view defs/module.d @ 1751:68405e756277

Properly inc'ed revision, more comments and symbols put into code for portability, added extra '?' for unknown language to be in line with original ident.
author boisy
date Mon, 07 Mar 2005 11:42:05 +0000
parents 7af4d12008f4
children 27e85b681dab
line wrap: on
line source

; module
; $Id$
; Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
; Comment
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
;          2004/05/17  Boisy G. Pitre
; Started.

           .title   Module Definitions

           .ifndef  Level
Level      ==       1

           .ifgt    Level-1
MD$MPDAT   ==       0          ; Module DAT Image ptr
MD$MBSiz   ==       2          ; Memory Block size
MD$MPtr    ==       4          ; Module ptr
MD$Link    ==       6          ; Module Link count
MD$ESize   ==       8          ; Module Directory Entry size
MD$MPtr    ==       0          ; Module ptr
MD$Link    ==       2          ; Module Link count
MD$ESize   ==       4          ; Module Directory Entry size

; Universal Module Offsets

M$ID       ==       0          ; ID Code
M$Size     ==       2          ; Module Size
M$Name     ==       4          ; Module Name
M$Type     ==       6          ; Type / Language
M$Revs     ==       7          ; Attributes / Revision Level
M$Parity   ==       8          ; Header Parity
M$IDSize   ==       9          ; Module ID Size
; Type-Dependent Module Offsets
; System, File Manager, Device Driver, Program Module
M$Exec     ==       10         ; Execution Entry Offset
; Device Driver, Program Module
M$Mem      ==       12         ; Stack Requirement
; Device Driver, Device Descriptor Module
M$Mode     ==       14         ; Device Driver Mode Capabilities

; Device Descriptor Module

M$FMgr     ==       9          ; File Manager Name Offset
M$PDev     ==       11         ; Device Driver Name Offset
;           ==       13         ; M$Mode (defined above)
M$Port     ==       14         ; Port Address
M$Opt      ==       17         ; Device Default Options
M$DTyp     ==       18         ; Device Type
IT.DTP     ==       M$DTyp     ; Descriptor type offset
; Configuration Module Entry Offsets

MaxMem     ==       9          ; Maximum Free Memory
PollCnt    ==       12         ; Entries in Interrupt Polling Table
DevCnt     ==       13         ; Entries in Device Table
InitStr    ==       14         ; Initial Module Name
SysStr     ==       16         ; System Device Name
StdStr     ==       18         ; Standard I/O Pathlist
BootStr    ==       20         ; Bootstrap Module name
ProtFlag   ==       22         ; Write protect enable flag

OSLevel    ==       23         ; OS level
OSVer      ==       24         ; OS version
OSMajor    ==       25         ; OS major
OSMinor    ==       26         ; OS minor
Feature1   ==       27         ; feature byte 1
Feature2   ==       28         ; feature byte 2
                               ; reserved for future use
           .ifgt  Level-1
; -- CC3IO area -- (NitrOS-9 Level 2 and above)
MonType    ==       36         ; Monitor type (0=CMP,1=RGB,2=MONO)
MouseInf   ==       37         ; Mouse resolution/Mouse port; was 1, major error RG.
KeyRptS    ==       39         ; Key repeat start constant
KeyRptD    ==       40         ; Key repeat delay constant

; Feature1 byte definitions
CRCOn      ==       0b00000001  ; CRC checking on
CRCOff     ==       0b00000000  ; CRC checking off

; Module Field Definitions
; ID Field - First two bytes of a NitrOS-9 module
M$ID1      ==       0h87        ; Module ID code byte one
M$ID2      ==       0hCD        ; Module ID code byte two
M$ID12     ==       M$ID1*256+M$ID2

; Module Type/Language Field Masks
TypeMask   ==       0b11110000  ; Type Field
LangMask   ==       0b00001111  ; Language Field

; Module Type Values
Devic      ==       0hF0       ; Device Descriptor Module
Drivr      ==       0hE0       ; Physical Device Driver
FlMgr      ==       0hD0       ; File Manager
Systm      ==       0hC0       ; System Module
ShellSub   ==       0h50       ; Shell+ shell sub module
Data       ==       0h40       ; Data Module
Multi      ==       0h30       ; Multi-Module
Sbrtn      ==       0h20       ; Subroutine Module
Prgrm      ==       0h10       ; Program Module

; Module Language Values
Objct      ==       1          ; 6809 Object Code Module
ICode      ==       2          ; Basic09 I-code
PCode      ==       3          ; Pascal P-code
CCode      ==       4          ; C I-code
CblCode    ==       5          ; Cobol I-code
FrtnCode   ==       6          ; Fortran I-code
Obj6309    ==       7          ; 6309 object code

; Module Attributes / Revision byte
; Field Masks
AttrMask   ==       0b11110000  ; Attributes Field
RevsMask   ==       0b00001111  ; Revision Level Field

; Attribute Flags
ReEnt      ==       0b10000000  ; Re-Entrant Module
ModProt    ==       0b01000000  ; Gimix Module protect bit (0=protected, 1=write enable)
ModNat     ==       0b00100000  ; 6309 native mode attribute

; Device Type Values
; These values define various classes of devices, which are
; managed by a file manager module.  The Device Type is embedded
; in a device's device descriptor.
DT.SCF     ==       0          ; Sequential Character File Manager
DT.RBF     ==       1          ; Random Block File Manager
DT.Pipe    ==       2          ; Pipe File Manager
DT.SBF     ==       3          ; Sequential Block File Manager
DT.NFM     ==       4          ; Network File Manager
DT.CDFM    ==       5          ; CD-ROM File Manager

; CRC Result Constant
CRCCon1    ==       0h80
CRCCon23   ==       0h0FE3