view level1/cmds/merge.asm @ 1803:6b0d1027e4e0

Removed NITROS9VERSION, NITROS9MAJOR, NITROS9MINOR environment vars from use.. bad idea. Now we stick this in rules.mak
author boisy
date Thu, 14 Apr 2005 01:41:06 +0000
parents 0a3500c747de
line wrap: on
line source

* Merge - Merge files into one file
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   4      ????/??/??
* From Tandy OS-9 Level One VR 02.00.00.
*   5      2003/09/06
* Added -z option to read files from stdin

         nam   Merge
         ttl   Merge files into one file

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   5

* Here are some tweakable options
STACKSZ  set   128      estimated stack size in bytes
PARMSZ   set   256      estimated parameter size in bytes

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

         org   0
path     rmb   1
param    rmb   2
d.ptr    rmb   2
d.size   rmb   2
d.buff   rmb   128
d.buffer rmb   2496       should reserve 7k, leaving some room for parameters
* Finally the stack for any PSHS/PULS/BSR/LBSRs that we might do
         rmb   STACKSZ+PARMSZ
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /Merge/
         fcb   edition    change to 6, as merge 5 has problems?

* Here's how registers are set when this process is forked:
*   +-----------------+  <--  Y          (highest address)
*   !   Parameter     !
*   !     Area        !
*   +-----------------+  <-- X, SP
*   !   Data Area     !
*   +-----------------+
*   !   Direct Page   !
*   +-----------------+  <-- U, DP       (lowest address)
*   D = parameter area size
*  PC = module entry point abs. address 
*  CC = F=0, I=0, others undefined 

* The start of the program is here. 
start    subd  #$0001     if this becomes zero,
         beq   Exit       we have no parameters

         leay  d.buffer,u point Y to buffer offset in U
         stx   <param     and parameter area start
         tfr   s,d        place top of stack in D
         pshs  y          save Y on stack
         subd  ,s++       get size of space between buff and X
         subd  #STACKSZ+PARMSZ subtract out our stack/param size
         std   <d.size    save size of data buffer
         leay  d.buffer,u point to some data
         sty   <d.ptr

do.opts  ldx   <param     get first option
do.opts2 lbsr  space

         cmpa  #C$CR      was the character a CR?
         beq   do.file    yes, parse files

         cmpa  #'-        was the character a dash?
         beq   do.dash    yes, parse option
         lbsr  nonspace   else skip nonspace chars

         cmpa  #C$CR      end of line?
         beq   do.file    branch if so
         bra   do.opts2   else continue parsing for options

do.file  ldx   <param
         lbsr  space

         cmpa  #C$CR      CR?
         beq   Exit       exit if so

         cmpa  #'-        option?
         bne   itsfile

         bsr   nonspace

         cmpa  #C$CR      CR?
         beq   Exit       exit if so

itsfile  bsr   readfile
         bcs   Error
         bra   do.file

readfile lda   #READ.
         os9   I$Open     open the file for reading
         bcs   read.ex    crap out if error
         sta   <path      save path number
         stx   <param     and save new address of parameter area

read.lp  lda   <path      get the current path number
         ldy   <d.size    and size of data to read
         ldx   <d.ptr     and pointer to data buffer
         os9   I$Read     read data into the buffer
         bcs   chk.err    check errors

         lda   #$01       to STDOUT
         os9   I$Write    dump it out in one shot
         bcc   read.lp    loop if no errors
read.ex  rts

chk.err  cmpb  #E$EOF     end of the file?
         bne   read.ex    no, error out
         lda   <path      otherwise get the current path number
         os9   I$Close    close it
         rts              return to caller

Error    coma             set carry
         fcb   $21        skip next byte
Exit     clrb
         os9   F$Exit     and exit

do.dash  leax  1,x        skip over dash
         lda   ,x+        get char after dash
         cmpa  #C$CR      CR?
         beq   Exit       yes, exit

         anda  #$DF       make uppercase
         cmpa  #'Z        input from stdin?
         bne   Exit

* read from stdin until eof or blank line
* skip lines that begin with * (these are comments)
do.z     leax  d.buff,u
         ldy   #127
         clra             stdin
         os9   I$ReadLn
         bcc   do.z2
         cmpb  #E$EOF     end-of-file?
         beq   Exit      nope, exit with error
         bra   Error

do.z2    lda   ,x
         cmpa  #'*        asterisk? (comment)
         beq   do.z       yep, ignore and get next line
         bsr   space      skip space at X
         cmpa  #C$CR      end of line?
         beq   Exit       yup, we're done

* X points to a filename...
         pshs  x
         bsr   readfile    read contents of file and send to stdout
         puls  x
         bcc   do.z        branch if ok
         bra   Error 

space    lda   ,x+        grab a character
         cmpa  #C$SPAC    space?
         beq   space      yes, skip it
         leax  -1,x       otherwise point to last non-space

nonspace lda   ,x+        grab a character
         cmpa  #C$CR      cr?
         beq   nospacex   yes, skip it
         cmpa  #C$SPAC    nonspace?
         bne   nonspace   yes, skip it
nospacex leax  -1,x       otherwise point to last space

eom      equ   *