view 3rdparty/utils/view/view_table.a @ 3210:6353bb024571

Created makefile and defsfile for NoCan RAMMER module driver and descriptor Updated rammer.asm in the NoCan driver folder to build the NoCan version of the Driver Updated r0.asm file to create the 6MB version of the descriptor. The makefile creates a disk image with two sets of the required drivers for the 6309 and 6809's in their respective module folders. /NITROS9/6309_L2/MODULES/RBF for the 6309 files and /NITROS9/6809_L2/MODULES/RBF for the 6809 files. This will make it easier for doing a dsave from this disk image into a normal distro disk image so people have these drivers ready for when new memory upgrades allow compatible usage of the NoCan registers.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 15:15:49 -0600
parents 37fd74e6fad8
line wrap: on
line source

* Table to drive command line parser.  The routines to process individual
*  options are also in this file.
* Three global symbols:
*   PTable: options table
*   DefFormat: Set up Default format (VEF)
*   Help:  Give usage message.
 use os9defs.d

StdOut equ 1
StdErr equ 2

 psect view_table_a,0,0,0,0,0

* Options parsing table.
*  Each entry: null-terminated option string,
*              one-byte option code,
*              Lbra instruction to subroutine to process that option.
* The subroutine is called with the option code in register A, and
*   X points to the first byte on the command line after the option
*   (for use in parsing arguments to options).
* This simplifies the handling of format codes, in particular.
* In order to prevent incorrect matches, longer options should occur
*   earlier in the table, since the matching code will match the first
*   legal option that matches the first part of the given option.
*   i.e.  if "opt" occurs before "opt1", then "opt1" will never get
*   a match
 fcc  "formats"   -formats
 fcb  0,0
 lbra ShowFormats
 fcc  "savemge"   -savemge
 fcb  0,MGEFormat
 lbra SetSave
 fcc  "save640"   -save640
 fcb  0,MGE640Format
 lbra SetSave
 fcc  "savevef"   -savevef
 fcb  0,VEFFormat
 lbra SetSave
 fcc  "savecm3"   -savecm3
 fcb  0,CM3Format
 lbra SetSave
 fcc  "signal"    -signal
 fcb  0,0
 lbra SetSignal
 fcc  "nobuff"    -nobuff forces a very small buffer
 fcb  0,0
 lbra NoBuff
 fcc  "save"      -save    (VEF Squashed)
 fcb  0,VEFSqFormat
 lbra SetSave
 fcc  "small"     -small
 fcb  0,0
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "large"     -large
 fcb  0,1
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "huge"      -huge
 fcb  0,2
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "sml"       -sml
 fcb  0,0
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "big"       -big
 fcb  0,1
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "lrg"       -lrg
 fcb  0,1
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "maxcmp"    -maxcmp
 fcb  0,MAXCMPFormat
 lbra SetMAXCMP
 fcc  "pixcmp"    -pixcmp
 fcb  0,MAXCMPFormat
 lbra SetMAXCMP
 fcc  "artcmp"    -artcmp
 fcb  0,ARTCMPFormat
 lbra SetMAXCMP
 fcc  "pix256"    -pix256   (DS69B 256x256 format)
 fcb  0,PIX256Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "pix128"    -pix128   (DS69B 128x128 format)
 fcb  0,PIX128Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "pix"       -pix     (Note: _must_ occur after pix256 & pix128)
 fcb  0,PIXFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "vef"       -vef
 fcb  0,1
 lbra SetVF       only 1 picture VEF format.
 fcc  "vf2"       -vf2 option
 fcb  0,2
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf3"       -vf3 option
 fcb  0,3
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf4"       -vf4 option
 fcb  0,4
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf5"       -vf5 option
 fcb  0,5
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf6"       -vf6
 fcb  0,6
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf7"       -vf7
 fcb  0,7
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf8"       -vf8
 fcb  0,8
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf9"       -vf9
 fcb  0,9
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "mge"       -mge option
 fcb  0,MGEFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "cm3"       -cm3 option
 fcb  0,CM3Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "640"       -640 option
 fcb  0,MGE640Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "clp"       -clp option
 fcb  0,CLPFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "pub"       -pub option  (Home Publisher ClipArt format)
 fcb  0,PUBFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "img"       -img option
 fcb  0,IMGFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "rat"       -rat option
 fcb  0,RATFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "art"       -art option
 fcb  0,ARTFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "bin"       -bin same as -max
 fcb  0,MAXFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "max"       -max option
 fcb  0,MAXFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p00"       -p00 option
 fcb  0,P00Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p01"       -p01 option
 fcb  0,P01Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p10"       -p10 option
 fcb  0,P10Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p11"       -p11 option
 fcb  0,P11Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p20"       -p20 option
 fcb  0,P20Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p21"       -p21 option
 fcb  0,P21Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p30"       -p30 option
 fcb  0,P30Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p31"       -p31 option
 fcb  0,P31Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p40"       -p40 option
 fcb  0,P40Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p41"       -p41 option
 fcb  0,P41Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "rle"       -rle option
 fcb  0,RLEFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "mac"       -mac option
 fcb  0,MACFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "mcp"       -mcp option
 fcb  0,MACFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "gifbw"     -gifbw option
 fcb  0,GIFBWFormat
 lbra SetGIF
 fcc  "bwgif"     -bwgif option
 fcb  0,GIFBWFormat
 lbra SetGIF
 fcc  "gbw"       -gbw option
 fcb  0,GIFBWFormat
 lbra SetGIF
 fcc  "gif"       -gif option
 fcb  0,GIFFormat
 lbra SetGIF
 fcc  "stp"       -stp  is synonym for -st, for MultiVue
 fcb  0,STFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "st"        -st option
 fcb  0,STFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "t"         -t#  Set screen to this type.
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Settype
 fcc  "s"         -s   Use same screen
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Setsame
 fcc  "c"         -c   Enable color cycling
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Setcycle
 fcc  "f"         -f  Fit on one screen
 fcb  0,0             Now is a synonym for -small
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "y"         -y#  Skip this many lines at top.
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Setskip
 fcc  "x"         -x#  Skip this many columns at left
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Setcols
 fcc  "help"      -help   Give help message
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Help
 fcc  "h"         -h   Give help message
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Help
 fcc  "?"         -?   Give help message
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Help
 fcc  "q"         -q#  Quit after this many seconds
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Quit
* Additional options here
 fcb  0

 pshs x
 leax Usage,pcr
 lbsr O_Write
 ldb  #1
 os9  F$Exit
 puls x,pc

 pshs x
 leax Formats,pcr   -formats exits after message.
 lbsr O_Write
 ldb  #1
 os9  F$Exit
 puls x,pc

* Subroutines to process specific options
* Default Format sets VEF format.
 tst <format    If format already set, ignore.
 bne SetVEF1
 lda #1         One-picture VEF is default.
 lbsr SetVF

* -t option
 lbsr Getnum   Get argument, check for validity
 cmpb #5
 blo  Settype1
 cmpb #8
 bhi  Settype1

 lda  <type   Has it already been set?
 cmpa #5
 blo  Settype0
 cmpa #8
 bls  Settype1
 stb  <type  All okay, set it.

* -s option
 lda #$FF
 sta <Samescreen

* Size options
 tst <Size
 bpl SetSize1  If Size is >=0, then it's already been set.
 sta <Size

* -c option
 lda #$FF
 sta <cycle

* -y option
 lbsr Getnum
 pshs d
 ldd  <Skiplines
 bpl  noskip
 ldd  ,s
 std  <Skiplines
 puls d,pc

* -x option
 lbsr Getnum
 pshs d
 ldd  <Skipcols
 bpl  nocols
 ldd  ,s
 std  <Skipcols
 puls d,pc

* -q option
 lbsr Getnum
 lda  #60      Multiply by 60 ticks/second.
 std  <MaxTime

* -nobuff option
 ldd #16      16 bytes of buffer.
 std <MaxBuff

* Handle format options
* On entry, A holds the format code
 tst <format
 bne SetForm1
 sta <format

* Set signal PID and value
 lbsr Getnum
 stb  <SigPID
 lbsr Getnum
 stb  <SigOut