view level2/modules/keydrv_cc3.asm @ 1347:89572d423498

Made case fixes
author boisy
date Wed, 17 Sep 2003 17:40:49 +0000 (2003-09-17)
parents b3caa1b456ed
children 146dfa918a9c
line wrap: on
line source
* KeyDrv - Keyboard Driver for CoCo 3
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   4      1998/10/10  Robert Gault
* L2 Upgrade distribution version with annotations by Robert Gault.

         nam   KeyDrv    
         ttl   Keyboard Driver for CoCo 3

* Disassembled 98/09/09 09:02:10 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML

         use   defsfile  

tylg     set   Systm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev 
rev      set   $00       
edition  equ   4         

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,entry,size
size     equ   .         

name     fcs   /KeyDrv/  
         fcb   edition   

entry    equ   *         

* Init - Initialize keyboard
         lbra  Init      

* Term - Terminate keyboard
         lbra  Term      

* Function - Test for function keys
         lbra  FuncKeys  

* Read - read keys if pressed
ReadKys  ldu   <D.CCMem   Get CC3IO global memory into U
         ldx   #PIA0Base  base address of PIA #0
         ldb   #$FF
         stb   $02,x      clear all row strobes
         ldb   ,x         read Joystick buttons
         comb             invert bits so 1=pressed
         andb  #%00001111 keep only buttons
         bne   L0059      branch if button pushed; error routine
         clr   $02,x      enable all strobe lines
         lda   ,x         read PIA #0
         anda  #%01111111 mask only the joystick comparator
         beq   L0042      branch if no keys pressed
         pshs  dp        
         tfr   u,d       
         tfr   a,dp       set DP to the address in regU
         bsr   L005C      evaluate the found key matrix
         puls  dp         return to system DP
         bpl   L005B      valid key
L0042    clra             regA    would have been the found key
         ldb   <G.CapLok,u CapsLock/SysRq key down flag
         bne   L0056     
         clr   <G.KTblLC,u Key table entry# last checked (1-3)
         IFNE  H6309
         sta   <G.LKeyCd,u last keyboard code
         sta   <G.2Key1,u 2nd key table storage; $FF=none
         std   <G.2Key2,u format (Row/Column)
L0056    clr   <G.CapLok,u see above
L0059    ldb   #$FF      
L005B    rts             

L005C    ldx   #PIA0Base  base value of PIA #0
         IFNE  H6309
         std   <G.ShftDn  shift/CTRL flag; 0=NO $FF=YES
         std   <G.KeyFlg  PIA bits/ALT flag
*	%00000111-Column # (Output, 0-7)
*	%00111000-Row # (Input, 0-6)
         IFNE  H6309     
         comd             set D to $FFFF
         comb             set primary key table
         std   <G.Key1    key 1&2 flags $FF=none
         sta   <G.Key3    key 3      "
         deca             ie. lda #%11111110
         sta   $02,x      strobe one column
L006E    lda   ,x         read PIA #0 row states
         coma             invert bits so 1=key pressed
         anda  #$7F       keep only keys, bit 0=off 1=on
         beq   L0082      no keys pressed, try next column
         ldb   #$FF       preset counter to -1
L0077    incb            
         lsra             bit test regA
         bcc   L007E      no key so branch
         lbsr  L010E      convert column/row to matrix value and store it
L007E    cmpb  #$06       max counter
         blo   L0077      loop if more bits to test
L0082    inc   <G.KeyFlg  counter; used here for column
         orcc  #Carry     bit marker; disable strobe
         rol   $02,x      shift to next column
         bcs   L006E      not finished with columns so loop
         lbsr  L0166      simultaneous check; recover key matrix value
         bmi   L00F5      invalid so go
         cmpa  <G.LKeyCd  last keyboard code	
         bne   L0095     
         inc   <G.KySame  same key flag ?counter?
L0095    sta   <G.LKeyCd  setup for last key pressed
         beq   L00B5      if @ key, use lookup table
         suba  #$1A       the key value (matrix) of Z
         bhi   L00B5      not a letter so go
         adda  #$1A       restore regA
         ldb   <G.CntlDn  CTRL flag
         bne   L00E0      CTRL is down so go
         adda  #$40       convert to ASCII value; all caps
         ldb   <G.ShftDn  shift key flag
         ldy   <G.CurDev  get current device static memory pointer
         eorb  <ULCase,y  caps lock and keyboard mouse flags
         andb  #CapsLck   test caps flag
         bne   L00E0      not shifted so go
         adda  #$20       convert to ASCII lower case
         bra   L00E0     
* not a letter key, use the special keycode lookup table at L01DC.
* Entry: regA = table index (matrix scancode-26)
L00B5    ldb   #$03       three entries per key (normal,shift,ctrl)
         mul              convert index to table offset
         lda   <G.ShftDn  shift key flag
         beq   L00BF      not shifted so go
         incb             adjust offset for SHIFTed entry
         bra   L00C5     
L00BF    lda   <G.CntlDn  CTRL flag
         beq   L00C5      adjust offset for CONTROL entry
         addb  #$02      
L00C5    ldx   <G.CurDev  point X to device's static memory
         lda   <$22,x     key sense flag
         beq   L00D0      not set so go
         cmpb  #$11       spacebar
         ble   L00F3      must be an arrow so go
L00D0    cmpb  #$4B       ALT key? (was cmpb #$4C)
         blt   L00D8      not ALT, CTRL, F1, F2, or SHIFT so go
         inc   <G.AltDwn  flag special keys (ALT,CTRL)
         subb  #$06       and adjust offset to skip them
L00D8    leax  >L01DC,pcr decode table
         lda   b,x       
         bmi   L00F6      if regA = $81 - $84, special key
* several entries to this routine from any key press; regA is already ASCII
L00E0    ldb   <G.AltDwn  was ALT flagged?
         beq   L00F0      no so go
         cmpa  #$3F       ?	
         bls   L00EE      # or code
         cmpa  #$5B       [
         bhs   L00EE      capital letter so go
         ora   #$20       convert to lower case
L00EE    ora   #$80       set for ALT characters
L00F0    andcc  #^Negative not negative
L00F3    orcc  #Negative  set negative
L00F5    rts             
* Flag that a special key was hit
L00F6    inc   <G.CapLok  caps lock/SysRq
         inc   <G.Clear   one shot caps lock/SysRq
         bra   L00F0     
* Calculate arrow keys for key sense byte
L00FC    pshs  b,a        convert column into power of 2
         orcc  #Carry    
L0102    rolb            
         bne   L0102     
*         bra   L0108      WHY IS THIS HERE??
L0108    orb   <G.KySns   previous value of column
         stb   <G.KySns  
         puls  pc,b,a    
* Check special keys (Shift, Cntrl, Alt)
L010E    pshs  b,a       
         cmpb  #$03       is it row 3?
         bne   L011C     
         lda   <G.KeyFlg  get column #
         cmpa  #$03       is it column 3?; ie up arrow
         blt   L011C      if lt must be a letter
         bsr   L00FC      its a non letter so bsr
L011C    lslb             B*8  8 keys per row
         addb  <G.KeyFlg  add in the column #
         cmpb  #$33       ALT
         bne   L012B     
         inc   <G.AltDwn  ALT down flag
         ldb   #$04      
         bra   L0108     
L012B    cmpb  #$34       CTRL
         bne   L0135     
         inc   <G.CntlDn  CTRL down flag
         ldb   #$02      
         bra   L0108     
L0135    cmpb  #$37       SHIFT key
         bne   L013F     
         com   <G.ShftDn  SHIFT down flag
         ldb   #$01      
         bra   L0108     
* check how many key (1-3) are currently being pressed
L013F    pshs  x         
         leax  <$2D,u     1st key table
         bsr   L014A     
         puls  x         
         puls  pc,b,a    
L014A    pshs  a         
         lda   ,x        
         bpl   L0156     
         stb   ,x        
         ldb   #$01      
         puls  pc,a      
L0156    lda   $01,x     
         bpl   L0160     
         stb   $01,x     
         ldb   #$02      
         puls  pc,a      
L0160    stb   $02,x     
         ldb   #$03      
         puls  pc,a      
* simultaneous key test
L0166    pshs  y,x,b     
         ldb   <G.KTblLC  key table entry #
         beq   L019D     
         leax  <$2A,u     point to 2nd key table
         pshs  b         
L0171    leay  <$2D,u     1st key table
         ldb   #$03      
         lda   ,x         get key #1
         bmi   L018F      go if invalid? (no key)
L017A    cmpa  ,y         is it a match?
         bne   L0184      go if not a matched key
         clr   ,y        
         com   ,y         set value to $FF
         bra   L018F     
L0184    leay  $01,y     
         bne   L017A     
         lda   #$FF      
         sta   ,x        
         dec   <G.KTblLC  key table entry#
L018F    leax  $01,x     
         dec   ,s         column counter
         bne   L0171     
         leas  $01,s     
         ldb   <G.KTblLC  key table entry (can test for 3 simul keys)
         beq   L019D     
         bsr   L01C4     
L019D    leax  <$2D,u     1st key table
         lda   #$03      
L01A2    ldb   ,x+       
         bpl   L01B5     
         bne   L01A2     
         ldb   <G.KTblLC  key table entry (can test for 3 simul keys)
         beq   L01C0     
         leax  <$2A,u     2nd key table
         lda   b,x       
         bra   L01BE     
L01B5    tfr   b,a       
         leax  <$2A,u     2nd key table
         bsr   L014A     
         stb   <G.KTblLC 
L01BE    puls  pc,y,x,b  
L01C0    orcc  #Negative  flag negative
         puls  pc,y,x,b  
* Sort 3 byte packet @ G.2Key1 according to sign of each byte
* so that positive #'s are at beginning & negative #'s at end
L01C4    leax  <$2A,u     2nd key table
         bsr   L01CF      sort bytes 1 & 2
         leax  $01,x     
         bsr   L01CF      sort bytes 2 & 3
         leax  -$01,x     sort 1 & 2 again (fall thru for third pass)
L01CF    ldb   ,x         get current byte
         bpl   L01DB      positive - no swap
         lda   $01,x      get next byte
         bmi   L01DB      negative - no swap
         std   ,x         swap the bytes
L01DB    rts             

* Special Key Codes Table : 3 entries per key - Normal, Shift, Control
* They are in COCO keyboard scan matrix order; the alphabetic and meta
* control keys are handled elsewhere.  See INSIDE OS9 LEVEL II p.4-1-7
L01DC    fcb   $40,$60,$00   '@,'`,null				
	 fcb   $0c,$1c,$13   UP ARROW:    FF, FS,DC3
	 fcb   $0a,$1a,$12   DOWN ARROW:  LF,SUB,DC2
	 fcb   $08,$18,$10   LEFT ARROW:  BS,CAN,DLE
	 fcb   $09,$19,$11   RIGHT ARROW: HT, EM,DC1
	 fcb   $20,$20,$20   SPACEBAR
	 fcb   $30,$30,$81   '0,'0,$81 (caps lock toggle)
	 fcb   $31,$21,$7c   '1,'!,'|
	 fcb   $32,$22,$00   '2,'",null
	 fcb   $33,$23,$7e   '3,'#,'~
	 fcb   $34,$24,$1d   '4,'$,GS (was null)
	 fcb   $35,$25,$1e   '5,'%,RS (was null)
	 fcb   $36,$26,$1f   '6,'&,US (was null)
	 fcb   $37,$27,$5e   '7,'','^
	 fcb   $38,$28,$5b   '8,'(,'[
	 fcb   $39,$29,$5d   '9,'),']
	 fcb   $3a,$2a,$00   ':,'*,null
	 fcb   $3b,$2b,$7f   ';,'+,DEL
	 fcb   $2c,$3c,$7b   ',,'<,'{
	 fcb   $2d,$3d,$5f   '-,'=,'_
	 fcb   $2e,$3e,$7d   '.,'>,'}
	 fcb   $2f,$3f,$5c   '/,'?,'\
	 fcb   $0d,$0d,$0d   ENTER key					
	 fcb   $82,$83,$84   CLEAR key (NextWin, PrevWin, KbdMouse toggle)
	 fcb   $05,$03,$1b   BREAK key (ENQ,ETX,ESC)
	 fcb   $31,$33,$35   F1 key (converts to $B1,$B3,$B5)
	 fcb   $32,$34,$36   F2 key (converts to $B2,$B4,$B6)

*L01DC    fdb   $4060,$000c,$1c13,$0a1a,$1208,$1810,$0919,$1120
*         fdb   $2020,$3030,$8131,$217c,$3222,$0033,$237e,$3424
*         fdb   $0035,$2500,$3626,$0037,$275e,$3828,$5b39,$295d
*         fdb   $3a2a,$003b,$2b7f,$2c3c,$7b2d,$3d5f,$2e3e,$7d2f
*         fdb   $3f5c,$0d0d,$0d82,$8384,$0503,$1b31,$3335,$3234
*         fcb   $36       

* Init and Term do nothing for this CoCo keyboard subroutine module
Term     clrb            

* This entry point tests for the F1/F2 function keys on a CoCo 3
* keyboard.
* Exit: A = Function keys pressed (Bit 0 = F1, Bit 2 = F2)
FuncKeys ldu   <D.CCMem   get CC3IO global mem pointer into U
         ldx   #PIA0Base  get address of PIA #0
         clra             clear A
         ldb   #%11011111 strobe column #6 of PIA #0
         stb   $02,x     
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #%01000000,0,x F1 down?
         ldb   ,x         read PIA #0
         bitb  #%01000000 test for F1 function key
         bne   CheckF2    branch if set (key not down)
         inca             flag F1 as down
CheckF2  ldb   #%10111111 strobe column #7 PIA #0
         stb   $02,x     
         IFNE  H6309
         tim   #%01000000,0,x F2 down?
         ldb   ,x         read PIA #0
         bitb  #%01000000 test for F2 function key
         bne   L024C     
         ora   #$04       flag F2 as down
L024C    rts             

eom      equ   *