view docs/ccguide/ccguide.docbook @ 1587:5f18094d961d

kernel modules renamed to krn, updated makefiles, clock2_tc3 now clock2_cloud9...
author boisy
date Mon, 24 May 2004 14:51:21 +0000
parents bc28c3bc3769
line wrap: on
line source

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<book id="ccguide" lang="en">
 <title>Microware C Compiler User's Guide</title>
 <subtitle>for OS-9</subtitle>

  <publishername>Cleglen Publishing Limited</publishername>

  <holder>Microware Systems Corporation.</holder>


<para>All rights reserved.</para>

Reproduction of this document, in part or whole, by any means,
electrical or otherwise, is prohibited, except by written permission
from Microware Systems Corporation.</para>

<para>The information contained herein is believed to be accurate as of
the date of publication, however, Microware will not be liable for
any damages, including indirect or consequential, from use of
the OS-9 operating system or reliance on the accuracy of this
documentation. The information contained herein is subject to
change without notice.</para>
<date>June 1983</date>

The OS-9 C Compiler was written by James McCosh with OS-9
implementation assistance from Terry Crane and Kim Kempf. The
Relocatable Assembler, Linker, and Profiler was edited by Wes Camden and
Ken Kaplan.
