view defs/ide.d @ 2811:611715587834 lwtools-port

Updated rules.mak and level1/coco1/bootfiles/makefile Updated the rules.mak file to remove the format entire image related to drivewire server disk images. Updated level1/coco1/bootfiles/makefile to create 3 new bootfile images. These images are stripped down to just the common files needed for vovdg games on os9 level 1. These bootfiles are for becker, dw, and arduino. Also corrected a duplicated dd descriptor when building some bootfiles that had both floppy_40d, floppy_80d, RBDW, RBBECKER, and RBARDUINO. Removed the dd descriptor from each of these sections and made it where the dd descriptor for the specific section was added in the main bootfile list.
author David Ladd <>
date Mon, 11 Feb 2013 20:16:24 -0600
parents b8c7b7fbf3c9
line wrap: on
line source

          IFNE      IDE.D-1
IDE.D    SET       1
* ide.d - IDE definitions
* $Id$
* (C) 2004 Boisy G. Pitre - Licensed to Cloud-9
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          2005/12/11  Boisy G. Pitre
* Moved IDE base addresses and I/O offsets to here.

* ATAPI Commands
A$READ2        EQU       $A8
A$WRITE2       EQU       $AA
A$READ         EQU       $28
A$WRITE        EQU       $2A
A$STOP         EQU       $1B

* ATA Commands
S$READ         EQU       $20
S$WRITE        EQU       $30

* IDE Registers
DataReg        EQU       0                   Data (1st 8 bits, non-latched)
ErrorReg       EQU       1                   Error # when read
Features       EQU       1                   Features when write
SectCnt        EQU       2                   Sector count
SectNum        EQU       3                   Sector #
CylLow         EQU       4                   Low byte of cylinder
CylHigh        EQU       5                   High byte of cylinder
DevHead        EQU       6                   Device/Head
Status         EQU       7                   Status when read
Command        EQU       7                   Command when write
Latch          EQU       8                   Latch (2nd 8 bits of 16 bit word)

BusyBit        EQU       %10000000           BUSY=1 
DrdyBit        EQU       %01000000           drive ready=1 
DscBit         EQU       %00010000           seek finished=1 
DrqBit         EQU       %00001000           data requested=1 
ErrBit         EQU       %00000001           error_reg has it 
RdyTrk         EQU       %01010000           ready & over track 
RdyDrq         EQU       %01011000           ready w/ data 

**** IDE Interface Definitions
               IFNE      IDE
SDAddr         SET       $FF50
