view level1/modules/boot_rampak.asm @ 3141:717ced83b885

coco3: Build SD card device descriptors for CoCo3FPGA Added "CC3FPGAFLAGS = $(AFLAGS) -DCC3FPGA=1 $(FLAGS)" to "level2/coco3/modules/makefile" for flagging Coco3FPGA specific features in modules sources. Added "llcoco3fpga", "ddsd0_coco3fpga", "sd0_coco3fpga", and "sd1_coco3fpga" to the "coco3/modules/makefile" - RBF section, which also now adds all to the "NITROS9/MODULES/RBF" on all disk images for building new Coco3FPGA disks from NitrOS9. Added new descriptor section to the "level2/coco3/modules/makefile" reflecting the new Coco3FPGA SD card descriptors and their flags.
author Bill Pierce <>
date Sat, 04 Feb 2017 11:06:28 +0100
parents e0614e08fa5e
line wrap: on
line source

* Boot - Disto RAMPak Boot Module
* Provides HWInit, HWTerm, HWRead which are called by code in
* "use"d boot_common.asm
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   5      ????/??/??  Alan DeKok
* Created.
*   6      1998/10/20  Boisy G. Pitre
* Fixed small bugs, improved speed.
*   7      2005/10/14  Boisy G. Pitre
* Now uses boot_common.asm for fragmented bootfile support.

         nam   Boot
         ttl   Disto RAMPak Boot Module

* Disassembled 94/06/25 11:37:47 by Alan DeKok

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Systm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   7

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

* Common booter-required defines
LSN24BIT equ   0
FLOPPY   equ   0

* on-stack buffer to use
         org   0
mpisave  rmb   1
* common booter required static variables
ddtks    rmb   1
ddfmt    rmb   1
seglist  rmb   2
bootsize rmb   2
blockloc rmb   2
blockimg rmb   2
LSN0Ptr         rmb   2         In memory LSN0 pointer
size     equ   .

name     equ   *
         fcs   /Boot/
         fcb   edition

         use   boot_common.asm

* HWInit - Initialize the device
*   Entry: Y = hardware address
*   Exit:  Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
*          B = error (Carry Set)
HWInit   lda   >MPI.Slct  get current slot
         sta   mpisave,u
         lda   >PakSlot,pcr get multipak slot number
         bmi   cont       if >127, invalid slot number
         anda  #$03       force it to be legal
         ldb   #$11
         mul              put it into both nibbles
         stb   >MPI.Slct  go to the desired slot
cont     clrb

* HWTerm - Terminate the device
*   Entry: Y = hardware address
*   Exit:  Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
*          B = error (Carry Set)
HWTerm   lda   mpisave,u
         sta   >MPI.Slct

* HWRead - Read a 256 byte sector from the device
*   Entry: Y = hardware address
*          B = bits 23-16 of LSN
*          X = bits 15-0  of LSN
*          blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
*   Exit:  X = ptr to data (i.e. ptr in blockloc,u)
*          Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
HWRead   tfr   x,d        move 16 bit LSN into 2 8-bit registers
         sta   2,y        save HB LSN
         stb   1,y        save LB LSN

         ldx   blockloc,u
         clrb             and start out at byte zero

ReadLp   stb   ,y         save byte number
         lda   3,y        grab the byte
         sta   ,x+        save in the buffer
         incb             go to the next byte
         bne   ReadLp
         leax  -256,x
         clrb             no errors

         IFGT  Level-1
* L2 kernel file is composed of rel, boot, krn. The size of each of these
* is controlled with filler, so that (after relocation):
* rel  starts at $ED00 and is $130 bytes in size
* boot starts at $EE30 and is $1D0 bytes in size
* krn  starts at $F000 and ends at $FEFF (there is no 'emod' at the end
*      of krn and so there are no module-end boilerplate bytes)
* Filler to get to a total size of $1D0. 3, 2, 1 represent bytes after
* the filler: the end boilerplate for the module, fdb and fcb respectively.
Pad      fill  $39,$1D0-3-2-1-*

Address  fdb   $FF40      address of the device to boot from
PakSlot  fcb   $01        multipak slot number

eom      equ   *