view 3rdparty/utils/winfo/winfo.asm @ 1751:68405e756277

Properly inc'ed revision, more comments and symbols put into code for portability, added extra '?' for unknown language to be in line with original ident.
author boisy
date Mon, 07 Mar 2005 11:42:05 +0000
parents 00b1c751fad7
children eee8478186d9
line wrap: on
line source

         nam   WInfo
         ttl   OS9 Level II sub to get window information - Ron Lammardo 

* 11/22/87 - Edition #1 - for OS9 Level II V02.00.01
* 12/22/95 - Edition #2 - for ALL versions of OS-9 by Alan DeKok

         use   defsfile

typelang set   sbrtn+objct
attrev   set   reent+revision
revision set   1

         mod   Eom,Mname,Typelang,Attrev,Start,Datend

mname    fcs   /WInfo/
edition  fcb   2 edition

         org   0
         use   winfodefs

         org   0
stackadr rmb   2 stack address for return
de       rmb   1 device table entry #
sctype   rmb   1 screen type
offset   rmb   2 screen start offset in block
datimg   rmb   2 address of sys DAT image in sysprc
datadr   rmb   2 address of sys DAT in system
entry    rmb   2 address of currently proccessed window entry
wnum     rmb   1 window entry number
scrblock rmb   1 block # containing screen mem
blockcnt rmb   1 # of blocks in screen
wstart   rmb   2 x,y coordinates of window start on screen
wsize    rmb   2 x,y size of window
cwstart  rmb   2 x,y coordinates of current working area
cwsize   rmb   2 x,y size of current working area
paramadr rmb   2 address of window name to dump
paramln. rmb   1
paramln  rmb   1 size of window name to dump
vdgadr   rmb   2 address of vdg screen
vdgflag  rmb   1 vdg screen flag (1=yes)
scrnaddr rmb   2 address of screen
d$devtbl rmb   2 address of device table
mdname   rmb   2 adress of module name
drvnam   rmb   2 address of device driver name
buffaddr rmb   2 address of return packet 
buffln.  rmb   1 dummy byte
buffln   rmb   1 length of return packet..must be > WI$size
weaddr   rmb   2 logical address of window entry insys map  (debugging only)
devmaddr rmb   2 device static storage entry in sys map  (debugging only)
fgc      rmb   1 foreground color
bgc      rmb   1 background color
bdc      rmb   1 border color
curx     rmb   1 x coordinate of cursor
cury     rmb   1 y coordinate of cursor
bpr      rmb   2 bytes per row
stymark  rmb   1 screen type marker byte
paltaddr rmb   2 address of palette registers
msb      rmb   1 working field - msb for 2 digit mults
lsb      rmb   1 working field - lsb for 2 digit mults
lset     rmb   1 logic set #
psetgb   rmb   2 pset group/buffer
fontgb   rmb   2 font group/buffer
gcurgb   rmb   2 gfx cursor group/buffer
minidat  rmb   2 temp dat for cpymem
bfngrp   rmb   2 buffer #/group return
drawcrsr rmb   4 draw cursor position - xxyy
sysdat   rmb   16 system DAT image
devname  rmb   5 device descriptor name
devtable rmb   9 device table entry
devmem   equ   .   device memory copy
sc       rmb   32 screen table
we       rmb   64 window entry
         rmb   32 filler so we got 128 bytes for dev memory
datend   equ   .

E$Param  equ   $38 bad Parameter error

cc3io    fcs   /CC3IO/ used to compare device driver name

tmpdat   fcb   0,0 mini-dat image for block 0 data fetches

blnkpalt fcb   $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff
         fcb   $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff

stytable fcb   $01,$03,$03,$0f
blktable fcb   1,1,0,0,2,2,4,4
errmsg1  equ   *
         fcc   /Requested device not in device table/
errm1ln  equ   *-errmsg1
errmsg2  fcc   /Requested device is not CC3IO/
errm2ln  equ   *-errmsg2
errmsg3  fcc   /Can not access window until written to/
errm3ln  equ   *-errmsg3

start    equ   *
         pshs  u,dp save registers
         tfr   s,d put in 'd' for computations
         clrb  clear lsb
         suba  #1 bump down page to make sure we don't conflict
         tfr   a,dp now set direct page
         tfr   d,u and set u register
         sts   <stackadr save address of stack
         leax  stackadr+2,u start adrress of bytes to init
         ldb   #devtable end addr..# of bytes to clear
         lda   #$ff fill character
         lbsr  zapblock init the characters

* get passed parameters

         ldx   5,s # of parameters
         cmpx  #2 do we have two params?
         lbne  badparms no...error
         ldx   7,s 1st param addr (window name addr)
         stx   <paramadr save the window name addr
         os9   F$PrsNam get end of name
         lbcs  exit exit on error
         clra clear msb
         std   <paramln. save window name length
         ldx   11,s 2nd param addr (buffer addr)
         stx   <buffaddr save the buffer address
         ldx   13,s 2nd param length
         stx   <buffln. save the buffer length address
         cmpx  #WI$Size check if buffer big enough
         lblo  smllbuff no..send buffer to small status

* clear return buffer

         ldx   <buffaddr address of return buffer
         ldb   #WI$ermsg end address to init
         lda   #$ff fill char
         lbsr  zapblock zap the block
         ldb   #40 # of bytes to init
         lda   #$20 space fill
         lbsr  zapblock zap the message

* get system process descriptor for sys DAT image

         leax  tmpdat,pcr addr of sys mini-dat
         tfr   x,d put it in d
         ldx   #$004C Addr of dat image in system direct page
         ldy   #2 2 bytes to get
         pshs  u save u
         leau  datadr,u addr of receiver
         os9   F$CpyMem get it
         puls  u restore u
         lbcs  exit exit on error
         leax  tmpdat,pcr addr of sys mini-data
         tfr   x,d put it in d
         ldx   datadr,u physical addr of sys DAT in sys addr map
         pshs  u save u
         leay  sysdat,u addr of receiver
         sty   <datimg save it for later
         tfr   y,u put in u for call
         ldy   #16+16+1 16 bytes to get in image
         os9   F$CpyMem get it
         puls  u restore u
         lbcs  exit and exit on error

         ldx   <datimg      get ptr to system DAT image
         lda   16+16,x      grab Level III SCF map info
         beq   not.l3
         sta   3,x
         sta   5,x

* get offset in system map to device tables
not.l3   ldy   #2 2 bytes to get
         ldd   <datimg addr of sys DAT image
         ldx   #D.DevTbl addr of device table addr
         pshs  u save u
         leau  d$devtbl,u addr of reciever
         os9   F$Cpymem get it
         puls  u restore u
         lbcs  exit exit on error
         clr   <de clear device table entry #
         ldx   d$devtbl,u addr of device table
         leax  -$0D,x back off one entry for increment in loop
         stx   d$devtbl,u and save it again
         leax  devtable,u get the addr of our copy of devtable
         stx   <entry save the entry addr for later

* just do an I$Attach instead of rooting through the device table

         lda   #READ.     read-only permissions
         ldx   <paramadr  point to window name
         pshs  u          save for later
         OS9   I$Attach   get U=address of device table entry
         puls  x          kill end of device name pointer
         lbcs  error1     exit on error

         OS9   I$Detach   so link count is correct
         exg   x,u        now U=memory, and X=ptr to device table entry

         leay  devtable,u addr of reciever
         pshs  u save u
         tfr   y,u put reciever addr in u
         ldy   #9 copy table entry
         ldd   <datimg addr of sys DAT image
         os9   F$Cpymem get it
         puls  u restore u
         lbcs  exit exit on error
         leax  devtable,u
         lda   V$USRS,x test for entry in use
         lbeq  error3 if not in use...give out error saying so

* Alan DeKok's mod: lots of code removed here

* get driver name offset

         ldx   <entry get device entry address
         ldx   V$DRIV,x get driver module start addr
         leax  M$Name,x get addr of module name
         ldy   #2 get 2 bytes
         ldd   <datimg addr of sys DAT image
         pshs  u save u
         leau  mdname,u addr of reciever
         os9   F$CpyMem get it
         puls  u restore u
         lbcs  exit exit on error

* now get actual driver name

         ldx   <entry addr of deice entry
         ldd   V$DRIV,x driver module start addr
         addd  mdname,u + module offset to driver name
         tfr   d,x put it in x so we can grab it
         ldy   #5 5 bytes in name (CC3IO)
         ldd   <datimg addr of sys DAT image
         pshs  u save u
         leau  devname,u addr of receiver
         os9   F$CpyMem get it
         puls  u restore u
         lbcs  exit exit on error

* we got the requested see if its cc3io

         ldb   #5 5 bytes to compare
         leax  cc3io,pcr get addr of 'CC3IO'
         leay  devname,u get addr of the driver nam
         os9   F$CmpNam see if they're the same
         lbcs  error2 if not-skip to next entry
* get the device static storage

         ldx   <entry addr of device entry
         ldd   V$STAT,x addr of static storage
         tfr   d,x put in x so we can get it
         stx   <devmaddr save device mem addr
         ldd   <datimg addr of sys DAT image
         ldy   #$80 bytes to get
         pshs  u save u
         leau  devmem,u addr of receiver
         os9   F$CpyMem get it
         puls  u restore u
         lbcs  exit exit on error

* get the window entry number

         leax  devmem,u addr of device mem
         lda   $35,x offset to window entry #
         sta   wnum,u save it

* check if its a vdg screen
         clr   <vdgflag else clear the flag
         leax  devmem,u addr of device memory
         lda   6,x offset to window type
         anda  #$80 check the high bit
         lbeq  vdgscrn if not set,its a vdg screen so jump
* get actual window entry

         lda   wnum,u window entry #
         ldb   #64 window entry size
         mul  find offset
         addd  #$1280 add it to start of window entrys
         std   <weaddr save window entry address
         tfr   d,x put in x so we can get it
         ldy   #64 64 bytes to get in window entry
         ldd   <datimg addr of sys DAT image
         pshs  u save u
         leau  we,u addr of receiver
         os9   F$CpyMem get it
         puls  u restore u
         lbcs  exit exit on error

* check if window ok
         lda   we,u check msb of screen table address
         cmpa  #$ff is it valid ???
         lbeq  error3 send error message

* get screen table entry

         ldx   we,u address of screen table
         ldy   #32 32 bytes in screen table
         ldd   <datimg addr of sys DAT image
         pshs  u save u
         leau  sc,u addr of receiver
         os9   F$CpyMem get it
         puls  u restore u
         lbcs  exit exit on error
         leax  sc,u address of screen table
         ldb   5,x border prn
         stb   <bdc save it
         ldb   ,x screen type
         stb   <stymark

* remove bias to get actual screen type

         cmpb  #$80 
         bls   lowtype
         ldb   #4 4 = 16 colors possible
         stb   <stymark make that the screen type marker
         ldb   #$87
         subb  ,x
         bra   getblock
lowtype  equ   *
         addb  #4
getblock equ   *
         stb   <sctype save the screen type
         decb decrement for indexing
         leax  blktable,pcr address of block count table
         lda   b,x get block count (via indexing table)
         sta   <blockcnt save it
         leax  sc,u address of screen table
         lda   1,x get first block used
         sta   <scrblock save it
         leax  16,x address of palettes
         stx   <paltaddr save it for later
         leax  we,u addr of window entry

* get screen start in block

         leax  $34,x screen start
         lda   ,x+ get msb
         suba  #$80 ?????
         ldb   ,x+ get lsb
         std   <offset save screen offset
         ldy   ,x++ get screen start coordinates
         sty   <wstart save them
         ldd   ,x++ get screen size (x,y)
         std   <wsize save it
         leax  we,u get start of window entry
         leax  5,x addr of cwarea start
         ldy   ,x++ working area start coordinates
         sty   <cwstart save them
         ldd   ,x++ working area size coordinates
         std   <cwsize save them
         cmpd  <wsize see if its same as total window size
         beq   getbpr if it is,skip next section

* adjust block offset to take change working area into account

         clr   <msb clear temp area
         lda   <cwstart x offset of area
         lsla  multiply by 2 for attribute bytes
         sta   <lsb save it
         lda   <cwstart+1 y offset of area
         lsla  multiply by 2 for attribute bytes
         ldb   <wsize x-size of window
         mul  mulitply
         addd  <msb add x offset of area
         addd  <offset add original block offset
         std   <offset save new block offset

* get # of bytes per row and cursor coordinates

getbpr   equ   *
         ldx   #$1075 address of gfx table start pointer
         ldy   #2 # of bytes to get
         ldd   <datimg addr of sys DAT image
         pshs  u save u
         leau  msb,u addr of receiver
         os9   F$Cpymem get it
         puls  u restore u
         lbcs  exit exit on error
         lda   <wnum get window entry number
         ldb   #$12 size of gfx table entry
         mul get the offset to start of our gfx window entry
         addd  #1 add 1 for draw cursor start
         ldx   <msb load addr of table start
         leax  d,x and add offset
         ldy   #4 get 4 bytes
         ldd   <datimg addr of sys DAT image
         pshs  u save u
         leau  drawcrsr,u addr of receiver
         os9   F$Cpymem get it
         puls  u restore u
         lbcs  exit exit on error

         clr   <curx clear fields
         clr   <cury
         leax  we,u address of window entry
         ldd   $14,x butes per row
         std   <bpr save bytes per row

* get foreground/background prn's

         leay  stytable,pcr addr of screen type mask table
         ldb   <stymark get sty marker byte
         decb decrement for indexing
         leay  b,y addr of mask (via indexing)
         ldd   $16,x get fore/back palette #'s
         anda  ,y strip of bias againt mask
         andb  ,y
         sta   <fgc save foreground prn
         stb   <bgc save background prn

         lda   $1A,x logic set #
         sta   <lset save it
         lda   $1B,x block # of font
         ldy   $1C,x block offset of font
         lbsr  fetchit get group/buffer of font
         std   <fontgb save it
         lda   $1E,x block # of pset
         ldy   $1F,x block offset of pset
         leay  -$20,y back off to get header start of pset
         lbsr  fetchit get group/buffer of pset
         std   <psetgb save it
         lda   $28,x block # of gfx cursor
         ldy   $29,x block offset of gfx cursor
         lbsr  fetchit get group/buffer of gfx cursor
         std   <gcurgb save it

         ldd   $0B,x cursor logical address
         subd  3,x subtract screen logical start
         lbra  getcrps get x,y cursor coords

* get block number and offset in block for VDG type screen

vdgscrn  equ   *
         leax  blnkpalt,pcr address of $ff's for vdg palettes
         stx   <paltaddr save the addr
         lda   #$ff fill char
         sta   <fgc no palettes for vdg screen
         sta   <bgc
         sta   <bdc
         lda   #1 vdgflag=1
         sta   <vdgflag
         sta   <blockcnt 1 block in screen
         std   <wstart window starts at 0,0
         std   <cwstart
         clr   <sctype  screentype = 0
         leax  devmem,u address of device memory
         ldd   $38,x logical screen start addr
         std   vdgadr,u msb of vdg address
         lsra  divide by 16
         lsra  divide by 2
         inca  add 1
         lsla  multiply by 2
         deca  subtract 1
         ldx   <datimg addr of sys DAT image
         ldb   a,x add on block # in map and get the physical block
         stb   <scrblock save it
         ldd   vdgadr,u get the physical screen address
         anda  #%00011111 strip off block # bias
         std   <offset save offset within block
         ldd   #$2010 32 * 16 screen
         std   <cwsize save it
         std   <wsize save it
         clr   <curx clear cursor offset counters
         clr   <cury
         ldd   #$0020 32 bytes/row
         std   <bpr save it
         leax  devmem,u address of device memory
         ldd   $3C,x cursor address
         subd  $38,x screen address

getcrps  equ   *
         cmpd  <bpr are we done getting row?
         blo   gotycur yes..skip this
         subd  <bpr subtract bytes/row
         inc   <cury increment row #
         bra   getcrps and check for more

gotycur  equ   *
         stb   <curx save y cursor pos
         tst   <vdgflag is it vdg screen??
         bne   savexcur yes..more processing
         lda   <sctype get screen type to determine divisor
         cmpa  #5 is it type 5 screen???
         beq   gotxcur  go save x cursor position
         lsrb  divide by two to get actual offset
         cmpa  #8 is it type 7 screen???
         bne   gotxcur go save x cursor position
         lsrb  divide by two again

gotxcur  equ   *
         stb   <curx save y cursor pos
         lbra  retbuffr go return buffer

savexcur equ   *
         leax  devmem,u address of device mem
         lda   $37,x screen # on display
         bne   chkmedrs if not 0 then its medium or hi res
         tst   $45,x test med-res flag
         lbeq  retbuffr its not hi-res gfx

chkmedrs equ   *
         ldb   #3 3 bytes per screen table entry
         mul  get screen table offset
         leax  $4A,x start of screen tables
         leax  b,x offset for screen #
         inc   <vdgflag =2 for med-res gfx
         clr   <offset screen starts at begin of block
         clr   <offset+1
         lda   ,x+ get start block
         sta   <scrblock save it
         lda   ,x+ get block count
         lbne  vdghires if there its a hi-res
         ldx   #$0180 BPR for med-res vdg screen
         stx   <bpr save it for later
         lda   #%00010000 default mode of 1
         leax  devmem,u get start of device mem again
         tst   $3f,x screen mode
         bpl   vdgtyp1 if its is..go save it
         clra  make the mode=0

vdgtyp1  equ   *
         ora   $66,x foreground color
         sta   <sctype thats our screen type
         lbra  retbuffr go return buffer

* hi res vdg screen
vdghires equ   *
         sta   <blockcnt save the block count
         lda   ,x get the screen type
         sta   <sctype save it
         ldy   #$2818 sizex/sizey for screen type 0,1,2
         ldx   #$0280 BPR for screen type 0,1,2
         cmpa  #2 is screen type <= 2
         bls   vdgbpr if yes..go save BPR
         ldy   #$5018 BPR for screen types 3,4
         ldx   #$0500 BPR for screen types 3,4
vdgbpr   equ   *
         sty   <wsize save the size
         sty   <cwsize same for current working size
         stx   <bpr save the bytes per row
         leax  devmem,u get address of device mem again
         leax  $6B,x address of palettes
         stx   <paltaddr save it for later
         inc   <vdgflag =3 (hi res vdg)
         lbra  retbuffr
* dump the screen

retbuffr equ   *
         ldx   <buffaddr address of return buffer
         sta   WI$stat,x status is ok (=0)
         lda   <vdgflag
         sta   WI$vdg,x
         lda   <sctype
         sta   WI$sty,x
         lda   <scrblock
         sta   WI$block,x
         lda   <blockcnt
         sta   WI$blcnt,x
         ldd   <offset
         std   WI$offst,x
         lda   <wstart
         sta   WI$cpx,x
         lda   <wstart+1
         sta   WI$cpy,x
         lda   <wsize
         sta   WI$szx,x
         lda   <wsize+1
         sta   WI$szy,x
         lda   <cwstart
         sta   WI$cwcpx,x
         lda   <cwstart+1
         sta   WI$cwcpy,x
         lda   <cwsize
         sta   WI$cwszx,x
         lda   <cwsize+1
         sta   WI$cwszy,x
         lda   <curx
         sta   WI$curx,x
         lda   <cury
         sta   WI$cury,x
         ldd   <bpr
         std   WI$bpr,x
         leay  we,u
         lda   $19,y
         sta   WI$cbsw,x
         lda   <bdc
         sta   WI$bdprn,x
         lda   <fgc
         sta   WI$fgprn,x
         lda   <bgc
         sta   WI$bgprn,x
         lda   <lset
         sta   WI$Lset,x
         ldd   <fontgb
         sta   WI$FntGr,x
         stb   WI$FntBf,x
         ldd   <psetgb
         sta   WI$PstGr,x
         stb   WI$PstBf,x
         ldd   <gcurgb
         sta   WI$GcrGr,x
         stb   WI$GcrBf,x
         ldd   <drawcrsr
         std   WI$DrCrx,x
         ldd   <drawcrsr+2
         std   WI$DrCry,x
         lda   edition,pcr
         sta   WI$Edtn,x
         ldd   <weaddr
         std   WI$weadr,x
         ldd   <devmaddr
         std   WI$devm,x
         leay  WI$pregs,x addr of where to move palettes to
         ldx   <paltaddr addr of palettes
         ldd   #16 16 bytes to move
         lbsr  u$movexy move it
         bra   clrexit done so return from sub

badparms equ   *
         ldb   #E$Param bad parameter error
         bra   exit go return it

clrexit  clrb  no error..clear b reg
exit     equ   *
         lds   <stackadr restore stack
         puls  u,dp restore u and dp registers
         clra  clear carry bit
         beq   return
         coma  set carry bit
return   equ   *

zapblock equ   *
         sta   ,x+
         bne   zapblock

* fetch 2 bytes from block [a] at offset [y]+3

fetchit  equ   *
         clr   <minidat
         sta   <minidat+1
         bne   fetchok jump if valid block #
         clra else clear group #
         clrb clear buffer #
fetchok  equ   *
         pshs  x save x
         leax  3,y poistion to group #
         tfr   x,d put in d for arithmetic
         anda  #%00011111 strip off hig order bytes
         tfr   d,x and put back in x
         leay  minidat,u adr of temp DAT image
         tfr   y,d put in d for os9 call
         ldy   #2 bytes to get
         pshs  u save u
         leau  bfngrp,u addr of receving field
         os9   F$Cpymem get it
         puls  u restore u
         lbcs  exit exit on error
         ldd   <bfngrp put it in d for return
         puls  x restore x

* move [d] bytes from [x] to [y]
u$movexy pshs  u
         tfr   d,u
movexy10 lda   ,x+
         sta   ,y+
         leau  -1,u
         cmpu  #0
         bne   movexy10
         puls  u,pc

error1   equ   *
         ldb   #1 error number
         pshs  b save error #
         leax  errmsg1,pcr address of error msg
         ldd   #errm1ln length of error message
         bra   moverr go move it

error2   equ   *
         ldb   #2 error number
         pshs  b save error #
         leax  errmsg2,pcr address of error msg
         ldd   #errm2ln length of error message
         bra   moverr go move it

error3   equ   *
         ldb   #3 error number
         pshs  b save error #
         leax  errmsg3,pcr address of error msg
         ldd   #errm3ln length of error message
         bra   moverr go move it

moverr   equ   *
         ldy   <buffaddr address of return buffer
         leay  WI$ErMsg,y address of error message
         lbsr  u$movexy
         puls  b

storstat equ   *
         ldy   <buffaddr address of return buffer
         stb   WI$Stat,y  save the status byte  
         lbra  clrexit done

smllbuff equ   *
         ldb   #$ff buffer too small status #
         bra   storstat go store status # and exit

eom      equ   *