Save buffer pointer
         lbsr  L038B          Go print rest of line
         lda   PD.BSE,y       Get backspace echo character
L0634    cmpu  ,s             Beginning of buffer?
         beq   L0642          Yes, exit
         leau  -1,u           Bump buffer pointer back 1
         leax  -1,x           Bump character count back 1
         IFNE  H6309
         bsr   L0565          Print it
         lbsr  L0565          Print it
         bra   L0634          Keep going
L0642    leas  2,s            Purge buffer pointer
         bra   L05F8          Return

* Process Insert character (NOTE:Currently destroys W)
L0647    cmpa  #C$INSERT      Insert character code?
         bne   L0664          No, check delete
         IFNE  H6309
         pshs  x,y            Preserve x&y a moment
         tfr   u,w            Dupe buffer pointer into w
         ldf   #$fe           End of buffer -1
         tfr   w,x            Source copy address
         incw                 Include char we are on & dest address is+1
         tfr   w,y            Destination copy address
         subr  u,w            w=w-u (Size of copy)
         tfm   x-,y-          Move buffer up one
         puls  y,x            Get back original y & x
         lda   #C$SPAC        Get code for space
         sta   ,u             Save it there
         pshs  u
         tfr   u,d
         ldb   #$FF
         tfr   d,u
L06DE    lda   ,-u
         sta   1,u
         cmpu  ,s
         bne   L06DE
         lda   #C$SPAC
         sta   ,u
         leas  2,s
         bra   L062D          Go print rest of line

* Process delete line
L0664    cmpa  #C$DELETE      Delete character code?
         bne   L068B          No, check end of line
         pshs  u              Save buffer pointer
         lda   ,u             Get character there
         cmpa  PD.EOR,y       End of record?
         beq   L0687          Yes, don't bother to delete it
L0671    lda   1,u            Get character beside it
         cmpa  PD.EOR,y       This an end of record?
         beq   L067C          Yes, delete it
         sta   ,u+            Bump character back
         bra   L0671          Go do next character
L067C    lda   #C$SPAC        Get code for space
         cmpa  ,u             Already there?
         bne   L0685          No, put it in
         lda   PD.EOR,y       Get end of record code
L0685    sta   ,u             Put it there
L0687    puls  u              Restore buffer pointer
         bra   L062D          Go print rest of line

* Delete rest of buffer
L068B    cmpa  PD.EOR,y       End of record code?
         bne   L02FE          No, check for special path dsc. chars
         pshs  u              Save buffer pointer
         bra   L069F          Go erase rest of buffer

L0696    pshs  a              Save code
         lda   #C$SPAC        Get code for space
         lbsr  L0565          Print it
         puls  a              Restore code
L069F    cmpa  ,u+            End of record?
         bne   L0696          No, go print a space
         puls  u              Restore buffer pointer

* Check character read against path descriptor
L02FE    tsta               Usable character?
         beq   L030C        No, go on
         ldb   #PD.BSP      Get start point in path descriptor
L0303    cmpa  b,y          Match code in descriptor?
         beq   L032C        Yes, go process it
         incb               Move to next one
         cmpb  #PD.QUT      Done check?
         bls   L0303        No, keep going
L030C    cmpx  PD.MAX,y     Past maximum character count?
         bls   L0312        No, go on
         stx   PD.MAX,y     Update maximum character count
L0312    ldb   #1           Add 1 char
         cmpx  ,s           Past requested amount?
         blo   L0322        No, go on
         lda   PD.OVF,y     Get overflow character
         lbsr  L0565        Send it to driver
         leax  -1,x         Subtract a character
         lbra  L05F8        Go try again

L0322    ldb   PD.UPC,y     Force uppercase?
         beq   L0328        No, put char in buffer
         lbsr  L0403        Make character uppercase
L0328    sta   ,u+          Put character in buffer
         lbsr  L0413        Check for printable
         lbra  L05F8        Go try again

* Process path option characters
L032C    pshs  x,pc         Preserve character count & PC
         leax  <L033F,pc    Point to branch table
         subb  #PD.BSP      Subtract off first code
         lslb               Account for 2 bytes a entry
         abx                Point to entry point
         stx   2,s          Save it in PC on stack
         puls  x            Restore X
C8E3         jsr   [,s++]       Execute routine
         lbra  L05F8        Continue on

* Vector points for PD.BSP-PD.QUT
L033F    bra   L03BB        Process PD.BSP
         bra   L03A5        Process PD.DEL
         bra   L0351        Process PD.EOR
         bra   L0366        Process PD.EOF
         bra   L0381        Process PD.RPR
         bra   L038B        Process PD.DUP
         rts                PD.PSC we don't worry about
         bra   L03A5        Process PD.INT
         bra   L03A5        Process PD.QUT

* Process PD.EOR character
L0351    leas  2,s          Purge return address

         sta   ,u           Save character in buffer
         lbsr  L0413
         ldu   PD.RGS,y     Get callers register stack pointer
         ldb   #1           Bump up char count by 1
         stx   R$Y,u        Store it in callers Y
         lbsr  L042B
         leas  2,s
         lbra  L0453

* Process PD.EOF
L0366    leas  2,s          Purge return address
         leax  ,x           read anything?
         lbeq  L02A2
         bra   L030C

L0370    pshs  b
         lda   #C$CR
         sta   ,u
         lbsr  L0565        Send it to the driver
         puls  b
         lbra  L02A4

* Process PD.RPR
L0381    lda   PD.EOR,y     Get end of record character
         sta   ,u           Put it in buffer
         ldx   #0
         ldu   PD.BUF,y     Get buffer ptr
L0388    lbsr  L0418        Send it to driver
L038B    cmpx  PD.MAX,y     Character maximum?
         beq   L03A2        Yes, return
         ldb   #1           Bump char count up by 1
         cmpx  2,s          Done count?
         bhs   L03A0        Yes, exit
         lda   ,u+          Get character from buffer
         beq   L0388        Null, go send it
         cmpa  PD.EOR,y     Done line?
         bne   L0388        No go send it
         leau  -1,u         Move back a character
L03A0    leax  -1,x         Move character count back
L03A2    rts                Return

L03A3    bsr   L03BF
* PD.DEL/PD.QUT/PD.INT processing
L03A5    leax  ,x           Any characters?
         beq   L03B8        No, reset buffer ptr
         ldb   PD.DLO,y     Backspace over line?
         beq   L03A3        Yes, go do it
         ldb   PD.EKO,y     Echo character?
         beq   L03B5        No, zero out buffer pointers & return
         lda   #C$CR        Send CR to the driver
         lbsr  L0565        send it to driver
L03B5    ldx   #0           zero out count
L03B8    ldu   PD.BUF,y     reset buffer pointer
L03BA    rts                return

* Process PD.BSP
L03BB    leax  ,x           Any characters?
         beq   L03A2        No, return
L03BF    leau  -1,u         Mover buffer pointer back 1 character
         leax  -1,x         Move character count back 1
         ldb   PD.EKO,y     Echoing characters?
         beq   L03BA        No, return
         ldb   PD.BSO,y     Which backspace method?
         beq   L03D4        Use BSE
         bsr   L03D4        Do a BSE
         lda   #C$SPAC      Get code for space
         lbsr  L0565        Send it to driver
L03D4    lda   PD.BSE,y     Get BSE
         lbra  L0565        Send it to driver

         IFGT  Level-1
* check PD.DTP,y and update PD.WPTR,y if it's device type $10 (grfdrv)
get.wptr pshs  x,u
         ldu   PD.DEV,y     get device table entry
         ldx   V$DRIV,u     get device driver module
         ldd   M$Name,x     offset to name
         ldd   d,x
         cmpd  #"VT         is it VTIO?
         bne      no, don't do the fast stuff
         ldd   >WGlobal+G.GrfEnt     does GrfDrv have an entry address?
         beq      nope, don't bother calling it.

         ldu   V$STAT,u     and device static storage
         tst   V.ParmCnt,u  are we busy getting more parameters?
         bne      yes, don't do buffered writes

* Get window table pointer & verify it: copied from CoWin and modified
         ldb   V.WinNum,u   Get window # from device mem
         lda   #Wt.Siz      Size of each entry
         mul                Calculate window table offset
         addd  #WinBase     Point to specific window table entry
         tfr   d,y          Move to y, the register we want
         lda   Wt.STbl,y    Get MSB of scrn tbl ptr
         bgt   VerExit      If $01-$7f, should be ok

* Return illegal window definition error  comb               set carry: no error code, it's an internal routine
         puls  x,u,pc

VerExit  clra               No error
         puls  x,u,pc

call.grf pshs  d,x,y,u      save registers
         ldx   #$0180       where to put the text
         IFNE  H6309
         pshs  cc           save old CC
         tfr   cc,a
         sta   -2,x
         orcc  #IntMasks+Entire  shut everything else off

         IFNE  H6309
         clra               make sure high byte=0
         tfr   d,w
         tfm   u+,x+        move the data into low memory
l@       lda   ,u+
         sta   ,x+
         bne   l@

         ldb   #6           alpha put
         stb   >WGlobal+G.GfBusy  flag grfdrv busy
         IFNE  H6309
         lde   ,s+          grab old CC off of the stack
         lda   1,s          get the number of characters to write
*         ldb   ,s+          grab old CC off of the stack
         lda   1,s          get the number of characters to write
* A = number of bytes at $0180 to write out...
         bsr   do.grf       do the call
* ignore errors : none possible from this particular call
call.out puls  d,x,y,u,pc   and return

* this routine should always be called by a BSR, and grfdrv will use the
* PC saved on-stack to return to the calling routine.
do.grf   sts   >WGlobal+G.GrfStk    stack pointer for GrfDrv
         lds   <D.CCStk     get new stack pointer
         IFNE  H6309
         pshs  dp,x,y,u,pc
         pshs  cc,d         save all registers
         pshs  dp,cc,d,x,y,u,pc

         ldx   >WGlobal+G.GrfEnt     get GrfDrv entry address

         stx   R$PC,s       save grfdrv entry address as PC on the stack
         IFNE  H6309
         ste   R$CC,s       save CC onto CC on the stack
         stb   R$B,s
         ldb   $017E
         stb   R$CC,s
         jmp   [>D.Flip1]   flip to grfdrv and execute it

* GrfDrv will execute function, and then call [D.Flip0] to return here. It 
* will use an RTS to return to the code that called here in the first place

*         ELSE
*call.grf pshs  u,y,x,d
*         tfr   cc,a
*         orcc  #IntMasks+Entire
*         ldx   #$0180
*         sta   -2,x
*call.lp  lda   ,u+
*         sta   ,x+
*         decb
*         bne   call.lp
*         stb   ,x
*         lda   1,s
*         bsr   do.grf
*         puls  u,y,x,d,pc
*do.grf   sts   >$1007
*         lds   <D.CCStk
*         ldu   #$1100
*         ldb   #$3A
*         stb   >$1002
*         stb   >$017F
*         pshs  pc,u,y,x,dp,b,a,cc
*         ldx   >$106E
*         stx   R$PC,s
*         ldb   >$107E
*         stb   ,s
*         jmp   [>D.Flip1]
*         ENDC

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