view 3rdparty/packages/ccompiler/sources/id.a @ 3257:987f995993c3

co80: Use HW port address from descriptor (via SCF and VTIO) Change the driver code to not use a hardcoded address. Change the value in the descriptor to the previously hardcoded value in the driver. Looks like someone was debugging a WordPak prototype using the cartridge ROM enable output...
author Tormod Volden <>
date Wed, 29 Aug 2018 08:49:13 +0200
parents 734862561313
line wrap: on
line source

* Identity system calls
 use ..../defs/os9defs.a

* Equates for level one pointers (sorry!)
D.Proc equ $4b
P$User equ $9

 psect id_a,0,0,1,0,0

* getpid()
getpid: pshs y save data pointer
 os9 F$ID
 puls y
 bcc getp10
 lbcs _os9err

getp10 tfr a,b

* getuid()
getuid: pshs y
 os9 F$ID
 bcc getu10

errexit puls y
 lbra _os9err

getu10 tfr y,d
 puls y,pc

* setuid()
 pshs y
 bsr getuid get user id
 std -2,s superuser?
 beq setu10 bra if so
 ldb #E$FNA not allowed
 bra errexit

setu10 ldy 4,s get new user id
 os9 F$SUSER set user id
 bcc setu20 bra if ok

 cmpb #E$UNKSVC illegal code?
 bne errexit bra if not

** Illegal code (sorry) ***
 tfr y,d
 ldy >D.Proc 
 std P$User,y

setu20 clra
 puls y,pc