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view 3rdparty/utils/view/view_pals.a @ 1927:8234be91628d
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author | boisy |
date | Sat, 26 Nov 2005 16:36:39 +0000 |
parents | 37fd74e6fad8 |
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* * Palette operations: * * palconv: 16 3-byte palette specs (R, G, B for each color) * is converted into CoCo format palette info. * palscale: 16 3-byte palette specs are scaled so largest coordinate * is 255. * setpals: Set palettes from data in "palette" global buffer * docycle: Cycle palettes * dorotate: Rotate through one palette slot * cmpconv: Convert "palette" buffer from Composite color to RGB color * ifp1 use os9defs.d endc StdOut equ 1 psect view_pals_a,0,0,0,0,0 scaletable fcb $00,$ff,$80,$55 fcb $40,$33,$2b,$24 fcb $20,$1c,$1a,$17 fcb $15,$14,$12,$11 palscale: pshs a,b,x,y,u palscale1 bsr findmax First, rotate down so largest is <16 cmpa #15 bls palscale2 bsr divide bra palscale1 palscale2 leax scaletable,pcr Get multiplier for scaling. ldb a,x pshs b leax palette,y Now scale each 4-bit palette value to 8 bits. ldb #48 The chosen multiplier should make the highest pshs b palette value be 255 (or at least close). palscale3 ldb ,x lda 1,s mul cmpd #$100 Truncate to $ff. blo palscale4 ldb #$ff palscale4 stb ,x+ dec ,s bne palscale3 puls d Clean up stack. puls a,b,x,y,u,pc * Divide each palette coordinate by 2 divide pshs b,x leax palette,y ldb #48 divide1 lda ,x lsra sta ,x+ decb bne divide1 puls b,x,pc * Return largest palette coordinate in A. findmax pshs b,x leax palette,y ldb #48 clra findmax1 cmpa ,x+ bhs findmax2 lda -1,x findmax2 decb bne findmax1 puls b,x,pc palconv: pshs a,b,x,u,y leax palette,y leau pctable,pcr leay palette,y ldb #16 Number of bytes to deal with palconvloop clra bsr pcsub Add one color component into A. bsr pcsub bsr pcsub sta ,y+ decb bne palconvloop puls a,b,x,u,y,pc pctable fcb 0,1,8,9 pcsub pshs b pshs a clrb pshs b ldb ,x+ clra pcsloop cmpd #42 ble pcsend inc ,s subd #85 bra pcsloop pcsend puls b puls a lsla ora b,u puls b,pc * * Set up palette registers * setpals: pshs x leax palette,y bsr setpal puls x,pc vsect dp currot rmb 1 endsect vsect setpCom rmb 64 Space for 16 Set Palette commands. curpals rmb 16 endsect setpal pshs a,b,x,y,u leau curpals,y leay setpCom,y pshs y clrb setloop lda #$1b sta ,y+ Set palette command is $1b $31 <pal#> <value> lda #$31 sta ,y+ stb ,y+ Put palette number in. lda ,x+ Get palette value. sta ,u+ Copy it to curpals storage. sta ,y+ Put palette value in. incb cmpb #16 bne setloop puls x Pull address of command string. lda <outpath ldy #64 OS9 I$Write lbcs _error puls a,b,x,y,u,pc * * Rotate palletes down, from cyclestart to cycleend * docycle: pshs a,b,x leax curpals,y ldb <cycleend cmpb <cyclestart bls rollcycle Unreasonable limits? If so, end. leax b,x lda ,x pshs a rollloop lda ,-x sta 1,x decb cmpb <cyclestart bne rollloop puls a sta ,x leax curpals,y bsr setpal rollcycle puls a,b,x,pc vsect onepal fcb $1b,$31,0,0 endsect dorotate: pshs a,b,x,y,u leax onepal,y ldb <extranum If no extra pals to rotate, don't beq dorotend ldb currot Get current rotation value. incb cmpb <extranum Should we wrap? blo dorot clrb Yes, wrap to zero. dorot stb currot leau extrapals,y Get new palette value. lda b,u ldb <extraslot Set up palette command. stb 2,x Store palette number sta 3,x Store color leau curpals,y Store it into correct palette slot. sta b,u ldy #4 lda <outpath os9 I$Write lbcs _error dorotend puls a,b,x,y,u,pc cmpconv: pshs a,b,x,u leax palette,y leau cmptable,pcr ldb #16 cmploop lda ,x lda a,u sta ,x+ decb bne cmploop puls a,b,x,u,pc cmptable fcb 00,02,02,06,00,04,33,32 From Greg Law. fcb 32,45,05,09,13,08,01,00 fcb 07,16,18,21,20,34,38,36 fcb 37,44,40,42,11,15,10,27 fcb 56,23,19,49,48,55,38,39 fcb 37,46,47,41,11,25,24,26 fcb 58,63,50,51,62,52,53,60 fcb 60,46,61,61,57,59,58,63 endsect