view level2/sys/stdptrs.asm @ 3141:717ced83b885

coco3: Build SD card device descriptors for CoCo3FPGA Added "CC3FPGAFLAGS = $(AFLAGS) -DCC3FPGA=1 $(FLAGS)" to "level2/coco3/modules/makefile" for flagging Coco3FPGA specific features in modules sources. Added "llcoco3fpga", "ddsd0_coco3fpga", "sd0_coco3fpga", and "sd1_coco3fpga" to the "coco3/modules/makefile" - RBF section, which also now adds all to the "NITROS9/MODULES/RBF" on all disk images for building new Coco3FPGA disks from NitrOS9. Added new descriptor section to the "level2/coco3/modules/makefile" reflecting the new Coco3FPGA SD card descriptors and their flags.
author Bill Pierce <>
date Sat, 04 Feb 2017 11:06:28 +0100
parents e42a19fc15dd
line wrap: on
line source

* StdPtrs - Standard Pointers
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          2003/11/26  Boisy G. Pitre
* Made into source form.

         nam   StdPtrs
         ttl   Standard Pointers

         org   0

pointer  fcb   $1B,$2B
         fcb   $CA		group #
         fcb   $01              buffer #
         fcb   $05              style 640x192x2
         fdb   $0008            xsize
         fdb   $0008            ysize
         fdb   $0008            bytes

         fcb   %11111000
         fcb   %11110000
         fcb   %11110000
         fcb   %11111000
         fcb   %10011100
         fcb   %00001110
         fcb   %00000111
         fcb   %00000010

pencil   fcb   $1B,$2B
         fcb   $CA		group #
         fcb   $02              buffer #
         fcb   $05              style 640x192x2
         fdb   $0010            xsize
         fdb   $000d            ysize
         fdb   $001a            bytes

         fcb   %11110000,%00000000
         fcb   %10101000,%00000000
         fcb   %11000100,%00000000
         fcb   %10000010,%00000000
         fcb   %01000001,%00000000
         fcb   %00100000,%10000000
         fcb   %00010000,%01000000
         fcb   %00001000,%00100000
         fcb   %00000100,%01010000
         fcb   %00000010,%10001000
         fcb   %00000001,%00010000
         fcb   %00000000,%10100000
         fcb   %00000000,%01000000

lcross   fcb   $1B,$2B
         fcb   $CA		group #
         fcb   $03              buffer #
         fcb   $05              style 640x192x2
         fdb   $0010            xsize
         fdb   $0010            ysize
         fdb   $0020            bytes

         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %11111111,%11111111
         fcb   %11111111,%11111111
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000
         fcb   %00000011,%00000000

sleep    fcb   $1B,$2B
         fcb   $CA		group #
         fcb   $04              buffer #
         fcb   $05              style 640x192x2
         fdb   $0010            xsize
         fdb   $0010            ysize
         fdb   $0020            bytes

         fcb   %11111111,%11111111
         fcb   %01000000,%00000010
         fcb   %00100000,%00000100
         fcb   %00011111,%11111000
         fcb   %00001111,%11110000
         fcb   %00000111,%11100000
         fcb   %00000011,%11000000
         fcb   %00000001,%10000000
         fcb   %00000001,%10000000
         fcb   %00000010,%01000000
         fcb   %00000101,%10100000
         fcb   %00001000,%00010000
         fcb   %00010001,%10001000
         fcb   %00100011,%11000100
         fcb   %01000111,%11100010
         fcb   %11111111,%11111111

illegal  fcb   $1B,$2B
         fcb   $CA		group #
         fcb   $05              buffer #
         fcb   $05              style 640x192x2
         fdb   $0010            xsize
         fdb   $000f            ysize
         fdb   $001e            bytes

         fcb   %00000111,%11000000
         fcb   %00011000,%00110000
         fcb   %00100000,%00001000
         fcb   %01000000,%00011100
         fcb   %01000000,%00110100
         fcb   %10000000,%01100010
         fcb   %10000000,%11000010
         fcb   %10000001,%10000010
         fcb   %10000011,%00000010
         fcb   %10000110,%00000010
         fcb   %01001100,%00000100
         fcb   %01011000,%00000100
         fcb   %00110000,%00001000
         fcb   %00011000,%00110000
         fcb   %00000111,%11000000

textmark fcb   $1B,$2B
         fcb   $CA		group #
         fcb   $06              buffer #
         fcb   $05              style 640x192x2
         fdb   $0008            xsize
         fdb   $0008            ysize
         fdb   $0008            bytes

         fcb   %11111111
         fcb   %00011000
         fcb   %00011000
         fcb   %00011000
         fcb   %00011000
         fcb   %00011000
         fcb   %00011000
         fcb   %11111111

scross   fcb   $1B,$2B
         fcb   $CA		group #
         fcb   $07              buffer #
         fcb   $05              style 640x192x2
         fdb   $0008            xsize
         fdb   $0008            ysize
         fdb   $0008            bytes

         fcb   %00011000
         fcb   %00011000
         fcb   %00011000
         fcb   %11111111
         fcb   %00011000
         fcb   %00011000
         fcb   %00011000
         fcb   %00000000