view 3rdparty/utils/winfo/witestb.b09 @ 3210:6353bb024571

Created makefile and defsfile for NoCan RAMMER module driver and descriptor Updated rammer.asm in the NoCan driver folder to build the NoCan version of the Driver Updated r0.asm file to create the 6MB version of the descriptor. The makefile creates a disk image with two sets of the required drivers for the 6309 and 6809's in their respective module folders. /NITROS9/6309_L2/MODULES/RBF for the 6309 files and /NITROS9/6809_L2/MODULES/RBF for the 6809 files. This will make it easier for doing a dsave from this disk image into a normal distro disk image so people have these drivers ready for when new memory upgrades allow compatible usage of the NoCan registers.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 15:15:49 -0600
parents 00b1c751fad7
line wrap: on
line source


(* Witestb
(* Copyright November 1987 by Ron Lammardo
(* This program placed into the Public Domain as demonstration
(* detailing use of the WInfo subroutine from a Basic09 calling 
(* program

TYPE winf=buff1(7):BYTE; buff2(10):BYTE; bpr:INTEGER; buff3(11):
BYTE; drcrx,drcry:INTEGER; edtn:BYTE; weadr,devm:INTEGER; filler:
STRING[33]; pregs(16):BYTE; ermsg:STRING[40]
DIM wi:winf
DIM wname:STRING[32]
DIM minedition:BYTE
INPUT "Window name :",wname
RUN winfo(wname,wi)
IF wi.buff1(1)=$FF THEN 
PRINT "The Buffer size is to small for WInfo"
IF wi.edtn<minedition THEN 

PRINT "You must have WInfo edition #"; 
PRINT USING "h2"; minedition; 
PRINT " or higher"
PRINT "WI$Stat   :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff1(1); 
PRINT "        WI$VDG    :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff1(2)
PRINT "WI$Sty    :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff1(3); 
PRINT "        WI$Block  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff1(4)
PRINT "WI$BlCnt  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff1(5); 
PRINT "        WI$Offst  :"; 
PRINT USING "h4"; wi.buff1(6)*256+wi.buff1(7)
PRINT "WI$Cpx    :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff2(1); 
PRINT "        WI$Cpy    :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff2(2)
PRINT "WI$Szx    :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff2(3); 
PRINT "        WI$Szy    :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff2(4)
PRINT "WI$CWCpx  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff2(5); 
PRINT "        WI$CWCpy  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff2(6)
PRINT "WI$CWSzx  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff2(7); 
PRINT "        WI$CWSzy  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff2(8)
PRINT "WI$Curx   :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff2(9); 
PRINT "        WI$Cury   :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff2(10)
PRINT "WI$BPR    :"; 
PRINT USING "h4"; wi.bpr; 
PRINT "        WI$CBsw   :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff3(1)
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff3(2); 
PRINT "        WI$BGPRN  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff3(3)
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff3(4); 
PRINT "        WI$Lset   :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff3(5)
PRINT "WI$FntGr  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff3(6); 
PRINT "        WI$FntBf  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff3(7)
PRINT "WI$PstGr  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff3(8); 
PRINT "        WI$PstBf  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff3(9)
PRINT "WI$GcrGr  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff3(10); 
PRINT "        WI$GcrBf  :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.buff3(11)
PRINT "WI$DrCrx  :"; 
PRINT USING "h4"; wi.drcrx; 
PRINT "        WI$DrCry  :"; 
PRINT USING "h4"; wi.drcry
PRINT "WI$Edtn   :  "; 
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.edtn; 
PRINT "        WI$WEAdr  :"; 
PRINT USING "h4"; wi.weadr
PRINT "WI$Devm   :"; 
PRINT USING "h4"; wi.devm
PRINT "WI$PRegs  :"; 
FOR indx1=1 TO 16
PRINT USING "h2"; wi.pregs(indx1); 
PRINT " "; 
IF indx1=8 THEN 
PRINT "           "; 
NEXT indx1
PRINT wi.ermsg