view 3rdparty/utils/view/view_help.a @ 3210:6353bb024571

Created makefile and defsfile for NoCan RAMMER module driver and descriptor Updated rammer.asm in the NoCan driver folder to build the NoCan version of the Driver Updated r0.asm file to create the 6MB version of the descriptor. The makefile creates a disk image with two sets of the required drivers for the 6309 and 6809's in their respective module folders. /NITROS9/6309_L2/MODULES/RBF for the 6309 files and /NITROS9/6809_L2/MODULES/RBF for the 6809 files. This will make it easier for doing a dsave from this disk image into a normal distro disk image so people have these drivers ready for when new memory upgrades allow compatible usage of the NoCan registers.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 15:15:49 -0600
parents 6b23465701c0
line wrap: on
line source

 psect view_help_a,0,0,0,0,0
 fcc "Usage: view [-<format>] [<options>] <filename>"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Description: Displays a picture file on a Window screen."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Display Options:"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "  -s   Use same screen   -q#  Quit after # seconds"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "  -c   Enable cycling    -t#  Use this type screen (5,6,7,or 8)""
 fcb $0d
 fcc "  -y#  Skip # lines      -x#  Skip # cols"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "  -sml, -big, -huge   Display picture in this size."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Other Options:"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "  -save <filename>     Save picture in Squashed VEF format"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "  -savevef, -savemge, -savecm3   As above, in normal VEF, MGE, or CM3 format"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "  -nobuff    Disable input buffering"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "  -help      Get this help message"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "  -formats   Gives complete list of picture formats supported."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Control Keys:  After picture is displayed, use:"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "  Space  Toggle color cycling   Up/Down arrows  Switch screens"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "   <,S   Slow down cycling         F1           Toggle screen flipping"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "   >,F   Speed up cycling       Break, Mouse    End display"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Ver. 4.4  Tim Kientzle, 1990.  Released into Public Domain."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "If you like this, send $10 to: Tim Kientzle, 14 Croxton Ave, Oakland, CA 94611"
 fcb $0d,0,0

 fcc "VIEW picture formats supported:"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "   Picture formats can be specified with a file extension (i.e. file.cm3)."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "A command-line argument overrides the file extension."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "640: MGE storage format, 640 x 200 x 4 color display."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "ART: Artifacted PMode4 images.  Pressing <ENTER> will swap red/blue."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "ARTCMP: MAXCMP-generated images, displayed with artifacting."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "BIN: PMode4/CoCoMax images, stored in LOADM format."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "CLP: OS9/MVCanvas Clip-art format."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "CM3: CoCoMax III pictures."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "GIF: CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "GIFBW, BWGIF, GBW: GIF format, with grey-scale dither."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "IMG: Rascan Video Digitizer picture format."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "MAC,MCP: Macintosh MacPaint format.  (supports -huge size option)"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "MAX: CoCoMax/CoCoMaxII format (same as P41 or BIN)."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "MAXCMP: RSBASIC picture programs generated by the MAXCMP program."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "MGE: Color Max III format."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "P00,P10,P20,P30,P40: Pmode 0/1/2/3/4, color set 0"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "P01,P11,P21,P31,P41: Pmode 0/1/2/3/4, color set 1"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "PIX: DS69 Digitizer 16-level pictures, uses file size to determine format."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "PIX128,PIX256: Forces 128x128 or 256x256 format."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "PIXCMP: RSBASIC picture programs generated by the PIXCMP program."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "PUB: Home Publisher clipart format."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "RAT: The RAT graphics editor format."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "RLE: CompuServe VIDTEX 256x192 and 128x96 2-color RLE images."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "ST,STP: Degas ST uncompressed format."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "VEF: Standard OS9 VDG Extended Format, normal or Squashed."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "VF2,...,VF9: Two to nine VEF images in one file, flickered."
 fcb $0d
 fcb 0,0
