view level1/corsham/modules/pio.asm @ 3183:6c9d02baa4d1

corsham: Add Bt.Track definition to corsham.d Also make sure corsham.d is referenced correctly. Comment out OS9GEN command in makefile because it breaks the disk image build.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Thu, 01 Jun 2017 22:41:45 +0200
parents 185c31229f22
line wrap: on
line source

* pio - Corsham Arduino Parallel I/O Low Level Subroutine Module
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2017/05/09  Boisy G. Pitre
* Started.
		nam       pio
		ttl	Corsham Arduino Parallel I/O Low Level Subroutine Module

               use       defsfile

tylg           set       Sbrtn+Objct
atrv           set       ReEnt+rev
rev            set       $01

               mod       eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,0

name           fcs       /pio/

* PIA subroutine entry table
start		bra		Init
		bra		PIARead
		bra		PIAWrite

* Term
* Entry:
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
		clrb                          clear Carry

* Init
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of device descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
* Initialize the serial device
; Set up the data direction register for port B so that
; the DIRECTION and PSTROBE bits are output.
		pshs	d,x
		ldx	#PIA0Base
		clr	PIACTLB,x ;select DDR ...for port B
		ldd	#$04*256+DIRECTION|PSTROBE
		stb	PIADDRB,x
		sta	PIACTLB,x
		bsr	xParSetWrite
		puls	d,x,pc

; Fall through to set up for writes...
; This sets up for writing to the Arduino.  Sets up
; direction registers, drives the direction bit, etc.
; Entry: X = PIA Base
; All registers preserved
xParSetWrite	pshs	d
		ldd	#$0004
		sta	PIACTLA,x	; select DDRfor port A
		deca		; A $00 => $FF
		sta	PIADDRA,x
		stb	PIACTLA,x			;select data reg
; Set direction flag to output, clear ACK bit
		sta	PIAREGB,x
		puls	d,pc

; This sets up for reading from the Arduino.  Sets up
; direction registers, clears the direction bit, etc.
; Entry: X = PIA
; All registers preserved
xParSetRead	pshs	b
		ldb	#$04
		clr	PIACTLA,x	;select DDR for port A
		clr	PIADDRA,x
		stb	PIACTLA,x	;select data reg
; Set direction flag to input, clear ACK bit
		clr	PIAREGB,x
		puls	b,pc

; Entry: X = address of bytes to write
;        Y = byte count
; All registers preserved.
; Write cycle:
;    1. Wait for other side to lower ACK.
;    2. Put data onto the bus.
;    3. Set DIRECTION and PSTROBE to indicate data
;       is valid and ready to read.
;    4. Wait for ACK line to go high, indicating the
;       other side has read the data.
;    5. Lower PSTROBE.
;    6. Wait for ACK to go low, indicating end of
;       transfer.
PIAWrite		pshs	b,x,y,u	;save data
		tfr	x,u
		ldx	#PIA0Base
		bsr	xParSetWrite
Parwl22		ldb	PIAREGB,x	;check status
		andb	#ACK
		bne	Parwl22	;wait for ACK to go low

; Now put the data onto the bus
nextbyte@		ldb	,u+
		stb	PIAREGA,x
; Raise the strobe so the Arduino knows there is
; new data.
		ldb	PIAREGB,x
		orb	#PSTROBE
		stb	PIAREGB,x
; Wait for ACK to go high, indicating the Arduino has
; pulled the data and is ready for more.
Parwl33		ldb	PIAREGB,x
		andb	#ACK
		beq	Parwl33
; Now lower the strobe, then wait for the Arduino to
; lower ACK.
		ldb	PIAREGB,x
		andb	#~PSTROBE
		stb	PIAREGB,x
Parwl44		ldb	PIAREGB,x
		andb	#ACK
		bne	Parwl44
		leay	-1,y
		bne	nextbyte@

		puls	b,x,y,u,pc

; Entry: X = address of buffer to hold bytes
;        Y = byte count
; This does not have a time-out.
; Preserves all registers.
; Read cycle:
;    1. Wait for other side to raise ACK, indicating
;       data is ready.
;    2. Read data.
;    3. Raise PSTROBE indicating data was read.
;    4. Wait for ACK to go low.
;    5. Lower PSTROBE.
		pshs	b,x,y,u
		tfr	x,u
		ldx	#PIA0Base
		bsr	xParSetRead
rloop@		ldb	PIAREGB,x
		andb	#ACK	;is their strobe high?
		beq	rloop@	;nope, no data
; Data is available, so grab and save it.
		ldb	PIAREGA,x
		stb	,u+
; Now raise our strobe (their ACK), then wait for
; them to lower their strobe.
		ldb	PIAREGB,x
		orb	#PSTROBE
		stb	PIAREGB,x
Parrlp1		ldb	PIAREGB,x
		andb	#ACK
		bne	Parrlp1	;still active
; Lower our ack, then we're done.
		ldb	PIAREGB,x
		andb	#~PSTROBE
		stb	PIAREGB,x
		leay	-1,y
		bne	rloop@
		puls	b,x,y,u,pc

eom            equ       *