view level1/cmds/scsitest.asm @ 2691:678c6848dc12 lwtools-port

Fixed coco2/coco2b makefiles to depend on coco1 makefiles
author Boisy Pitre <>
date Thu, 19 Jul 2012 13:54:05 -0500
parents f026e5eecfb0
line wrap: on
line source

* scsitest - Test a SCSI device through the SS.DCmd call
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2005/12/11  Boisy G. Pitre
* Created.

               NAM       scsitest
               TTL       Test a SCSI device through the SS.DCmd call

               USE       defsfile
               USE       scfdefs

tylg           SET       Prgrm+Objct
atrv           SET       ReEnt+rev
rev            SET       $00
edition        SET       1

               MOD       eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

               ORG       0
code           RMB       1
lsn            RMB       3
left           RMB       2
path           RMB       1
txbuff         RMB       2048                to accomodate CD-ROM sector sizes
               RMB       200
size           EQU       .

IntroM         FCC       /SCSI Direct Command Test/
               FCB       C$CR
StartM         FCC       /Sending START UNIT... /
StartML        EQU       *-StartM
Done           FCC       /Done!/
               FCB       C$CR
StartUnit      FCB       $1B,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00
StopM          FCC       /Sending STOP UNIT.../
StopML         EQU       *-StopM
StopUnit       FCB       $1B,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
ReadM          FCC       /Testing READ... /
ReadML         EQU       *-ReadM

name           FCS       /scsitest/
               FCB       edition

start          leay      txbuff,u
               lda       #$08
               sta       <code
               clr       <lsn
               clr       <lsn+1
               clr       <lsn+2
               lda       #$01
               sta       <left
               clr       <left+1
l@             lda       ,x+
               cmpa      #C$CR
               beq       ok@
               cmpa      #C$SPAC
               beq       ok@
               sta       ,y+
               bra       l@
ok@            ldd       #'@*256+C$CR
               std       ,y
               leax      txbuff,u

               lda       #READ.
               os9       I$Open
               lbcs      exit
               sta       path,u

               leax      IntroM,pcr
               lda       #1
               ldy       #100
               os9       I$WritLn

               bsr       DoStartUnit
			   bcs       exit
               bsr       DoReadSector
			   bcs       exit
               bsr       DoStopUnit
			   bcs       exit
               bsr       DoStartUnit
			   bcs       exit
exitok         clrb      
exit           os9       F$Exit

DoStartUnit    leax      StartM,pcr
               ldy       #StartML
               lda       #1
               os9       I$Write

               leay      StartUnit,pcr
               lda       path,u
               ldb       #SS.DCmd
               os9       I$SetStt
               bcs       exit@
               leax      Done,pcr
               ldy       #100
               lda       #1
               os9       I$WritLn
exit@          rts
* Do READ of sector
DoReadSector   leax      ReadM,pcr
               lda       #1
               ldy       #READML
               os9       I$Write

               ldd       <lsn+1
               addd      #1
               std       <lsn+1
               bcc       w
               inc       <lsn
w              lda       <lsn

               leay      code,u
               leax      txbuff,u
               lda       <path
               ldb       #SS.DCmd
               os9       I$SetStt
               bcs       exit@
               leax      Done,pcr
               ldy       #100
               lda       #1
               os9       I$WritLn
exit@          rts

DoStopUnit     leax      StopM,pcr
               ldy       #StopML
               lda       #1
               os9       I$Write

               leay      StopUnit,pcr
               lda       path,u
               ldb       #SS.DCmd
               os9       I$SetStt
               bcs       exit@
               leax      Done,pcr
               ldy       #100
               lda       #1
               os9       I$WritLn
exit@          rts
eom            EQU       *