view level1/cmds/ @ 2848:94197db917c9 lwtools-port

Makefiles: Call OS9ATTR with multiple files (part 1) Instead of spawning a os9 process for each file, call it once with the whole bunch of files. This can speed up the build process significantly when applied globally. For now, do the special cases having "notdir".
author Tormod Volden <>
date Fri, 12 Jul 2013 00:01:00 +0200
parents d660d443fe5f
line wrap: on
line source

* dw - command interface to the server
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2010/01/02  Aaron Wolfe
* Most basic implementation using new DW utility API

               nam       dw
               ttl       command interface to the server

               section   __os9
type           equ       Prgrm
lang           equ       Objct
attr           equ       ReEnt
rev            equ       $00
edition        equ       1
stack          equ       200

               section   bss
pbuffer        rmb       256
pbend          rmb       2
cbuffer        rmb       256
portdev        rmb       10
portpath       rmb       1
outpath        rmb       1
numbyt         rmb       1
die            rmb       1

               section   code

* signal handling
icpt           lda       #1
               sta       die,u

command        fcc       'dw '

* save initial parameters
__start        pshs      d
               pshs      x
               clr       die,u
* set intercept handler
               leax      icpt,pcr            *ptr to handler
               os9       F$Icpt

               lbsr      TCPOpen
               lbcs      errex1

gotport        sta       portpath,u

* rawpath
			   lbsr		RawPath

* write command to port
               lda       portpath,u
               ldy       #3
               leax      command,pc
               os9       I$Write
               lbcs      errex2

* write parameters to port - X = start addr, y = # bytes, A = path#
               puls      x
               puls      y

               os9       I$WritLn
               lbcs      errex2

* read result
               leax      pbuffer,u
               lda       portpath,u
               ldy       #1
rrloop         os9       I$Read
               lbcs      errex2
               ldb       ,x+
               cmpb      #C$CR               * end of response
               bne       rrloop

* look for Fail
               ldb       pbuffer,u
               cmpb      #'F
               bne       gotconn             * we connected

* display failure message
               lda       #1
               ldy       #1
               leax      pbuffer,u
               ldb       #9                  *skip proto error info (FAIL xxx )
prloop         os9       I$Write
               ldb       ,x+
               cmpb      #C$CR               *end of response
               bne       prloop

               ldy       #2
               leax      crlf,pc
               os9       I$Write

               lbra      done

crlf           fcb       C$CR
               fcb       C$LF

* response loop
* read 1 byte, this is how many bytes follow in this set.  0 for end of response
gotconn        nop       

* check for incoming serial data
rloop          lda       portpath,u
               ldb       #SS.Ready
               os9       I$GetStt
               bcc       serinc              read and print the byte

* if we got no data and die is set, bail
               lda       die,u
               bne       done

* sleep a while
               ldx       #0001
               os9       F$Sleep
               bra       rloop

* read B bytes from serial, print on screen
serinc         clra      
               tfr       d,y
               lda       portpath,u
               leax      pbuffer,u
               os9       I$Read
               lbcs      errex2
* print the data to stdout
               lda       #1
               leax      pbuffer,u
               os9       I$Write
               bra       rloop

done           clrb                          *no errors here			
* close port
errex2         lda       portpath,u
               os9       I$Close

errex1         os9       F$Exit              *goodbye