view level1/cmds/megaread.asm @ 1803:6b0d1027e4e0

Removed NITROS9VERSION, NITROS9MAJOR, NITROS9MINOR environment vars from use.. bad idea. Now we stick this in rules.mak
author boisy
date Thu, 14 Apr 2005 01:41:06 +0000
parents d73d05da6483
children d5b309f1983f
line wrap: on
line source

* MegaRead - Disk Performance Utility
* $Id$
* Modified from an original program by Caveh Jalali
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*  01/01   1987/05/30  Bruce Isted (CIS PPN 76625,2273)
* Released to the public domain
*  01/00   2004/04/22  Boisy G. Pitre
* Ported to NitrOS-9 style, no error on exit
*  01/01   2004/04/22  Rodney V. Hamilton
* Added EOF check for floppy

         nam   MegaRead
         ttl   Disk Performance Utilty

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $01
edition  set   1

ReadK    equ   1024       1024K is 1 megabyte (modify as desired)
         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

         org   0
KiloBuff rmb   $0400     
         rmb   200        stack space
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /MegaRead/
         fcb   edition

start    ldx   #ReadK    
loop     pshs  x          save counter
         leax  KiloBuff,u point (X) to buffer
         ldy   #$0400     read 1K
         clra             std input
         os9   I$Read    
         bcs   eofchk    
         puls  x          recover counter
         leax  -1,x       done yet?
         bne   loop       no, go get another 1K
         bra   exitok     yes, exit
eofchk   cmpb  #E$EOF     end of media?
         bne   exit       no, a real error
exitok   clrb            
exit     os9   F$Exit    

eom      equ   *         