view 3rdparty/fmgrs/msf/msfdefs @ 1046:65cc7c2e43df

Added drvr51
author boisy
date Sun, 16 Mar 2003 14:19:49 +0000
parents 3020c1c93860
children b3d423ebd111
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* Defs for the MSDos file manager

* system direct page for MSF file manager

D.MSF equ $7c pointer to linked list of MSF paths

* path table (static storage) offsets

*** rev 2.2
V.DNS equ $1F disk density 8=Hi-density, 4=96tpi, 0=48tpi
V.BPB equ $20 pointer to disk information (64 bytes)

V.FLG equ $22 FAT must be read if NE
V.CNT equ $23 number of paths open to this device
V.FAT equ $24 point to FAT (in reserved section of device table)

*** rev 2.1
V.FS equ V.FLG FAT size/256 (V.FLG no longer used)

DRVBEG2 set $0e offset from beg. of device static storage to 1st drive table

modmem equ 0

type set FlMgr+Objct
revs set Reent+1

SS.DREAD set $80 direct sector read/write
SS.SREAD equ $84 direct sector read/write in system space
*SS.ATTR  equ $85 get/set file attribute
SS.RENAM equ $86 rename file
SS.ALLOW equ $87 allow writing to disk or directory

E$BadFAT equ 255

EOL equ 13
CR equ EOL
SPC equ 32
SP equ SPC
MSDEOF equ $1A end of line character for MSDOS text files

* MSDOS directory entry offsets
* equ 0 offset to file name
msd.ext equ 8 offset to file extension
msd.attr equ 11 offset to file attribute
msd.res equ 12 offset to reserved bytes
msd.time equ 22 offset to time equ 24 offset to date
msd.strt equ 26 offset to starting cluster number
msd.size equ 28 offset to file size

MSDSIZE  equ 32 size of directory entry
SECSIZE  equ 512 size of an MSDOS sector
DIRSIZE  equ 64 size of directory entry in memory

* name is 8 bytes
* extention is 3 bytes
* attribute:
attr.RO equ 1 - read only
attr.HD equ 2 - hidden file (excluded from search)
attr.SY equ 4 - system file (excluded from search)
attr.VL equ 8 - volume label
attr.DR equ $10 - subdirectory
attr.AR equ $20 - archive bit (set if file has been written and closed)
* time:
*  H  H  H  H  H  M  M  M  M  M  M  S  S  S  S  S
*  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0  15 14 13 12 11 10 9  8
* date:
*  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  M  M  M  M  D  D  D  D  D
*  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0  15 14 13 12 11 10 9  8
* starting cluster:
*  two bytes, LSB first
* file size:
*  4 bytes (byte 0, 1, 2, 3)

* FAT ID byte:
*  bit 3-7 set
*  bit 2 - clear if 80 tracks
*  bit 1 - set if media has 8 sectors/track (1 sector/FAT)
*  bit 0 - set if media has two heads (112 directory entries)


* File manager path descriptor offsets
 org 0

msp.path  rmb 1 equ  PD.PD  path number
msp.mod   rmb 1 equ  PD.MOD file access mode
msp.cnt   rmb 1 equ  PD.CNT dupe path count   rmb 2 equ  PD.DEV address of device table
msp.proc  rmb 1 equ  PD.CPR process ID to which this path belongs
msp.rgs   rmb 2 equ  PD.RGS passed registers
msp.buf   rmb 2 equ  PD.BUF address of buffer
msp.sest  rmb 1 equ  PD.SMF current sector status
msp.pos   rmb 3  current logical file position
msp.lolk  rmb 3  start of lock (logical sector)
msp.lksz  rmb 3  size of lock
msp.dtb   rmb 2  address of drive table
msp.wrt   rmb 1 NE-don't allow writing to path
msp.ncpr  rmb 1 value to store in V.BUSY after using driver
msp.end   rmb 2 number of last logical sector+1 of root or entire disk

 rmb 6 space left til option table

 org $30  rmb 2  address of next MSDOS path descriptor
msp.prev  rmb 2  address of prev MSDOS path descriptor for SAME file
msp.dir   rmb 2  address of directory entry in memory
msp.dnxt  rmb 2  next path to same file
msp.dprv  rmb 2  previous path to same file

msp.cls   rmb 2  current cluster number
msp.sec   rmb 2  current logical sector number
msp.clss  rmb 1  current cluster sector number (0 or 1)

* sector status (msp.sest) codes

SECGOOD equ 1 sector contains next data to be read
SECREAD equ 2 sector has been completely read
*             (next sector needs to be read before next READ)
SECUPD  equ 4 sector has been written to
SECBUF  equ 8 sector msp.sec is in the buffer (PD.BUF)
SECEXP  equ $10 sector does not need to be read

* memory record for the directory entry

* 1 byte reserved for memory management use
dir.stat  equ  1   status (0=needs update)
dir.chg   equ  2   NE - directory entry needs update
dir.last  equ  3   address of last MSDOS path descriptor for this file
dir.loc   equ  5   logical location of directory entry on disk
dir.pos   equ  7   offset from beginning of sector to directory entry
dir.drv   equ  9   drive number
dir.esec  equ  10  first directory sector with unused entry
dir.eoff  equ  12  offset to first unused entry in above sector
dir.prnt  equ  14  first cluster of parent directory   equ  16  directory entry

* type byte bit for MSDOS disk type

MSDOS. set %00001000 bit in PD.TYP to indicate MSDOS format

* revision 2.2 offsets in the boot sector of an MSDOS disk

ID.ver    equ   0  E9xxxx DOS 2, EBxx90 DOS 3
ID.OEM    equ   3  8 byte OEM name
* these are the important ones
ID.skip   equ   11   number of bytes to skip

ID.BPS    equ   1  11  word, bytes/sector
ID.SPA    equ   3  13  byte, sectors/cluster
ID.res    equ   4  14  word, reserved sectors
ID.FATs   equ   6  16  byte, number of FATs
ID.RDE    equ   7  17  word, root directory entries
ID.secs   equ   9  19  word, total number of sectors
ID.ID     equ  11  21  byte, media ID byte
ID.spf    equ  12  22  word, sectors/FAT
ID.spt    equ  14  24  word, sectors/track
ID.hds    equ  16  26  word, number of heads/sides
ID.hidn   equ  18  28  word, number of hidden sectors

IDsize    equ  19  number of bytes of disk info

ID.clus   equ  20   number of usable clusters