view 3rdparty/utils/view/view_table.a @ 1870:79edc5d44491

Moved out of the way
author boisy
date Wed, 03 Aug 2005 17:24:57 +0000
parents b7fb6a9aead4
children 37fd74e6fad8
line wrap: on
line source

* Table to drive command line parser.  The routines to process individual
*  options are also in this file.
* Three global symbols:
*   PTable: options table
*   DefFormat: Set up Default format (VEF)
*   Help:  Give usage message.
 use os9defs.a

StdOut equ 1
StdErr equ 2

 psect view_table_a,0,0,0,0,0

* Options parsing table.
*  Each entry: null-terminated option string,
*              one-byte option code,
*              Lbra instruction to subroutine to process that option.
* The subroutine is called with the option code in register A, and
*   X points to the first byte on the command line after the option
*   (for use in parsing arguments to options).
* This simplifies the handling of format codes, in particular.
* In order to prevent incorrect matches, longer options should occur
*   earlier in the table, since the matching code will match the first
*   legal option that matches the first part of the given option.
*   i.e.  if "opt" occurs before "opt1", then "opt1" will never get
*   a match
 fcc  "formats"   -formats
 fcb  0,0
 lbra ShowFormats
 fcc  "savemge"   -savemge
 fcb  0,MGEFormat
 lbra SetSave
 fcc  "save640"   -save640
 fcb  0,MGE640Format
 lbra SetSave
 fcc  "savevef"   -savevef
 fcb  0,VEFFormat
 lbra SetSave
 fcc  "savecm3"   -savecm3
 fcb  0,CM3Format
 lbra SetSave
 fcc  "signal"    -signal
 fcb  0,0
 lbra SetSignal
 fcc  "nobuff"    -nobuff forces a very small buffer
 fcb  0,0
 lbra NoBuff
 fcc  "save"      -save    (VEF Squashed)
 fcb  0,VEFSqFormat
 lbra SetSave
 fcc  "small"     -small
 fcb  0,0
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "large"     -large
 fcb  0,1
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "huge"      -huge
 fcb  0,2
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "sml"       -sml
 fcb  0,0
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "big"       -big
 fcb  0,1
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "lrg"       -lrg
 fcb  0,1
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "maxcmp"    -maxcmp
 fcb  0,MAXCMPFormat
 lbra SetMAXCMP
 fcc  "pixcmp"    -pixcmp
 fcb  0,MAXCMPFormat
 lbra SetMAXCMP
 fcc  "artcmp"    -artcmp
 fcb  0,ARTCMPFormat
 lbra SetMAXCMP
 fcc  "pix256"    -pix256   (DS69B 256x256 format)
 fcb  0,PIX256Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "pix128"    -pix128   (DS69B 128x128 format)
 fcb  0,PIX128Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "pix"       -pix     (Note: _must_ occur after pix256 & pix128)
 fcb  0,PIXFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "vef"       -vef
 fcb  0,1
 lbra SetVF       only 1 picture VEF format.
 fcc  "vf2"       -vf2 option
 fcb  0,2
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf3"       -vf3 option
 fcb  0,3
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf4"       -vf4 option
 fcb  0,4
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf5"       -vf5 option
 fcb  0,5
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf6"       -vf6
 fcb  0,6
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf7"       -vf7
 fcb  0,7
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf8"       -vf8
 fcb  0,8
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "vf9"       -vf9
 fcb  0,9
 lbra SetVF
 fcc  "mge"       -mge option
 fcb  0,MGEFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "cm3"       -cm3 option
 fcb  0,CM3Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "640"       -640 option
 fcb  0,MGE640Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "clp"       -clp option
 fcb  0,CLPFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "pub"       -pub option  (Home Publisher ClipArt format)
 fcb  0,PUBFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "img"       -img option
 fcb  0,IMGFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "rat"       -rat option
 fcb  0,RATFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "art"       -art option
 fcb  0,ARTFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "bin"       -bin same as -max
 fcb  0,MAXFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "max"       -max option
 fcb  0,MAXFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p00"       -p00 option
 fcb  0,P00Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p01"       -p01 option
 fcb  0,P01Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p10"       -p10 option
 fcb  0,P10Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p11"       -p11 option
 fcb  0,P11Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p20"       -p20 option
 fcb  0,P20Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p21"       -p21 option
 fcb  0,P21Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p30"       -p30 option
 fcb  0,P30Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p31"       -p31 option
 fcb  0,P31Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p40"       -p40 option
 fcb  0,P40Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "p41"       -p41 option
 fcb  0,P41Format
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "rle"       -rle option
 fcb  0,RLEFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "mac"       -mac option
 fcb  0,MACFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "mcp"       -mcp option
 fcb  0,MACFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "gifbw"     -gifbw option
 fcb  0,GIFBWFormat
 lbra SetGIF
 fcc  "bwgif"     -bwgif option
 fcb  0,GIFBWFormat
 lbra SetGIF
 fcc  "gbw"       -gbw option
 fcb  0,GIFBWFormat
 lbra SetGIF
 fcc  "gif"       -gif option
 fcb  0,GIFFormat
 lbra SetGIF
 fcc  "stp"       -stp  is synonym for -st, for MultiVue
 fcb  0,STFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "st"        -st option
 fcb  0,STFormat
 lbra SetFormat
 fcc  "t"         -t#  Set screen to this type.
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Settype
 fcc  "s"         -s   Use same screen
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Setsame
 fcc  "c"         -c   Enable color cycling
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Setcycle
 fcc  "f"         -f  Fit on one screen
 fcb  0,0             Now is a synonym for -small
 lbra SetSize
 fcc  "y"         -y#  Skip this many lines at top.
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Setskip
 fcc  "x"         -x#  Skip this many columns at left
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Setcols
 fcc  "help"      -help   Give help message
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Help
 fcc  "h"         -h   Give help message
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Help
 fcc  "?"         -?   Give help message
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Help
 fcc  "q"         -q#  Quit after this many seconds
 fcb  0,0
 lbra Quit
* Additional options here
 fcb  0

 pshs x
 leax Usage,pcr
 lbsr O_Write
 ldb  #1
 os9  F$Exit
 puls x,pc

 pshs x
 leax Formats,pcr   -formats exits after message.
 lbsr O_Write
 ldb  #1
 os9  F$Exit
 puls x,pc

* Subroutines to process specific options
* Default Format sets VEF format.
 tst <format    If format already set, ignore.
 bne SetVEF1
 lda #1         One-picture VEF is default.
 lbsr SetVF

* -t option
 lbsr Getnum   Get argument, check for validity
 cmpb #5
 blo  Settype1
 cmpb #8
 bhi  Settype1

 lda  <type   Has it already been set?
 cmpa #5
 blo  Settype0
 cmpa #8
 bls  Settype1
 stb  <type  All okay, set it.

* -s option
 lda #$FF
 sta <Samescreen

* Size options
 tst <Size
 bpl SetSize1  If Size is >=0, then it's already been set.
 sta <Size

* -c option
 lda #$FF
 sta <cycle

* -y option
 lbsr Getnum
 pshs d
 ldd  <Skiplines
 bpl  noskip
 ldd  ,s
 std  <Skiplines
 puls d,pc

* -x option
 lbsr Getnum
 pshs d
 ldd  <Skipcols
 bpl  nocols
 ldd  ,s
 std  <Skipcols
 puls d,pc

* -q option
 lbsr Getnum
 lda  #60      Multiply by 60 ticks/second.
 std  <MaxTime

* -nobuff option
 ldd #16      16 bytes of buffer.
 std <MaxBuff

* Handle format options
* On entry, A holds the format code
 tst <format
 bne SetForm1
 sta <format

* Set signal PID and value
 lbsr Getnum
 stb  <SigPID
 lbsr Getnum
 stb  <SigOut