view level1/cmds/dmode.asm @ 1803:6b0d1027e4e0

Removed NITROS9VERSION, NITROS9MAJOR, NITROS9MINOR environment vars from use.. bad idea. Now we stick this in rules.mak
author boisy
date Thu, 14 Apr 2005 01:41:06 +0000
parents e6cc61505ca7
line wrap: on
line source

* DMode - Disk descriptor utility
* $Id$
* RBF descriptor utility similar to xmode.
* Use: dmode </devicename> [options]
*      dmode -<filename>   [options]
*       (allows dmode use on a saved desc)
*       (-filename will use data dir for default)
*      dmode -?  will give bit definitions
* If no options given, just returns desc info.
* All numbers must be in HEX.
* dmode
* dmode /h0 cyl=0200 sas=8 ilv=4
* dmode /d0
* dmode -?
* dmode -/d1/modules/d2.dd cyl=0028
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          1986/09/23  Kevin Darling
* Oversized and kludgy, but works.
* Apologies for lack of comments.
*          1986/10/01  Kevin Darling
*          1986/10/02  Kevin Darling
* This version will do desc file on disk also.
*          1989/08/24  Roger A. Krupski (HARDWAREHACK)
* Fixed "lower case bug", allowed "$" prefix for hex
* -------- NitrOS9 DMODE HISTORY -----------------------------------
* 8 / 1    2003/01/31  Boisy G Pitre
* Initial import - added to standard CMDS distribution
* 8 / 1    2003/09/04  Boisy G Pitre
* Redid history comments to new format
* 1 / 4    2004/02/19  Boisy G Pitre
* Old source replaced by fcb hex dump of new dmode.bin
* May be a back-port from Carl Kreider's dmode for OSK
* 2 / 4    2004/02/28  Rodney V. Hamilton
* Disassembled new dmode, added comments and KD/RAK mods.

         nam   DMode
         ttl   program module

* Disassembled 2004/02/21 08:59:24 by Disasm v1.5 (C) 1988 by RML

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $04

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

OLDMODS  equ   1 	enable KD/RAK dmode mods if >0

hexcnt   rmb   1	number of option bytes
dataptr  rmb   2	current option ptr
hexin    rmb   2	2 byte hex number
module   rmb   2	desc address
msize    rmb   2	module total size (including CRC)
dsize    rmb   2	descriptor size (hdrs + init tbl)
parmptr  rmb   2	next name dataptr
path     rmb   1	file path
txtptr   rmb   2	option name ptr
buffer   rmb   10	output buffer
buflen   equ   .-buffer
desc     rmb   80
descmax  equ   .-desc
         rmb   512 	stack+params
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /DMode/
         fcb   $02 

** Options Table for RBF Device Driver Modules
* entry format: NAME[4] + OFFSET[1] + COUNT[1]
* NAME:   leading space plus 3-char field name
* OFFSET: byte offset to option field in module
* COUNT:  size of option field in bytes
** (if offset bit.7 set, field is ptr to string of length COUNT)
otable   fcc   " nam"
         fcb   M$Name!$80	($84) ptr to name of module
         fcb   3 		max name length=3
nxtopt   equ   *-otable		offset to next option (=6)
optlen   equ   nxtopt-2		length of option name (=4)
optoff   equ   nxtopt-2		offset to option offset (=4)
optsiz   equ   nxtopt-1		offset to option byte count  (-5)
         fcc   " mgr"
         fcb   M$FMgr+$80,0 	($89) ptr to name of file manager
         fcc   " ddr"
         fcb   M$PDev-$80,0 	($8B) ptr to name of device driver
         fcc   " hpn"
         fcb   M$Port,1 	($0E) extended port address
         fcc   " hpa"
         fcb   M$Port+1,2 	($0F) base port address
         fcc   " drv"
         fcb   IT.DRV,1 	($13) drive number
         fcc   " stp"
         fcb   IT.STP,1 	($14) step rate
         fcc   " typ"
         fcb   IT.TYP,1 	($15) device type
         fcc   " dns"
         fcb   IT.DNS,1 	($16) media density
         fcc   " cyl"
         fcb   IT.CYL,2 	($17) number of cylinders (tracks)
         fcc   " sid"
         fcb   IT.SID,1 	($19) number of sides
         fcc   " vfy"
         fcb   IT.VFY,1 	($1A) verify writes (0-yes)
         fcc   " sct"
         fcb   IT.SCT,2 	($1B) default sectors/track
         fcc   " t0s"
         fcb   IT.T0S,2 	($1D) default sect/trk for track 0
         fcc   " ilv"
         fcb   IT.ILV,1 	($1F) sector interleave factor
         fcc   " sas"
         fcb   IT.SAS,1 	($20) minimum segment allocation (sectors)
         fcc   " wpc"
         fcb   $25,1 	(offset unnamed) write precomp cylinder (HD)
         fcc   " ofs"
         fcb   $26,2 	(offset unnamed) starting cylinder offset (HD)
         fcc   " rwc"
         fcb   $28,2 	(offset unnamed) reduced write current cylinder (HD)
otblsiz  equ   (*-otable)/nxtopt
* number of DISPLAYED options - remainder are accepted but not printed
        IFNE  OLDMODS  compatibility
         fcc   " tos"	alias for t0s (old DMODE compatibility)
         fcb   IT.T0S,2
         fcb   $80 	end of table

usage    fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "Usage:  DMode [/<device> || -<pathlist> || -?] [option] [option] [...]"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "Purpose:  To report or alter current option settings of RBF device"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "          descriptors in memory or on disk in single module files."
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "Options:  nam, mgr, ddr, hpn, hpa, drv, stp, typ, dns, cyl, sid, vfy,"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "          sct, t0s, ilv, sas, wpc, ofs, rwc."
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "Examples:  dmode /dd"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "               Prints the current option settings of the /DD descriptor"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "               in memory."
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "           dmode -modules/h0.dd nam=H1 drv=1 cyl=03FF rwc=ffff"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "               Changes the module name in the MODULES/H0.dd file to H1,"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "               sets the physical drive number to 1, cylinders to $03FF,"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "               and the Reduced Write Current cylinder to $FFFF."
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "           dmode -?"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "               Prints more complete information on all of the options."
         fcb   C$CR 
uselen   equ   *-usage

infomsg  fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "The NAM option accepts only a legal OS-9 module name with a maximum of"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "3 characters.  It is up to the user to ensure that there is adequate"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "room for the module name, and if required to rename the disk file to"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "suit the new module name.  The MGR and DDR options can't be changed."
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "All other options require hexadecimal numbers (0 through FFFF).  The"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "WPC, OFS, and RWC options are for WDDisk descriptors only."
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "nam  Device Descriptor Name             "
         fcc   "mgr  File Manager Name"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "ddr  Device Driver Name                 "
         fcc   "hpn  Hardware Page Number"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "hpa  Hardware Port Address              "
         fcc   "drv  Physical Drive Number"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "stp  Step Rate Code                     "
         fcc   "typ  Drive Type"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "dns  Drive/Disk Density                 "
         fcc   "cyl  Drive Cylinders"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "sid  Drive Sides (Heads)                "
         fcc   "vfy  Write Verify Flag"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "sct  Sectors Per Track                  "
         fcc   "t0s  Sectors On Track Zero"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "ilv  Sector Interleave Factor           "
         fcc   "sas  Segment Allocation Size"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "wpc  Write Precompensation Code         "
         fcc   "ofs  Partition Offset Cylinder"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "rwc  Reduced Write Current Cylinder"
         fcb   C$CR 
infolen  equ   *-infomsg

equal    fcb   $3D 	"="

rbfmsg   fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "Not an RBF descriptor!"
cr       fcb   C$CR
rbflen   equ   *-rbfmsg

sizmsg   fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "Module size out of range!"
         fcb   C$CR
sizlen   equ   *-sizmsg

synmsg   fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "Syntax error:  "
synlen   equ   *-synmsg

*NOTE: --the code begins here--

morehelp leax  >infomsg,pcr
         ldy   #infolen 
         bra   helpprnt 

toobig   leax  >sizmsg,pcr
         ldy   #sizlen 
         bra   errprnt 

notrbf   leax  >rbfmsg,pcr
         ldy   #rbflen 

errprnt  lda   #2 
         os9   I$WritLn 

help     leax  >usage,pcr
         ldy   #uselen 

helpprnt lda   #2 
         os9   I$WritLn 
         lbra  okayend2 

start    equ   *
         ldd   #0
         std   <module		zero mod flag
         sta   <path		zero file flag
         ldd   ,x+		check for device name
         cmpa  #'-		file option?
         bne   link
         cmpb  #'? 		help option?
         beq   morehelp

* read descriptor from file
         lda   #UPDAT. 		open path to desc file
         os9   I$Open 
         bcs   help
         stx   <parmptr
         sta   <path 		save path number
         ldy   #descmax 	max size
         leax  <desc,u 		desc buff
         os9   I$Read   	read the file
         lbcs  error
         ldb   <M$Opt,x 	init table size
         addd  #M$DTyp 		add size of headers
         std   <dsize 		save desc size less CRC
         ldd   M$Size,x 	module size incl CRC
         cmpd  #descmax 	too big for desc buffer?
         bhi   toobig 		..yes, size error
         std   <msize 		save module size
         bra   gotit

* read descriptor from memory
link     cmpa  #PDELIM 		else must be /<devicename>
         bne   help
         pshs  u
         lda   #Devic 		type=device descriptor
         os9   F$Link   	link to descriptor
         bcs   help
         stx   <parmptr 	update after name
         tfr   u,x
         puls  u
         stx   <module
         ldb   <M$Opt,x 	get desc init table size
         addd  #M$DTyp		add desc header size
         std   <dsize		save desc size less CRC
         ldd   M$Size,x		get current module size
         cmpd  #descmax		too big for desc buffer?
         lbhi  toobig		..yes, size error
         std   <msize		save module size
         tfr   d,y
         pshs  u
         leau  <desc,u
mloop    lda   ,x+		copy in-memory data
         sta   ,u+		to descriptor buffer
         leay  -1,y
         bne   mloop
         puls  u
gotit    ldd   <dsize
         cmpd  <msize
         lbcc  toobig
         leax  <desc,u
         lda   <IT.DTP,x 	test device type
         cmpa  #1 		RBF?
         lbne  notrbf		.. no, non-RBF error
         ldx   <parmptr		reload input parms ptr
         lbsr  skipspc		skip blanks
         cmpa  #C$CR		any options?
         lbeq  info, give current info
         leax  -1,x		else find options

* Find and Set Options
* X=param ptr
findopt  lbsr  skipspc		get next input param
         stx   <parmptr		save for syntax error use
         cmpa  #C$CR		end?
         lbeq  verify		..yes, update desc CRC
         leay  >(otable-nxtopt),pcr	init option table ptr
         pshs  u
         ldu   ,x++		get next two chars
         ora   #'a-'A		force lowercase char 1
         exg   d,u
         ora   #'a-'A		-ditto for chars 2&3
         orb   #'a-'A
         exg   d,u
flup20   leay  nxtopt,y		next option entry
         tst   ,y		end of table?
         bmi   syntax		..yes, bad option
         cmpa  1,y
         bne   flup20		option name match?
         cmpu  2,y
         bne   flup20, try next
* option found
         puls  u
         sty   <txtptr
         ldd   ,x+
         cmpa  #'=		must be followed by "="
         bne   syntax
         cmpb  #C$CR
         beq   syntax
         cmpb  #C$SPAC
         beq   syntax
         ldb   optsiz,y		get # of bytes
         beq   syntax		cannot modify if length=0
         stb   <hexcnt
         ldb   optoff,y		get option size/type
         bpl   setnum		hi-bit clear, do numeric
* process string option change
         andb  #$7F		get string ptr offset
         cmpd  <msize		within module?
         bcc   syntax
         leay  <desc,u
         ldd   b,y		read string ptr
         cmpd  <msize		within module?
         bcc   syntax
         leay  d,y		point to string field
         pshs  y
         os9   F$PrsNam 	parse user's input for valid OS9 name
         puls  y
         bcs   syntax		bad name syntax
         cmpa  #C$SPAC		name's trailing delimiter..
         beq   nameok		must be space
         cmpa  #C$CR		or end of line
         bne   syntax
nameok   cmpb  <hexcnt		new name longer than field size?
         bhi   syntax
ncopy    lda   ,x+		copy new name to desc
         sta   ,y+
         bne   ncopy
         lda   -1,y
         ora   #$80		and flag last char
         sta   -1,y
         lbra  findopt

syntax   leax  >synmsg,pcr
         ldy   #synlen
         lda   #2
         os9   I$Write  	print syntax err msg to stderr
         ldx   <parmptr
         leax  -1,x		rewind to start of arg
         pshs  x
         ldy   #0		set arg len to 0
slup     leay  1,y		..count chars
         lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #C$CR		..until EOL
         beq   synsay
         cmpa  #C$SPAC		..or space
         bne   slup
synsay   puls  x		X=arg ptr, Y=arg len
         lda   #2
         os9   I$Write  	print name of bad arg to stderr
         lbra  okayend

* process numeric option change
setnum   clra 
         cmpd  <dsize		option within current descriptor?
         bcc   syntax
         clr   <hexin		zero hex input field
         clr   <hexin+1

setloop  lda   ,x+		get next #
        IFNE  OLDMODS  compatibility
         cmpa  #'$		optional hex $?
         beq   setloop		yes, ignore
         cmpa  #C$SPAC		end of number?
         beq   setnum2		..yes, set option, rts
         cmpa  #C$CR		end of line?
         beq   setnum1
* hex conversion - inlined code
         suba  #'0		make number from ASCII
         bmi   syntax
         cmpa  #10		is it number?
         bcs   num
         anda  #$5F		make uppercase
         suba  #'A-'0-10	make hex $A-$F
         cmpa  #10		not hex char?
         bcs   syntax
         cmpa  #16		not hex char?
         bcc   syntax
num      ldb   #16 		fancy asl *4
         pshs  b 		save top 4 bits
         ldd   <hexin
         rol   ,s
         rol   ,s
         rol   ,s
         rol   ,s
         std   <hexin
         puls  b
         bra   setloop		..loop

setnum1  leax  -1,x		reset so can find <cr>
setnum2  ldb   optoff,y		get option offset
         leay  <desc,u		point to desc
         leay  b,y		point to option
         ldd   <hexin		pick up hex input
         dec   <hexcnt
         beq   setone
         std   ,y		set two byte option
         lbra  findopt

setone   tsta 
         lbne  syntax
         stb   ,y		set one byte option
         lbra  findopt

skipspc  lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #C$SPAC
         beq   skipspc

* Update Descriptor's CRC
verify   pshs  u
         leau  <desc,u
         tfr   u,x 		X is module addr
         ldy   M$Size,x 	Y is module size
         leay  -3,y 		offset of CRC
         tfr   y,d 		Y is byte count
         leau  d,u 		U is ptr to CRC
         lda   #$FF 		init CRC value
         sta   0,u
         sta   1,u
         sta   2,u
         pshs  u
         os9   F$CRC    	calc new CRC
         puls  u
         com   ,u+ 		store as complement
         com   ,u+
         com   ,u
         lda   <path 		was it a file?
         beq   memmod, in memory
         ldx   #0
         tfr   x,u
         os9   I$Seek   	go back to file begin
         bcs   error
         puls  u
         leax  <desc,u
         ldy   <msize
         os9   I$Write  	update desc file
         bra   okayend

memmod   ldu   ,s
         leax  <desc,u
         ldy   <msize
         ldu   <module
move     lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         leay  -1,y
         bne   move 
         puls  u
         bra   okayend2

okayend  bsr   outcr
okayend2 clrb 
error    pshs  b,cc
         ldu   <module
         beq   bye
         os9   F$UnLink 
bye      puls  b,cc
         os9   F$Exit   	end dmode.

outcr    leax  >cr,pcr
         ldy   #1
         lda   #1
         os9   I$WritLn 

* Output Current Desc Info
info     bsr   outcr
         ldb   #otblsiz		printable entry count
         pshs  b
         leax  >otable,pcr	point to option table
         stx   <txtptr
ilup     ldx   <txtptr
         ldy   #optlen
         lbsr  output		print option name
         leax  >equal,pcr
         ldy   #1
         lbsr  output		and '='
         ldx   <txtptr
         ldb   optoff,x		get option type & size
         bpl   outnum		if numeric, print hex value
* Print String Option Field
         andb  #$7F		else get string ptr offset
         cmpd  <msize		within module?
         bcc   inext, skip to next option
         leay  <desc,u
         ldd   b,y		read string ptr
         cmpd  <msize		within module?
         bcc   inext, skip to next option
         leay  d,y		point to string field
         lda   #buflen
         leax  <buffer,u
         clr   <hexcnt
sloop    ldb   ,y+		copy string chars
         bpl   scopy		last char?
         andb  #$7F		..yes, make printable
         lda   #1		..and set exit count
scopy    stb   ,x+		to output buffer
         inc   <hexcnt		counting as we go
         bne   sloop		until buffer full
         ldb   <hexcnt		get length copied
         tfr   d,y
         leax  <buffer,u
         bsr   output		print the string
         bra   inext		goto next option

* Print Numeric Option Value
outnum   ldx   <txtptr
         ldb   optsiz,x		get # of bytes
         stb   <hexcnt
         ldb   optoff,x		get field offset
         cmpd  <dsize		within descriptor?
         bcc   inext		no, skip to next
         leax  <desc,u
         abx			point to number
         stx   <dataptr
* print <hexcnt> bytes starting at [x] as ASCII Hex
outhex   ldx   <dataptr
         lda   ,x+		get next byte
         stx   <dataptr
         pshs  a		print as 2 hex digits
         bsr   outone		print upper
         puls  a
         anda  #$0F
         bsr   outone		print lower
         dec   <hexcnt
         bne   outhex
inext    ldx   <txtptr
         leax  nxtopt,x		point to next option
         stx   <txtptr
         dec   ,s		continue until
         lbeq  okayend		..end of printable info
         ldb   ,s		if option counter
         bitb  #$07 a multiple of 8
         lbne  ilup
         lbsr  outcr		do a <cr>
         lbra  ilup		..and continue

outone   cmpa  #10		Print 1/2 Byte Hex Char:
         bcs   number
         adda  #$11-10		make alpha
number   adda  #'0		make ASCII
         sta   <buffer
         leax  <buffer,u
         ldy   #1		print one digit
output   lda   #1
         os9   I$Write  	print the output buffer
         lbcs  error

eom      equ   *