view level1/cmds/minted.asm @ 2953:8450cdb44df7

coyota: Make disk image
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sun, 09 Feb 2014 21:44:21 +0100
parents 41a6f70d842d
line wrap: on
line source

* MinTED Minimalist Text Editor for OS-9 6809
* This is freeware and open source. Use it as you wish. 
* 2013 Luis Antoniosi

			nam		MinTED
			ttl		MinTED for OS-9 6809
			; 2013 Luis Antoniosi

			 use   defsfile
tylg		set		Prgrm+Objct   
atrv		set		ReEnt+rev
rev			set		$03
edition		set		1
			mod		eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

			org		0
undo_item		struct
previous		rmb		2
next			rmb		2
scrline			rmb		2
cx				rmb		1
cy				rmb		1
key				rmb		1
topstr			rmb		2
			org		0

sgn_code	rmb		1			
cx			rmb		1
cy			rmb		1
tcx			rmb		1
key			rmb		1
edited		rmb		1
width		rmb		2
height		rmb		2
cntlin		rmb		2			
curstr		rmb		2		; temp cur str
curptr		rmb		2		; temp cur ptr
topstr		rmb		2		; top screen current string
topptr		rmb		2		; top screen string pointer
topscr		rmb		2		;
curlen		rmb		2		; current string len
curmsiz		rmb		2		; current malloc size
gotocmd		rmb		3		; cursor locate cmd
malsize		rmb		2
remsize		rmb		2
delstr		rmb		2
renderall	rmb		1
currows		rmb		1

strlen		rmb		2
prevchar	rmb		1
curchar		rmb		1
strptr		rmb		2		; first string pointer
scrline		rmb		2		; current top screen line
curline		rmb		2		; current cursor screen line
scrlines	rmb		2		; total screen lines
undoptr		rmb		2		; undo first item
undoflag	rmb		1		;
termcap		rmb		1		; terminal capabilities
himem		rmb		2		; application high memory
bufsize		rmb		2		; buffer size
scrbuf		rmb		2		; screen buffer addr
scrsize		rmb		2		; screen buffer size
membuf		rmb		2		; memory buffer addr
memsize		rmb		2		; memory buffer size
memstart	rmb		2		; memory start chunck

oldecho		rmb		1		; original term echo3
oldalf		rmb		1		; original term auto line-feed
filepath	rmb		1		; file path number
argc		rmb		2		; number of args
optbuf   	rmb   	32		; SS/GS OPT buffer
filename	rmb		256		; filename
readbuf		rmb		256		; read buffer
args		rmb		256		; 128 max args
VAR_SIZE	equ		.		; work variables size
STACK_SIZE	equ		256		; reserved stack size

         IFEQ  Level-1
buffer		rmb		(20*1024-VAR_SIZE)
buffer		rmb		(54*1024-VAR_SIZE)

size		equ		.

stdin		equ		0
stdout		equ		1
stderr		equ		2		

K$Shift		equ		$10
K$Up		equ		$0c
K$Down		equ		$0a
K$Left		equ		$08
K$Right		equ		$09

K$ShiftUp	equ		$1c
K$ShiftDown	equ		$1a
K$ShiftLeft	equ		$18
K$ShiftRight	equ	$19

K$CtrlUp	equ		$13
K$CtrlDown	equ		$12
K$CtrlLeft	equ		$10
K$CtrlRight	equ		$11

K$CtrlK		equ		$0b
K$CtrlD		equ		$04
K$CtrlW		equ		$17
K$CtrlR		equ		$12
K$CtrlS		equ		$13
K$CtrlO		equ		$0f
K$CtrlG		equ		$07
K$CtrlU		equ		$15
VDG_CAP		equ		$00		; vdg defaul terminal
WIN_CAP		equ		$01		; window capabilities (Level 2)

name		fcs		/MinTED/
			fcb		edition
errPNNF		fcn		"Path Name not found"
errMF		fcn		"Memory full"
errRF		fcn		"Error reading file"
errWF		fcn		"Error writing file"
errBreak	fcn		" - press break"
msgConfirm	fcn		"Exit without saving (y/n)?"
msgSave		fcn		"Save file (y/n)?"
msgRename	fcn		"Rename/Save as: "
msgSaving	fcn		"Saving "
msgLineNo	fcn		"Go to line: "

msgHelp		fcc "Minted: Minimalist Text Editor"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Hot keys:"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Ctrl+S      = Save file"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Ctrl+R      = Rename file"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Ctrl+K      = Delete line"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Ctrl+D      = Duplicate line"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Ctrl+O      = Online help"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Ctrl+E      = Exit"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Ctrl+G      = Go to line"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Ctrl+U      = Undo"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Cursor Keys = Move cursor"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Shift+Left  = Delete left"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Shift+Right = Delete right"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Shift+Up    = Page up"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Shift+Down  = Page down"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcc	"Ctrl+Left   = Go to line begin"
			fcb	$0a,$0d
			fcn	"Ctrl+Right  = Go to line end"

brkpnt		rts

start		lbsr	_getargs
			lbsr	_init
			lbsr	_open
			tst		<filepath
			beq		@skip
			lbsr	_read
			lbsr	_close
@skip		lbsr	_cntlines
			lbsr	_renderall
			lbsr	_navigate
			lbsr	_cls
			lbsr	_curon
@end		lbra	_exit

_getargs	clr		argc,u
			clr		argc+1,u
			leay	args,u
@pre		tstb				; check arg string
			beq		@noargs		
			lda		,x+
			cmpa	#13			; linefeed ?
			beq		@endargs
			cmpa	#32 		; space delimiter ?
			beq		@pre
			leax	-1,x
			stx		,y++
			leax	1,x
			inc		argc+1,u	; inc arg count
@arg		tstb			
			beq		@endargs	; has ended ?
			lda		,x+
			cmpa	#13			; linefeed ?
			beq		@endargs	
			cmpa	#32 		; space delimiter ?
			bne		@arg
@endline	leax	-1,x
			clr		,x+			; set null termination
			bra		@pre
@endargs	clr		-1,x
@noargs		rts

_icept		stb		sgn_code,u
_init	    clr		sgn_code,u
			leax  	_icept,pcr
			os9   	F$Icpt   
			lbcs  	_abort

			lda		#stdin
			ldb		#SS.Opt
			leax	optbuf,u
			os9		I$GetStt
			lda		(PD.EKO-PD.OPT),x
			sta		oldecho,u
			clr		(PD.EKO-PD.OPT),x
			lda		(PD.ALF-PD.OPT),x
			sta		oldalf,u
			clr		(PD.ALF-PD.OPT),x
			lda		#stdin
			ldb		#SS.Opt
			leax	optbuf,u
			os9		I$SetStt
			lda		#1
			ldb		#SS.ScSiz
			os9		I$GetStt	; get screen dimensions
			lbcs	_abort
			stx		width,u
			sty		height,u	
			lda		width+1,u
			ldb		height+1,u
			std		scrsize,u	; compute screen size
			leax	buffer,u
			stx		scrbuf,u	
			leax	d,x
			stx		membuf,u	; compute memory buffer
			dec		height+1,u	;
			ldd		#0
			os9		F$Mem		; get memory boundaries
			lbcs	_abort
			leay	-STACK_SIZE,y
			sty		himem,u
			subd	#VAR_SIZE
			subd	#STACK_SIZE
			subd	scrsize,u
			std		bufsize,u	; compute buffer size

			lbsr	_meminit	; init memory manager
			lbsr	_strinit
			lda		#VDG_CAP
			sta		termcap,u
			lda		#1
			ldb		#SS.ScTyp
			os9		I$GetStt	; get screen dimensions
			lbcs	@nonwin
			lda		#WIN_CAP
			sta		termcap,u
@nonwin		rts
_deinit		pshs	a,b,x,y,cc
			leax	optbuf,u
			lda		oldecho,u
			sta		(PD.EKO-PD.OPT),x			
			lda		oldalf,u
			sta		(PD.ALF-PD.OPT),x			
			lda		#stdin
			ldb		#SS.Opt
			os9		I$SetStt
			lbsr	_curon
			puls	a,b,x,y,cc,pc

curoff		fcb		$05,$20
curon		fcb		$05,$21
clrlin		fcb		$0b
cls			fcb		$0c
home		fcb		$01				
insline		fcb		$1f,$30
delline		fcb		$1f,$31

_clrlin		pshs	a,b,x,y
			lda		#stdout
			leax	clrlin,pcr
			ldy		#1
			os9		I$Write		; turn off cursor
			lbcs	_abort
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc

_curon		pshs	a,b,x,y
			lda		#stdout
			leax	curon,pcr
			ldy		#2
			os9		I$Write		; turn off cursor
			lbcs	_abort
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc

_curoff		pshs	a,b,x,y
			lda		#stdout
			leax	curoff,pcr
			ldy		#2
			os9		I$Write		; turn off cursor
			lbcs	_abort
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc

_cls		pshs	a,b,x,y
			lda		#stdout
			leax	cls,pcr
			ldy		#1
			os9		I$Write		; turn off cursor
			lbcs	_abort
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc
_home		pshs	a,b,x,y
			lda		#stdout
			leax	home,pcr
			ldy		#1
			os9		I$Write		; turn off cursor
			lbcs	_abort
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc

_insline	tst		termcap
			bne		@l2
			clr		<renderall
			com		<renderall
@l2			pshs	a,b,x,y			
			lda		#stdout
			leax	insline,pcr
			ldy		#2
			os9		I$Write		; turn off cursor
			lbcs	_abort
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc

_delline	tst		termcap
			bne		@l2
			clr		<renderall
			com		<renderall
@l2			pshs	a,b,x,y
			lda		#stdout
			leax	delline,pcr
			ldy		#2
			os9		I$Write		; turn off cursor
			lbcs	_abort
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc
_exit		lbsr	_deinit
			ldd		#0
			os9		F$Exit   

_abort		lbsr	_deinit
			os9		F$Exit 
_error		leax	errPNNF,pcr
			cmpb	#E$PNNF
			beq		@print
			leax	errMF,pcr
			cmpb	#E$MemFul
			beq		@print
			leax	errRF,pcr
			cmpb	#E$Read
			beq		@print
			leax	errWF,pcr
			cmpb	#E$Write
			beq		@print			
			lbra	_abort
@print		lbsr	_cls
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	_gotoxy
			lbsr	_strlen
			tfr		d,y
			lda		#stdout
			os9		I$Write
			leax	errBreak,pcr
			lbsr	_strlen
			tfr		d,y
			lda		#stdout
			os9		I$Write
			clr		<sgn_code
@loop		ldb		<sgn_code
			cmpb	#S$Abort
			bne		@loop
			clr		<sgn_code
			lbsr	_renderall

_help		lbsr	_curoff
			lbsr	_cls
			leax	msgHelp,pcr
			lbsr	_strlen
			tfr		d,y
			lda		#stdout
			os9		I$Write		
			clr		<sgn_code
@loop		lda		#stdin
			ldy		#1
			leax	key,u
			os9		I$Read			
			ldb		<sgn_code
			cmpb	#S$Abort
			bne		@loop
			clr		<sgn_code
			lbsr	_renderall

_meminit	ldx		<membuf
			stx		<memstart
			clr		,x+
			clr		,x

; x address
; d new size
; return x: new block address			
_mrealloc	pshs	a,b,y
			leax	-2,x			; get memory header
			addd	#2				; add header size
			std		<malsize		; store new size
			ldd		,x				; get current size
			anda	#~$80
			cmpd	<malsize		; compare new size		
			lbeq	@end			; return if the same
			bcc		@split			; new size smaller, then split
			leay	d,x
			ldy		,y
			cmpy	#0
			beq		@endchain		; end of chain ?
			tfr		x,y				
			ldx		<malsize
			leax	-2,x			; adjust header size
			lbsr	_malloc			; otherwise make new allocation
			bcs		@fail
			subd	#2
			pshs	u,x,y
			leau	2,y				; old chunk data 
			tfr		d,y
@loop		lda		,u+
			sta		,x+
			leay	-1,y
			bne		@loop			; transfer data to new chunk
			puls	u,x,y
			exg		x,y
			leax	2,x
			lbsr	_mfree
			exg		x,y
			lbra	@ret			; return new address
@split		ldd		,x
			anda	#~$80
			leay	d,x				; get next chunk
			ldd		,y
*			cmpd	#0				; is the end of the chain ?
			beq		@endchain		
			ldd		,x
			anda	#~$80
			subd	<malsize
			cmpd	#8				; worth spliting it ?
			bmi		@end
			std		<remsize
			ldd		<malsize
			leay	d,x
			ora		#$80
			std		,x				; set new size
			ldd		<remsize		; restore remaining size
			std		,y				; set new chunk
			clra					; clear carry
			bra		@end			
@endchain	ldd		<malsize
			leay	d,x
			leay	2,y
			cmpy	<himem
			bcc		@outmem
			leay	-2,y
			ora		#$80
			std		,x
			clr		,y+
			clr		,y
			bra		@end
@fail		tfr		y,x	
@outmem		comb			
			leax	2,x
			puls	a,b,y,pc
@end		clrb
			leax	2,x
@ret		puls	a,b,y,pc

_malloc		pshs	a,b,y
			tfr		x,y
@try		lbsr	__malloc
			bcs		@memful
			puls	a,b,y,pc
@memful		ldd		<undoptr
			beq		@error
			lbsr	_undo_del
			tfr		y,x
			bra		@try
@error		comb
			puls	a,b,y,pc

; x block size
; return x: block address			
__malloc	pshs	a,b,y
			leax	2,x
			stx		<malsize
			ldx		<memstart
			ldd		,x			
@checkused	bita	#$80
			beq		@computesiz
@nextchunk	ldd		,x
			anda	#~$80
			leax	d,x
			ldd		,x
			bra		@checkused			
@computesiz	cmpd	#0
			beq		@endchain
			subd	<malsize
			bmi		@nextchunk
			cmpd	#8				; space for a small chunk ?
			bpl		@split
			ldd		,x
			ora		#$80
			sta		,x
			bra		@found
@split		std		<remsize		; remain size
			ldd		<malsize
			leay	d,x
			ora		#$80
			std		,x
			ldd		<remsize
			std		,y
			bra		@found
@endchain	ldd		<malsize
			leay	d,x
			leay	2,y
			cmpy	<himem
			bcc		@outmem
			leay	-2,y
			clr		,y+
			clr		,y
			ora		#$80
			std		,x			
			bra		@found
@outmem		ldx		#0
			bra		@end
@found		leax	2,x
@end		puls	a,b,y,pc	

; mfree 			
; x address
_mfree		pshs	a,b,x,y
			leax	-2,x
			ldd		,x
			anda	#~$80
			std		,x
			leay	d,x
			ldd		,y
			bita	#$80
			bne		@end
			addd	,x
			std		,x				; coalesce ajacent chunks
@end		puls	a,b,x,y,pc

; memcpy
; x tgt
; y src
; d size
_memcpy		pshs	a,b,x,y	
@loop		pshs	a
			lda		,y+
			sta		,x+
			puls	a
			subd	#1
			bne		@loop
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc	

; Strings manager
; Each string lies on a malloc chunk allocation and has a 4 byte header for:
; Prev str addr | Next str addr
; The maximum string size is inferred from the malloc struct. 
; The current string size is the null character on it.

_strinit	ldd		#0
			std		<strptr		; clears struct

; append string to the end of the chain
; x string size
; y previous string ptr
; return x : str ptr
_strapp		pshs	a,b,y
			leax	5,x
			cmpy	#0
			beq		@first
@next		ldd		2,y
			cmpd	#0
			beq		@last
			tfr		d,y
			bra		@next
@last		lbsr	_malloc
			bcs		@fail
			stx		2,y
			sty		,x
			clr		2,x
			clr		3,x
			clr		4,x
			clr		5,x
			puls 	a,b,y,pc
@first		lbsr	_malloc
			bcs		@fail
			ldd		#0
			std		,x
			std		2,x	
			std		4,x
			stx		<strptr
			puls 	a,b,y,pc
@fail		comb
			ldx		#0
			puls 	a,b,y,pc

; dettach the string
; x string ptr
_strdet		pshs	a,b,y
			ldy		,x			; previous
			ldd		2,x			; next
			cmpy	#0
			beq		@first
			std		2,y			; previous->next = next
			exg		d,y
			cmpy	#0
			beq		@free
			std		,y			; next->previous = previous
@free		puls 	a,b,y,pc
@first		std		<strptr		; strptr = next
			exg		d,y		
			cmpy	#0
			beq		@free
			std		,y			; next->previous = 0
			bra		@free			
; delete the string
; x string ptr
_strdel		pshs	a,b,y
			ldy		,x			; previous
			ldd		2,x			; next
			cmpy	#0
			beq		@first
			std		2,y			; previous->next = next
			exg		d,y
			cmpy	#0
			beq		@free
			std		,y			; next->previous = previous
@free		lbsr	_mfree
			puls 	a,b,y,pc
@first		std		<strptr		; strptr = next
			exg		d,y		
			cmpy	#0
			beq		@free
			std		,y			; next->previous = 0
			bra		@free			

; resize string
; x str ptr
; d new size			
; return x new str
_strres		pshs	a,b,y		
			addd	#5
			lbsr	_mrealloc
			bcs		@error
			ldy		,x 			; previous
			beq		@first
			stx		2,y			; previous->next = this
@next		ldy		2,x			; next
			beq		@last
			stx		,y			; next->previous = this
@last		puls	a,b,y,pc			
@first		stx		<strptr
			bra		@next
@error		puls	a,b,y,pc

; strlen 
; x str first char
; return d string len	
_strlen		pshs	x
			ldd		#0
@isnull		tst		,x+
			beq		@null
			addd	#1
			bra		@isnull
@null		puls	x,pc

; memcpy
; x tgt
; y src
_strcpy		pshs	a,x,y	
@loop		lda		,y+
			sta		,x+
			bne		@loop
			puls	a,x,y,pc	

_strrows	pshs	x,y
			ldy		#1
@wrap		ldb		<width+1
@isnull		lda		,x+
			beq		@null
			cmpa	#$0d
			beq		@null
			bne		@isnull
			leay	1,y
			bra		@wrap	
@null		tfr		y,d
			puls	x,y,pc				

; insert string of x size
; y previous string ptr
; return new x pointer
_strins		pshs	a,b,y
			leax	5,x
			lbsr	_malloc
			lbcs	@error
			ldd		#0
			std		,x
			std		2,x
			std		4,x
			sty		,x
			ldd		2,y
			stx		2,y
			std		2,x
			beq		@last
			tfr		d,y
			stx		,y
@last		lda		#1
			sta		4,x
@error		puls	y,a,b,pc
_reset		pshs	a,b,x,y
			ldd		#0
			lbsr	_meminit	; init memory manager
			lbsr	_strinit
			std		<curline
			std		<scrlines
			std		<undoptr
			std		<cx
			clr		<tcx
			clr		<renderall	
			clr		<undoflag
			ldd		#1
			std		<scrline
			clr		filename,u
			clr		<filepath
			clr		<edited
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc
_open		pshs	a,b,x,y
			lbsr	_reset
			ldd		argc,u
			cmpd	#0
			beq		@empty
			leax	filename,u
			ldy		args,u		; file name
			lbsr	_strcpy
			lda		#READ.
			os9		I$Open
			bcs		@error
			sta		<filepath
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc								
@error		lbsr	_error
@empty		comb
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc
_close		pshs	a,b,x,y
			lda		<filepath
			beq		@end
			os9		I$Close
			clr		<filepath
@end		puls	a,b,x,y,pc
@backspace	pshs	a,b
			ldd		<strlen
			beq		@end
			subd	#1
			std		<strlen
			ldx		<curstr
			leax	5,x
			leax	d,x
			clr		,x
@end		puls	a,b,pc
			cmpa	#$09
			beq		@tab
			cmpa	#$08
			beq		@backspace
			cmpa	#$0d
			beq		__appchar
			cmpa	#$20
			bcc		__appchar
_tab		set		0	
_stack		set		1
			pshs	a,b
			leas	-_stack,s
			ldb		<strlen+1
			andb	#$03
			stb		_tab,s
			ldb		#4
			subb	_tab,s
			lda		#32	
@loop		bsr		__appchar
			bne		@loop			
@skip		leas	_stack,s
			puls	a,b,pc
; append character to current string
; x string
; a char			
__appchar	pshs	a,b,x
			ldx		<curstr
			ldd		-2,x
			anda	#~$80
			subd	#7
			cmpd	<strlen
			bgt		@append			
			addd	#32
			lbsr	_strres
			bcs		@error
			stx		<curstr
			std		<curlen
@append		leax	5,x
			ldd		<strlen
			leax	d,x
			addd	#1
			std		<strlen
			lda		,s
			sta		<prevchar
			std		-1,x
@error		puls	a,b,x,pc

_read		pshs	a,b,x,y
			ldy		#0
			sty		<curstr
			clr		<prevchar
@read		lda		<filepath,u		
			ldb		#SS.EOF
			os9		I$GetStt
			lbcs	@eof
			ldy		#256
			leax	readbuf,u
			os9		I$Read
			lbcs	@error
			cmpy	#0
			lbeq	@eof
			tfr		y,d
			leay	readbuf,u		; y = readbuf
@nextlin	ldx		#256
			stx		<curlen
			pshs	y
			ldy		<curstr
			lbsr	_strapp			; append new line			
			puls	y
			lbcs	@outmem			
			stx		<curstr		; save current string
			leax	-2,x
			stx		<memstart
			ldx		#1
			stx		<strlen
@loop		lda		,y+
			cmpa	#$0a			; ignore NL			
			beq		@checkcr
			cmpa	#$0d
			beq		@newline			
@continue	lbsr	_appchar			
@skip		decb
			bne		@loop	
			lda		<filepath	
			ldb		#SS.EOF
			os9		I$GetStt	
			bcs		@eof			
			ldy		#256
			leax	readbuf,u
			os9		I$Read
			bcs		@error
			cmpy	#0
			lbeq	@eof
			tfr		y,d
			leay	readbuf,u		; y = readbuf
			bra		@loop
@newline	lbsr	_appchar			
			sta		<prevchar
			pshs	b
			ldx		<curstr
			ldd		<strlen
			lbsr	_strres			; resize trailing string
			puls	b
			bne		@nextlin	
			lbra	@read
@checkcr	sta		<curchar
			lda		<prevchar
			cmpa	#$0d
			beq	 	@skip
			lda		#$0d
			bra		@newline
@eof		ldx		<curstr
			ldd		<strlen
			addd	#1
			lbsr	_strres			; resize trailing string
			ldx		<membuf
			stx		<memstart
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc	
@outmem		ldb		#E$MemFul
@error		lbsr	_error			
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc


_cntlines	pshs	a,b,x,y
			ldx		#0
			stx		<scrlines
			ldy		<strptr
			cmpy	#0
			beq		@last
@next		pshs	y
			leay	5,y
			clr		<cntlin
@wrap		ldx		<scrlines
			leax	1,x
			stx		<scrlines
			inc		<cntlin
			ldx		width,u		
@count		ldb		,y+			
			beq		@endline
			cmpb	#$0d
			beq		@endline
			leax	-1,x
			beq		@wrap
			bra		@count		
@endline	puls	y
			lda		<cntlin
			sta		4,y
			ldd		2,y
			cmpd	#0
			beq		@last
			tfr		d,y
			bra		@next			
@last		ldd		<scrlines
			bne		@end
			ldy		#0				; insert empty line
			ldx		#16
			lbsr	_strapp
			lda		#1
			sta		4,x			
@end		puls	a,b,x,y,pc

_rename		pshs	a,b,x,y
@repeat		clra
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	_gotoxy
			lbsr	_clrlin
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	_gotoxy
			lbsr	_clrlin
			leax	msgRename,pcr
			lbsr	_strlen
			tfr		d,y
			lda		#stdout
			os9		I$Write
			leax	optbuf,u
			clr		(PD.EKO-PD.OPT),x
			com		(PD.EKO-PD.OPT),x
			lda		#stdin
			ldb		#SS.Opt
			os9		I$SetStt
			clr		<sgn_code		
			leax	readbuf,u
			ldy		#128
			lda		#stdin
			os9		I$ReadLn
			ldb		<sgn_code
			cmpb	#S$Abort
			beq		@abort
			cmpy	#0
			beq		@repeat
			cmpy	#1
			beq		@repeat
			tfr		y,d
			leax	filename,u
			leay	readbuf,u
			clr		d,y		
			lbsr	_memcpy
@end		leax	optbuf,u
			clr		(PD.EKO-PD.OPT),x
			lda		#stdin
			ldb		#SS.Opt
			os9		I$SetStt
			lbsr	_renderall
			clr		<sgn_code		
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc
@abort		leax	optbuf,u
			clr		(PD.EKO-PD.OPT),x
			lda		#stdin
			ldb		#SS.Opt
			os9		I$SetStt
			lbsr	_renderall
			clr		<sgn_code		
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc

_confirm	pshs	a,b,x,y
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	_gotoxy
			lbsr	_clrlin
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	_gotoxy
			lbsr	_clrlin
			lbsr	_strlen
			tfr		d,y
			lda		#stdout
			os9		I$Write
			lda		#stdin
			ldy		#1
			leax	key,u
			os9		I$Read			
			ldb		<sgn_code
			cmpb	#S$Abort
			beq		@cancel
			lda		<key
			cmpa	#'Y
			beq		@exit
			cmpa	#'y
			beq		@exit
@cancel		lbsr	_renderall
			clr		<sgn_code		
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc
@exit		clr		<sgn_code		
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc

_save		pshs	a,b,x,y
			leax	msgSave,pcr			
			lbsr	_confirm
			lbcc	@end	
			tst		filename,u
			bne		@renamed
			lbsr	_rename
			lbcs	@end
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	_gotoxy
			lbsr	_clrlin
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	_gotoxy
			lbsr	_clrlin
			leax	msgSaving,pcr
			lbsr	_strlen
			tfr		d,y
			lda		#stdout
			os9		I$Write
			leax	filename,u
			os9		I$Delete		; deletes previous file
			lda		#WRITE.
			ldb		#%00011011
			leax	filename,u
			os9		I$Create
			bcs		@error
			sta		<filepath		
			ldy		<strptr
			beq		@close			
@next		pshs	y
			leax	5,y
			lbsr	_strlen
			tfr		d,y
			lda		<filepath
			os9		I$Write
			lbcs	@error
			puls	y
			ldy		2,y
			bne		@next			
@close		lbsr	_close
			clr		<edited
@end		lbsr	_renderall
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc
@error		pshs	b
			lbsr	_close
			puls	b
			lbsr	_error
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc

_gotolin	pshs	a,b,x,y
@repeat		clra
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	_gotoxy
			lbsr	_clrlin
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	_gotoxy
			lbsr	_clrlin
			leax	msgLineNo,pcr
			lbsr	_strlen
			tfr		d,y
			lda		#stdout
			os9		I$Write
			leax	optbuf,u
			clr		(PD.EKO-PD.OPT),x
			com		(PD.EKO-PD.OPT),x
			lda		#stdin
			ldb		#SS.Opt
			os9		I$SetStt
			clr		<sgn_code		
			leax	readbuf,u
			ldy		#128
			lda		#stdin
			os9		I$ReadLn
			ldb		<sgn_code
			cmpb	#S$Abort
			beq		@abort
			cmpy	#0			; no input ?
			beq		@repeat
			cmpy	#1
			beq		@repeat		; only enter ?
			ldd		#0
			std		<curline
			leax	readbuf,u
			leay	-1,y
			lda		<curline
			ldb		#10
			stb		<curline			
			lda		<curline+1
			ldb		#10
			clr		<curline+1
			addd	<curline
			std		<curline					
			ldb		,x+
			subb	#'0
			cmpb	#10
			lbcc	@repeat	
			addd	<curline
			std		<curline
			leay	-1,y
			bne		@loop
			ldd		<curline
			beq		@abort
			cmpd	<scrlines
			beq		@go
			bcc		@abort
@go			std		<scrline
			clr		<cx
			clr		<cy
@end		leax	optbuf,u			
			clr		(PD.EKO-PD.OPT),x
			lda		#stdin
			ldb		#SS.Opt
			os9		I$SetStt
			lbsr	_renderall
			clr		<sgn_code		
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc
@abort		leax	optbuf,u
			clr		(PD.EKO-PD.OPT),x
			lda		#stdin
			ldb		#SS.Opt
			os9		I$SetStt
			lbsr	_renderall
			clr		<sgn_code		
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc
; a start row
; b end row
_scrdraw	pshs	a,b,x,y
_col 		set		0
_row		set		2
_curstr		set		4
_scrstart	set		6
_stack		set		8
			leas	-_stack,s
			pshs	a,b
			ldx		<scrbuf
			ldb		<width+1
			leax	d,x
			ldb		1,s
			subb	,s
			lda		<width+1
			tfr		d,y
			lda		#32
@cls		sta		,x+				; clear buffer
			leay	-1,y
			bne		@cls
			puls	d
			tfr		d,y
			ldb		<width+1
			ldx		<scrbuf
			leax	d,x
			stx		_scrstart,s
			tfr		y,d
			ldx		<scrline
			leax	a,x
			lbsr	_gotoline		; find top screen ptrs			
			sta		_row,s
			subb	_row,s
			stb		_row,s
			ldb		<width+1
			stb		_col,s
			ldx		<topstr
			stx		_curstr,s
			ldx		<topptr		
			ldy		_scrstart,s
@cont		lda		,x+
			beq		@nextstr
			cmpa	#$0d
			beq		@nextstr
			sta		,y+
			dec		_col,s
			beq		@nextlin
			bra		@cont
@nextlin	dec		_row,s
			beq		@end
			ldb		<width+1
			stb		_col,s
			lda		<height+1
			suba	_row,s
			ldy		<scrbuf
			leay	d,y
			bra		@cont			
@nextstr	ldx		_curstr,s
			ldx		2,x
			beq		@end
			stx		_curstr,s
			leax	5,x
			bra		@nextlin
@end		leas	_stack,s
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc

; render screen
; a start row
; b end row
_render		pshs	a,b,x,y
			ldx		<scrbuf
			ldb		<width+1
			leax	d,x
			lda		1,s
			suba	,s
			ldb		<width+1
			tfr		d,y
			lda		1,s
			cmpa	<height+1
			bcs		@cont
			leay	-1,y
@cont		lda		#stdout
			os9		I$Write
			lbcs	_abort
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc

_renderdown	pshs	a,b
			tst		termcap
			beq		@renderall
			tst		<renderall
			bne		@renderall			
			lbsr	_curoff
			lbsr	_home
			lbsr	_delline
			ldd		<height
			lbsr	_gotoxy
			tfr		b,a
			lbsr	_scrdraw
			lbsr	_render
			puls	a,b,pc
@renderall	lbsr	_renderall
			puls	a,b,pc
_renderall	pshs	a,b
			clr		<renderall
			lbsr	_curoff
			lbsr	_home
			ldd		<height
			lbsr	_scrdraw
			ldd		<scrlines
			cmpd	<height
			bcs		@draw
			ldd		<height
@draw		incb			
			lbsr	_render
			lbsr	_clrlin
			puls	a,b,pc
_renderup	pshs	a,b
			tst		termcap
			beq		@renderall
			tst		<renderall
			bne		@renderall			
			lbsr	_curoff
			lbsr	_home
			lbsr	_insline
			ldd		#$0001
			lbsr	_scrdraw
			lbsr	_render
			puls	a,b,pc
@renderall	lbsr	_renderall
			puls	a,b,pc

; find top string ptr for the current scrline
; x scr line
_gotoline	pshs	a,b,x,y			
			stx		<cntlin
			ldx		#0
			ldy		<strptr
			cmpy	#0
			beq		@end
			ldd		#0
@next		addb	4,y
			adca	#0
			cmpd	<cntlin
			bcc		@found
			leay	2,y
			ldy		,y
			beq		@last
			bra		@next
			subb	4,y
			sbca	#0
			addd	#1
			tfr		d,x
			ldd		<cntlin
			stx		<cntlin
			subd	<cntlin
			leax	5,y
@wrap		lda		<width+1
			leax	d,x
			bra		@end
@last		leax	5,y
@end		stx		<topptr
			sty		<topstr
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc


; goto cursor
; a = col
; b = row
_gotoxy		pshs	a,b,x,y
			leax	gotocmd,u
			addd	#$2020
			std		1,x			
			lda		#$02
			sta		,x
			lda		#stdout
			ldy		#3
			os9		I$Write
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc

; set cursor position and text			
_setpos		pshs	a,b,x,y
			ldb		<cy
			addd	<scrline
			tfr		d,x
			lbsr	_gotoline
			ldb		<cx
			cmpb	#-1
@rcheck		beq		@lcheck
			tfr		d,y
			ldx		<topptr
			lbsr	_strlen
			std		<strlen
			leax	d,x
			lda		-1,x
			cmpa	#$0d
			bne		@notenter
			ldd		<strlen
			subd	#1
			std		<strlen
@notenter	ldd		<strlen
			ldx		<topptr			
			cmpy	<strlen
			lbcs	@wrapdown
			cmpy	<width
			bcc		@wrapdown
			stb		<cx
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc
@lcheck		clr		<cx
			ldx		<topstr
			leax	5,x
			cmpx	<topptr
			bne		@wrapup
			ldb		<cy
			addd	<scrline
			cmpd	#1
			lbeq	@lreset
			subd	#1
			tfr		d,x
			lbsr	_gotoline
			ldx		<topptr
			lbsr	_strlen
			stb		<cx
			stb		<tcx			
			lbsr	_up
			puls	a,b,x,y
			lbra	_setpos
@lreset		clr		<cx
			clr		<tcx
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc
@wrapup		ldb		<width+1
			stb		<cx
			stb		<tcx
			lbsr	_up
			puls	a,b,x,y
			lbra	_setpos
@wrapdown	cmpy	<width
			lbcs	@end
			clr		<cx
			clr		<tcx
			lbsr	_down
			puls	a,b,x,y
			lbra	_setpos
@end		puls	a,b,x,y,pc
_navigate	pshs	a,b,x,y
@input		lbsr	_setpos
@locate		ldd		<cx
			lbsr	_gotoxy			
			lbsr	_curon
			lda		#stdin
			ldy		#1
			leax	key,u
			os9		I$Read			
			ldb		<sgn_code
			cmpb	#S$Abort
			lbeq	@end
_redo		lda		<key
			cmpa	#K$Up
			bne		@down
			lbsr	_up
			lbra	@input
			cmpa	#K$Down
			bne		@pageup
			lbsr	_down
			lbra	@input
			cmpa	#K$Shift|K$Up
			bne		@pagedown
			lbsr	_pageup
			lbra	@input
			cmpa	#K$Shift|K$Down
			bne		@right
			lbsr	_pagedown
			lbra	@input
			cmpa	#K$Right
			bne		@left
			lbsr	_right
			lbra	@input
			cmpa	#K$Left
			bne		@backspace
			lbsr	_left
			lbra	@input
			cmpa	#K$ShiftLeft
			bne		@delete
			lbsr	_backspace
			lbra	@input
			cmpa	#K$ShiftRight
			bne		@enter						
			ldd		<cx
			pshs	a,b
			lbsr	_right
			lbsr	_setpos
			puls	a,b
			cmpd	<cx
			lbeq	@input
			lbsr	_backspace
			lbra	@input
@enter		cmpa	#$0d
			bne		@char
			lbsr	_splitline
			lbra	@input
@char		cmpa	#$20
			blo		@ctrl_r
			lbsr	_inschar
			lbra	@input
@ctrl_r		cmpa	#K$CtrlR
			bne		@ctrl_s
			lbsr	_rename
			lbra	@input
@ctrl_s		cmpa	#K$CtrlS
			bne		@ctrl_o
			lbsr	_save
			lbra	@input
@ctrl_o		cmpa	#K$CtrlO
			bne		@ctrl_k
			lbsr	_help
			lbra	@input
@ctrl_k		cmpa	#K$CtrlK
			bne		@ctrl_d
			lbsr	_killine
			lbra	@input
@ctrl_d		cmpa	#K$CtrlD
			bne		@ctrl_g
			lbsr	_dupline
			lbra	@input	
@ctrl_g		cmpa	#K$CtrlG
			bne		@ctrl_u
			lbsr	_gotolin
			lbra	@input				
@ctrl_u		cmpa	#K$CtrlU
			bne		@ctrl_left
			lbra	_undo_undo
@ctrl_left	cmpa	#K$CtrlLeft
			bne		@ctrl_right
			lbsr	_dohome
			lbra	@input
@ctrl_right	cmpa	#K$CtrlRight
			bne		@continue
			lbsr	_doend
			lbra	@input
@continue	lbra	@input
@end		lda		#stdin
			ldy		#1
			leax	key,u
			os9		I$Read			
			tst		<edited
			beq		@return
			clr		<sgn_code			
			leax	msgConfirm,pcr			
			lbsr	_confirm
			lbcc	@input	
@return		puls	a,b,x,y,pc
_left		clra
			ldb		<cx
			stb		<cx
			stb		<tcx
			lbra	@end
_right		clra
			ldb		<cx
			tfr		d,y
			ldx		<topptr
			lbsr	_strlen
			std		<strlen
			beq		@notenter
			leax	d,x
			lda		-1,x
			cmpa	#$0d
			bne		@notenter
			ldd		<strlen
			subd	#1
			std		<strlen
@notenter	ldd		<strlen
			ldx		<topptr
			cmpy	<strlen
			lbcc	_linedown
			tfr		y,d
			stb		<cx
			stb		<tcx
			lbra	@end
_linedown	clra
			ldb		<cy
			addd	<scrline
			tfr		d,y
			cmpy	<scrlines
			lbhi	@end
			clr		<cx
			clr		<tcx
			lbra	_down
_pagedown	ldd		<scrline
			addd	<height
			cmpd	<scrlines
			lbpl	@end
			std		<scrline
			ldd		<scrlines
			subd	<height
			bcs		_top
			addd	#1
			cmpd	<scrline
			bcs		_bottom
			lbsr	_renderall
			lbra	@end
_pageup		ldd		<scrline
			subd	<height
			bcs		_top
			std		<scrline
			lbsr	_renderall
			lbra	@end
_top		ldd		#1
			std		<scrline
			lbsr	_renderall
			lbra	@end
_down		ldb		<tcx
			stb		<cx
			ldb		<cy
			addd	<scrline
			cmpd	<scrlines
			lbpl	@end
			ldb		<cy
			cmpb	<height+1
			bgt		_godown
			stb		<cy
			lbra	@end
_bottom		ldd		<scrlines
			subd	<height
			std		<scrline
			lbsr	_renderall
			lbra	@end			
_godown		clra
			ldb		<cy
			addd	<scrline
			cmpd	<scrlines
			lbpl	@end
			ldd		scrline,u
			addd	#1
			std		scrline,u
			lbsr	_renderdown
			lbra	@end
_up			ldb		<tcx
			stb		<cx
			lda		<cy
			bmi		_goup
			sta		<cy
			ldd		<scrline
			addd	<cy
			lbra	@end		
_goup		ldd		<scrline
			subd	#1
			lbeq	@end
			std		<scrline
			lbsr	_renderup
			lbra	@end
_backspace	lbsr	__backspace	
			lbra	@end
@end		rts

__backspace	pshs	a,b,x,y
			clr		<edited
			com		<edited
			ldx		<topptr
			lbeq	@end
			lbsr	_strrows
			std		<cntlin
			ldx		<topptr
			ldb		<cx
			beq		@isjoin
			stb		<cx
			stb		<tcx
			leax	b,x
@domove		lda		,x
			lbsr	_undo_push
@move		lda		1,x
			sta		,x+
			bne		@move
			lbra	@count
@isjoin		ldy		<topstr
			leay	5,y
			cmpy	<topptr
			beq		@joinline
			lda		<cx
			sta		<cx
			sta		<tcx
			leax	-1,x
			bra		@domove
@joinline	ldx		<topstr
			leax	5,x
			lbsr	_strlen
			std		<malsize
			ldd		<scrline
			addb	<cy
			adca	#0
			cmpd	#1
			lbeq	@end
			clr		<renderall
			com		<renderall			
			tst		<cy
			bne		@ntop
			ldd		<scrline
			subd	#1
			std		<scrline
			inc		<cy
			lbsr	_setpos
@ntop		ldx		<topptr
			ldy		<topstr
			stx		<delstr
			ldd		<scrline
			dec		<cy
			addb	<cy
			adca	#0
			tfr		d,x
			lbsr	_gotoline
			ldx		<topptr
			lbsr	_strlen
			stb		<cx
			stb		<tcx
			ldx		<topstr
			leax	5,x
			lbsr	_strlen
			addd	<malsize
			addd	#2
			ldx		<topstr
			lbsr	_strres
			lbcs	@error			
			stx		<curstr
			leax	5,x
			lbsr	_strlen
			std		<strlen			
			leax	d,x
			clr		-1,x			; remove car ret
			ldx		<delstr			
			lda		#$0d
			lbsr	_undo_push			
@jmove		lda		,x+
			beq		@endjoin
			lbsr	__appchar
			lbcs	@error
			bra		@jmove
@endjoin	ldd		<scrline
			addb	<cy
			adca	#0
			tfr		d,x
			lbsr	_gotoline
			ldx		<topstr
			tfr		y,x
			lbsr	_strdel
			ldd		#0
			std		<cntlin			
@count		ldx		<topptr
			lbsr	_strrows
			cmpd	<cntlin
			beq		@render			
			ldx		<topstr
			leax	5,x
			lbsr	_strrows
			stb		-1,x
			ldb		<cy
			cmpb	<height+1
			bcc		@btm
@btm		lbsr	_gotoxy
			lda		<cy
			beq		@top
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	__cntlines			
			lbsr	_renderdel
			bra		@end
@render		lda		<cy
			beq		@top
			inc		<cntlin+1
@top		tfr		a,b			
			addb	<cntlin+1
			lbsr	__cntlines			
			lbsr	_renderdel
@end		puls	a,b,x,y,pc
@error		ldb		#E$MemFul
			lbsr	_error
			lbsr	__cntlines
			puls	a,b,x,y,pc

_renderdel	pshs	a,b
			tst		<renderall
			bne		@renderall			
			cmpa	<height+1
			blo		@aLower
			lda		<height+1
@aLower		cmpb	<height+1
			bls		@bLower
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	_curoff
			pshs	a,b
			tfr		a,b	
			lbsr	_gotoxy
			ldd		<height
			lbsr	_scrdraw
			puls	a,b
			lbsr	_render
			puls	a,b,pc
@renderall	lbsr	_renderall
			puls	a,b,pc

__cntlines	pshs	a,b,x,y
			ldd		<height
			addd	#2
			std		<cntlin
			ldx		#0
			stx		<scrlines
			ldy		<strptr
			cmpy	#0
			beq		@last
@next		leax	5,y
			ldd		<scrlines
			addd	#2
			subd	<scrline
			bcs		@nonvis
			cmpd	<cntlin
			bhi		@nonvis			
			lbsr	_strrows
			stb		4,y
@nonvis		clra
			ldb		4,y
			addd	<scrlines
			std		<scrlines			
			ldy		2,y
			bne		@next
@last		puls	a,b,x,y,pc

_killine	lda		#K$CtrlD
			lbsr	_undo_push
			clr		<edited
			com		<edited			
			ldx		<topstr
			ldd		2,x
			beq		@last
			lbsr	_strdet
			bra		@end						
@last		ldd		,x
			beq		@first
			lbsr	_strdet
			ldy		,x
			lbsr	_up
			bra		@end
@first		leax	5,x
			ldd		#$0d00
			std		,x
			lda		#1
			sta		-1,x
@end		lbsr	__cntlines
			ldd		<scrline
			addb	<cy
			adca	#0
			cmpd	<scrlines
			bcs		@update
			beq		@update
			ldd		<scrlines
			subd	<scrline
			cmpd	<height
			bcc		@reset
			stb		<cy
			bra		@update			
@reset		ldd		<scrlines
			std		<scrline
			clr		<cy			
@update		lda		#0
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	_renderdel

_dupline	lda		#K$CtrlK
			lbsr	_undo_push
			clr		<edited
			com		<edited
			ldx		<topstr
			leax	5,x
			lbsr	_strlen
			tfr		d,x
			leax	1,x
			ldy		<topstr
			lbsr	_strins		
			lbcs	@error
			lda		4,y
			sta		4,x
			leay	5,y
			leax	5,x
@loop		lda		,y+
			sta		,x+
			bne		@loop
			lbsr	__cntlines
			lbsr	_down
			lda		#0
			ldb		<height+1
			lbsr	_renderdel
@error		ldb		#E$MemFul
			lbsr	_error			
			lbsr	__cntlines
_splitline	lda		#K$ShiftRight
			lbsr	_undo_push
			clr		<edited
			com		<edited
			ldx		<topptr
			ldb		<cx
			leax	b,x
			lbsr	_strlen
			addb	#16
			std		<malsize
			tfr		d,x
			ldy		<topstr
			lbsr	_strins
			lbcs	@error
			ldb		<cx
			ldy		<topptr
			leay	b,y
			leax	5,x
			pshs	y
@move		lda		,y+
			beq		@endloop
			sta		,x+
			bra		@move
@endloop	puls	y
			ldd		#$0d00
			std		,y
			clr		,x
			lbsr	__cntlines
			lda		<cy
			pshs	a
			lbsr	_down
			clr		<cx
			clr		<tcx
			lbsr	_setpos
			ldd		<scrlines
			cmpd	<height
			bcc		@tobtm
			puls	a
			bra		@draw
@tobtm		puls	a
			ldb		<height+1
@draw		incb
			lbsr	_renderdel
@error		ldb		#E$MemFul
			lbsr	_error
@count		lbsr	__cntlines
_inschar	lda		#K$ShiftRight
			lbsr	_undo_push
			lda		<key
			clr		<edited
			com		<edited
			sta		<curchar
			ldx		<topstr
			leax	5,x
			lbsr	_strrows
			stb		<currows			
			lbsr	_strlen
			std		<strlen			
			ldd		-7,x
			anda	#~$80
			subd	#2				; malloc header
			std		<malsize
			subd	#6				; str header + null char
			lbcs	@error
			subd	<strlen
			lbcs	@error
			beq		@expand
			bra		@insert
@expand		ldx		<topstr
			ldd		<malsize
			addd	#10				; 
			lbsr	_strres
			lbcs	@error
			ldb		<cy
			addd	<scrline
			tfr		d,x
			lbsr	_gotoline
@insert		ldx		<topptr
			ldb		<cx
			leax	b,x
			tfr		x,y		
@goend		incb
			lda		,y+
			bne		@goend
@move		lda		,-y
			sta		1,y
			bne		@move
			lda		<curchar
			sta		,x
			lbsr	__cntlines
			lbsr	_right			
			ldx		<topstr
			leax	5,x
			lbsr	_strrows
			cmpb	<currows
			beq		@renderdel
			clr		<renderall
			com		<renderall
			ldx		<topptr
			lbsr	_strrows
			lda		<cy
			addb	<cy
			lbsr	_renderdel
@error		ldb		#E$MemFul
			lbsr	_error

_dohome		ldd		<topptr
			subd	<topstr
			addd	#5
@loop		subd	<width
			beq		@same		
			bcs		@same
			pshs	a,b
			lbsr	_up
			puls	a,b
			bra		@loop
@same		clr		<cx
			clr		<tcx
			lbsr	_setpos
			lbsr	_renderall
_doend		lbsr	brkpnt
			ldx		<topptr
			lbsr	_strlen
@loop		subd	<width
			beq		@same
			bcs		@same
			pshs	a,b
			lbsr	_down
			puls	a,b
			bra		@loop
@same		addd	<width
			stb		<cx
			stb		<tcx
			lbsr	_setpos
			lbsr	_renderall

_undo_push	tst		<undoflag
			lbne	@skip
			pshs	a,b,x,y,u
			ldx		<undoptr
			beq		@first
			ldy		2,x
			beq		@last
			tfr		y,x
			bra		@loop
@last		tfr		x,y
			ldx		#sizeof{undo_item}
			lbsr	_malloc
			lbcs	@error
			stx		2,y
			sty		,x
			clr		2,x
			clr		3,x
			bra		@set			
@first		ldx		#sizeof{undo_item}
			lbsr	_malloc
			lbcs	@error
			stx		<undoptr
			ldy		#0
			sty		,x
			sty		2,x
@set		sta		undo_item.key,x
			ldd		<cx
			ldd		<topstr
			std		undo_item.topstr,x
			ldd		<scrline
			std		undo_item.scrline,x
			puls	a,b,x,y,u,pc
@error		ldb		#E$MemFul
			lbsr	_error
			puls	a,b,x,y,u,pc
@skip		clr		<undoflag
_undo_pop	ldx		<undoptr
			beq		@end
@next		ldd		2,x
			beq		@last
			tfr		d,x
			bra		@next
@last		ldd		#0
			ldy		,x
			beq		@first
			std		2,y
			bra		@pop
@first		std		<undoptr
@pop		lbsr	_mfree
@end		rts
_undo_del	pshs	a,b,x,y
			ldx		<undoptr
			cmpx	#0
			beq		@end
			ldd		#0
			std		<undoptr
			lbsr	_mfree
			ldy		2,x
			beq		@last
			ldd		#0
			std		,y
			sty		<undoptr			
@last		lda		undo_item.key,x
			cmpa	#K$CtrlD
			bne		@end
			ldx		undo_item.topstr,x
			lbsr	_mfree
@end		puls	a,b,x,y,pc		
_undo_undo	lbsr	_undo_pop
			cmpx	#0
			beq		@end
			lda		undo_item.key,x
			cmpa	#K$CtrlD
			bne		@dokey
			clr		undo_item.key,x
			std		<cx
			ldd		undo_item.scrline,x
			std		<scrline
			addb	<cy
			adca	#0
			exg		d,x			
			lbsr	_gotoline			
			exg		d,x
			ldx		undo_item.topstr,x
			ldd		,x
			beq		@first
			ldd		2,x
			beq		@last
			ldy		<topstr
			ldy		,y
			ldd		2,y		
			std		2,x		this->next = prev->next
			sty		,x		this->prev = prev
			stx		2,y		prev->next = this
			ldy		2,x		
			stx		,y		next->prev = this
@refr		clr		<renderall
			com		<renderall
			lbsr	__cntlines
			exg		x,d
			lbsr	_setpos
			lbsr	_renderall
@end		lbra	_input
@last		ldy		<strptr
@next		ldd		2,y
			beq		@found
			tfr		d,y
			bra		@next
@found		stx		2,y
			sty		,x
			bra		@refr
@first		ldy		<strptr
			sty		2,x
			stx		,y
			stx		<strptr			
			bra		@refr
@dokey		clr		<renderall
			com		<renderall
			std		<cx
			ldd		undo_item.scrline,x
			std		<scrline
			exg		x,d
			lbsr	_setpos
			exg		x,d
			lda		undo_item.key,x
			sta		<key
			clr		<undoflag
			com		<undoflag
			lbra	_redo
eom			equ   *