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view 3rdparty/utils/view/view_gfx.a @ 1870:79edc5d44491
Moved out of the way
author | boisy |
date | Wed, 03 Aug 2005 17:24:57 +0000 |
parents | b7fb6a9aead4 |
children | 37fd74e6fad8 |
line wrap: on
line source
* * Graphics support routines for "view" * * Global DP variables: * numscreens: Total number of graphics screens in use. * curscreen: Number of currently selected screen * screenpaths: array of path numbers for open screens * Global subroutines: * setscreen: Set a screen to correct type, open new one if appropriate * setborder: Set border of current screen to palette A. * select: Select StdOut. * flipscreen: Select next screen. * flipback: Select previous screen. * echooff: Turn off echo to current screen * saveopts: Get StdOut options packet and save it. * cleanup: Select StdOut, turn on cursor, restore StdOut. * newscreen: open a new screen, put path num in "outpath" var. * killscreen: DWEnd current screen. * killbuffs: Kill all of our buffers. * setbuffer: Create one-line buffer for putting stuff on screen. * Returns number of bytes/line in D. * putline: Put data in linebuff onto screen line D. * fetchline: Get screen line D into linebuff * ifp1 use os9defs.a endc check macro pshs b,cc ldb #\1 os9 F$PErr puls b,cc endm StdOut equ 1 psect view_gfx_a,0,0,0,0,0 vsect dp numscreens: rmb 1 Total number of screens allocated. curscreen: rmb 1 Current screen buffadd rmb 2 Address of Get/Put buffer. buffsiz rmb 1 Size of Get/Put buffer. endsect vsect screenpaths: rmb 16 endsect ******************************** * * Create appropriate screen * ******************************* vsect setscCom fdb $1b20 DWSet fcb 8 type fcb 0,0 fcb 40 screen width fcb 24 screen length fcb 1,0,0 palettes fcb $1b,$21 Select code fcb $05,$20 Cursor off endsect setscreen: pshs a,b,x,u,y tst <numscreens bne setSame0 If we already have 1 screen, we _must_ create a new one. tst <Samescreen bne setSame1 setSame0 lbsr newscreen Open a new screen. lda <outpath Store path number to paths array leax screenpaths,y ldb <numscreens sta b,x bra setSame2 setSame1 lbsr killscreen Kill this screen, so we can re-open with correct type. lda #1 This screen is StdOut sta screenpaths,y Set first path. setSame2 ldb <numscreens stb <curscreen Set current screen to most recent one. incb stb <numscreens We now have one more screen. lda <type type from header interp sta setscCom+2,y anda #1 nega anda #40 adda #40 sta setscCom+5,y bottom corner leax setscCom,y Now output this string. lda <outpath pshs y ldy #14 os9 I$Write lbcs _error puls y lbsr echooff Turn off echo on screen. lbsr setmouse Turn on mouse signal everywhere. puls a,b,x,u,y,pc selectCom fdb $1b21 Select screen select: pshs a,b,x,y leax selectCom,pcr ldy #2 lda #StdOut os9 I$Write puls a,b,x,y,pc flipscreen: pshs a,b,x,y ldb <curscreen incb cmpb <numscreens blo flip1 clrb flip1 bra doflip flipback: pshs a,b,x,y ldb <curscreen bne flip2 ldb <numscreens flip2 decb * Send the select code to the new screen. doflip stb curscreen leax screenpaths,y lda b,x sta <outpath leax selectCom,pcr ldy #2 os9 I$Write lbcs _error puls a,b,x,y,pc vsect borderCom fcb $1b,$34,00,$1b,$33,00,$0c Set border, set background, cls endsect setborder: pshs a,b,x,y leax borderCom,y sta 2,x sta 5,x ldy #7 lda <outpath os9 I$Write lbcs _error puls a,b,x,y,pc * * Set screen modes on outpath * vsect dp optvalid rmb 1 T = options packet is valid. endsect vsect options rmb 32 newopts rmb 32 endsect saveopts: pshs a,b,x lda #StdOut Get options for StdOut, and save them. ldb #SS.Opt leax options,y os9 I$GetStt lbcs _error com optvalid puls a,b,x,pc echooff: pshs a,b,x lda <outpath ldb #SS.Opt leax newopts,y os9 I$GetStt lbcs _error clr 4,x Turn off echo. os9 I$SetStt lbcs _error puls a,b,x,pc cleanCom fdb $0521 Turn on cursor. fdb $1b21 Select screen cleanup: pshs a,b,x,y leax cleanCom,pcr lda #StdOut pshs y ldy #4 os9 I$Write Select StdOut and turn on cursor. puls y tst optvalid If options is valid, beq echoend ldb #SS.Opt leax options,y os9 I$SetStt then restore the initial options. lbcc echoend os9 F$Exit echoend puls a,b,x,y,pc * * Open new window * Winname fcc "/w" fcb $0d newscreen: pshs a,b,x leax Winname,pcr lda #3 Update mode os9 I$Open lbcs _error sta <outpath puls a,b,x,pc killCom fdb $1b24 killscreen: pshs a,b,x,y leax killCom,pcr lda <outpath ldy #2 os9 I$Write bcc killscrend cmpb #E$WUndef Was it window undefined?? That we can ignore. lbne _error No, abort. killscrend puls a,b,x,y,pc vsect killbcom fcb $1b,$2a,0,0 endsect killbuffs: pshs a,b,x,y lda <PID leax killbcom,y sta 2,x ldy #4 lda <outpath os9 I$Write puls a,b,x,y,pc ************************************************************** * * Create get/put buffer for horizontal imaging * ************************************************************** vsect dp buflegit rmb 1 True= buffer already allocated and mapped endsect vsect setbufCom fdb $1b2c fdb 0001 Group/buffer fdb 0000 fdb 0000 fdb 320 fdb 1 endsect setbuffer: pshs x,y tst buflegit If buffer already created/mapped, then don't do it again. bne setbufend com buflegit lda <PID sta setbufCom+2,y leax setbufCom,y lda <outpath pshs y ldy #12 OS9 I$Write lbcs _error puls y lda <PID ldb #1 tfr d,x lda #1 ldb #SS.MpGPB map in buffer pshs y ldy #1 os9 I$SetStt Now try to map it. lbcs _error tfr y,d puls y stx buffadd lda <type ldb #40 cmpa #7 beq setbuf8 cmpa #8 bne setbuf9 setbuf8 addb #40 setbuf9 stb buffsiz setbufend ldb buffsiz clra lsla rolb puls x,y,pc * * Putline: expects number of row in D * vsect putCom fdb $1b2d fcb 0,1 Grp/Buf fdb 0 Xloc fdb 0 Yloc endsect putline: pshs a,b,x,y,u std putCom+6,y Set up PUT buffer command lda <PID sta putCom+2,y ldd #0 First X value is zero. std putCom+4,y leax linebuff,y ldu buffadd ldb buffsiz put1 lda ,x+ sta ,u+ decb bne put1 pshs x,y leax putCom,y lda <outpath ldy #8 OS9 I$Write lbcs _error puls x,y ldd #320 Second X value is 320= 1/2 screen. std putCom+4,y ldb buffsiz ldu buffadd put2 lda ,x+ sta ,u+ decb bne put2 leax putCom,y lda <outpath ldy #8 OS9 I$Write lbcs _error puls a,b,x,y,u,pc * * fetchline: expects number of row in D * vsect fetchCom fdb $1b2c fcb 0,1 Grp/Buf fdb 0 Xloc fdb 0 Yloc fdb 320 XSize fdb 1 YSize endsect fetchline: pshs a,b,x,y,u std fetchCom+6,y Set up GET buffer command lda <PID sta fetchCom+2,y ldd #0 First X value is zero. std fetchCom+4,y pshs x,y leax fetchCom,y lda <outpath ldy #12 OS9 I$Write lbcs _error puls x,y leax linebuff,y ldu buffadd ldb buffsiz fetch1 lda ,u+ sta ,x+ decb bne fetch1 ldd #320 Second X value is 320= 1/2 screen. std fetchCom+4,y pshs x,y leax fetchCom,y lda <outpath ldy #12 OS9 I$Write lbcs _error puls x,y ldb buffsiz ldu buffadd fetch2 lda ,u+ sta ,x+ decb bne fetch2 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc endsect