view 3rdparty/packages/cc/sources/mem.a @ 2229:918c7c68ea4d

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author boisy
date Sun, 22 Mar 2009 12:21:59 +0000
parents 0198655f2552
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line source

* Memory request system calls
 use ..../defs/os9defs.a
 psect mem_a,0,0,3,0,0

spare rmb 2

* sbrk(size)   get memory from system
sbrk: ldd memend,y get hi bound
 pshs d save it
 ldd 4,s get the size required
 cmpd spare,y any spare left?
 blo sbrk20

* have to get some from the system
 addd memend,y add current size
 pshs y save data pointer
 subd 0,s adjust for base
 os9 F$MEM re-size memory
 tfr y,d save high bound
 puls y restore data ptr
 bcc sbrk10 bra if no error
 ldd #-1 return error code
 leas 2,s junk scratch

sbrk10 std memend,y save new memory address
 addd spare,y add in spare bytes
 subd 0,s less old base
 std spare,y is new spare value

* now spare is big enough
sbrk20 leas 2,s junk scratch
 ldd spare,y get spare count
 pshs d
 subd 4,s less size
 std spare,y updated value
 ldd memend,y get hi bound
 subd ,s++ base of free memory
 pshs d save

 ldx 0,s
sbrk30 sta ,x+ clear out the new memory
 cmpx memend,y
 blo sbrk30

 puls d,pc

* ibrk(size)   get memory within data allocation
ibrk: ldd 2,s get the size required
 addd _mtop,y add in the current top
 bcs ibrk20 if it wraps round - error
 cmpd _stbot,y overlap stack?
 bhs ibrk20 yes - error
 pshs d no - save top
 ldx _mtop,y reset to bottom

sbloop cmpx 0,s reached the end?
 bhs ibrk10 yes - done
 sta ,x+ no - clear and bump
 bra sbloop

ibrk10 ldd _mtop,y return value
 puls x restore new top
 stx _mtop,y and save for next time

ibrk20 ldd #-1 return memory full