view level3/Level3.doc @ 3207:8f5a6fe2d09e covga

Changes to accomodate CoVGA
date Tue, 17 Oct 2017 07:36:59 -0500
parents f506d1905781
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The Level III modifications are Copyright 1996 by Alan T. DeKok, all rights

Level III

  It's what everybody's been asking for, so here goes.

  One warning: Level III is VERY dependant on the order of modules in the
OS9Boot file.  If you do NOT follow the directions below exactly, your
system will NOT BOOT.  I'm willing to answer questions and perform support,
but Level III is not for the faint of heart or the OS-9 beginner.

  When you install Level III, you MUST do it on a system using NitrOS-9.

  When you build a Level III OS9Boot, be aware that you WILL NOT be able
to cobbler a disk once LIII is booted.  You must copy the OS9Boot by hand,
and use 'ezgen' to update LSN0, or use OS9Gen.


  Your OS9Boot file MUST be magically formatted as follows.  The reasons for
this are long and detailed.  I'll just say that if it isn't done this way,
Level III will NOT work.

****** start of the OS9Boot file.
NitrOS9     (from the NitrOS9.L3 file.)
            (other SCF modules, i.e. SACIA, Printer, VRN)
            ( NOT CC3IO or WindInt or VDGInt.  Never!)
            (up to a limit of 15k of modules)
_end        <--- specifies the end of SCF information, from the _end.L3 file.
            (other RBF modules, i.e. CC3Disk, Rammer, RamPak, CCHDisk, etc.)
_end        <--- specifies the end of RBF information
            (everything else.  Order does not matter here.)
            (ALL descriptors, Clock, IOMan, OS9p2, Init, CC3IO, Windint,
              PipeMan, etc.)
****** End of the OS9Boot file.

  Late tests indicate it is possible to put CC3IO inside the SCF local memory.
Whether or not it works is dependent on local system configurations.  Either
way, there's plenty of system memory, and it doesn't appear to make any
difference to anything.

  Similarly, PipeMan may be put in SCF local memory between SCF and the first
_end module.  Note that PipeMan may NOT be put in with RBF!

  An 'ident -s' of my Level III OS9Boot file (with comments) looks like this:

    1 $C7 $389B28 . NitrOS9 
   16 $D1 $E2B0EB . SCF       \
   12 $E1 $82D6D3 . SACIA     |  SCF and SCF device drivers
    1 $E1 $329D69 . VRN       |
   13 $E1 $3389A4 . PRINTER   /
    1 $C7 $BB7259 . _end 
   30 $D1 $753C86 . RBF       \
    4 $E1 $3AB3AA . Rammer    |  RBF and RBF device drivers
    2 $E1 $BCE29D . RamPak    |
   11 $E1 $CFAA38 . CC3Disk   /
    1 $C7 $BB7259 . _end 
    1 $C1 $BFF958 . OS9p3    everything else
   67 $C0 $680456 . Init 
   82 $F1 $93C195 . D0 
   82 $F1 $F09A9D . D1 
   82 $F1 $323E4F . D2 
   82 $F1 $092A49 . MD 
   82 $F1 $B31A99 . R0 
  114 $F1 $FD590E . T2 
   83 $F1 $C9B7C1 . P 
   19 $C1 $67D5A0 . WindInt    OUTSIDE SCF local memory!
   20 $E1 $B4F1E2 . CC3IO      perhaps here, perhaps in SCF local memory
   83 $F1 $17FBEF . Term 
   83 $F1 $F8D0CB . W 
   83 $F1 $5EA5AA . W1         WINDOW DESCRIPTORS HERE!
   83 $F1 $691BAA . W2 
   83 $F1 $FB498B . W3 
   83 $F1 $05BFAA . W4 
   83 $F1 $97ED8B . W5 
   83 $F1 $E30B59 . W6 
   83 $F1 $710B78 . W7 
   83 $F1 $9F0B78 . W8 
   83 $F1 $0D0B59 . W9 
   18 $C0 $826A54 . OS9p2     All these modules MUST come after the '_end'
   12 $C1 $1B5CA4 . IOMan     module, or your system will crash.
    9 $C1 $402FE2 . Clock 
    4 $D1 $ED94CC . PipeMan 
    2 $E1 $ADB22E . Piper 
   80 $F1 $CC06AF . Pipe 
    1 $F1 $B2004F . Nil 

  OK, now the theory behind the magic.

  When booting OS-9, the startup routine in OS9p1 calls the Boot module to
load in the OS9Boot file.  OS9p1 then looks for a module named 'NitrOS9
as the FIRST module of the OS9Boot file.  If it exists, that module is called
BEFORE verifying the OS9Boot file.

  The NitrOS9 module allocates memory, and moves the SCF modules (up to
the _end module) into 'SCF local memory', and verifies the modules.  The
same procedure is followed for RBF modules, and when I get the chance later,
for PipeMan and SBF modules.

  Extra memory is allocated in 16k chunks, and mapped into address $2000
to $5FFF of the system map.  An 'smap' will show you that this memory is

  IOMan intercepts EVERY system call, and EVERY request/return system call.
Any module inside 'local memory' asking for system RAM gets allocated
RAM from that local memory.  Any module in 'system global memory' asking
for system RAM gets allocated RAM from the global memory pool.

  The net result of this is that you lose 16k of memory from the bottom
of the system memory map, but you move about 16k of modules into system local
memory.  On my setup, I had about 14K free after booting, and now 'smap'
usually gives me 11k of _global_ memory free.  And I still have 8k of SCF
memory, and 9k of RBF memory left!

  The ONLY things that take memory out of 'system global memory' are process
descriptors (.5k each) and path descriptors (.0625K, 64 bytes).  11K is
room for another 20 processes, each with STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR going
to a window.  And 8k of SCF memory is just about enough memory for SCF
buffers for each of those 20 processes.

  i.e. Level III enables you to have about 25 _different_ processes
running in different windows, all at the same time!  The only way that this
is possible on a Level II system is to strip your OS9Boot file down to almost
nothing.  Level III allows you to keep all of your favorite modules in your

  VDG windows come out of system global memory, too.  That's why I added the
'largest free block' display to the 'sfree' command, below.  If you have
less than 6k free in one block, you can't run many old Coco2 games.

  The local 16k memory map is saved and restored across every system call,
and changed whenever a call to SCF/RBF is done.  Because only IOMan knows
about the changes, only it (and clock) have to be modified.  All of the
old file managers and drivers work perfectly.  This includes programs
like 'winfo' and 'wdir'.

  I got the idea from thinking that it's perfectly possible to boot OS-9
with NO SCF modules, and likewise with NO RBF modules.  If that's possible,
why not map SCF and RBF into the same area of memory, and switch between
them on the fly?  So far, I would say it's taken me the equivalent of 4 weeks
full-time work, as I ran into HORRIBLE problems.  Level III is sufficiently
different from Level II that you can't really think the same way about it.

  Anyways, here's an 'sfree' of my current system, with OSTerm running
in another window, and 3 'shell' windows:

 ----- Level III System Memory ----- System memory:
37 free pages, largest block 37 pages.
9K of free RAM.

SCF local memory:
21 free pages, largest block 21 pages.
5K of free RAM.

RBF local memory:
31 free pages, largest block 31 pages.
7K of free RAM.

  That's 89 pages (22K) of free RAM, and my OS9Boot file is $73E2 bytes long!
Even with a 4K SACia buffer open, 8 processes, and 4 windows!  I like it...

  Here's an 'smap':

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
 #  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
 0  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 
 1  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 
 2  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 
 3  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 
 4  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 
 5  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 
 6  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
 7  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
 8  _ _ _ _ _ U U U U U U U U U U U 
 9  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 
 A  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 
 B  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 
 C  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 
 D  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 
 E  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 
 F  U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U . 

 Number of Free Pages:  37
   Ram Free in KBytes:   9

  This is enough room to format a disk (greater than 7K), even with many
processes and OSTerm running!

  I've been running Level III for just under a year, and I've had it in
beta test on 10+ systems for 8 months.  One system was running a BBS, and
at one report was up and running for 2 months without a reboot.  I think
it's stable enough to release to the general public.

  Have fun!

  Alan DeKok.