view 3rdparty/drivers/mmc/mmcdrv.asm @ 1523:82200a2c5721

Added mpi utility
author boisy
date Wed, 17 Mar 2004 16:52:01 +0000
parents aa2a7c7dd3ec
line wrap: on
line source

* MMCDRV Color Computer MultiMedia Card Driver
* Version 2.0.1
* Copyright (C) 2003 Jim Hathaway III
* Updates:
* 06/16/03 - Copied code from version 321 driver and changed for asm
*            Did this to see if there is some other issue with ASM 
*            cross assembly of this module.  Still having problems when 
*            trying to write any file to a MMC formatted with the
*            newer driver driver.  This driver seems to work with ASM
*            there must be a bug with the other modified version
* 06/17/03 - Moved from 001b version to 100 after testing showed no
*            issues.
*            Worked on making code similar to other code.  Need to test
*            this code as is to see if it will still work.
*            Made EXTREME changes to the code.  Will need mucho debugo
* 06/18/03 - More time working through.
* 06/19/03 - Fixed a bug in the read code that did not set PD.BUF correctly
*            Y was being loaded with V.PORT before PD.BUF,y was calculated
*            Write sector routine was missing Y=V.Port setup as well as
*            MDN,u setup before calling GREAD.  
*            LSN0PROC - missing RTS, also moved clearing of the LSN0 flag
*            to the LSN0PROC subroutine and removed it from the READ
*            subroutine. Found and fixed several bugs today.  Including
*            the problem last night with an iniz causing the driver to 
*            loop and access the card.
* 06/24/03 - Found a bug in the error return routines, comb should have 
*            been done BEFORE the error number is loaded.  Was causing
*            a read error 244 to be returned as error 011
* 06/29/03 - Found final bug causing problems in nlevel2.  IF an error
*            was returned from the chkrs routine the delay was not called
*            before exit, then the calling routine went back and sent the
*            command again and stepped on the spi transfer.  After all
*            bytes are written or read at slow speed the delay routine
*            MUST be called!

NUMDRIVE equ   2              Max. # of device descriptors for this driver
CMDREAD  equ   $51            Command to read a single block
CMDWRITE equ   $58            Command to write a sector
MMCCSB   equ   $80            MMC control register slow clock bit
MMCCRO   equ   1              MMC control register offset from data port
DLYAMT   equ   $28            Standard delay amount used in DLYSTART
CRDPULS  equ   $A             Number of times to loop for card init

         nam   MMCDRV
         ttl   MMC device driver for CoCo

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Drivr+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $02
edition  equ   2

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

         org   0

* Start of driver-specific statics
LSN0     rmb   1              Byte flag to indicate LSN0
MDN      rmb   1              MMC Drive Number
SECT2WR  rmb   1              Determines the sector to write
OS9SECT  rmb   2              Temp storage for OS9 sector address
SECTPNT  rmb   2              Temp storage for Sector Buffer pointer
BUFFER1  rmb   256            Sector buffer location for write cmds
RCMDBLK  rmb   6
WCMDBLK  rmb   6

size     equ   .

         fcb   $FF            mode byte

name     fcs   /MMCDRV/       module name
         fcb   edition        module edition

* Start point
start    lbra  INIT
         lbra  READ
         lbra  WRITE
         lbra  GETSTA
         lbra  SETSTA
         lbra  TERM
* End start

* Command bytes storage area
CMD0     fcb   $40,0,0,0,0,$95
CMD1     fcb   $41,0,0,0,0,$95
CMD13    fcb   $4D,0,0,0,0,$95
CMD171   fcb   $50,0,0,1,0,$95
CMD172   fcb   $50,0,0,2,0,$95

* LSN0PROC - Process drive table when LSN0 is loaded.
* Called from READ
* Added pshs, puls y to preserve y holding the address of the 
* MMC 6/19/03 JMH
LSN0PROC pshs  y              Save y for return
         ldb   MDN,u          Get drive number
         decb                 Make drive 1 = 0, drive 2 = 1
         lda   #DRVMEM        # bytes to copy from LSN0 to drive table
         mul                  Compute drive table location
         leay  DRVBEG,u       Point to start of drive tables
         leay  d,y
         ldx   SECTPNT,u      We need to get the sector buffer to use
         lda   #DD.SIZ        Get drive table size
RDCL1    ldb   ,x+            From copy
         stb   ,y+            To Copy
         deca                 Loop for entire path descriptor
         bne   RDCL1          Loop till done
         clr   LSN0,u         Set LSN0 false 0=f 1=t
         puls  y,pc           Restore/return


* Send a command string to the MMC (6 bytes) with delay
* Can be called as SNDCS for sending command and checking status
* or just chkrs can be called to see if the card returns the 
* correct response
* Entry: X=Pointer to command string to send
*        Y=MMC Command data port
*        A=Used for loop and not preserved
SNDCS    pshs  d,x            Save regs
         ldb   #6             Number of command bytes
SNDCLS   lda   ,x+            Get command byte
         sta   ,y             Send command byte
         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         decb                 Are we done?
         bne   SNDCLS         Keep looping until complete
         puls  d,x            Restore regs

CHKRS    pshs  d
CHKRSL1  lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         cmpa  ,y             Check for response
         beq   CHKRSG         Response is good, exit without error
         decb                 Keep looping?
         bne   CHKRSL1        Done yet?

CHKRSB   lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         comb                 Set error state
         puls  d,pc           Cleanup/Return
CHKRSG   lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         clrb                 Set no error
         puls  d,pc           Restore / Return

* Delay Routine - For use during initialization to slow down the 
* read and write commands to the MMC because we must use a speed of 
* less than 400k for the clock until CMD1 is issued (per MMC specs.)
DLYSTRT  pshs  b              Save b register for return
         ldb   #DLYAMT        Standard delay amount
DLYLP1   decb                 Start of delay loop
         bne   DLYLP1         End of delay loop
         puls  b,pc           Get value of b register back
* End delay routine

* INIT - Standard OS9 init function.  Enable all MMCs if present and
*        request sector buffer block.  Also set drive tables values.
INIT     ldy   V.PORT,u       Get MMC base port address
         lda   #NUMDRIVE      Number of cards to init

INITL1   sta   MDN,u          Get card number
         lbsr  INITCRD        Try and init card
         bne   INITL1         Keep looping
         lda   #CMDREAD       Setup bytes for each command area
         sta   RCMDBLK,u      Save them to each area
         lda   #CMDWRITE
         sta   WCMDBLK,u
         ldd   #$0095         Final two cmd bytes
         std   RCMDBLK+4,u    Save last two cmd bytes for read
         std   WCMDBLK+4,u    Save last two cmd bytes for write

         clr   LSN0,u         Set LSN0 false 0=f 1=t

         leax  DRVBEG,u       Point to start of drive tables
         ldb   #NUMDRIVE      Number of drives supported
         stb   V.NDRV,u       Store the number of drives
         lda   #$ff
INITL2   sta   DD.TOT,x       DD.TOT MSB to bogus value
         sta   V.TRAK,x       Init current track # to bogus value
         leax  DRVMEM,x       Get next drive table location
         decb                 Loop counter
         bne   INITL2         Keep looping?

         clr   MMCCRO,y       Deselect any cards in use

* Must read in correct sector then write out
* a 512 byte sector.  MMCs only support 512 byte sectors
* for write.
WRITE    stb   RCMDBLK+1,u    Save LSN for read command
         stx   RCMDBLK+2,u    Save LSN for read command

         stb   WCMDBLK+1,u    Save LSN for write command
         stx   WCMDBLK+2,u    Save LSN for write command

         ldx   PD.BUF,y       Get real sector address for later
         stx   OS9SECT,u      Save os9 sector address for later

         lda   WCMDBLK+3,u    Adjust WLSN
         anda  #$FE           Mask bit 0
         sta   WCMDBLK+3,u    Adjust WLSN

         lda   RCMDBLK+3,u    Get lowest LSN byte
         anda  #1             Mask bits 7-1
         sta   SECT2WR,u      Save it for later
         beq   WRROWE         Go RO WE 1=(RE,WO) 0=(RO,WE)         

WRREWO   ldd   RCMDBLK+2,u    Get upper LSN
         subd  #1
         std   RCMDBLK+2,u
         ldb   RCMDBLK+1,u
         sbcb  #0
         stb   RCMDBLK+1,u

         bra   WRGO

WRROWE   ldd   RCMDBLK+2,u    Get upper LSN
         addd  #1
         std   RCMDBLK+2,u
         ldb   RCMDBLK+1,u
         adcb  #0
         stb   RCMDBLK+1,u
WRGO     leax  BUFFER1,u
         stx   SECTPNT,u      Save sector buffer for read

         lda   PD.DRV,y       Get drive # requested
         sta   MDN,u          Save requested drive number

         ldy   V.PORT,u       Get MMC base port address

         lbsr  GREAD          Go get buffered sector
         lbcs  EWRITE         Write error

WRGO1    leax  CMD172,pcr     Get command to change sector to 512 bytes
         lda   #$00           Expected response
         lbsr  SNDCF          Go send the command (cmd17-2)
         lbcs  ENOTRDY        Not ready

         leax  WCMDBLK,u      Get address of write command block
         lda   #$00           Expected response
         lbsr  SNDCF          Send this command without delay
         lbcs  ENOTRDY        Not ready

         lda   #254           Start of data sector byte
         sta   ,y             Save start of sector byte

WRGO2    tst   SECT2WR,u      1=(RE,WO) 0=(RO,WE)
         bne   WRREWO1        
WRROWE1  ldx   OS9SECT,u      Get real sector buffer
         bsr   WRSEC          Go write 256 bytes
         leax  BUFFER1,u      Get buffered sector
         bra   WRDC1          Data send complete

WRREWO1  leax  BUFFER1,u      Get buffered sector buffer
         bsr   WRSEC          Go write 256 bytes
         ldx   OS9SECT,u      Get real sector buffer
WRDC1    bsr   WRSEC          Go write 256 bytes

* dropped the code to send two crc bytes - the routine
* that reads the card to see if the $E5 response is given
* also sends data, so no separate crc code is needed

         lda   #$E5           Response - Data accepted tolken
         lbsr  CHKRF          Check for correct response
         lbcs  EWRITE         Write error

         lda   #$FF           Response - Card complete with write
         lbsr  CHKRF          Check for correct response
         lbcs  EWRITE         Write error

         leax  CMD13,pcr      Get check status command
         lda   #$00           Expected response
         lbsr  SNDCF          Go send the command (cmd13)
         lbcs  EWRITE         Write error
         lbsr  CHKRF          Check for correct response
         lbcs  EWRITE         Write error

         leax  CMD171,pcr     Get command to change sector to 256
         lda   #$00           Expected response
         lbsr  SNDCF          Go send the command (cmd17-1)
         lbcs  ENOTRDY        Not ready
         lbsr  WREXIT         Clean exit

* End of write sector routine

* WRSEC - Write a single 256 byte sector to the MMC
* Entry: Y=MMC data port address
*        X=Sector location to copy from
         IFNE  SMALLC
WRSEC    clrb                 Loop counter
WRLP1    lda   ,x+            Get data byte
         sta   ,y             Store data byte
         bne   WRLP1          Keep looping?
         rts                  Return


WRSEC    leax  15,x
         lda   #8             Number of loops to run
         pshs  a              Used for loop counter
WRBLK1   ldd   -15,x          Get 2 bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 1
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 2
         ldd   -13,x          Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 3
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 4
         ldd   -11,x          Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 5
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 6
         ldd   -9,x           Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 7
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 8
         ldd   -7,x           Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 9
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 10
         ldd   -5,x           Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 11
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 12
         ldd   -3,x           Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 13
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 14
         ldd   -1,x           Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 15
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 16
         ldd   1,x            Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 17
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 18
         ldd   3,x            Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 19
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 20
         ldd   5,x            Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 21
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 22
         ldd   7,x            Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 23
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 24
         ldd   9,x            Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 25
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 26
         ldd   11,x           Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 27
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 28
         ldd   13,x           Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 29
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 30
         ldd   15,x           Get 2 more bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 31
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 32
         leax  32,x           Add 32 bytes
         dec   ,s             Loop counter 
         bne   WRBLK1         Loop back and do it again
         puls  a,pc           Clean stack, return


* End of WRSEC subroutine

* INITCRD : Init a single card
* Entry: Y=MMC data port address
*        MDN,u = card number (1..X)
* Registers preserved
INITCRD  pshs  d,x

         lda   #MMCCSB        Change MMC clock to slow speed
         sta   MMCCRO,y       Write slow speed bit
         lda   #CRDPULS       Clock pulses needed to init cards

* Per MMC spec - before any commands are sent to the card 80 clock
* pulses must be sent at a speed of less than 400k.  After init
* is complete we will use the full speed of 3.56 Mhz.  This is the
* clock speed of the serial shift.  8 cycles at 3.56 Mhz are required
* to complete the SPI transfer.

ICLKPL1  tst   ,y             Send 8 clock pulses to card
         lbsr  DLYSTRT        Call our delay routine
         deca                 Loop counter
         bne   ICLKPL1        Loop until all clocks done

         lda   MDN,u          Get card number
         ora   #MMCCSB        Select slow clock bit
         sta   MMCCRO,y       Write to MMC control register slow speed

         leax  CMD0,pcr       x = cmd0 address
         lda   #$01           Response
         lbsr  SNDCS          Go send the command w/ delay
         lbcs  INITCE1        This card is not ready exit

         ldb   #20            Number of times to send CMD1 before error
INCMD1L  leax  CMD1,pcr       Load address into x for cmd1
         lda   #$00           Expected response
         lbsr  SNDCS          Go send the command (cmd1)
         bcc   INC1C          We got our response, continue
         decb                 Loop counter
         bne   INCMD1L        Keep trying to get a response of 0
         lbcs  INITCE1        This card is not ready exit

INC1C    lda   MDN,u          Get card number
         sta   MMCCRO,y       Write to MMC control register full speed

         leax  CMD171,pcr     Get command to change sector to 256 bytes
         lda   #$00           Expected response
         lbsr  SNDCF          Go send the command (cmd17-1) w/o delay
         bcs   INITCE1        Error changing to 256 byte sector

         clrb                 No error
         puls d,x,pc          Clean exit

INITCE1  comb                 Error, we could not init card
         puls d,x,pc

* End of INITCRD

* READ - Read a single 256 byte sector.  Uses GREAD to get the 
*        sector into memory
READ     stb   RCMDBLK+1,u    Save LSN
         stx   RCMDBLK+2,u    Save LSN

         leax  0,x            Check for LSN0
         bne   RDS1          
         tstb                 Check for LSN0
         bne   RDS1
         inc   LSN0,u         Set LSN0 Flag                  

RDS1     lda   PD.DRV,y       Get drive # requested
         inca                 Set drive number correctly
         sta   MDN,u          Save drive number

         ldx   PD.BUF,y       Get physical sector buffer pointer
         stx   SECTPNT,u      Store the sector buffer location

         ldy   V.PORT,u       Get MMC base port address

         bsr   GREAD          Get our sector
         lbcs  EREAD          Exit with read error

         tst   LSN0,u         Is this LSN0?
         beq   RDEX1          Complete - return
         lbsr  LSN0PROC       Process LSN0 information

RDEX1    clrb                 Set no errors
         clr   MMCCRO,y       Deselect any cards in use
         rts                  Read complete with no errors

* End of READ

* Send a command string to the MMC (6 bytes) w/o delay
* Can be called as SNDCF for sending command and checking status
* or just CHKRF can be called to see if the card returns the 
* correct response
* Entry: X = Pointer to command string to send
*        Y = MMC Command data port
*        A = Used for loop and not preserved
         IFNE  SMALLC

         pshs  d,x            Save regs
         ldb   #$06           Loop amount
SNDCFL1  lda   ,x+            Get command byte
         sta   ,y             Save byte to card
         decb                 Loop counter
         bne   SNDCFL1        Keep looping?
         puls  d,x            Restore regs


         pshs  d              Save regs
         ldd   ,x             Get command bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 1
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 2
         ldd   2,x            Get command bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 3
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 4
         ldd   4,x            Get command bytes
         sta   ,y             Save byte 5
         nop                  Delay to complete SPI transfer
         stb   ,y             Save byte 6
         puls  d              Restore regs


* Try to quickly get a response from the MMC.  128 loops
* is only a guess as to how long an average command response
* might be.  After the 128 loops it is obvious that the card
* may need more time to process the command (such as a write)
* command.  At that point we sleep for 1 tick to give the 
* card time to complete the request.  Then try another 255 times
* to get the response before we return an error.
* 6-24-03 JMH - Found something interesting in NLevel2 V030102 
* testing last night.  The MMC would not initialize aparently
* based on the LED pattern being displayed.  Level2 OS9 is able
* to use this driver without problems.  As I think about it more
* it might be the fact that in 6309 mode the CPU is able to 
* execute instructions faster and so it is stepping on the 
* spi shift.
* 6-24-03 JMH - Moved pshs x lower into subroutine to save
* some time if a sleep is not needed then there is no reason
* to pshs x and puls x.

CHKRF    pshs  d              Save regs
         clrb                 Number of loops

CHKRFL1  cmpa  ,y
         beq   CHKRFG         Got our response
         cmpa  ,y
         beq   CHKRFG         Got our response
         decb                 Loop counter 
         bne   CHKRFL1        Keep looping?

* This sleep should only occur when writing to the card
         pshs  x              Save x for later
         ldx   #1             Sleep for remainder of this tick
         os9   F$Sleep        Wait for card
         puls  x              Restore

         clrb                 Number of loops = 256
CHKRFL2  cmpa  ,y
         beq   CHKRFG         Got our response
         decb                 Loop counter
         bne   CHKRFL2        Keep looping?
CHKRFB   comb                 Set error state
         puls  d,pc           Cleanup/Return
CHKRFG   clrb                 Set no error
         puls  d,pc           Cleanup/Return

* GREAD - New generic read subroutine.  Requires:
*         MDN,u = drive number
*         SECTPNT,u = location to copy sector to
*         Y = V.port,u (MMC base port address)
         lda   MDN,u
         sta   MMCCRO,y       Select MMC

         lda   ,y             Burn a byte - bug fix

         lda   #$FF           Expected card response
         bsr   CHKRF          Go check for response byte
         bcc   RDN1           Is card ready?  If yes continue

         lbsr  INITCRD        Try and initialize the card requested
         lbcs  ENOTRDY        Not ready - no card found in slot

         lda   MDN,u          Get drive number
         sta   MMCCRO,y       Write to MMC control register

RDN1     leax  RCMDBLK,u      Read command block
         lda   #$00           Expected response
         bsr   SNDCF          Send this command without delay
         bcc   RDN2           If command did not generate err continue

         lbsr  INITCRD        Try and initialize the card requested
         lbcs  ENOTRDY        Not ready

         lda   MDN,u          Get drive number again
         sta   MMCCRO,y       Set card selected at full speed

         leax  RCMDBLK,u      Read command block
         lda   #$00           Expected response - cmd accepted
         bsr   SNDCF          Send this command without delay
         lbcs  ENOTRDY        Not ready

RDN2     lda   #$FE           Expected response start of sector
         bsr   CHKRF          Check for response
         lbcs  EREAD          Read Error

         ldx   SECTPNT,u      We need to get the sector buffer to use
         bsr   RDSEC          Go read the sector

         clrb                 Set no errors

* RDSEC - Read a single 256 byte sector from the MMC + 2 CRC bytes
* Entry: Y=MMC data port address
*        X=Sector location to copy to
         IFNE  SMALLC
RDSEC    pshs  x              Save x
         clrb                 Loop counter
RDLP1    lda   ,y             Get data byte
         sta   ,x+            Store data byte
         bne   RDLP1          Keep looping?
*         ldd   ,y             Get CRC bytes
*         lda   ,y             Get CRC bytes
         puls  x,pc           Restore/return


* Using a 5 bit offset only adds 1 cycle to each of the STD instructs.
* incrementing the X index register each time by ++ adds 3 instructions
* so this saves 2 cycles for every 2 bytes transfered.  2 cycles * 16 
* STD instructions = 32 saved cycles per loop or 256 cycles per sector
* read.  This loop uses about 1900 cycles to complete. A simple lda
* sta single byte move loop takes about 3900 cycles to complete.  This
* is a more than 50% increase in speed for this loop (this is where
* the driver uses the most CPU time).  6309 users note! a TFM will not
* work because you need AT LEAST 4 coco (regardless of the CoCo's actual
* speed) cycles between data port access for the SPI cycle to complete.  
* If a write or read occurs during the four cycles
* after a byte is read/wrote to the SPI data port then the data
* transfer will be corrupted.  

RDSEC    leax  15,x           Move to the middle of the 32 byte block
         lda   #8             Number of loops to run
         pshs  a              Used for loop
RDLP1    ldd   ,y             Load byte 1
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 2
         std   -15,x          Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 3
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 4
         std   -13,x          Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 5
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 6
         std   -11,x          Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 7
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 8
         std   -9,x           Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 9
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 10
         std   -7,x           Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 11
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 12
         std   -5,x           Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 13
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 14
         std   -3,x           Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 15
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 16
         std   -1,x           Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 17
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 18
         std   1,x            Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 19
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 20
         std   3,x            Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 21
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 22
         std   5,x            Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 23
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 24
         std   7,x            Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 25
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 26
         std   9,x            Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 27
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 28
         std   11,x           Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 29
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 30
         std   13,x           Store two bytes
         ldd   ,y             Load byte 31
         ldb   ,y             Load byte 32
         std   15,x           Store two bytes
         leax  32,x           Add 32 bytes
         dec   ,s             Loop counter 
         bne   RDLP1          Loop back and do it again

* Eliminated the code to pull two CRC bytes from the card.
* The routine that checks for the correct response will 
* extract these two bytes from the MMC

*         ldd   ,y             Get 1 byte of CRC data from card
*         ldb   ,y             Get 1 byte of CRC data from card

         puls  a,pc


* End of RDSEC subroutine

         ldb   #E$NotRdy      Not ready

         ldb   #E$Write       Write error

         ldb   #E$Read        Read error

* Added to handle things that need to occur if an error occurs
* 1. Select the card (may already be selected)
* 2. Send command to change sector size back to 256 bytes
* 3. Clear the LSN0 flag (may already be cleared)
* 4. Deselect all cards.

ERREXIT  lda   MDN,u          Get drive number
         sta   MMCCRO,y       Select card (in case not selected)
         leax  CMD171,pcr     Get command to change sector to 256 bytes
         lda   #$00           Expected response
         lbsr  SNDCF          Go send the command (cmd17-1) w/o delay

         clr   lsn0,u         Clear LSN0 flag if set
         clr   MMCCRO,y       Deselect any cards

eom      equ   *