view level1/modules/llscsi.asm @ 3141:717ced83b885

coco3: Build SD card device descriptors for CoCo3FPGA Added "CC3FPGAFLAGS = $(AFLAGS) -DCC3FPGA=1 $(FLAGS)" to "level2/coco3/modules/makefile" for flagging Coco3FPGA specific features in modules sources. Added "llcoco3fpga", "ddsd0_coco3fpga", "sd0_coco3fpga", and "sd1_coco3fpga" to the "coco3/modules/makefile" - RBF section, which also now adds all to the "NITROS9/MODULES/RBF" on all disk images for building new Coco3FPGA disks from NitrOS9. Added new descriptor section to the "level2/coco3/modules/makefile" reflecting the new Coco3FPGA SD card descriptors and their flags.
author Bill Pierce <>
date Sat, 04 Feb 2017 11:06:28 +0100
parents 17d43fd29ee2
line wrap: on
line source

* llscsi - Low-level SCSI driver
* $Id$
* Drives tested with this driver:
* -------------------------------
* Conner DCP30200 Hard Drive - Sends out a SDTR message immediately,
*   which confused the driver.  The driver now handles the receipt
*   of SCSI messages from the target.
* IBM DPES-31080 Hard Drive - Works, but seizes the bus if a
*   device ID is referenced on the bus that doesn't exist.
* Sony CDU415 2X CD-ROM - Works fine.
* Toshiba XM-4101BME 12X CD-ROM - Works fine.
* NOTE: A full dsave from the Sony to the IBM was done on 300+ MB
* of data (RTSI RBF CD-ROM) on June 7, 2004 with no problems.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          2004/04/??  Boisy G. Pitre
* Created.
*          2004/??/??  Boisy G. Pitre
*          2005/12/02  Boisy G. Pitre
* Now detects MESSAGE IN phase and reads in message codes (ignoring
* the data).  The Conner DCP30200 Hard Drive sends out a SDTR message
* immediately, which confused the driver.  The driver now handles the
* receipt of messages from the target.
*          2005/12/11  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added SS.SQD and SS.DCmd support.
*          2005/12/13  Boisy G. Pitre
* Moved SS.VarSect code into RBSuper for performance.
*          2006/03/22  Boisy G. Pitre
* Moved SS.VarSect code into RBSuper for performance.
*          2008/01/21  Boisy G. Pitre
* Fixed issue in DCmd where Y was not being saved when os9 F$ID was being called.

               NAM       llscsi              
               TTL       Low-level SCSI driver

               USE       defsfile
               USE       rbsuper.d
               USE       scsi.d

tylg           SET       Sbrtn+Objct
atrv           SET       ReEnt+rev
rev            SET       0

* SCSI Delay Constants
               IFGT      Level-1
BUSYDELAY      EQU       $FFFF/2
NUMTRIES       EQU       8

               MOD       eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,0

               ORG       V.LLMem
* Low-level driver static memory area
* SCSI Command Packet
* SCSI packet length is 14 bytes
V.SCSICMD      RMB       1
V.SCSILUN      RMB       1
V.SCSIPrm0     RMB       1
V.SCSIPrm1     RMB       1
V.SCSIPrm2     RMB       1
V.SCSIPrm3     RMB       1
V.SCSIPrm4     RMB       1
V.SCSIPrm5     RMB       1
V.SCSIPrm6     RMB       1
V.SCSIPrm7     RMB       1
               RMB       4
SCSIPkLn       EQU       .-V.SCSICMD
V.Retries      RMB       1                   SCSI command retry counter   
V.OS9Err       RMB       1                   (0 = return OS-9 error code, 1 = return SCSI error code)
V.Turbo        RMB       1                   turbo flag (0 = regular read, 1 = turbo read)
V.TfrBuf       RMB       2                   transfer buffer pointer
V.RetryVct     RMB       2                   retry vector
V.ReadVct      RMB       2                   normal/turbo read vectoor
V.WriteVct     RMB       2                   normal/turbo write vector
V.DnsByte      RMB       1                   copy of PD.DNS from last accessed drive
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
V.MPISlot      RMB       1                   MPI slot
V.MPISave      RMB       1                   contents of original MPI slot
* The Request Sense Packet and Read Capacity return data share the same space
ReqSnPkt       EQU       .
V.TxBuf        EQU       .                   used by DSize
V.R$Err        RMB       2                   SCSI error code return value
V.UTxBuf       EQU       .
V.R$Err2       RMB       10
V.R$AdSns      RMB       1
ReqPkL         EQU       .-ReqSnPkt          length of packet
               RMB       3                   makes V.TxBuf 16 bytes

name           FCC       /ll/
               IFNE      TC3
               FCS       /tc3/
               IFNE      KTLR
               FCS       /ktlr/
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
               FCS       /disto/

start          bra       ll_init
               lbra      ll_read
               lbra      ll_write
               bra       ll_getstat
               lbra      ll_setstat
*         lbra  ll_term   

* ll_term
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of device descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code

* ll_init
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of device descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
* Disto 4-N-1 and HD-II: Get MPI slot select value from descriptor
* and save it in our static storage.
               lda       IT.MPI,y
               anda      #$0F                preserve *SCS bits only
               sta       V.MPISlot,u

* ll_getstat
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
               ldx       PD.RGS,y
               lda       R$B,x
               cmpa      #SS.DSize
               beq       SSDSize
               ldb       #E$UnkSvc

* SS.DSize - Return size information about a device
* Entry: B = SS.DSize
* Exit:  Carry = 1; error with code in B
*        Carry = 0:
*          IF B = 0
*            A = Sector Size (1 = 256, 2 = 512, 4 = 1024, 8 = 2048)
*            X = Number of Sectors (bits 31-16)
*            Y = Number of Sectors (Bits 15-0)
*          IF B != 0
*            A = Sector Size (1 = 256, 2 = 512, 4 = 1024, 8 = 2048)
*            X = Number of Logical Cylinders
*            B = Number of Logical Sides
*            Y = Number of Logical Sectors/Track
               pshs      u,y
               bsr       DSize
               bcs       ex@
               ldu       ,s                  get path desc in U
               ldu       PD.RGS,u
               std       R$D,u
               stx       R$X,u
               sty       R$Y,u
ex@            puls      y,u,pc

* DSize - Get SCSI disk size
* Exit:  Carry = 1; error with code in B
*        Carry = 0:
*          IF B = 0
*            A = Sector Size (1 = 256, 2 = 512, 4 = 1024, 8 = 2048)
*            X = Number of Sectors (bits 31-16)
*            Y = Number of Sectors (Bits 15-0)
*          IF B != 0
*            A = Sector Size (1 = 256, 2 = 512, 4 = 1024, 8 = 2048)
*            X = Number of Logical Cylinders
*            B = Number of Logical Sides
*            Y = Number of Logical Sectors/Track
DSize          lbsr      SCSIPrep            do SCSI prep stuff
               lda       #S$RCAP
               sta       V.SCSICMD,u
               leax      V.TxBuf,u
               stx       V.TfrBuf,u
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
               lbsr      MPIIn
               lbsr      SCSIXfer
               bcs       ex@
               ldd       V.TxBuf+2,u         get bits 15-0 of block count
               addd      #$0001              add 1 to count
               std       V.TxBuf+2,u         resave
               bcc       b@
               ldd       V.TxBuf,u           get bits 31-16
               addd      #$0001              add 1
               std       V.TxBuf,u           resave
b@             lda       V.TxBuf+6,u
               ldx       V.TxBuf,u
               ldy       V.TxBuf+2,u
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
               lbra      MPIOut

* ll_setstat
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
               ldx       PD.RGS,y
               lda       R$B,x
               cmpa      #SS.SQD
               beq       StopUnit
               cmpa      #SS.DCmd
               bne       n@
               pshs      x                  save pointer to caller registers
               bsr       DCmd               call DCmd
               puls      x                  get pointer to caller registers
               sta       R$A,x              save status byte in A
n@             clrb      
ex             rts       

* Entry:
*    R$B = SS.SQD 
               lbsr      SCSIPrep            do SCSI prep stuff
               lda       #S$UNIT
               sta       V.SCSICMD,u
               clr       V.SCSIPrm2,u        we want to STOP unit
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
               lbsr      MPIIn
               lbra      SCSIXfer

noperms        comb
               ldb       #E$FNA
* Entry:
*    X   = caller regs
*    Y   = path descriptor
*    R$B = SS.DCmd
*    R$X = Transfer buffer
*    R$Y = SCSI command packet
* Fixed bug where Y was not being saved when doing os9 F$ID
               pshs      y
               os9       F$ID                get the user ID of the calling process
               cmpy      #$0000              is it 0 (superuser)?
               puls      y
               bne       noperms             no, don't allow the call
               lbsr      SCSIPrep
               ldy       R$X,x               get caller's transfer buffer
               sty       V.UTxBuf,u          save off in mem for later
               ldx       R$Y,x               get ptr to caller's SCSI command buffer
               IFGT      Level-1
               ldy       D.Proc              get current process ptr
               lda       P$Task,y            get task # for current process
               ldb       D.SysTsk            get system task #
               ldy       #SCSIPkLn           max size of SCSI command
               pshs      u                   save on stack
               leau      V.SCSICMD,u         point to SCSI command buffer in our statics
               os9       F$Move              copy from caller to temporary task
               puls      u
               bcs       ex                  error copying, exit
               ldb       #SCSIPkLn
               leay      V.SCSICMD,u
cl@            lda       ,x+
               sta       ,y+
               bne       cl@
               ldy       V.PORT-UOFFSET,u    get hw address (because we overwrite Y earlier)
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
               lbsr      MPIIn
               inc       V.OS9Err,u          we want real SCSI errors returned
               inc       V.CchDirty,u        and make cache dirty
               leax      retry@,pcr
               stx       V.RetryVct,u
retry@         lbsr      SCSISend
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
               lbcs      MPIOut
               bcs       ex
               IFGT      Level-1
               ldx       D.Proc              get current process ptr
               ldb       P$Task,x            get task # for current process
               ldx       V.UTxBuf,u

msgloop@       lbsr      Wait4REQ            wait for REQ to be asserted
               bita      #CMD                command phase?
               lbne      PostXfr             yes, return
io@            bita      #INOUT              data coming in or going out?
               bne       in@                 branch if coming in...
               IFGT      Level-1
               os9       F$LDABX
               leax      1,x
               lda       ,x+
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               bra       msgloop@
in@            lda       SCSIDATA,y
               IFGT      Level-1
               os9       F$STABX
               leax      1,x
               sta       ,x+
               bra       msgloop@

* ll_read
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Static memory referenced:
*    V.CchPSpot     = address of spot in cache where physical sector data will go
*    sectsize       = sector size (0=256,1=512,2=1024,3=2048)
*    V.SectCnt      = sectors to read
*    V.PhysSect = physical sector to start read from
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
               lbsr      MPIIn
               IFNE      SIZEMATTERS
               bsr       SCSIPrep            do SCSI prep stuff
               bsr       MakeRead            make read command packet
               ldx       V.CchPSpot,u
               stx       V.TfrBuf,u
               lbra      SCSIXfer
               leax      SCSIReadRetry,pcr
               stx       V.RetryVct,u
               lbsr      SCSIPrep            do SCSI prep stuff
               lbsr      MakeRead            make read command packet
               lbsr      SCSISend
               bcs       mpiex
               bita      #CMD
               lbne      PostXfr
               ldb       V.SectCnt,u
               pshs      b
* Set up appropriate read call (regular or turbo)
               tst       V.Turbo,u
               beq       reg@
               leax      TurboRead,pcr
               bra       do@
reg@           leax      RegRead256,pcr
do@            stx       V.ReadVct,u
               ldx       V.CchPSpot,u        get pointer to physical sector in cache for data in
               ldb       V.Log2Phys,u
               pshs      b
               jsr       [V.ReadVct,u]
               dec       ,s
               bne       loop@
               puls      b
               dec       ,s
               bne       again@
               puls      a
               lbra      PostXfr
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
               lbra      MPIOut

               IFNE      H6309

* 6309 Turbo READ
               ldw       #256
               orcc      #IntMasks           we have to mask interrupts for Level 1
               tfm       y,x+                do the transfer
               andcc     #^IntMasks          we have to unmask interrupts for Level 1
               lbsr      DeauxDeaux


* 6809 Turbo READ
               lda       #16
               pshs      a
l2@            lda       SCSIDATA,y
               ldb       SCSIDATA,y
               std       ,x
               lda       SCSIDATA,y
               ldb       SCSIDATA,y
               std       $02,x
               lda       SCSIDATA,y
               ldb       SCSIDATA,y
               std       $04,x
               lda       SCSIDATA,y
               ldb       SCSIDATA,y
               std       $06,x
               lda       SCSIDATA,y
               ldb       SCSIDATA,y
               std       $08,x
               lda       SCSIDATA,y
               ldb       SCSIDATA,y
               std       $0A,x
               lda       SCSIDATA,y
               ldb       SCSIDATA,y
               std       $0C,x
               lda       SCSIDATA,y
               ldb       SCSIDATA,y
               std       $0E,x
               leax      16,x
               dec       ,s                  decrement counter
               bne       l2@
               puls      a,pc

* "Non-Turbo" Read Data from controller
* Passed:  B = bytes to read
*          X = Address of buffer
*          Y = Controller Address
* We wait for REQ in an infinite, faster loop here
               lda       SCSISTAT,y          get SCSI status byte
               bita      #REQ                REQ?
               beq       RegRead
               lda       SCSIDATA,y
               sta       ,x+
               bne       RegRead


* Make Read/Write Packet
* Entry:
*    A = SCSI command
*    V.PhysSect = 3 byte physical sector to read/write
MakeWrite      lda       #S$WRITEX
               fcb       $8C                 skip next two bytes
MakeRead       lda       #S$READEX
MakeRW         sta       V.SCSICMD,u         put passed SCSI command
               lda       V.SectCnt,u         'V.SectCnt' logical blocks
* Make SCSI Read/Write 6 byte CDB here
*               sta       V.SCSIPrm2,u
*               lda       V.PhysSect,u
*               sta       V.SCSILUN,u
*               ldd       V.PhysSect+1,u
*               std       V.SCSIPrm0,u
*               rts
* Make SCSI Read/Write Extended 10 byte CDB here
               sta       V.SCSIPrm6,u
               lda       V.PhysSect,u
               sta       V.SCSIPrm1,u
               ldd       V.PhysSect+1,u
               std       V.SCSIPrm2,u

* Prep for SCSI transfer
* Preserves all regs
* Entry: Y = path descriptor
* Exit:  Y = hardware address
SCSIPrep       pshs      x,d
               leax      V.SCSICMD,u
               ldb       #SCSIPkLn
l@             clr       ,x+
               bne       l@
               ldb       PD.DNS,y            and DNS byte
               stb       V.DnsByte,u         save in our statics
               andb      #DNS.TURBO          mask out all but turbo bit
               stb       V.Turbo,u           and save state
               lda       #NUMTRIES           get retry count
               sta       V.Retries,u         and reset retry counter
               clr       V.OS9Err,u          we want real SCSI errors returned
               ldy       V.PORT-UOFFSET,u    get hw address
               puls      x,d,pc

* Check Transfer Status
* This routine is passed the address of another routine to call in case
* the device is busy or there is an error returned.
* Passed:  V.RetryVct,u = address of routine to call if SCSI device is busy
PostXfr        lbsr      GetStatB            get transfer status byte
               bita      #X$BUSY             device BUSY?
               bne       retry@              attempt a retry if so...
chkerr@        bita      #X$ERROR            error?
               beq       ok@                 branch if not...
* Error occurred.. retry
retry@         dec       V.Retries,u         decrement retry count
               bne       jmp@                try again if not at end
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
               lbsr      SCSIErr
               lbra      MPIOut
               lbra      SCSIErr
jmp@           jmp       [V.RetryVct,u]
ok@            clrb      
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
               lbra      MPIOut

* ll_write
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Static memory referenced:
*    V.CchPSpot     = address of spot in cache where physical sector data is
*    sectsize       = sector size (0=256,1=512,2=1024,3=2048)
*    V.SectCnt      = sectors to read
*    V.PhysSect     = physical sector to start read from
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
               lbsr      MPIIn
               IFNE      SIZEMATTERS
               bsr       SCSIPrep            do SCSI prep stuff
               bsr       MakeWrite           make read command packet
               ldx       V.CchPSpot,u
               stx       V.TfrBuf,u
               leax      SCSIWriteRetry,pcr
               stx       V.RetryVct,u
               bsr       SCSIPrep            do SCSI prep stuff
               lbsr      MakeWrite
SCSIWriteRetry lbsr      SCSISend
               lbcs      mpiex
               bita      #CMD
               bne       PostXfr
               ldb       V.SectCnt,u
               pshs      b
* Set up appropriate write call (regular or turbo)
               tst       V.Turbo,u
               beq       reg@
               leax      TurboWrite,pcr
               bra       do@
reg@           leax      RegWrite,pcr
do@            stx       V.WriteVct,u
               ldx       V.CchPSpot,u
again@         ldb       V.Log2Phys,u
               pshs      b
loop@          jsr       [V.WriteVct,u]
               dec       ,s
               bne       loop@
               puls      b
               dec       ,s
               bne       again@
               puls      a
               bra       PostXfr

               IFNE      H6309

* 6309 Turbo WRITE
loop@          orcc      #IntMasks           we have to mask interrupts for Level 1
               ldw       #256
               tfm       x+,y
               andcc     #^IntMasks          we have to unmask interrupts for Level 1
               lbsr      DeauxDeaux


* 6809 Turbo WRITE
               lda       #16
               pshs      a
l2@            ldd       ,x
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               stb       SCSIDATA,y
               ldd       $02,x
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               stb       SCSIDATA,y
               ldd       $04,x
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               stb       SCSIDATA,y
               ldd       $06,x
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               stb       SCSIDATA,y
               ldd       $08,x
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               stb       SCSIDATA,y
               ldd       $0A,x
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               stb       SCSIDATA,y
               ldd       $0C,x
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               stb       SCSIDATA,y
               ldd       $0E,x
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               stb       SCSIDATA,y
               leax      16,x
               dec       ,s                  decrement counter
               bne       l2@
               puls      a,pc


* "Non-Turbo" Write Data to controller
* Passed:  X = Address of data to write
*          Y = Controller Address
RegWrite       clrb      
loop@          lda       SCSISTAT,y
               bita      #REQ
               beq       loop@
               lda       ,x+
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               bne       loop@


               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
* Disto 4-N-1/HD-II: Map in MPI HERE
MPIIn          pshs      cc,a
               lda       MPI.Slct            get MPI value
               sta       V.MPISave,u         save off in our statics
               anda      #$F0                preserve CTS slot bits (%1111000)
               ora       V.MPISlot,u         OR in MPI slot of our HW
MPIWrite       sta       MPI.Slct            write out to MPI
               puls      a,cc,pc

MPIOut         pshs      cc,a
               lda       V.MPISave,u
               bra       MPIWrite

* SCSIXfer
* Entry:
*    Y  = hardware address
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Static memory referenced:
*    V.TfrBuf,u      = address of transfer/receive buffer               
SCSIXfer       leax      retry@,pcr
               stx       V.RetryVct,u
retry@         bsr       SCSISend
               bcs       sr@
               ldx       V.TfrBuf,u
tfr@           lbsr      Wait4REQ            wait for REQ to be asserted
               bita      #CMD
               lbne      PostXfr             COMMAND phase...
* If here, we're in DATA PHASE
               bita      #INOUT              data coming in or going out?
               bne       in@                 branch if coming in...
out@           lda       ,x+
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               bra       tfr@
in@            lda       SCSIDATA,y
               sta       ,x+
               bra       tfr@
sr@            rts       

* Give up timeslice several times unless this is the system
DeauxDeaux     pshs      x
               IFGT      Level-1
               ldx       D.Proc              get proc descriptor
               cmpx      D.SysPrc            system?
               beq       WaitDone            yep, system cannot sleep
*               ldx       D.AProcQ            get active proc queue
*               beq       WaitDone            if empty, return
*               ldx       #$0001
*               os9       F$Sleep             give up timeslice
*               ldx       D.AProcQ            get active proc queue
*               beq       WaitDone            if empty, return
               ldx       #$0001
               os9       F$Sleep             give up timeslice
WaitDone       puls      x,pc                return to caller

* Get Status Byte from SCSI controller
* Exit: A = status byte
GetStatB       bsr       Wait4REQ
               lda       SCSIDATA,y
               pshs      a
               bsr       Wait4REQ
               clr       SCSIDATA,y
               puls      pc,a

* SCSI ID table with hi-bit set for SCSI-3 compliance
IDTBL          FCB       $80+1,$80+2,$80+4,$80+8,$80+16,$80+32,$80+64,128

* SCSI Packet Send Routine
* Sets LUN for SCSI Packet, then sends command packet to controller
* Passed:  Y = Device Address
* Returns: A = SCSI Status byte
* Destroys: X
SCSISend       ldb       V.SCSILUN,u         get SCSI LUN
               andb      #%00011111          mask out LUN
               stb       V.SCSILUN,u
               ldb       V.DnsByte,u         get DNS byte
               andb      #%11100000          get SCSI LUN from byte
               orb       V.SCSILUN,u         OR with SCSI LUN byte
               stb       V.SCSILUN,u         save off
               ldd       #BUSY*256           we want /BUSY
               bsr       StatusWait
               bcs       ex4
* BUSY is clear, put initiator/target IDs on bus
               lda       V.DnsByte,u         get DNS byte
               anda      #$07                mask out all but SCSI IDs
               leax      IDTBL,pcr           point to device ID table
               lda       a,x                 get ID value
               sta       SCSIDATA,y          write out to controller
               sta       SCSISEL,y           here too...
               ldd       #BUSY*256+BUSY      we want BUSY
               bsr       StatusWait
               bcs       ex4
* BUSY is set
* Here we send the packet to the controller.
chkok@         leax      V.SCSICMD,u         point X to SCSI command packet
tfrloop@       bsr       Wait4REQ            wait for REQ
               bita      #CMD                SCSI CMD bit set?
               beq       ex4                 branch if not...
               bita      #INOUT              INOUT set?
               bne       ckmsg@              branch if target->initiator
               lda       ,x+                 get byte from SCSI CMD packet
               sta       SCSIDATA,y          write to controller
               bra       tfrloop@
ckmsg@         bita      #MSG                MESSAGE IN (target->initiator)
               beq       ex4
* MESSAGE IN phase code
MSGIn          lda       SCSIDATA,y          extended message?
               bne       SCSISend            nope, restart target initiation
               ldb       SCSIDATA,y          get extended message length
* Note: We ignore extended messages
l@             tst       SCSIDATA,y          read extended message data
               bne       l@
               bra       SCSISend            message read, restart target initiation
ex4            rts       

* Loop until REQ bit is set
* Passed:   Y = Device Address
* Returns:  A = SCSI Status byte
loop@          lda       SCSISTAT,y          get SCSI status byte
               bita      #REQ                REQ?
               beq       sleep@              +
               rts                           +
sleep@         lbsr      DeauxDeaux
               bra       loop@

* Wait for a set of conditions in the status register to be TRUE
* This yields a delay of about 5 seconds.
* Entry: Y = HW address
*        A = flip (if bit set, that bit is tested)
*        B = mask (result must match this byte)
               pshs      x,d
               IFEQ      Level-1
               ldb       #$02
               ldx       #$0000
               ldb       #$04
               ldx       #$0000
l@             lda       SCSISTAT,y
               anda      ,s                  apply flip
               cmpa      1,s                 compare to mask
               bne       dec@                branch if not equal (not what we want)
               lda       SCSISTAT,y
               clrb                          clear carry
               bra       ok@
dec@           leax      -1,x                count down
               bne       l@
               decb                          decrement bits 23-16
               bpl       l@                  if >=0, keep going
               comb                          set carry
               ldb       #E$NotRdy
ok@            leas      2,s
               puls      x,pc

* Send a REQSENSE message to the SCSI controller
SndMSG         lbsr      Wait4REQ            wait for REQ to be asserted
               bita      #CMD                command phase?
               bne       ex4                 yes, return
               beq       INorOUT             no, check for in/out
INorOUT        bita      #INOUT              data coming in or going out?
               bne       ComingIn            branch if coming in...
               lda       ,x+
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               bra       SndMSG
ComingIn       lda       SCSIDATA,y
               sta       ,x+
               bra       SndMSG

* SCSIErr - Attemps a REQUEST SENSE to find a SCSI error
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of hardware
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set
*    B  = error code
SCSIErr        lda       #S$REQSEN           REQUEST SENSE command
               sta       V.SCSICMD,u
               sta       V.SCSILUN,u
               std       V.SCSIPrm0,u
               lda       #ReqPkL             set allocation length
               std       V.SCSIPrm2,u
               lbsr      SCSISend            send command
               bcs       ex4                 branch if error
               leax      V.R$Err,u           point to return data buffer
               bsr       SndMSG              get response data
               lbsr      GetStatB
               pshs      a
               lda       V.R$Err,u           get error code
               anda      #$7F                wipe out hi bit
               cmpa      #$70                "current" error?
               bne       L05A3               branch if not...
               lda       V.R$Err2,u          get more detailed error
               anda      #%00001111
               sta       ,s                  save off stack
               lda       V.R$AdSns,u         get additional sense code
L05A3          tst       V.OS9Err,u          send OS-9 error?
L05A7          beq       L05AD               branch if so...
               tfr       a,b                 else put SCSI error in B
               clr       V.OS9Err,u          and clear SCSI error flag
               bra       ErrErr              and return with error
* Walk error table to find OS-9 error
L05AD          leax      >ErrTbl,pcr
               ldb       #E$Unit
L05B3          tst       ,x
               beq       ErrErr
               cmpa      ,x++
               blt       L05B3
               ldb       -1,x
ErrErr         coma      
               puls      pc,a

* Error Table - Maps SCSI errors to OS-9 errors
* This table is contructed so that gaps are actually continuations of
* the previous entry.  For example, $14 maps to E$Seek, and so does $15 and
* $16.
ErrTbl         FCB       $01,E$NotRdy
               FCB       $02,E$Seek
               FCB       $03,E$Write
               FCB       $04,E$NotRdy
               FCB       $06,E$Seek
               FCB       $10,E$CRC
               FCB       $11,E$Read
               FCB       $14,E$Seek
               FCB       $17,E$CRC
               FCB       $19,E$IllArg
               FCB       $1C,E$Read
               FCB       $1E,E$CRC
               FCB       $20,E$IllCmd
               FCB       $21,E$Sect
               FCB       $25,E$IllArg
               FCB       $29,E$NotRdy
               FCB       $00

eom            EQU       *