view 3rdparty/packages/os9l2bbs/cmds/At.asm @ 2679:8243b6c181b4 lwtools-port

Remove bogus immediate mode specifier.
author William Astle <>
date Sun, 10 Jun 2012 14:35:27 -0600
parents f87ec0b216c8
line wrap: on
line source

           nam    At
           ttl    program module

           use    defsfile

tylg       set    Prgrm+Objct
atrv       set    ReEnt+rev
rev        set    $01

           mod    eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

cntr_1     rmb    1
digit      rmb    1
U0002      rmb    1
U0003      rmb    1
U0004      rmb    2
Param      rmb    2
RunTime    rmb    5
CurTime    rmb    5
stack      rmb    401
size       equ    .

name       fcs    /At/                                                  * 000D 41 F4          At

Usage      fcc    "Usage is: At YY/MM/DD HH:MM <commandline>"           * 000F 55 73 61 67 65 20 69 73 3A 20 41 74 20 59 59 2F 4D 4D 2F 44 44 20 48 48 3A 4D 4D 20 3C 63 6F 6D 6D 61 6E 64 6C 69 6E 65 3E Usage is: At YY/MM/DD HH:MM <commandline>
           fcb    $0D                                                   * 0038 0D             .

Sched      fcc    "Event scheduled"                                     * 0039 45 76 65 6E 74 20 73 63 68 65 64 75 6C 65 64 Event scheduled
           fcb    $0D                                                   * 0048 0D             .

Shell      fcc    "Shell"                                               * 0049 53 68 65 6C 6C Shell
           fcb    $0D                                                   * 004E 0D             .

* Signal intercept routine
Icpt       cmpb   #S$Abort                                              * 004F C1 02          A.
           lbeq   ErrExit    * Exit with keyboard abort                 * 0051 10 27 00 B3    .'.3
           cmpb   #S$Intrpt                                             * 0055 C1 03          A.
           lbeq   ErrExit    * Exit with keyboard interrupt             * 0057 10 27 00 AD    .'.-
           rti               * Ignore all other signals                 * 005B 3B             ;

* at mm/dd/yy hh:mm <command line to exec>
* executes the command line once at the specified date and time

* at 00/00/00 hh:mm <command line to exec>
* executes the command line each day at the specified time

start      pshs   X          * Save X                                   * 005C 34 10          4.
           leax   >Icpt,PC   * Point to the intercept handler           * 005E 30 8D FF ED    0..m
           os9    F$Icpt     * Set up the signal intercept handler      * 0062 10 3F 09       .?.
           puls   X          * Restore X                                * 0065 35 10          5.

           leay   RunTime,U  * Get the time to run                      * 0067 31 48          1H
           lda    #5         * Compare 5 bytes (YY/MM/DD HH:MM)         * 0069 86 05          ..
           sta    cntr_1,U   * Store the counter                        * 006B A7 C4          'D

L006D      lbsr   Parse      * Parse a byte                             * 006D 17 00 9B       ...
           stb    ,Y+        * Store it in the run time                 * 0070 E7 A0          g
           dec    cntr_1,U   * Decrement the counter                    * 0072 6A C4          jD
           bne    L006D      * Parse the next byte                      * 0074 26 F7          &w

* Treat the remainder of the command line
* as the command line to exec
           stx    Param,U                                               * 0076 AF 46          /F

* Write "Event scheduled" to the output path
           leax   >Sched,PC                                             * 0078 30 8D FF BD    0..=
           ldy    #200                                                  * 007C 10 8E 00 C8    ...H
           lda    #1                                                    * 0080 86 01          ..
           os9    I$WritLn                                              * 0082 10 3F 8C       .?.

ChkTime    leax   CurTime,U                                             * 0085 30 4D          0M
           os9    F$Time     * Get the current time                     * 0087 10 3F 15       .?.
           ldb    #5                                                    * 008A C6 05          F.
           leay   RunTime,U  * Get the time to run                      * 008C 31 48          1H
           lda    0,Y        * Get the year                             * 008E A6 A4          &$
           bne    ChkTime2   * Check the date and time if not zero      * 0090 26 0E          &.
           lda    $01,Y      * Get the month                            * 0092 A6 21          &!
           bne    ChkTime2   * Check the date and time if not zero      * 0094 26 0A          &.
           lda    $02,Y      * Get the day                              * 0096 A6 22          &"
           bne    ChkTime2   * Check the date and time if not zero      * 0098 26 06          &.
           leay   $03,Y      * Point to the time portion                * 009A 31 23          1#
           leax   $03,X      * Point to the time portion                * 009C 30 03          0.
           ldb    #2         * Compare the hour and minute              * 009E C6 02          F.

* Compare the run time or the run date+time with the current date or current date+time
ChkTime2   lda    ,X+        * Get a time byte                          * 00A0 A6 80          &.
           cmpa   ,Y+        * Do the date/time match?                  * 00A2 A1 A0          !
           bne    Sleep      * No match, so sleep for a while           * 00A4 26 05          &.
           decb              * Decrement the counter                    * 00A6 5A             Z
           bne    ChkTime2   * Check the next byte                      * 00A7 26 F7          &w
           bra    DoShell    * It's time, shell the parameter           * 00A9 20 08           .

* Sleep for 60 ticks
Sleep      ldx    #60                                                   * 00AB 8E 00 3C       ..<
           os9    F$Sleep                                               * 00AE 10 3F 0A       .?.
           bra    ChkTime                                               * 00B1 20 D2           R

DoShell    ldx    Param,U    * Point to the parameter                   * 00B3 AE 46          .F
           clrb              * Clear the counter                        * 00B5 5F             _

* Loop until we find CR in the parameter string
DoShell2   incb              * Increment the counter                    * 00B6 5C             \
           lda    ,X+        * Get the next character                   * 00B7 A6 80          &.
           cmpa   #13        * Is it a CR?                              * 00B9 81 0D          ..
           bne    DoShell2   * No, loop until we find CR                * 00BB 26 F9          &y

           clra              * Clear the most significant byte          * 00BD 4F             O
           tfr    D,Y        * Size of the parameter area               * 00BE 1F 02          ..
           leax   >Shell,PC  * Get the address of the module name       * 00C0 30 8D FF 85    0...
           pshs   U          * Save U                                   * 00C4 34 40          4@
           ldu    Param,U    * Point to the parameters to the shell     * 00C6 EE 46          nF
           lda    #Prgrm+Objct * Type/Language code                       * 00C8 86 11          ..
           ldb    #3         * Set the optional data area to 3 pages    * 00CA C6 03          F.
           os9    F$Fork     * Fork the shell                           * 00CC 10 3F 03       .?.

           puls   U          * Restore U                                * 00CF 35 40          5@
           lbcs   ErrExit    * Exit on error                            * 00D1 10 25 00 33    .%.3

           os9    F$Wait     * Wait for shell to exit                   * 00D5 10 3F 04       .?.
           lbcs   ErrExit    * Exit on error                            * 00D8 10 25 00 2C    .%.,

           leay   RunTime,U  * Get the time to run                      * 00DC 31 48          1H
           lda    0,Y        * Get the year                             * 00DE A6 A4          &$
           bne    Exit       * It's not zero so exit                    * 00E0 26 25          &%
           lda    $01,Y      * Get the month                            * 00E2 A6 21          &!
           bne    Exit       * It's not zero so exit                    * 00E4 26 21          &!
           lda    $02,Y      * Get the day                              * 00E6 A6 22          &"
           bne    Exit       * It's not zero so exit                    * 00E8 26 1D          &.

           leax   CurTime,U                                             * 00EA 30 4D          0M
           os9    F$Time     * Get the current time                     * 00EC 10 3F 15       .?.
           lda    $04,X      * Get the minute                           * 00EF A6 04          &.
           sta    U0002,U    * Store it in the data area                * 00F1 A7 42          'B

Wait       ldx    #60                                                   * 00F3 8E 00 3C       ..<
           os9    F$Sleep    * Sleep for 60 ticks                       * 00F6 10 3F 0A       .?.
           leax   CurTime,U                                             * 00F9 30 4D          0M
           os9    F$Time     * Get the current time                     * 00FB 10 3F 15       .?.
           lda    $04,X                                                 * 00FE A6 04          &.
           cmpa   U0002,U    * Have we slept enough?                    * 0100 A1 42          !B
           beq    Wait       * No, sleep some more                      * 0102 27 EF          'o
           lbra   ChkTime    * Check the time again                     * 0104 16 FF 7E       ..~

Exit       clrb              * Clear the error flag...                  * 0107 5F             _
ErrExit    os9    F$Exit     * ... and exit                             * 0108 10 3F 06       .?.

* Y = U0008
* A = 5
* U0000 = 5
Parse      pshs   Y          * Save Y                                   * 010B 34 20          4

* Find the first character in the date/time string
FindDate   lda    ,X+        * Get the next character                   * 010D A6 80          &.
           cmpa   #13        * Is it a CR?                              * 010F 81 0D          ..
           lbeq   ShowHelp   * Yes, invalid command line parameters     * 0111 10 27 00 AD    .'.-
           cmpa   #48        * Is it less than '0'?                     * 0115 81 30          .0
           bcs    FindDate   * Yes, skip this character                 * 0117 25 F4          %t
           cmpa   #57        * Is it greater than '9'?                  * 0119 81 39          .9
           bhi    FindDate   * Yes, skip this character                 * 011B 22 F0          "p
           leax   -$01,X     * Back to the start of the date/time string * 011D 30 1F          0.

* Find the last digit of the year
Loop       lda    ,X+        * Get the character at X                   * 011F A6 80          &.
           cmpa   #48        * Is it less than '0'?                     * 0121 81 30          .0
           bcs    L012B      * Yes, jump                                * 0123 25 06          %.
           cmpa   #57        * Is it greater than '9'?                  * 0125 81 39          .9
           bhi    L012B      * Yes, jump                                * 0127 22 02          ".
           bra    Loop       * Repeat for the next character            * 0129 20 F4           t

L012B      pshs   X          * Save X                                   * 012B 34 10          4.
           leax   -$01,X     * Back up to the last digit                * 012D 30 1F          0.
           clr    U0002,U                                               * 012F 6F 42          oB
           clr    U0003,U                                               * 0131 6F 43          oC
           ldd    #1                                                    * 0133 CC 00 01       L..
           std    U0004,U                                               * 0136 ED 44          mD

PrsNum     lda    ,-X        * Get a digit                              * 0138 A6 82          &.
           cmpa   #48        * Is it less than '0'?                     * 013A 81 30          .0
           bcs    Return     * Yes, invalid digit                       * 013C 25 2E          %.
           cmpa   #57        * Is it greater than '9'?                  * 013E 81 39          .9
           bhi    Return     * Yes, invalid digit                       * 0140 22 2A          "*

           suba   #48        * Convert it to a number                   * 0142 80 30          .0
           sta    digit,U    * Store the number                         * 0144 A7 41          'A
           ldd    #0         * Clear D                                  * 0146 CC 00 00       L..

* Convert nn to a binary number
L0149      tst    digit,U    * Is the digit zero?                       * 0149 6D 41          mA
           beq    L0153      * Yes, don't do the math                   * 014B 27 06          '.
           addd   U0004,U    * Add 1                                    * 014D E3 44          cD
           dec    digit,U    * Decrement the digit                      * 014F 6A 41          jA
           bra    L0149      * And round again                          * 0151 20 F6           v

L0153      addd   U0002,U                                               * 0153 E3 42          cB
           std    U0002,U                                               * 0155 ED 42          mB
           lda    #10                                                   * 0157 86 0A          ..
           sta    digit,U                                               * 0159 A7 41          'A
           ldd    #0                                                    * 015B CC 00 00       L..

L015E      tst    digit,U    * Have we reached zero?                    * 015E 6D 41          mA
           beq    L0168      * Yes, jump out of the loop                * 0160 27 06          '.
           addd   U0004,U    * Add 10 to D                              * 0162 E3 44          cD
           dec    digit,U    * Decrement the digit                      * 0164 6A 41          jA
           bra    L015E      * And round again                          * 0166 20 F6           v

L0168      std    U0004,U    * Store the translated number              * 0168 ED 44          mD
           bra    PrsNum     * Back to the top                          * 016A 20 CC           L

Return     ldd    U0002,U                                               * 016C EC 42          lB
           puls   X          * Restore X                                * 016E 35 10          5.
           puls   PC,Y       * Restore Y and return                     * 0170 35 A0          5

* I can't find any code paths that reach here
unused     std    U0002,U                                               * 0172 ED 42          mB
           lda    #48                                                   * 0174 86 30          .0
           sta    0,X                                                   * 0176 A7 84          '.
           sta    $01,X                                                 * 0178 A7 01          '.
           sta    $02,X                                                 * 017A A7 02          '.
           sta    $03,X                                                 * 017C A7 03          '.
           sta    $04,X                                                 * 017E A7 04          '.
           ldd    #10000                                                * 0180 CC 27 10       L'.
           std    U0004,U                                               * 0183 ED 44          mD
           ldd    U0002,U                                               * 0185 EC 42          lB
           lbsr   unused_1                                              * 0187 17 00 29       ..)
           ldd    #1000                                                 * 018A CC 03 E8       L.h
           std    U0004,U                                               * 018D ED 44          mD
           ldd    U0002,U                                               * 018F EC 42          lB
           bsr    unused_1                                              * 0191 8D 20          .
           ldd    #100                                                  * 0193 CC 00 64       L.d
           std    U0004,U                                               * 0196 ED 44          mD
           ldd    U0002,U                                               * 0198 EC 42          lB
           bsr    unused_1                                              * 019A 8D 17          ..
           ldd    #10                                                   * 019C CC 00 0A       L..
           std    U0004,U                                               * 019F ED 44          mD
           ldd    U0002,U                                               * 01A1 EC 42          lB
           bsr    unused_1                                              * 01A3 8D 0E          ..
           ldd    #1                                                    * 01A5 CC 00 01       L..
           std    U0004,U                                               * 01A8 ED 44          mD
           ldd    U0002,U                                               * 01AA EC 42          lB
           bsr    unused_1                                              * 01AC 8D 05          ..
           lda    #13                                                   * 01AE 86 0D          ..
           sta    0,X                                                   * 01B0 A7 84          '.
           rts                                                          * 01B2 39             9

unused_1   subd   U0004,U                                               * 01B3 A3 44          #D
           bcs    unused_2                                              * 01B5 25 04          %.
           inc    0,X                                                   * 01B7 6C 84          l.
           bra    unused_1                                              * 01B9 20 F8           x

unused_2   addd   U0004,U                                               * 01BB E3 44          cD
           std    U0002,U                                               * 01BD ED 42          mB
           leax   $01,X                                                 * 01BF 30 01          0.
           rts                                                          * 01C1 39             9

* Print the usage syntax and exit
ShowHelp   leax   >Usage,PC                                             * 01C2 30 8D FE 49    0.~I
           ldy    #200                                                  * 01C6 10 8E 00 C8    ...H
           lda    #1                                                    * 01CA 86 01          ..
           os9    I$WritLn                                              * 01CC 10 3F 8C       .?.
           clrb                                                         * 01CF 5F             _
           os9    F$Exit                                                * 01D0 10 3F 06       .?.

eom        equ    *