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view 3rdparty/utils/view/view_gifpix.a @ 1870:79edc5d44491
Moved out of the way
author | boisy |
date | Wed, 03 Aug 2005 17:24:57 +0000 |
parents | b7fb6a9aead4 |
children | 37fd74e6fad8 |
line wrap: on
line source
* * Setup and Screen support for GIF * * Globals * gifoutinit -- Initialize output machinery * gifoutpix -- output one pixel, with scaling, etc. * ifp1 use os9defs.a endc psect view_gifpix_a,0,0,0,0,0 * * Screen support-- output one GIF pixel to screen, with scaling and dithering. * vsect dp pixpline rmb 2 Number of pixels on a virtual screen line. pixscrn rmb 2 Number of pixels on actual screen line. pixcnt rmb 2 Count of pixels on actual screen line. lineptr rmb 2 Pointer to linebuff, for putting pixels pixleft rmb 2 Number of pixels left for this GIF line horscale rmb 2 Horizontal scaling counter. linecount rmb 2 Current GIF line number linenumb rmb 2 Current Coco Line number linemax rmb 2 Max Coco line number lineinc rmb 2 Increment between lines verscale rmb 2 vertical scaling counter. endsect * gifinterlace holds T if we do interlace. gifoutinit: pshs d,x ldd #1 tst <gifinterlace beq init1 ldd #8 init1 std lineinc ldd #0 std linecount std horscale std verscale ldd <Skipcols bpl init20 Default value is zero ldd #0 std <Skipcols init20 ldd <Skiplines bpl init21 Default value is zero ldd #0 std <Skiplines init21 ldd #0 subd <Skipcols std pixcnt leax linebuff,y stx lineptr ldd <gifiwidth std pixleft ldx #320 Type 8 and 6 screens are 320 pixels across. lda <type cmpa #8 beq init8 cmpa #6 beq init8 ldx #640 Type 7 and 5 are 640 pixels across. init8 stx pixscrn stx pixpline ldd #192 For default size, scale pic to 192 lines. std linemax lda <Size bne init98 ldx <gifiheight For small, choose divisor of actual height. clra pshs a init92 inc ,s lda ,s lbsr div168 Divide height by number cmpd #200 bhi init92 If not <200, keep going std linemax puls a Clear stack bra init99 init98 cmpa #2 bne init99 ldd <gifiheight Huge is 1:1 height std linemax ldd <gifiwidth And 1:1 width cmpd <pixscrn ... but not less than screen width blo init99 std pixpline init99 puls d,x,pc * Output pixel to screen * * Expects * alt2buff holds color translation table * A holds pixel to output * gifiheight, gifiwidth hold picture dimensions gifoutpix: pshs a,b,x tst verscale bmi outpix5 ldx lineptr ldd horscale subd pixpline std horscale bpl outpix5 outpix1 ldd pixcnt addd #1 std pixcnt bmi outpix11 cmpd pixscrn bgt outpix11 lda ,s sta ,x+ outpix11 ldd horscale addd <gifiwidth std horscale bmi outpix1 stx lineptr outpix5 ldx pixleft Count down number of GIF pixels on this line. leax -1,x stx pixleft bne outpix9 tst verscale bmi outpix7 lbsr dithline Translate GIF pixels to CoCo colors lbsr convline Convert the pixels to bytes. lbsr outline If we're done, output the line. lbsr clrline outpix7 lbsr setline leax linebuff,y stx lineptr ldx <gifiwidth stx pixleft ldx #00 stx horscale ldd #0 subd <Skipcols std pixcnt outpix9 puls a,b,x,pc dithline pshs a,b,x,y,u leau alt2buff,y Color mapping table. ldd pixscrn Number of pixels on this line. lsra Divide by 4, since main loop does 4 pixels at a time. rorb lsra rorb pshs b Even for a 640-pixel line, this will be less than 256. leay linebuff,y Y points to line data. lda linenumb+1 What line (mod 4) are we on? anda #3 leax dithtable,pcr leax a,x jsr a,x puls b puls a,b,x,y,u,pc dithtable bra dithloop1 Different sub for each line (mod 4). bra dithloop2 bra dithloop3 bra dithloop4 dithloop1 bsr dofastdith ldb #$60 bsr dodither bsr dofastdith ldb #$40 bsr dodither dec 3,s bne dithloop1 rts dithloop2 ldb #$20 bsr dodither bsr dofastdith ldb #$00 bsr dodither bsr dofastdith dec 3,s bne dithloop2 rts dithloop3 bsr dofastdith ldb #$50 bsr dodither bsr dofastdither ldb #$70 bsr dodither dec 3,s bne dithloop3 rts dithloop4 ldb #$10 bsr dodither bsr dofastdith ldb #$30 bsr dodither bsr dofastdith dec 3,s bne dithloop4 rts * Dither one pixel. Get GIF color from ,y and convert it into primary * color iff B is above the threshold value. dodither pshs b ldb ,y clra leax d,u abx abx lda ,x Get primary color. puls b cmpb 2,x Are we above the threshold? bhs dodither1 lda 1,x If not, choose secondary color. dodither1 anda #$0f sta ,y+ Store the color. rts * Since every other pixel is gauranteed to be a primary color, it seems * worthwhile to have a faster version of the dither sub for that case. dofastdith ldb ,y clra leax d,u abx lda d,x Get primary color. anda #$0f sta ,y+ Store the color. rts convline pshs a,b,x,y,u lda <type cmpa #8 bne conv4no bsr conv4line Type 8 screen has 4 bits/pixel bra conv10 conv4no cmpa #7 beq conv2 cmpa #6 bne conv2no conv2 bsr conv2line type 7,6 are 2 bits/pix bra conv10 conv2no bsr conv1line type 5 is 1 bit/pix conv10 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc conv4table fcb $00,$10,$20,$30,$40,$50,$60,$70,$80,$90,$a0,$b0,$c0,$d0,$e0,$f0 conv4line leax linebuff,y tfr x,u leay conv4table,pcr ldb #160 pshs b conv4loop lda ,x+ ldb ,x+ orb a,y stb ,u+ dec ,s bne conv4loop puls b rts conv2table fcb $00,$40,$80,$c0,$00,$10,$20,$30,$00,$04,$08,$0c conv2line leax linebuff,y tfr x,u leay conv2table,pcr ldd pixscrn lsra rorb lsra rorb pshs b conv2loop lda ,x+ lda a,y Convert 1st pixel in byte. ldb ,x+ addb #4 ora b,y ldb ,x+ addb #8 ora b,y ora ,x+ sta ,u+ dec ,s bne conv2loop puls b rts conv1line leax linebuff,y tfr x,u ldy #80 conv1loop ldb #$80 pshs b clra conv10loop tst ,x+ beq conv11 ora ,s conv11 ror ,s bne conv10loop puls b sta ,u+ leay -1,y bne conv1loop rts clrline pshs a,b,x,y leax linebuff,y ldy pixscrn clra clrline1 sta ,x+ leay -1,y bne clrline1 puls a,b,x,y,pc nextline pshs d,x,u ldx lineinc beq nextline9 ldd verscale nextline1 tsta Actually, test sign of D bmi nextline2 subd <gifiheight If it's positive, that's another screen line. ldu linenumb leau 1,u stu linenumb bra nextline1 nextline2 addd linemax ldu linecount That's another gif line. leau 1,u stu linecount leax -1,x bne nextline1 std verscale nextline9 puls d,x,u,pc setline pshs a,b,x bsr nextline ldd linecount cmpd <gifiheight blo setline5 andb #$7 beq setline3 ldd lineinc lsrb std lineinc setline3 ldd #0 std linecount std linenumb std verscale ldd lineinc lsrb clra std lineinc Start off by moving 1/2 of the increment bsr nextline lslb std lineinc Now, set the increment right. setline5 puls a,b,x,pc outline pshs a,b,x ldd linenumb subd <Skiplines bmi outline1 cmpd #192 bhs outline1 lbsr putline Put the line onto the screen outline1 puls a,b,x,pc endsect