view level1/modules/init.asm @ 3141:717ced83b885

coco3: Build SD card device descriptors for CoCo3FPGA Added "CC3FPGAFLAGS = $(AFLAGS) -DCC3FPGA=1 $(FLAGS)" to "level2/coco3/modules/makefile" for flagging Coco3FPGA specific features in modules sources. Added "llcoco3fpga", "ddsd0_coco3fpga", "sd0_coco3fpga", and "sd1_coco3fpga" to the "coco3/modules/makefile" - RBF section, which also now adds all to the "NITROS9/MODULES/RBF" on all disk images for building new Coco3FPGA disks from NitrOS9. Added new descriptor section to the "level2/coco3/modules/makefile" reflecting the new Coco3FPGA SD card descriptors and their flags.
author Bill Pierce <>
date Sat, 04 Feb 2017 11:06:28 +0100
parents 47cd23dcf55e
children c860ff48e09c
line wrap: on
line source

* Init - NitrOS-9 Configuration module
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* 204      1998/10/12  Boisy G. Pitre
* Original OS-9 L2 Tandy distribution.
* 205      1998/10/20  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added CC3IO and Clock sections.
* 205r2    1998/10/20  Boisy G. Pitre
* Removed clock information from here.
*   1      2003/01/08  Boisy G. Pitre
* Restarted edition number back to 1, removed CMDS/cc3go reference and
* just have cc3go so that in certain cases, cc3go can be in the bootfile,
* and so that ROMmed systems don't have to have a special init module.
*          2003/11/05  Robert Gault
* Corrected CC3IO info regards mouse. Changed from fcb to fdb low res/ right
* Corrected OS9Defs to match.
*	   2006/07/06	P.Harvey-Smith.
* Conditionally excluded port messages on Dragon Alpha, due to insufficient
* space !

         nam   Init
         ttl   NitrOS-9 Configuration module

         use   defsfile
         IFGT  Level-1
         use	cocovtio.d

tylg     set   Systm+$00
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   1

* Usually, the last two words here would be the module entry
* address and the dynamic data size requirement. Neither value is
* needed for this module so they are pressed into service to show
* MaxMem and PollCnt. For example:
* $0FE0,$0015 means
* MaxMem = $0FE000
* PollCnt = $0015
         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,$0FE0,$0015


* refer to
* "Configuration Module Entry Offsets"
* in os9.d
start    equ   *
         fcb   $27        entries in device table
         fdb   DefProg    offset to program to fork
         fdb   DefDev     offset to default disk device
         fdb   DefCons    offset to default console device
         fdb   DefBoot    offset to boot module name
         fcb   $01        write protect flag (?)
         fcb   Level      OS level
         fcb   NOS9VER    OS version
         fcb   NOS9MAJ    OS major revision
         fcb   NOS9MIN    OS minor revision
         IFNE  H6309
         fcb   Proc6309+CRCOff     feature byte #1
         fcb   CRCOff     feature byte #1
         fcb   $00        feature byte #2
         fdb   OSStr
         fdb   InstStr
         fcb   0,0,0,0    reserved

         IFGT  Level-1
* CC3IO section
         fcb   Monitor    monitor type
         fcb   0,1        mouse info, low res right mouse
         fcb   $1E        key repeat start constant
         fcb   $03        key repeat delay constant

name     fcs   "Init"
         fcb   edition

DefProg  fcs   "SysGo"
DefDev   fcs   "/DD"
DefCons  fcs   "/Term"
DefBoot  fcs   "Boot"

* The DragonAlpha is so pushed for boot track space, that we have to exclude these
* messages !

         IFEQ  dalpha
OSStr    equ   *
         fcc   "NitrOS-9/"
         IFNE  H6309
         fcc   /6309 /
         fcc   /6809 /
         fcc   /Level /
         fcb   '0+Level
         fcc   / V/
         fcb   '0+NOS9VER
         fcc   /./
         fcb   '0+NOS9MAJ
         fcc   /./
         fcb   '0+NOS9MIN
         fcb   0

InstStr  equ   *
         IFNE   coco1
         fcc    "Radio Shack Color Computer"
         IFNE   deluxe
         fcc    "Deluxe Color Computer"
         IFNE   coco2
         fcc    "Radio Shack Color Computer 2"
         IFNE   coco2b
         fcc    "Tandy Color Computer 2"
         IFNE   coco3
         fcc    "Tandy Color Computer 3"
         IFNE   tano
         fcc    "Tano Dragon (US)"
         IFNE   d64
         fcc    "Dragon 64 (UK)"
         IFNE   dalpha
         fcc    "Dragon Alpha"
         IFNE   atari
         fcc    "Atari XL/XE"
         IFNE   mc09
         fcb    $1B                       text in bright blue
         fcc    "[94mMulticomp09"
         fcb    $1B
         fcc    "[0m"
         fcc    "Unknown Machine"
         ENDC                             match IFNE mc09
         ENDC                             match IFNE atari
         ENDC                             match IFNE dalpha
         ENDC                             match IFNE d64
         ENDC                             match IFNE tano
         ENDC                             match IFNE coco3
         ENDC                             match IFNE coco2b
         ENDC                             match IFNE coco2
         ENDC                             match IFNE delux
         ENDC                             match IFNE coco1
         fcb   0     null-terminate the name string
* DragonAlpha
OSStr    equ   *
InstStr  equ   *
         fcb   0     null-length string
         ENDC                             match IFEQ dalpha

eom      equ   *