view 3rdparty/subrtns/hires.asm @ 3204:64ad5cd0b912

Added some HD6309 optimizations to level1's covdg.asm file. Optimization 1) added TFM clear screen Optimization 2) added TFM scroll screen One of the optimizations was copied over from the level2's covdg.asm file.
author David Ladd <>
date Fri, 28 Jul 2017 15:42:20 -0500
parents b8c7b7fbf3c9
line wrap: on
line source

* HiRes - HiRes Joystick Subroutine Module
* $Id$
* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1    Created for Coyota project                     BGP 98/??/??

         nam   HiRes
         ttl   HiRes Joystick Subroutine Module

         use   defsfile

edition  set   1

         mod   eom,name,Sbrtn+Objct,Reent+0,HiRes,size

size     equ   .

name     fcs   /HiRes/
         fcb   edition

* Hi-Res Read Routine
* Taken in part from "High Hopes for the Hi-Res"
* by William Barden, Jr., Rainbow Magazine, Feb 1990, pp. 42
* Entry:
*   X  = $0000 for Right, $0001 for Left
* Exit:
*   2,s = param count (should be 4)
*   4,s = addr of 1st param            (joystick number)
*   6,s = size of 1st param
*   8,s = addr of 2nd param            (joystick X)
*  10,s = size of 2nd param
*  12,s = addr of 3rd param            (joystick Y)
*  14,s = size of 3rd param
*  16,s = addr of 4th param            (joystick button)
*  18,s = size of 4th param

HiRes    ldd   2,s        get param count
         cmpd  #4         4 params?
         bne   error
         ldd   [4,s]      get joystick num.
* fix up joystick value
         lslb             shift left 3 times
         pshs  b
         lda   #$00       fetch X value
         bsr   HiResHW
         std   [9,s]      save in param addr
         lda   #$08       fetch Y value
         ldb   ,s+        get joystick selector
         bsr   HiResHW
         std   [12,s]
* get button value
         ldb   #$FF
         stb   $FF02
         ldb   $FF00
         clr   $FF02
         tst   [5,s]
         beq   BtnLft
         andb  #$05
         bra   BtnCnt
BtnLft   andb  #$0A
BtnCnt   lsrb  
         bcc   BtnCnt2
         orb   #$01
BtnCnt2  std   [16,s]     save button
         clrb             no error
error    coma  
         ldb   #E$IllArg

* Hi-Res Hardware read routine
* This code is a hybrid of William Barden's Hi-Res
* interface code in the February 1990 Rainbow, and
* the code in CC3IO.  It prevents infinite looping
* that can happen in Barden's code.  It also caps the
* value at 639.
* Entry:
*   A  = value to place in $FF01 (00 for X, 08 for Y)
*   B  = value to place in $FF03 (00 for Right, 08 for Left)
* Exit:
*   D  = value

* Delays for CoCo 3 OS-9 Level Two vs. CoCo 2 OS-9 Level One
         IFGT  Level-1
SETTLDLY equ   94
POLLDLY  equ   809
HIVAL    equ   640
SETTLDLY equ   94*2
POLLDLY  equ   404
HIVAL    equ   320

HiResHW  pshs  a
         lda   $FF01
         anda  #$F7
         ora   ,s+
         sta   $FF01      select X or Y

         pshs  b
         lda   $FF03
         anda  #$F7
         ora   ,s+
         sta   $FF03      select Right or Left

* turn off ramp
         lda   $FF20
         anda  #$03
         ora   #$FC
         sta   $FF20      turn off ramp

* delay for settling
         ldb   #SETTLDLY  delay loop
Settle   decb  
         bne   Settle

         ldd   #POLLDLY
         pshs  a
         lda   $FF20
         anda  #$23
         sta   $FF20      turn on ramp
RampCnt  lda   $FF00      get byte at $FF00
         bmi   CompVal    branch if voltage hit
         decb             B initially $29
         bne   RampCnt
         dec   ,s         ,S initially $03
         bpl   RampCnt
         puls  a
         ldd   #HIVAL-1   just assume highest
CompVal  puls  a
         pshs  b,a        push hi-res count
         ldd   #HIVAL
         subd  ,s++       subtract count from 640
         bcc   CompVal2
CompVal2 cmpd  #HIVAL-1
         bcs   HiHWRts
         ldd   #HIVAL-1
HiHWRts  rts   

eom      equ   *