view level3/cmds/sfree.asm @ 2904:62c91ac49d72

Make the banners print what we are compiling for Since the same makefiles are used for different ports, the banner info must be dynamic.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 11 Jan 2014 20:56:53 +0100
parents 87b07a1be8a0
line wrap: on
line source

* SFree - Show free memory for NitrOS-9 Level 3
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      ????/??/??  Alan DeKok
* Written from scratch.

         nam   SFree
         ttl   program module       

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $01
edition  set   1

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

Cnt      rmb   1          number of free blocks found
MaxCnt   rmb   1          size of maximum free block

u000F    rmb   256
         rmb   200        for the stack
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /SFree/
         fcb   edition

L005A    fcb   $00        temporary DAT image
         fcb   $00 

Global   fcb   C$LF
         fcc   /----- Level III System Memory -----/
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   /System memory:/
         fcb   C$CR

SCF      fcb   C$LF
         fcc   /SCF local memory:/
         fcb   C$CR

RBF      fcb   C$LF
         fcc   /RBF local memory:/
         fcb   C$CR

skip     leax  1,x
start    lda   ,x
         cmpa  #C$SPAC
         beq   skip
         cmpa  #C$CR      CR? (no parameters)
         lbne  Help       no, print out help

         leax  >L005A,pcr
         tfr   x,d
         ldx   #D.SysMem  ptr to system global memory map
         ldy   #$0002     2 bytes
         ldu   #u000F     to a buffer
         os9   F$CpyMem   copy the memory
         lbcs  Exit       exit on error
         ldx   ,u         grab the offset to the buffer
         leax  $40,x      ignore the first 2 8k blocks
         ldy   #$00C0     grab the rest of the page
         os9   F$CpyMem   copy the buffer
         lbcs  Exit       exit on error

         leax  >Global,pc
         lbsr  Print
         lda   #$C0       maximum number of pages to check
         bsr   Dump

         leax  >L005A,pc
         tfr   x,d
         ldx   #$0660     Level III blocks
         leas  -2,s       reserve 2 bytes on-stack
         leau  ,s         point to the bytes
         ldy   #2         copy 2 bytes over
         OS9   F$CpyMem

         lda   ,s         get SCF block number
         ora   1,s        and RBF block number
         beq   Level.2    if none, we're on a Level II system

         clr   ,-s        make a temporary DAT image
         leax  SCF,pc
         bsr   Local

         leas  1,s
         clr   ,s
         leax  RBF,pc
         bsr   Local

Level.2  leas  2,s

ClnExit  clrb
Exit     OS9   F$Exit

Local    lbsr  Print      print out the header
         leax  2,s
         tfr   x,d
         ldu   #u000F
         ldx   #$0000     from the start of the block
         ldy   #$0040     64 bytes only
         OS9   F$CpyMem
         lda   #$40       64 pages, and fall through to DUMP

Dump     clr   <MaxCnt    no maximum count of free blocks yet
         clr   <Cnt       total count is zero, too.
         ldx   #u000F     point to the buffer where the blocks are
         pshs  a          save number of pages to check
         clra             we haven't found a free block yet

d.skip   ldb   ,x+        grab a page flag
         beq   d.loop     this page is free, go check it
d.skip1  dec   ,s         done one more byte
         bne   d.skip     if we're not done them all yet, continue
         bra   d.done     go to the 'done' routine

d.loop   inca             found a maximum series of free page
         inc   <Cnt       another total free page
         dec   ,s         count down by one byte
         beq   d.done     exit if we're done everything

         ldb   ,x+        grab a page flag
         beq   d.loop     if it's free, increment counters, etc.
         cmpa  <MaxCnt    is this block larger than the previous free block?
         bls   d.skip1    if not, exit
         sta   <MaxCnt    it's larger, so save it.
         clra             reset the count to zero
         bra   d.skip1    decrement counters, and find another free block

d.done   leas  1,s        kill counter off of the stack
         cmpa  <MaxCnt    A=maximum series of free pages
         bls   d.done1
         sta   <MaxCnt

d.done1  ldb   <Cnt       get total count of free pages
         bsr   PNum       print out a decimal number in B
         leax  MSize,pc
         ldy   #MLen
         lda   #$01       STDOUT
         OS9   I$Write    dump it out

         ldb   <MaxCnt    get maximum size of the free area
         bsr   PNum       print out the number

         leax  ZSize,pc   to maximum free size message
         bsr   Print      go print it out

         ldb   <Cnt       get size again
         lsrb             get number of K free
         bsr   PNum       print it out
         leax  KFree,pc
         bra   Print

PNum     pshs  a          save a junk byte
         ldx   #$2F3A     other data
         pshs  x
do.100   inc    ,s
         subb   #100
         bcc    do.100
do.10    dec    1,s
         addb   #10
         bcc    do.10
         addb   #$30
         stb    2,s

         leax  ,s         point to the numbers
         ldy   #3         number of bytes to print out
         ldd   ,s
         cmpa  #'0        leading 0?
         bne   pn.ok      no, go print
         leax  1,x        skip this byte
         leay  -1,y       one less to print
         cmpb  #'0        another leading 0?
         bne   pn.ok      no, go print
         leax  1,x        skip this byte
         leay  -1,y       one less to print.

pn.ok    lda   #1
         OS9   I$Write    dump it out
         puls  a,x,pc     dump 3 bytes off of the stack, and return

MSize    fcc   / free pages, largest block /
Mlen     equ   *-MSize
ZSize    fcc   / pages./
         fcb   C$CR
KFree    fcc   /K of free RAM./
         fcb   C$CR

Print    ldy   #$0200
         lda   #$01       to STDOUT
         OS9   I$WritLn

Help     leax  HMsg,pc    point to the message
         bsr   Print      dump it out
         lbra  ClnExit    and exit

HMsg     fcc   /SFree: Level III utility to show free system memory./
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   /       Beta version 0.9/
         fcb   C$CR

eom      equ   *