view 3rdparty/utils/sleuth3/csszapcd3.asm @ 3210:6353bb024571

Created makefile and defsfile for NoCan RAMMER module driver and descriptor Updated rammer.asm in the NoCan driver folder to build the NoCan version of the Driver Updated r0.asm file to create the 6MB version of the descriptor. The makefile creates a disk image with two sets of the required drivers for the 6309 and 6809's in their respective module folders. /NITROS9/6309_L2/MODULES/RBF for the 6309 files and /NITROS9/6809_L2/MODULES/RBF for the 6809 files. This will make it easier for doing a dsave from this disk image into a normal distro disk image so people have these drivers ready for when new memory upgrades allow compatible usage of the NoCan registers.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 15:15:49 -0600
parents afd0f7d9b514
line wrap: on
line source

fillup lda #$5a fill program code
 ldy typee,u save table pointer
 pshs y
 lbsr gtype get range
 puls y
 sty typee,u
 pshs x
 leax lvalue,pcr value=
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xbyte
 sta [eaddr,u] store it
 lbsr xinee
 puls x restore pointer
 stx typee,u
 lbhs tabovf
writem ldx faddr,u write new program code file
 leax $01,x
 bne writxf
 lbsr newrng get range
writxf ldx xaddr,u chk xfer addr
 leax $01,x
 bne writfx
 lbsr sxfer get xfer addr
writfx lbsr dikni get output file name
 tst disof,u
 bne writgf
 rts return if no file name
writgf clr flabl,u reset flag
 lbsr xcrlf
writop leax otfile,u open output otfile
 ldd #(WRITE.*256)+(READ.+WRITE.+EXEC.+PEXEC.) access and attributes
 os9 I$Create
 lbcs writer error
 exg a,b
 std otblok+iobfd,u file desc
 ldd #buflen buffer length
 std otblok+iobbl,u
 std otblok+iobcc,u
 ldd otblok+iobba,u buffer addr
 std otblok+iobca,u
 ldx faddr,u set addrs
 stx saddr,u
 tst disif,u chk for input file
 bne writft
 ldd obsize,u chk for OS/9
 bne wrios9 OS/9
writft tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9 format
 lbeq writst flex
wrios9 ldb #objlth save header
 leay locstk,u
 leax objhdr,u
wriuhd lda ,x+
 sta ,y+
 bne wriuhd
 ldd #$ffff init crc accum
 std crcacc,u
 sta crcacc+2,u
 leay objhdr,u
wriusa lda b,y output header
 leax otblok,u
 lbsr crcalc crc
 lbsr pnc
 lbcs writur
 cmpb #objlth
 blo wriusa
 leax ltext,pcr module
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lstar,pcr start=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldd #$0000
 pshs d
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 leax lendr,pcr end=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldd obsize,u
 subd #$0004
 std savew,u
 leax savew,u
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax toblok,u
 lbsr fob
 ldd obstor,u chk storage length
 beq wriusc
 leax ldata,pcr storage
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lstar,pcr start=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldd #$0000
 std ,s
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 leax lendr,pcr end=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldd obstor,u
 subd #$0001
 std ,s
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax toblok,u
 lbsr fob
wriusc puls d
 ldx #objlth first program address
 stx saddr,u
wriusr lbsr getin get a byte
 leax otblok,u
 lbsr crcalc crc
 lbsr pnc put contiguous bytes
 lbcs writur
 ldx daddr,u
 cmpx savew,u
 bne wriusr
 leax otblok,u
 lda crcacc,u output crc
 lbsr pnc
 lbcs writur
 lda crcacc+1,u output crc
 lbsr pnc
 lbcs writur
 lda crcacc+2,u output crc
 lbsr pnc
 lbcs writur
 leax lxfer+1,pcr xfer=
 lbsr xpdat
 leax obxfer,u
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax toblok,u
 lbsr fob
 lbsr writrh restore header
 lbra writcl
writst ldx typee,u set up flex segment
 lda #$02
 sta ,x
 ldd saddr,u
 std $01,x
 std savew,u
 stx caddr,u
 clr worka,u
writgc ldd saddr,u chk addrs
 cmpd taddr,u
writca bhi writeb skip if end
 lbsr getin get next byte
 ldb insty,u get type
 cmpb #$4b chk ign
 beq writeb
 cmpb #$52 chk rmb
 beq writeb
 ldx caddr,u store it
 sta $04,x
 leax $01,x
 stx caddr,u
 lda worka,u
 sta worka,u
 cmpa #$f8 check number of bytes
 bne writgc
writeb lda worka,u write segment
 beq writlt
 leax lxtnt,pcr extent start=
 lbsr xpdat
 leax savew,u
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 ldx saddr,u
 leax -$01,x
 stx savew,u
 leax lendr,pcr end=
 lbsr xpdat
 leax savew,u
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax toblok,u
 lbsr fob
 ldx typee,u
 lda worka,u
 sta $03,x set count
 adda #$04
 sta worka,u
 stx caddr,u
writby ldx caddr,u output segment
 lda ,x+
 stx caddr,u
 leax otblok,u put a bute
 lbsr pnc
 lbcs writer
 dec worka,u
 bne writby
 lda #$01 set flag
 sta flabl,u
writlt ldd saddr,u chk addrs
 cmpd taddr,u
writla bhi writxa skip if end
 lbra writst
writxa ldx xaddr,u output xfer addr
 leax $01,x
 beq writcl skip if $ffff
 tst flabl,u
 beq writcl skip if no code
 leax lxfer+1,pcr xfer=
 lbsr xpdat
 leax xaddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 lbsr xcrlf
 ldx typee,u
 lda #$16
 sta ,x
 ldd xaddr,u
 std $01,x
 lda #$03
 sta worka,u
 stx caddr,u
writta ldx caddr,u
 lda ,x+
 stx caddr,u
 leax otblok,u put a byte
 lbsr pnc
 bcs writer
 dec worka,u
 bne writta
 bra writcl
writrh ldb #objlth restore header
 leax locstk,u
 leay objhdr,u
writri lda ,x+
 sta ,y+
 bne writri
writur bsr writrh restore header
writer lda #$02 report error
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
writcl leax otblok,u force output
 lbsr fob
 bcc writcx
 lda #$02 report error
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
writcx lda otblok+iobfd+1,u close file
 os9 I$Close
 bcc writex
 lda #$02 report error
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
writex clr disof,u reset flag
 clr otfile,u
crcalc pshs cc,d,dp,x,y,u calc OS/9 crc
 leax $01,s
 ldy #$0001
 leau crcacc,u
 os9 F$CRC
findst leax inam0,u find hex string
 lbsr gadrs
 lbhi badrg bad range
findar leax lvalue,pcr value=
 lbsr xpdat
 clr worka,u get pattern
 leax inst1,u point to match area
findhx lbsr xinee get char
 cmpa #$5f
 bls findxh
 anda #$5f change case
findxh cmpa #$2f check for hex
 bls findot
 cmpa #$39
 bls findin
 cmpa #$40
 bls findot
 cmpa #$46
 bhi findot
findin lbsr xnhe9
 tfr a,b
 lbsr xnhex
 pshs b
 adda ,s+
 sta ,x+ save it
 lda worka,u
 sta worka,u
 cmpa #$1f
 bls findhx
findot tst worka,u got string
 beq findxt
findsr ldx inam0,u set up search
 stx saddr,u
 ldx inam2,u end addr
 leax $01,x
 bne findrs
 leax -$02,x fix if $ffff
 stx inam2,u
findrs lbsr xcrlf
 lda #$0b 10 addrs per line
 sta flabl,u
 ldx typee,u establish circular buffer
 stx baddr,u
 inc baddr,u
 ldx baddr,u
 stx caddr,u
findiz clr baddr+1,u reset addrs
 clr caddr+1,u
 lda worka,u load buffer
 sta inam5,u
findrd ldd saddr,u chk end addr
 cmpd inam2,u
findre bls findra
findxt bra findex found end
findra lbsr getin get instr
 ldb insty,u get type
 cmpb #$4b chk ign
 beq findiz
 cmpb #$52 chk rmb
 beq findiz
 sta [caddr,u] save instr
 inc caddr+1,u
 dec inam5,u
 bgt findrd
findoc ldb worka,u set up compare
 ldx baddr,u
 stx raddr,u
 leax inst1,u
findcl lda [raddr,u] compare data
 cmpa ,x+
 bne findne skip if no match
 inc raddr+1,u
 bne findcl
findma dec flabl,u print address
 bne findnl
 lbsr xcrlf new line
 lda #$0a 10 addrs per line
 sta flabl,u
findnl ldb worka,u back up addr
 ldx saddr,u
 leax d,x
 stx inam4,u
 leax inam4,u output addr
 lbsr xot4s
 leax toblok,u force output
 lbsr fob
findne inc baddr+1,u get next instr
 clr inam5,u
 bra findrd
findex rts
examin leax lstar,pcr examine/change program code
 lbsr xpdat start=
 lbsr xbadr xxxx
 stx saddr,u
examcr lbsr xcrlf
 leax saddr,u
 lbsr xot4s print addr
 lbsr getin get instr
 leax instr,u
 lbsr xot2s print byte
examhx lbsr xinee get char
 cmpa #$5f
 bls examxh
 anda #$5f change case
examxh cmpa #$20 chk space
 beq examhx
 cmpa #$0d chk cr
 bne examnc
 rts return
examnc cmpa #$5e up arrow
 bne examna
 ldx saddr,u back up
 leax -$02,x
 stx saddr,u
examot bra examcr go back for more
examna cmpa #$2f check for hex
 bls examot
 cmpa #$39
 bls examto
 cmpa #$40
 bls examot
 cmpa #$46
 bhi examot
examto lbsr xnhe9
 tfr a,b
 lbsr xnhex
 pshs b
 adda ,s+
 ldx typee,u store in table
 cmpx alimit,u chk for overflow
 lbhs tabovf
 ldb #$5a z
 stb ,x+
 ldy daddr,u xxxx
 sty ,x++
 sty ,x++
 sta ,x+ xx
 ldd #$0000
 std ,x++
 stx typee,u
 bra examcr go back for more