view 3rdparty/utils/boisy/joypoll.asm @ 3210:6353bb024571

Created makefile and defsfile for NoCan RAMMER module driver and descriptor Updated rammer.asm in the NoCan driver folder to build the NoCan version of the Driver Updated r0.asm file to create the 6MB version of the descriptor. The makefile creates a disk image with two sets of the required drivers for the 6309 and 6809's in their respective module folders. /NITROS9/6309_L2/MODULES/RBF for the 6309 files and /NITROS9/6809_L2/MODULES/RBF for the 6809 files. This will make it easier for doing a dsave from this disk image into a normal distro disk image so people have these drivers ready for when new memory upgrades allow compatible usage of the NoCan registers.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 15:15:49 -0600
parents 0e08f0830fd8
line wrap: on
line source

         nam   JoyPoll
         ttl   Joystick poll utility

         use   defsfile

         mod   eom,Name,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+1,Start,Fin

Name     fcs   /AutoEx/
Ed       fcb   $02

outpath  rmb   1
outline  rmb   80
SubEnt   rmb   2
RetAddr  rmb   2
JoyNum   rmb   2
JoyX     rmb   2
JoyY     rmb   2
JoyB     rmb   2
LastJoyX rmb   2
LastJoyY rmb   2
LastJoyB rmb   2
opts     rmb   OPTCNT
Stack    rmb   200
Fin      equ   .

ParmCnt  equ   0
Addr1    equ   2
Size1    equ   4
Addr2    equ   6
Size2    equ   8
Addr3    equ   10
Size3    equ   12
Addr4    equ   14
Size4    equ   16
StackEnd equ   Size4

submod   fcs   "JoyStk"
outdev   fcs   "/T1"

Start    lda   #Sbrtn+Objct
         leax  submod,pcr
         pshs  u
         os9   F$Link
         puls  u
         bcc   GoOn
error    os9   F$Exit
GoOn     sty   <SubEnt			save entry pointer

* Initialize our static storage
         ldd   #$FFFF
         std   <LastJoyX
         std   <LastJoyY
         std   <LastJoyB

* Populate our storage area with parameters for the module
         leas  -StackEnd,s
         ldd   #$04
         std   ParmCnt,s
         ldb   #$02
         std   Size1,s
         std   Size2,s
         std   Size3,s
         std   Size4,s
         leax  JoyNum,u
         std   ,x
         stx   Addr1,s
         leax  JoyX,u
         stx   Addr2,s 
         leax  JoyY,u
         stx   Addr3,s 
         leax  JoyB,u
         stx   Addr4,s 
* Open path to output device
         leax  outdev,pcr
         lda   #WRITE.
         os9   I$Open
         bcs   error
         sta   <outpath

* Set up no pause for both stdout and newly opened output path
         ldb   #SS.Opt
         leax  opts,u
         os9   I$GetStt
         bcs   error
         clr   (PD.PAU-PD.OPT),x
         os9   I$SetStt
         bcs   error
         lda   #1
         os9   I$GetStt
         bcs   error
         clr   (PD.PAU-PD.OPT),x
         os9   I$SetStt
         bcs   error
* Here's where the action is
FLoop    ldx   <SubEnt 
         jsr   ,x		call subroutine module

* See if our new values match our last values?
         ldd   <JoyX		get joystick X
         cmpd  <LastJoyX	same as last?
         bne   CopyVals		branch if not
         ldd   <JoyY		get joystick Y
         cmpd  <LastJoyY	same as last?
         bne   CopyVals		branch if not
         ldd   <JoyB		get joystick button
         cmpd  <LastJoyB	same as last?
         beq   Nap

* Copy current values to 'last' values
CopyVals ldd  <JoyB
         std  <LastJoyB
         ldd  <JoyY
         std  <LastJoyY
         ldd  <JoyX
         std  <LastJoyX

         leax  <outline,u
         bsr   OutDec3		output joystick X
         lda   #C$SPAC
         sta   ,x+
         ldd   JoyY,u
         bsr   OutDec3		output joystick Y
         lda   #C$SPAC
         sta   ,x+
         ldd   JoyB,u
         bsr   OutDec3		output joystick button
         lda   #C$CR
         sta   ,x+
         lda   <outpath
         leax  <outline,u
         ldy   #80
         os9   I$WritLn		write line
         lda   #$01		stdout
         os9   I$WritLn		write line to screen

* Take a small nap
Nap      ldx   #60*1			1 seconds
         os9   F$Sleep			go to sleep
         bra   FLoop 

* Print 3 Decimal Digits from D to ,X
OutDec3  pshs  a
         lda   #'0
         sta   ,x
         sta   1,x
         puls  a
Hundred  subd  #100
         bcs   PreTen
         inc   ,x
         bra   Hundred
PreTen   addd  #100
Ten      subd  #10
         bcs   PreOne
         inc   1,x
         bra   Ten
PreOne   addb  #$30+10
         stb   2,x
         leax  3,x

eom      equ   *