view level1/cmds/scsiquery.asm @ 2705:79d307ddf47f lwtools-port

wrapped around IFNDEF
author Boisy Pitre <>
date Fri, 20 Jul 2012 16:14:05 -0500
parents 17d43fd29ee2
line wrap: on
line source

* scsiquery - Get info on SCSI device through SS.DCmd call
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2008/01/21  Boisy G. Pitre
* Created while on the FPSO Kikeh in the South China Sea.

               nam       scsiquery
               ttl       Get info on SCSI device through the SS.DCmd call

               use       defsfile
               use       scfdefs

tylg           set       Prgrm+Objct
atrv           set       ReEnt+rev
rev            set       $00
edition        set       1

               mod       eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

               org       0
code           rmb       1
lsn            rmb       3
left           rmb       2
path           rmb       1
numbuf         rmb       16
txbuff         rmb       2048                to accomodate CD-ROM sector sizes
               rmb       200
size           equ       .

StartM         fcc       /SCSI Inquiry Utility/
cr             fcb       C$CR
VID            fcc       /Vendor ID  : /
VIDL           equ       *-VID
PID            fcc       /Product ID : /
PIDL           equ       *-PID
RLV            fcc       /Revision   : /
RLVL           equ       *-RLV
LBA            fcc       /Blocks     : /
LBAL           equ       *-LBA
BSZ            fcc       /Block Size : /
BSZL           equ       *-BSZ

InquiryUnit    fcb       $12,$00,$00,$00,96,$00
ReadCapacity   fcb       $25,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00

name           fcs       /scsiquery/
               fcb       edition

               leay      txbuff,u
               ldd       #$2060
l@             sta       ,y+
               bne       l@
               leay      txbuff,u

l@             lda       ,x+
               cmpa      #C$CR
               beq       ok@
               cmpa      #C$SPAC
               beq       ok@
               sta       ,y+
               bra       l@
ok@            ldd       #'@*256+C$CR
               std       ,y
               leax      txbuff,u

               lda       #READ.
               os9       I$Open
               lbcs      exit
               sta       path,u

               leax      StartM,pcr
               lda       #1
               ldy       #100
               os9       I$WritLn

               leax      txbuff,u
               leay      InquiryUnit,pcr
               lda       path,u
               ldb       #SS.DCmd
               os9       I$SetStt
               lbcs      exit

* Show Vendor ID
               leax      VID,pcr
               ldy       #VIDL
               lda       #1
               os9       I$WritLn

               leax      txbuff+8,u
               ldy       #15-8+1
               lda       #1
               os9       I$Write
               leax      cr,pcr
               ldy       #1
               os9       I$WritLn

* Show Product ID
               leax      PID,pcr
               ldy       #PIDL
               lda       #1
               os9       I$WritLn

               leax      txbuff+16,u
               ldy       #31-16+1
               lda       #1
               os9       I$Write
               leax      cr,pcr
               ldy       #1
               os9       I$WritLn

* Show Revision Level
               leax      RLV,pcr
               ldy       #RLVL
               lda       #1
               os9       I$WritLn

               leax      txbuff+32,u
               ldy       #35-32+1
               lda       #1
               os9       I$Write
               leax      cr,pcr
               ldy       #1
               os9       I$WritLn

               leax      txbuff,u
               leay      ReadCapacity,pcr
               lda       path,u
               ldb       #SS.DCmd
               os9       I$SetStt
               bcs       exit

* Show Number of Blocks
               leax      LBA,pcr
               ldy       #LBAL
               lda       #1
               os9       I$WritLn

               leax      txbuff,u
               leay      numbuf,u
               bsr       itoa
               lda       #1
               os9       I$Write
               leax      cr,pcr
               ldy       #1
               os9       I$WritLn

* Show Block Size
               leax      BSZ,pcr
               ldy       #BSZL
               lda       #1
               os9       I$WritLn

               leax      txbuff+4,u
               leay      numbuf,u
               bsr       itoa
               lda       #1
               os9       I$Write
               leax      cr,pcr
               ldy       #1
               os9       I$WritLn

exitok         clrb      
exit           os9       F$Exit

* Entry:
* X = address of 32 bit value
* Y = address of buffer to hold number
* Exit:
* X = address of buffer holding number
* Y = length of number string in bytes
itoa           pshs      u,y
               tfr       y,u
               ldb       #10                 max number of numbers (10^9)
               pshs      b                   save count on stack
               leay      Base,pcr            point to base of numbers
s@             lda       #$30                put #'0
               sta       ,u                  at U
s1@            bsr       Sub32               ,X=,X-,Y
               inc       ,u
               bcc       s1@                 if X>0, continue
               bsr       Add32               add back in
               dec       ,u+
               dec       ,s                  decrement counter
               beq       done@
               lda       ,s
               cmpa      #$09
               beq       comma@
               cmpa      #$06
               beq       comma@
               cmpa      #$03
               bne       s2@
comma@         ldb       #',
               stb       ,u+
s2@            leay      4,y                 point to next
               bra       s@
done@          leas      1,s
* 1,234,567,890
               ldb       #14                 length of string with commas + 1
               ldx       ,s++                get pointer to buffer
a@             decb      
               beq       ex@
               lda       ,x+                 get byte
               cmpa      #'0
               beq       a@
               cmpa      #',
               beq       a@
               tfr       d,y                 transfer count into Y
v@             leax      -1,x
               puls      u,pc
ex@            ldy       #0001
               bra       v@

* Entry:
* X = address of 32 bit minuend
* Y = address of 32 bit subtrahend
* Exit:
* X = address of 32 bit difference
Sub32          ldd       2,x
               subd      2,y
               std       2,x
               ldd       ,x
               sbcb      1,y
               sbca      ,y
               std       ,x

* Entry:
* X = address of 32 bit number
* Y = address of 32 bit number
* Exit:
* X = address of 32 bit sum
Add32          ldd       2,x
               addd      2,y
               std       2,x
               ldd       ,x
               adcb      1,y
               adca      ,y
               std       ,x

Base           fcb       $3B,$9A,$CA,$00     1,000,000,000
               fcb       $05,$F5,$E1,$00     100,000,000
               fcb       $00,$98,$96,$80     10,000,000
               fcb       $00,$0f,$42,$40     1,000,000
               fcb       $00,$01,$86,$a0     100,000
               fcb       $00,$00,$27,$10     10,000
               fcb       $00,$00,$03,$e8     1,000
               fcb       $00,$00,$00,$64     100
               fcb       $00,$00,$00,$0a     10
               fcb       $00,$00,$00,$01     1

eom            equ       *