view 3rdparty/utils/boisy/mode.asm @ 2086:82113c6e5aa8

Updated to use tocgen
author boisy
date Fri, 21 Jul 2006 16:57:45 +0000
parents 0e08f0830fd8
line wrap: on
line source

* MODE - Multi-purpose setting utility
* By: Boisy G. Pitre
*     Southern Station, Box 8455
*     Hattiesburg, MS  39406-8455
*     Internet:
* 01/26/92       Optimized code

* 06/23/91       Added GetStt call to get window colors
*                for complete restoration upon 40/80 column changes
* 07/07/91       Added 'D' option and expanded Window types from 40 and 80
*                to text and graphics types (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8)

         nam   Mode
         ttl   Multi-purpose setting utility

         use   defsfile

         mod   Size,Name,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+1,Start,Fin

Name     fcs   /Mode/
         fcb   $06

Helpmess fdb   C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /Mode - (C) 1992 Boisy G. Pitre/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /  Usage:  MODE <opts>/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /       D - Display settings/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /       R - RGB/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /       C - Composite/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /       M - Monochrome/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /       F - Fast CPU/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /       S - Slow CPU/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /       # - Window type/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
Type1    fcc   /Type 1 - 40 x 24 text/
CR       fdb   C$LF,C$CR
Type2    fcc   /Type 2 - 80 x 24 text/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
Type5    fcc   /Type 5 - 640 x 192, 2  color graphics/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
Type6    fcc   /Type 6 - 320 x 192, 4  color graphics/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
Type7    fcc   /Type 7 - 640 x 192, 4  color graphics/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
Type8    fcc   /Type 8 - 320 x 192, 16 color graphics/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR
Helplen  equ   *-Helpmess

Fastmess fdb   C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /CPU is set to FAST (1.78Mhz)/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR

Slowmess fdb   C$LF,C$CR
         fcc   /CPU is set to SLOW (0.89Mhz)/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR

BadParm  fcc   /: Bad parameter/
         fcb   C$CR

VDG      fcc   /32 x 16 VDG text screen/
         fdb   C$LF,C$CR

W1       fcb   $1b,$24,$1b,$20,$01,$00,$00,$28,$18
W2       fcb   $1b,$24,$1b,$20,$02,$00,$00,$50,$18
W5       fcb   $1b,$24,$1b,$20,$05,$00,$00,$50,$18
W6       fcb   $1b,$24,$1b,$20,$06,$00,$00,$28,$18
W7       fcb   $1b,$24,$1b,$20,$07,$00,$00,$50,$18
W8       fcb   $1b,$24,$1b,$20,$08,$00,$00,$28,$18
Select   fdb   $1b21

Colors   rmb   4
Stack    rmb   200
Parms    rmb   200
Fin      equ   .

Start    decb                          Decrement B
         beq   Help                    if no params, show help

* Parsing routine

Parse2   lda   ,x+                     load A with next char.
Parse3   cmpa  #C$CR                   is it a CR?
         lbeq  Done                    Yep, done
         cmpa  #C$SPAC                 is it a space?
         beq   Parse2                  yep, get next char
         cmpa  #'1                     Check for window types...
         lbeq  Win1
         cmpa  #'2 
         lbeq  Win2
         cmpa  #'5
         lbeq  Win5
         cmpa  #'6
         lbeq  Win6
         cmpa  #'7
         lbeq  Win7
         cmpa  #'8
         lbeq  Win8
         anda  #$DF                    Mask to uppercase
         cmpa  #'D                     Check other opts...
         lbeq  Query
         cmpa  #'R
         beq   RGB
         cmpa  #'C
         beq   CMP
         cmpa  #'M
         beq   MONO
         cmpa  #'F
         lbeq  Fast
         cmpa  #'S
         lbeq  Slow

* Bad parameter message

         pshs  x
         ldy   #1
         leax  -1,x
         lda   #2
         os9   I$Write
         bcs   Error
         leax  BadParm,pcr
         ldy   #25
         os9   I$WritLn
         bcs   Error
         puls  x
         bra   Parse2

Help     leax  Helpmess,pcr
         ldy   #Helplen
         lda   #1
         os9   I$Write
         bra   Done

RGB      pshs  x
         ldx   #$0001
         bra   Monitor

CMP      pshs  x
         ldx   #$0000
         bra   Monitor

MONO     pshs  x
         ldx   #$0002

Monitor  lda   #1
         ldb   #$92
         os9   I$SetStt
         bcs   Error
         puls  x
         lbra  Parse2

* Exit routine

Done     clrb
Error    os9   F$Exit

Win1     pshs  x
         bsr   Prepare
         leax  W1,pcr
         bra   SendOut

Win2     pshs  x
         bsr   Prepare
         leax  W2,pcr
         bra   SendOut

Win5     pshs  x
         bsr   Prepare
         leax  W5,pcr
         bra   SendOut

Win6     pshs  x
         bsr   Prepare
         leax  W6,pcr
         bra   SendOut

Win7     pshs  x
         bsr   Prepare
         leax  W7,pcr
         bra   SendOut

Win8     pshs  x
         bsr   Prepare
         leax  W8,pcr
         bra   SendOut

Prepare  bsr   GetColor
         lda   #1

SendOut  ldy   #9
         os9   I$Write
         bcs   Error
         ldy   #3
         leax  Colors,u
         os9   I$Write
         bcs   Error
         leax  Select,pcr
         ldy   #2
         os9   I$Write
         bcs   Error
         puls  x
         lbra  Parse2

GetColor ldb   #$96
         os9   I$GetStt
         bcs   Error
         sta   Colors,u
         stx   Colors+1,u
         stb   Colors+1,u

Fast     pshs  x
         clr   $FFD9
         leax  Fastmess,pcr
         bra   SpeedM

Slow     pshs  x
         clr   $FFD8
         leax  Slowmess,pcr

SpeedM   ldy   #32
         lda   #1
         os9   I$Write
         lbcs  Error
         puls  x
         lbra  Parse2

Query    pshs  x
         leax  CR,pcr
         lda   #1
         ldy   #1
         os9   I$Write
         lbcs  Error

WinType  lda   #1
         ldb   #$93
         os9   I$GetStt
         bcc   Compare
         cmpb  #208
         lbne  Error
         leax  VDG,pcr
         bra   WriteIt

Compare  cmpa  #1
         beq   T1
         cmpa  #2
         beq   T2
         cmpa  #5
         beq   T5
         cmpa  #6
         beq   T6
         cmpa  #7
         beq   T7

T8       leax  Type8,pcr
         bra   WriteIt
T1       leax  Type1,pcr
         bra   WriteIt
T2       leax  Type2,pcr
         bra   WriteIt
T5       leax  Type5,pcr
         bra   WriteIt
T6       leax  Type6,pcr
         bra   WriteIt
T7       leax  Type7,pcr

WriteIt  lda   #1
         ldy   #50
         os9   I$WritLn
         lbcs  Error
         puls  X
         lbra  Parse2

Size     equ   *