view 3rdparty/utils/sleuth3/cssxiort3.asm @ 3210:6353bb024571

Created makefile and defsfile for NoCan RAMMER module driver and descriptor Updated rammer.asm in the NoCan driver folder to build the NoCan version of the Driver Updated r0.asm file to create the 6MB version of the descriptor. The makefile creates a disk image with two sets of the required drivers for the 6309 and 6809's in their respective module folders. /NITROS9/6309_L2/MODULES/RBF for the 6309 files and /NITROS9/6809_L2/MODULES/RBF for the 6809 files. This will make it easier for doing a dsave from this disk image into a normal distro disk image so people have these drivers ready for when new memory upgrades allow compatible usage of the NoCan registers.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 15:15:49 -0600
parents afd0f7d9b514
line wrap: on
line source

xbadr bsr xbyte input four hex char into x
 sta baddr,u
 bsr xbyte
 sta baddr+1,u
 ldx baddr,u
xbyte pshs b input 2 hex char into a
 lbsr xnhex
 pshs a
 lbsr xnhex
 adda ,s+
 puls b,pc
xinee lda #$01 normal input (getchr)
 sta escswt,u
 sts saves,u
 bsr xinpt
 clr escswt,u
xinpt pshs b,x,y input one char to a
 tst getfl,u chk get flag
 beq xinen
xinpg leax axblok,u get a char from disk
 lbsr gnc
 bcs xinpe chk error
 bvs xineo chk eof
 bra xineg ok
xinpe lda #$02 error
 leax errarz,pcr
 ldy #errarl
 os9 I$WritLn
xineo lbsr stopin reset get flag
 lda #$0d cr for eof
xineg anda #$7f strip parity
 cmpa #$0d chk cr
 beq xinef
 cmpa #$20 chk printable
 bls xinpg ignore cntrl
 cmpa #maxprn
 bhi xinef
 lbsr xoutet echo input
 bra xinef
xinen leax toblok,u from terminal
 lbsr fob force output
 leax tiblok,u
 lbsr gnc
 bcs xinep chk error
 bvs xineq chk eof
 bra xinek ok
xinep lda #$02 error
 leax errirz,pcr
 ldy #errirl
 os9 I$WritLn
 bra xineq
xinek cmpa #$03 chk ctrl-c
 bne xinef
 tst scfwkg+PD.EKO-PD.OPT,u chk for screen I/O
 beq xinef
 tst noecho,u chk echo flag
 bne xinef
 clr escswt,u
 lbra askin
xineq clr escswt,u abort
 lbra fexeof force exit
xinef puls b,x,y,pc restore and return
xnhex lbsr xinee input 1 hex char to a
xnhe9 cmpa #$5f
 bls xnhe8
 anda #$5f change case
xnhe8 cmpa #$20 chk for space
 beq xnhex ignore
 suba #$30
 blo xnhe2
 cmpa #$09
 ble xnhe1
 cmpa #$11
 blo xnhe2
 cmpa #$16
 bgt xnhe2
 suba #$07
xnhe1 rts
xnhe2 clr escswt,u invalid hex
 lbsr stopin reset get flag
 lbra askin get out
xpdaa bsr xoute
xpdat lda ,x+ print to $04 from x
 cmpa #$04
 bne xpdaa
xothl lsra print left hex digit in a
xothr anda #$0f print right hex digit in a
 adda #$30
 cmpa #$39
 bls xoth1
 adda #$07
xoth1 bra xoute
xot4h bsr xot2h print 4 hex char from x
xot2h lda ,x print 2 hex char from x
 bsr xothl
 lda ,x+
 bra xothr
xot4s bsr xot2h print 4 hex from x & space
xot2s bsr xot2h print 2 hex from x & space
xouts lda #$20 print 1 space
xoute pshs d,x,y normal output (putchr)
 ldb #$02 set escape switch
 stb escswt,u
 sts saves,u
 bsr xoutp
xoutex clr escswt,u
 puls d,x,y,pc
xcrlf clr column,u crlf
 lda #$0d cr
 bra xoute
xoutp pshs d output char in a
 tst noecho,u chk echo flag
 bne xotpx
 beq xotpx nulls
 anda #$7f
 cmpa #$20 chk for cntl
 blo xotpd
 inc column,u count printables
xotpa bsr xouted output to disk
xotpb lbsr xoutep output to printer
xotpc lbsr xoutet output to terminal
 bra xotpx
xotpd cmpa #$0d chk cr
 bne xotpe
 clr column,u clear column number
 bra xotpa
xotpe tsta chk ctrls
 beq xotpb nulls ($80)
 cmpa #$0a chk lf
 beq xotpc
 cmpa #$07 chk bell
 beq xotpc
 bpl xotpx other cntls
 ldb #$05 chk tabs
 beq xotpt
 ldb #$11
 beq xotpt
 ldb #$17
 beq xotpt
 ldb #$21
 beq xotpt
 beq xotpt
 ldb #$2e
xotpt lda #$20 space
xotpu inc column,u
 lbsr xoutep
 bsr xoutet
 cmpb column,u
 bhi xotpu
 bsr xouted
xotpx puls d,pc
xouted tst dskfl,u output to disk
 beq xoutxd
 pshs d,x
 ldb comand,u
 cmpb #$44 chk d
 bne xoutdo
 cmpa #$0d cr
 beq xoutdo
 ldb column,u
 cmpb #$12 chk column
 blo xoutdx
xoutdo leax otblok,u put a char
 lbsr pnc
 bcc xoutdx chk error
 lda #$02 error
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
 clr dskfl,u stop disk output
 ldb comand,u
 cmpb #$44 chk d
 bne xoutdx
 lds stkadr,u abort
 lbra ende3
xoutdx puls d,x
xoutxd rts
xoutet pshs d,x output to terminal
 tst confl,u
 beq xoutxt
 leax toblok,u terminal output
 lbsr pnc
 bcc xouttx
 lda #$02 error
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
 lbsr ende3 close files
 lbsr stopin stop auxiliary input
 clr escswt,u
 lbra askin abort
xouttx cmpa scfwkg+PD.EOR-PD.OPT,u cr
 bne xoutxt
 lbsr fob
xoutxt puls d,x,pc
xoutep pshs d,x output to terminal
 tst prtfl,u
 beq xoutxp
 leax prblok,u printer output
 lbsr pnc
 bcc xoutpx
 lda #$02 error
 leax errprz,pcr
 ldy #errprl
 os9 I$WritLn
 lbsr ende3 close files
 lbsr stopin stop auxiliary input
 clr escswt,u
 lbra askin abort
xoutpx cmpa scfwkg+PD.EOR-PD.OPT,u cr
 bne xoutxp
 lbsr fob force output
xoutxp puls d,x,pc
xcrlr tst escswt,u esc return point
 bne xcrrr
xcrlra leax xcrlrb,pcr
 stx $0a,s
 clr escswt,u reset escape switch
xcrlrb lbsr fixesc fix escape
 lbra askin esc from most places
xcrrr dec escswt,u
 bne xcrr2
 leax xcrrra,pcr
 stx $0a,s
xcrrra lbsr fixesc fix escape
 lbra askin esc from input
xcrr2 dec escswt,u
 bne xcrr3
 tst phase,u check phase
 beq xcrr2b
 clr confl,u reset terminal flag
 leax xcrr2a,pcr abort
 stx $0a,s
xcrr2a lbsr fixesc fix escape
 lds stkadr,u reset stack
 lbra ende3 close files
xcrr2b lbra xoutex esc from output
xcrr3 dec escswt,u
 bne xcrlra
 leax xcrr3a,pcr abort
 stx $0a,s
xcrr3a lbsr fixesc fix escape
 lds stkadr,u reset stack
 lbra doscoy esc from OS/9 call
* blocked i/o routines
* gnc - get next char
* entry - x=i/o block pointer
* exit - cs if error, d=error
*        cc if no error
*        vs if eof
*        if cc and vc, a=char
* preserves all other registers
gnc pshs b,y
 ldd iobcc,x get remaining char count
 bne gnc1 if chars left
gnc0 lda iobfd+1,x a=file descriptor
 ldy iobbl,x buffer length
 ldb iobfc,x function code
 pshs x
 ldx iobba,x buffer address
 cmpb #read
 beq gncrw
 os9 I$ReadLn reload buffer edited
 bra gncrd
gncrw tsta check for terminal read
 bne gncrt
 ldy #$0001 one byte only
gncrt os9 I$Read reload buffer raw
gncrd puls x
 bcs gnc4 if error
 sty iobcc,x save char count
 beq gnc3 if eof
 ldd iobba,x reset char pointer
 std iobca,x
 ldd iobcc,x d=char count
gnc1 subd #$0001 count chars
 std iobcc,x
 leay inblok,u chk for macro file
 pshs y
 cmpx ,s++
 bne gnc2
 ldd inlrec+1,u compute relative byte address
 addd #$0001
 std inlrec+1,u
 lda inlrec,u
 adca #$00
 sta inlrec,u
gnc2 ldy iobca,x get char
 lda ,y+
 sty iobca,x update char pointer
 clrb cc, vc
 puls b,y,pc
gnc3 orcc #$02 vs for eof
 puls b,y,pc
gnc4 cmpb #E$EOF check error
 beq gnc3 for eof
 orcc #$01 cs
 leas $01,s remove b
 puls y,pc cs, d=error
* pnc - put next character
* entry - a=char,x=i/o block pointer
* exit - cc if no error, a=char
*        cs if error, d=error
pnc pshs a,b,y
 ldd iobcc,x get remaining count
 bne pnc1 if room
 lda iobfd+1,x a=file descriptor
 ldb iobfc,x function code
 ldy iobbl,x buffer length
 pshs x
 ldx iobba,x buffer address
 cmpb #write
 beq pncrw
 os9 I$WritLn dump buffer edited
 bra pncwt
pncrw os9 I$Write dump buffer raw
pncwt puls x
 bcs pnc3 if error
pnc0 ldd iobba,x update char pointer
 std iobca,x
 ldd iobbl,x d=new size
pnc1 subd #$0001 count chars
 std iobcc,x update count
 ldy iobca,x store char
 puls a
 sta ,y+
 sty iobca,x update char pointer
pnc2 puls b,y,pc
pnc3 leas 2,s remove a and b
 orcc #$01 cs, error
 puls y,pc cs, d=error
* fob - flush output buffer
* entry - x=i/o block pointer
* exit - cs if error
fob pshs d,y
 ldd iobbl,x get buffer size
 subd iobcc,x determine char count
 beq fob1 if empty
 tfr d,y set char count to write
 lda iobfd+1,x a=file descriptor
 ldb iobfc,x function code
 pshs x
 ldx iobba,x buffer address
 cmpb #write
 beq fobrw
 os9 I$WritLn dump buffer edited
 bra fobwt
fobrw os9 I$Write dump buffer raw
fobwt puls x
 bcs fob2 if error
fob0 ldd iobba,x update char pointer
 std iobca,x
fob1 ldd iobbl,x restore buffer size
 std iobcc,x reset avail counter
 clra clear errors
 puls d,y,pc return
fob2 leas 2,s remove a and b
 orcc #$01 cs, error
 puls y,pc cs, d=error