view 3rdparty/packages/uucpbb/doc/uucpbb.doc @ 2494:98e7cb7b3dda

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author robertgault
date Sun, 04 Apr 2010 02:17:24 +0000
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     UUCPbb MANUAL                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

     1          Introduction                                1
     1.1           Hardware Requirements                    2
     1.1.1            Serial Ports                          2
     1.1.2            Disk Drives                           2
     1.1.3            Modems                                3
     1.1.4            Other Software                        3
     2          This Manual                                 4
     3          Setting Up                                  5
     3.1           Basics                                   5
     3.1.1            Programs Needed                       5
     3.1.2            Required Commands                     5
     3.1.3            Installation Procedure                6
     3.2           Parameters File                          8
     3.2.1            Node Name                             8
     3.2.2            Sitename                              9
     3.2.3            Other Parameters                      9
     3.3           Dialers File                             9
     3.4           Devices File                             9
     3.5           bin.list File                           10
     3.6           Systems File                            10
     3.7           Miscellaneous Files                     10
     3.7.1            Environment Variables                10
     3.7.2            Other Files                          11
     3.7.3            Password File                        11
     3.8           Installing Mail                         12
     3.8.1            New Installations                    12
     3.8.2            Upgrading Rick's Mail                12
     3.8.3            Upgrading Palm                       12
     3.9           CRON/MCRON                              12
     3.10          Chat Scripts                            13
     3.11          Preventing Lockups                      14
     4          Testing                                    15
     4.1           Finding a Feed                          15
     4.2           Running as Master                       16
     4.3           Running as Slave                        18
     5          Setting Up News                            19
     5.1           Turning On Your News Feed               20
     6          UUCP?  What is it?  How Does It Work?      20
     6.1           What UUCP is NOT                        20
     6.2           What UUCP is                            21
     6.3           How Do You Get There From Here?         23
     7          UUCP Command                               23
     8          Fileserver                                 24
     9          Final Word                                 24


     1    Introduction                                        OS-9 UUCP

     1 - Introduction 

        UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX Copy) has been used for many years on UNIX 
        systems.  UUCP has developed a worldwide network of computers 
        which pass e-mail and Usenet news.  For a long while, OS-9 
        users were left out.  This all changed when Mark Griffith and 
        Rick Adams separately wrote their own original OS-9/6809 UUCP 
        programs for the CoCo allowing us to join the fun.  

        Rick's code (and UCPbb) is patterned after HoneyDanBer (HDB) 
        UUCP, and was written solely by him.  It is the code that he 
        uses at my UUCP site, "ccentral", running on a Color Computer 3 
        with 40 meg hard disk.  "Ccentral" was the first Coco3 
        UUCP/Usenet node to be officially registered on Usenet.  

        Not being one to leave well enough alone :-), I worked on 
        improving the software.  UUCPbb is the result.  This suite of 
        programs is based, mostly, on Rick's work with some parts and 
        ideas borrowed from Mark's original programs.  My idea was to 
        make the programs more flexible, easier to install, maintain 
        and add more features.  I hope others will find the changes 
        worth the wait.  

        I want to thank both Rick and Mark for first efforts.  I 
        learned a lot from studying and trying to improved on their 
        work.  Both Rick and Mark gave me permission to modify their 
        code and release it to the OS-9 Community.  

        This UUCP enables you to call into another remote site running 
        UUCP and exchange email.  This will network your Color Computer 
        into a worldwide network of hundreds of thousands of UUCP 
        sites, and give you the ability to exchange email and Usenet 
        news with anyone on those sites.  

        UUCPbb would not be where it is without the help of my Beat'n 
        Bash (tm) team.  These fellow help quite a lot with comments 
        and criticisms to make everything even better.  Boisy Pitre 
        <> did the port to OS-9/68K.  Boisy and 
        Brad Spencer <> both worked hard on 
        getting UUCICO to properly talk to a number of other versions 
        of UUCP as well as squash other bugs.  I hope we nailed them 
        all.  Chuck Owens <>, Jeff Shepler 
        <> and Tom Kocourek 
        <> also helped in finding and squashing 
        bugs along with their suggestions for changes.  Jeff ported his 
        mailer, Palm, to work with UUCPbb. Now users have a choice of 
        mailers.  Thanks Jeff!  

        Thanks for all the help gang!  Now let's make this thing even 
        better.  :-) 


     UUCPbb MANUAL                                                    2

     1.1 - Hardware Requirements 

        The UUCPbb package will compile and run on OS-9/6809 and 
        OS-9/68K systems.  The minimum requirements are: 

             o  Any 6809 or 6309 microprocessor machine running 
                OS-9/6809 Level 2.  Level 1 will NOT work.  

             o  Any 68xxx microprocessor running OS-9/68K.  

             o  Any system running OS-9000 although at this time, the 
                code has not been tested under OS-9000. It probably 
                requires minor tweaking in order to compile.  This is 
                in the works.  

             o  At least 512K of RAM. It should be possible to run 
                UUCPbb on a 128K CoCo, but this has never been tested.  

             o  A hard drive or large floppy disk (720K or greater) 
                with enough room to install the system.  

             o  A Hayes compatible modem 

     1.1.1 - Serial Port 

        A hardware serial port is a must for UUCP. The "bit banger" 
        port simply will not work.  UUCP does not necessarily require a 
        modem in order to work.  Two machines running UUCP can have 
        direct serial connection between them.  This quite common in 
        the UUCP world.  It can also be done with UUCPbb.  Setting up 
        such a connection will be covered later.  

     1.1.2 - Disk Drives 

        A hard drive is highly recommended.  The size of the drive 
        depends largely on how much, if any, Usenet news you plan on 
        receiving.  Netnews can take up a large chunk of disk space.  
        (Approximately 30 MB of news is passed around Usenet every 
        day.) If you are only planning on receiving little or no news, 
        UUCP can be comfortably run on a 10 or 20 meg hard drive.  This 
        is, of course, assuming the hard drive is not almost full.  

        UUCP can also be run on a floppy-based system.  This is not 
        recommended as UUCP is highly disk intensive.  Floppies are 
        rather slow on a CoCo 3. A no-halt floppy controller is almost 
        a requirement on a CoCo. I say "almost" because UUCP can be 
        made to run using the older halting (Tandy, etc) controllers.  
        The setup is not pretty, but it can be made to work.  I know.  
        I had to use it during a hard disk crash.  If you are really 
        interested in the details, I'll be happy to pass them along.  

        A floppy system needs at least two 720K drives.  Because of the 
        limited storage, such a system is limited to e-mail.  News is 
        very unlikely to work.  


     3    Modems                                              OS-9 UUCP

     1.1.3 - Modems 

        If you will be communicating with another UUCP system by phone, 
        you will need a modem.  Most of the modems sold today should 
        work provided they have the following: 

             o  Support the Hayes command set.  

             o  The ability to recall the default modem configuration 
                when the ATZ0 command is issued or the DTR line between 
                your computer and the modem is dropped.  

        If your modem lacks these features, UUCP may not work 
        properly.  If you plan on allowing systems to call in, your 
        modem should support auto-answering.  This is not an absolute 
        requirement.  Many UUCP sites only call out for security 
        reasons.  Lack of an auto-answer feature will prevent you from 
        running UUCP if you are the one doing the calling.  

     1.1.4 - Other software 

        You must also have the following software: 

             o  cron, mcron or some other background task scheduler.  
                MCRON is included with UUCPbb 

             o  TSMon or similar program to monitor the port for 
                incoming calls.  This is only need if you will be 
                accepting incoming UUCP calls.  If you will only be 
                calling out, TSMON is not necessary.  

             o  (CoCo only) Shell+ v2.1 or later.  UUCPbb makes heavy 
                use of Shell+'s features.  The stock Microware shell on 
                the CoCo should work.  It has not been tested however.  

        In addition, UUCPbb as it comes uses the following default 

             /DD/SYS/UUCP - The UUCP system files directory
             /DD/LOG      - The log files directory

        If /dd is not your primary drive, you will need to edit the 
        uucp.h file before compiling.  

        The mail, spool and news directories are user configurable.  
        The procedure for doing this will be described later.  


     UUCPbb MANUAL                                                    4

     2 - This manual 

        This manual is not intended to teach your all about the inner 
        works of UUCP, networks or electronic mail; although a basic 
        description of UUCP will be given toward the end.  It assumes 
        you have some basic understanding of how to use OS-9; things 
        such as creating/editing files, creating directories and 
        setting the permissions of file and directories.  

        Various utilities are included in the package to make 
        administering UUCP relatively easy.  Running a UUCP site can be 
        complex, though it need not be.  Sometimes it can be difficult 
        getting a UUCP started.  Once started UUCP usually runs without 

        I will be happy to help in any way I can.  If you questions 
        about UUCPbb in general or on CoCo specifically, you can 
        contact me.  If you have questions about running UUCPbb on 
        under OSK (OS-9/68K), you can contact Boisy Pitre.  Right now, 
        I don't have an OSK system :-( so I cannot answer questions 
        related to OSK specific problems.  Boisy's address is: 

        If you have questions or problems related related to UUCICO not 
        wanting to properly talk to other UUCICOs, follow the 
        instructions in UUCICO.MAN on how to report the problems.  You 
        can send these to me or Brad Spencer at  

        UUCPbb is not public domain.  It is copylefted software 
        released under the GNU General Public License. A copy of the 
        GNU GPL is included in the package.  See the file COPYING for 
        your rights under the GNU license.  You cannot sell UUCPbb. You 
        are free to modify the code and give copies of this away.  Both 
        Rick and I would like to see UUCPbb become an OS-9 Community 
        project.  The details of this will be described later.  

        Share and enjoy!  

        Bob Billson (1994 April 2) 
        UUCP:     uunet!kc2wz!bob


     5    Setting Up                                          OS-9 UUCP

     3 - Setting Up 

     3.1 - Basics 

     3.1.1 - Programs Needed 

        uucico      call a UUCP neighbor and send/receive files
        uucp        queue a job to transfer a file to or from a UUCP neighbor
        mailx       read pending mail, or queue up mail to be sent
        Palm        Jeff Shepler's mailer used in place of mailx (optional)
        readnews    read Usenet news articles
        postnews    queue a job to post a Usenet news article
        expire      delete outdated Usenet news articles
        uuxqt       perform incoming work queued up to be done
        rmail       deliver mail
        rnews       deliver news
        uuclean     clean uucp spool directories
        uulog       view the UUCP or fileserv log files
        fileserv    mini-listserver
        adduser     create user accounts
        login       logon to the system (CoCo optional)
        cnvrtmail   convert Rick's older style mail to new format (CoCo)
        subscribe   get newsgroups the system receives
        unsubscribe stop reading particular newsgroups
        uuencode    encode binary files for mailing
        uudecode    restore encoded binary files received
        chown       change ownership of file/directory (CoCo)

     3.1.2 - Required Commands 

        I have tried to make it easy to set up UUCP on both the CoCo 
        and OSK machines.  It will require you to create and edit some 
        files.  The following step-by-step instructions will guide you 
        through the installation.  The procedure is identical on 
        OS-9/6809, OS-9/68K and OS-9000 systems.  ==NOTE== you must be 
        the superuser (user ID 0) when through the whole procedure.  
        Where there are differences, the following notation will be 

             COCO  Indicates instructions apply to the CoCo only.  
                   Either new installation or upgrades from Rick's 
                   original UUCP.  

             RICK  Indicates instructions only apply to a CoCo where 
                   Rick's original UUCP program is already installed.  

             OSK   Indicates instructions which apply only to OSK 

                   You need the following standard OS-9 commands: 
                        RENAME, COPY, LOAD, LIST, UNLINK, and MAKDIR

                   You also need the C compiler, MAKE utility and your 
                   favorite text editor.  


     UUCPbb MANUAL                                                    6

                   COCO -Highly recommended is using Carl Kreider's 
                        replacement of the C compiler's cc1, CC. 
                        Version 2.5.0 is available on 
                The file name is 
                        cc250.lzh.  REQUIRED, however, is Carl's 
                        replacement for the original Microware clib.l 
                        library.  The latest version is on 
               as the file clib1990.lzh.  
                        The original Microware clib.l cannot be used to 
                        compile UUCPbb.  

                        OSK  -Either Microware's Ultra C compiler or C 
                        compiler v3.2 can used.  

                   All the necessary commands must be in your current 
                   execution directory.  

     3.1.3 - Installation Procedure 

        Step 1   If your current data directory, does not contain the C 
                 source code already, change to the proper directory.  

                 The docs files for UUCPbb are in the directory DOCS. 
                 DOCS has three subdirectories: MAN, DOC and SAMPLE. 
                 MAN and DOC contain files read to be printed.  SAMPLE 
                 contains examples of the various files which will 
                 later be copied to another directory.  It would be a 
                 good idea to print out the files in the MAN and DOCS 
                 directories.  They will be referred to shortly.  

        Step 2   Using your text editor, the following instruction 
                 applies to the file: uucp.h.  

                 There are certain areas of this file you should not 
                 change.  These are clearly marked.  Read through 
                 uucp.h to see if you need to make any changes for your 
                 system.  The defaults should work for most systems.  

                 If you do not have a /DD descriptor in your bootfile 
                 or /DD is not your main drive, you may need to change 
                 the pathnames in parts of uucp.h.  For example, there 
                 may be no /DD/SYS on your /DD drive.  You may need to 
                 make it /H0/SYS instead.  

                 DO NOT change thing anything in parts marked off 
                 limits.  Evil things may befall you otherwise.  

                 OSK   Go to Step 4.  

        Step 3   COCO  -Using your text editor, edit the file: 
                 makefile.coco.  If you are not using Carl Kreider's 
                 CC, edit the 'CC = cc' line to the appropriate C 
                 compiler executive.  For example, if you are using the 
                 stock Microware C comiler, this line would be changed 


     7    Installation Procedure                              OS-9 UUCP

                 to 'CC = cc1'.  

                 You may need to make other changes to the makefile.  
                 The comments in makefile.coco will help you.  The '#' 
                 is a comment.  Anything to the right of the '#' is 
                 ignored by MAKE. To uncomment something simply delete 
                 the '#' just to the left of the desired item.  

        Step 4   You are ready to compile.  The makefile you are going 
                 to use depends on your system.  For the CoCo, you
                 use: makefile.coco.  If you compiling using Ultra C, 
                 use: makefile.ucc.  If you are using the OSK C 
                 compiler v3.2, you use: makefile.c32.  So you run: 

                      make -f <your_makefile> 

                 COCO  -Compile time on the CoCo is approximately one 

        Step 5   You are now ready to create the needed directories:  

                 /DD/LOG                    uucp log files
                 /DD/SYS/UUCP               uucp systems files directory
                 /DD/USR/SPOOL              spooled work directory
                 /DD/USR/SPOOL/MAIL         mailbox directory
                 /DD/USR/SPOOL/NEWS         Usenet news directory
                 /DD/USR/SPOOL/UUCP         uucp spool directory
                 /DD/USR/SPOOL/UUCPPUBLIC   uucp public spool directory
                 /DD/USR/SPOOL/UUCP/SAND    spooled work to/from "sand"
                 /DD/HOME                   user login directories

                 On some systems, the user login directories are in 
                 /DD/USER. If you already have user home directory on 
                 your system, you do not need the create a different 
                 one.  There does not seem to be a standard on OS-9. :-(

                 ==NOTE== The directory SAND is only an example.  Each
                 UUCP system you talk to needs its own directory in

                 RICK    On Rick's original UUCP, the following 
                 directories were used: 

                 /DD/SYS/UUCP                uucp system files directory
                 /DD/SPOOL                   spooled work directory
                 /DD/SPOOL/MAIL              mailbox directory
                 /DD/SPOOL/NEWS              Usenet news directory
                 /DD/SPOOL/UUCP              uucp spool directory
                 /DD/SPOOL/UUCPPUBLIC        uucp public spool directory
                 /DD/SPOOL/UUCP/SAND         spooled work to/from "sand"
                 /DD/USER                    user login directories

                 You can keep this directory structure and simply 
                 create the /DD/LOG 


     UUCPbb MANUAL                                                    8

        Step 6   Set the directory permissions as follows: 

                 /DD/LOG                       owner read, write, execute;
                                                 public write
                 /DD/HOME                      owner & public read, write,
                 /DD/SYS/UUCP                  owner read, write, execute
                 /DD/USR/SPOOL                 owner read, write, execute;
                                                 public read, write
                 /DD/USR/SPOOL/MAIL            owner & public read, write,
                 /DD/USR/SPOOL/NEWS            owner read, write, execute;
                                                 public read, write
                 /DD/USR/SPOOL/UUCP            owner read, write, execute
                 /DD/USR/SPOOL/UUCPPUBLIC      owner & public read, write,
                 /DD/USR/SPOOL/UUCP/SAND       owner read, write, execute

        Step 7   Time to copy some files.  

                 RICK  BEFORE copying the files save copies of all your 
                 original files in /DD/SYS/UUCP to a temporary 
                 directory or on to a floppy.  

                 Change to the directory /DOCS/SAMPLE in your current 
                 data directory.  Copy all the files in this directory 
                 to /DD/SYS/UUCP.  

        Step 8   Change to the directory /DD/SYS/UUCP 

        You are now ready to edit the various system files.  This may 
        sound more complicated than it really is.  Just take your 
        time.  Be sure to read the specified docs files before making 

     3.2 - Parameters File 

        Start up your text editor on the file: Parameters.  Refer to 
        the file parameters.doc while editing this file.  

     3.2.1 - Node Name 

        You'll need to pick out a name for your UUCP site.  You can't 
        pick out just any name; it has to be different than any of the 
        other some 100,000 sites out there already.  Needless to say, 
        this means that all the good ones are taken.  ;-) 

        This name is fairly important.  It must be from 1 to 8 (but no 
        more than 8) alphanumeric characters.  Punctuation or embedded 
        spaces are not allowed.  Many system administrators pick a name 
        which has special meaning to them.  For example, my node name 
        is "kc2wz" which is my Amateur Radio (ham) callsign.  Upper and 
        lower case are treated the same.  Lower case is normally used 
        when referring to a node.  


     9    Node Name                                           OS-9 UUCP

        It's fairly easy for a UUCP administrator at an existing site 
        to check on possible name conflicts and to find all the UUCP 
        nodes close to you.  If you don't happen to know one, try 
        sending mail to me:  Tell me what city 
        and state you live in.  I'll try to get a list of nodes near 
        you, with phone numbers and names of people at each site to 

     3.2.2 - Sitename 

        The sitename is not the same as your node name although it also 
        refers to your machine.  UUCPbb uses this parameter to identify 
        your fully qualified domain name.  In order to have a fully 
        qualified domain, you need a feed which is connected on the 
        Internet who willing to act a gateway to the Internet for you.  
        UUCP does NOT mean you are connected to the Internet or on the 
        Internet.  If you do not have a domain name, you use your 
        nodename with '.uucp' attached to the end for this parameter.  

     3.2.3 - Other parameters 

        Using the parameters.doc file a guide, you can finished editing 
        the Parameters file.  When you have a UUCP feed, you will need 
        to correctly fill in the uucphost, newshost, and inhost or 
        bithost parameters.  

     3.3 - Dialers File 

        The next file to edit is the Dialers file.  Dialers contains 
        info on all your modems.  The last field in the Devices file 
        refers to an entry in Dialers.  The sample Dialers file 
        explains the format of the entry.  If you are simply going to 
        use a Hayes compatible modem without any of its special 
        features such as MNP-4, MNP-5, etc, the file can be left 
        unchanged for now.  The 'hayes' entry will suffice.  If you 
        wish to take advantages of your modem's additional features, 
        the sample file will give you an idea of how to create other 

     3.4 - Devices file 

        The next file to edit is the Devices files.  Devices contains 
        info on all your serial ports.  The third field in the Systems 
        file refers to an entry in Devices.  With this file you can set 
        up the various ports of your system to handle more than one 
        modem.  Or it gives you a way to use the same modem and port in 
        various configurations.  The entry 'Hayes' will suffice for 
        situations which do not take advantage of a modem's special 
        features, such MNP-4.  


     UUCPbb MANUAL                                                   10

     3.5 - bin.list File

        This is a simple file which contains a list a extentions 
        commonly used to indicate binary files.  Mailx and FileServ 
        check bin.list to see if a file needs to be uuencode before 
        sending it.  You can add to this file if you need to.  

     3.6 - Systems 

        The Systems file contains info on how to access the remote 
        site.  There must be an entry for each of the UUCP systems that 
        you call and/or calls you.  The sample file gives the details 
        for the entry format.  

        If the remote system has more than one phone number, you need 
        to create a separate entry for each number.  UUCICO will then 
        call each number in the order it occurs.  

        The sample Systems file explains the entry format.  

     3.7 - Miscellaneous Files 

        There are a few miscellaneous files which UUCPbb uses.  Not all 
        of them are required, but a few are.  

     3.7.1 - Environment Variables 

        UUCPbb makes use of environment variables.  The ones used are: 
        HOME, MAIL, EDITOR, SHELL, and TERM.  

             HOME is the directory containing the users' login 

             MAIL is the directory containing the users' mailbox 

             EDITOR is the name of the text editor to be used when 
             composing mail or news articles.  

             SHELL is the name of the user's shell.  

             TERM is the type of terminal the user is on.  

        The CoCo does not have environment variables, so we need to 
        emulate them.  The default system environment on the CoCo is 
        kept in the file: /DD/SYS/profile.  Each user on the CoCo has a 
        'profile' file in their home directory which contains the 
        user's environment.  See the doc file: profile.doc for 
        information on setting up these files.  

        OSK has true environment variables.  The system administrator 
        of the machine needs to set MAIL, EDITOR, SHELL, HOME, and TERM 
        for the each user.  You will need to refer to your OSK docs on 
        how to do this.  


     11    Other Files                                        OS-9 UUCP

     3.7.2 - Other Files 

        UUCPbb makes use of other files such aliases and mailrc.  There 
        are separate doc files which describe the contents of this 
        files so it will not be repeated here.  

        On the CoCo, each individual's UUCP related files, except 
        'profile', are kept in the directory UUCP. This is subdirectory 
        in each user's login directory.  

        On an OSK machine, the individual's UUCP related files are kept 
        in each user's root login directory.  

     3.7.3 - Password File 

        Your password needs to be properly set up for users to be able 
        to login and read or send mail or news.  User ID 0 in the 
        password file is the "superuser" account.  You may name this 
        account after yourself, or you may name it "root" or "sysop". 
        Currently, UUCICO runs as the superuser so you need at least 
        this account in the password file.  You should create a 
        separate account on your system for use when reading/posting 
        email and news.  Leave the the superuser account for doing 
        program development and system maintenance.  

        If you plan on accepting incoming UUCP calls, you will need to 
        create an that remote systems log into.  In the UNIX world, 
        this account name is often "nuucp". It does not always have a 
        password since the only program this account should every run 
        is UUCICO 

        Also make sure there is a "postmaster" account, too.  Any 
        incoming mail that goes to a name that can't be found in the 
        password file goes to "postmaster". Also, "postmaster" is an 
        established standard name on most UNIX sites to which 
        administrative mail is sent.  In other words, if someone at 
        another site wants to send mail to someone in charge at your 
        site, not just Joe User, and they don't want to spend the time 
        figuring out just who IS in charge over there, they send to 
        "postmaster". This user is defined in the 
        /DD/SYS/UUCP/Parameters file by the parameter 'errorsto'. It is 
        not a good idea to try to use an alias to redirect mail to 
        another user instead of making a separate account.  

        Another account is "daemon". This user is for future expansion 
        of UUCPbb.  It is not a regular user and receives no mail.  It 
        will be used it future updates to run certain tasks.  

        You can use the utility ADDUSER to easily create new accounts.  

        A sample /dd/sys/password file looks something like this: 

        root,rootpass,0,128,/dd/cmds,/dd,ex shell
        nuucp,uucppass,1,190,/dd/cmds,/dd/usr/spool/uucppublic,ex uucico -r
        postmaster,postpass,2,128,/dd/cmds,/dd/user/postmaster,ex shell
        rickadams,rickpass,3,128,/dd/cmds,/dd/user/rickadams,ex shell
        user1,rickpass,4,128,/dd/cmds,/dd/user/user1,ex shell
        user2,rickpass,5,128,/dd/cmds,/dd/user/user1,ex shell


     UUCPbb MANUAL                                                   12

     3.8 - Installing Mail 

     3.8.1 - New Installations 

        If you are installing UUCP for the first time, you may need to 
        manually create the user mailboxes.  The main mailbox directory 
        is defined by the parameter 'maildir' in the /DD/SYS/Parameters 
        file.  Inside this directory are subdirectories.  The names of 
        these subdirectories are the same as the login names of each 
        user.  These are the user's mailboxes.  Each message is kept as 
        a separate file in the user's mailbox directory.  

        If you already have users installed on your system, you merely 
        need to create a mailbox directory for each user.  It is 
        important that the directory is owned by user it is named for.  
        That is, the user ID in the password file and the owner ID as 
        give by 'dir e' ('dir -e' for OSK) must be the same.  If they 
        are not, the user will not be able to read their mail.  On the 
        CoCo you can use the CHOWN utility included with UUCPbb to set 
        the ownership of the mailbox.  

        If you do not have users installed on your system, you need to 
        run the ADDUSER utility.  ADDUSER creates the necessary 
        directories such as the mailbox and home directories.  

        If you choose to use Jeff Shepler's mailer, Palm, (available on, follow Jeff's instructions for compiling 
        and installing it.  

     3.8.2 - Upgrading Rick's mail 

        RICK   -If you are upgrading from Rick's original UUCP on the 
        CoCo, you have two choices.  If you are running Rick's original 
        mail program, you will need to run the utility CNVRTMAIL. See 
        the doc file CNVRTMAIL.MAN for details on how to use the 
        utility.  The mail format will be changed from the old form to 
        the new one.  

     3.8.3 - Upgrading Palm 

        RICK   -If you are upgrading from Rick's original UUCP on the 
        CoCo and are using Jeff's mailer, Palm, you need to use Jeff's 
        conversion utility to change the Palm for use with UUCPbb. The 
        utility and instructions are in the file CONVERTPALM.LZH which 
        is included with UUCPbb.  

     3.9 - CRON/MCRON 

        Although UUCP can be run manually, it really is meant to be run 
        by a task scheduler.  UUCPbb comes with Boisy Pitre's task 
        scheduler MCRON. You can also use CRON which is available on, Delphi, and Compuserv as well a number of 
        landline BBSs. Some OS-9 BBS software, especially if it is 
        capable of handling Fidonet, often has some sort of event 
        scheduler as part of the software.  Any of these can be used to 
        run the various UUCP tasks.  


     13    CRON/MCRON                                         OS-9 UUCP

        For example, here part of my crontab file: 

             #     Daily
             1 0 * * * /dd/etc/script/dailycleanup&
             # expire Usenet articles
             30 4 * * * expire&
             #     UUCP polls
             40 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21 * * * uucico fdurt1 -t3&
             15 3 * * * uucico hvymetal -t3&

        Some explanation is in order.  dailycleanup is a shell script 
        which runs daily housekeeping tasks, such as running UUCLEAN. 
        This occurs at one minute after midnight every day.  EXPIRE 
        runs at 4:30 am every day to delete old Usenet news articles.  
        UUCICO calls the remote site 'fdurt1' at 40 minutes after the 
        hour every three hours starting at midnight of every day.  
        UUCICO also calls the remote site 'hvymetal' every day at 3:15 
        in the morning.  The call to each remote is tried three times 
        before giving up for that session.  

        If any mail was received during the call, UUCICO will fork 
        UUXQT to process the mail.  This works fine on the 
        CoCo--usually. Some BBSs have the modem kill switch set to ON. 
        The result is that when UUXQT is chained to by UUCICO, it gets 
        killed off.  As an attempt to prevent this, you can try using 
        the -o option of UUCICO. This should cause UUXQT to be started 
        as an orphan.  Without a parent, the modem kill switch should 
        not effect it.  This option has not been thoroughly tested yet, 
        so bug reports and/or fixes are welcome.  

        The other alternative is to put a separate entry in the crontab 
        file to run UUXQT as certain times after a call to your feed is 
        through.  If you run UUXQT with the system name of 'ALL', all 
        the remotes listed in the Systems file will be check for newly 
        arrived work.  

     3.10 - Chat Scripts 

        Take a look at this example Systems file: 

             sandstorm Any sacia 2400 555-1234 ogin: uucp word: glorp

        The sixth and subsequent field(s) are called the "chat script" 
        for that system.  This is a number of "expect/send" pairs, 
        giving what to expect the other system to say when you try to 
        log in, and what to say back in response.  

        So in the above example, we would wait till we saw the string 
        "ogin:" (actually, "login:"; chat scripts are usually 
        abbreviated this way), then respond with "uucp". The remote 
        system would then say "word:" (actually, "Password:"), and 
        we'll respond with "glorp" (the password).  This gives step by 
        step directions for logging into the remote system that are 
        used by uucico when it calls it up.  There is a similar chat 
        script in the Dialers file entry for a specific modem, starting 
        with the second field.  


     UUCPbb MANUAL                                                   14

        There are a number of special sequences you can put in chat 

             ""          expect (or send) nothing
             \b          a backspace character (hex 08)
             \d          a 1-second delay
             \s          a space (hex 20)
             \r          carriage return (hex 0D)
             \n          a linefeed character (hex 0A)
             \N          a NUL character (hex 00)
             \T          the phone number given in the Systems file
             \\          a backslash
             \t          a TAB character (hex 09)
             \NNN        ASCII character NNN in octal
             \^?         send a control character, for example:
                            \^A sends Ctrl-A
             \c          suppress carriage return at end of
                           send string

        A carriage return is automatically sent after each "send" 
        string unless the "c" sequence is used at the end of the 

     3.11 - Preventing Lockups 

        Included in UUCPbb is a patch written by Boisy Pitre for the 
        CoCo. This file is call SCF14.AR. Applying this patch to SCF 
        allows you to make your serial ports non-shareable.  Why would 
        you want to do this?  Well, let's say you are calling a BBS and 
        CRON decides it is time for UUCICO to make a call--on the same 
        port.  When your terminal program and UUCICO try to use the 
        same port, things will lock up real tight!  With the 
        non-shareable patch installed, UUCICO will be able to detect 
        that the port is already in use and not interfer.  

        Right now, I'm an not sure how to accomplish the same thing 
        under OSK. If someone has the proper procedure, please let me 
        know.  In the meantime, OSK users will have to be aware that 
        there may be a conflict in a situation similar to the above one 


     15    Testing                                            OS-9 UUCP

     4 - Testing 

        Now that you have reached this point, you should be ready to 
        see if it all works.  

     4.1 - Finding a Feed 

        In order to test UUCICO, you will need to find an existing UUCP 
        system willing to provide you with a UUCP mail feed.  Tell them 
        you'd like to poll their system a couple times a day to send 
        and pick up your mail.  The important thing to get across is 
        that you'll be dialing THEM, on your dime, you'll be only 
        calling them a few times per day, and the volume will be fairly 
        low, since you're a one-person "leaf" site.  (A "leaf" site is 
        one with only one UUCP connection.) In other words, you're only 
        picking up mail for one person, and not providing mail service 
        to lots of other people downstream from you.  

        They'll also be concerned that you call in regularly, so that 
        your UUCP traffic doesn't queue up endlessly on their system 
        waiting for you to call in.  If you sort of forget about 
        calling in for a few weeks, and a few hundred messages spool 
        for you on the remote system, you will most probably get a 
        concerned and/or annoyed phone call.  :-) Or they mail yank 
        your feed altogether.  Remember, you are requesting to use 
        their system, not abuse it.  

        Also, make sure they understand you are NOT a business, NOT a 
        BBS (unless, of course, you ARE one :-) ), you are an 
        individual doing this for hobby purposes.  If they think you're 
        a business, they'll likely tell you to go somewhere where you 
        can hook up to a UUCP site for a fee, since you ought to be 
        able to pay for it.  If they think you're a BBS, they'll be 
        worried about how much traffic they're going to be saddled 
        with, at their expense.  

        (On the other hand, some site administrators are sympathetic 
        towards BBS operators, and will be very helpful.  It depends on 
        the person.) 

        How do you find such a site?  You can look in the UUCP map data 
        for your state for all the sites near you, then call the 
        contact phone numbers provided in the map data trying to find 
        someone agreeable to your request.  They may say no, they may 
        give you a mail feed for free, or they may offer to provide it 
        for a fee.  If they agree to give you a feed for free, you're 
        getting quite a deal, and you definately should put that person 
        on your Christmas card list.  :-) 

        This is a Catch-22, of course.  You can't set up a UUCP node 
        unless you can find a site to connect to, but you can't find a 
        site to connect to unless you have access to UUCP. The solution 
        is to somehow contact someone who already has access to a UUCP 
        site and who is also fairly knowledgeable about how it all 
        works.  If you can find such a person (asking around at most 
        universities usually yields paydirt), so much the better.  If 
        not, well, send me email ( as I'll see it 
        I can help.  


     UUCPbb MANUAL                                                   16

        UUCP administrators tend to be technically minded middle-level 
        people, many of whom have a soft spot in their heart for eager 
        young "hackers" (in the original sense of the world), and an 
        affectionate and almost paternal love of their system, to the 
        point that you'll be made to feel like you've just asked to 
        take out one of their daughters.  And, in a way, you have. :-) 
        Be cheerful, respectful and polite, and see what happens.  

        The UUCP administrators at the site you connect to may ask you 
        to only call during certain specific hours, to not tie up 
        his/her modems during normal business hours.  That's a common 
        restriction; agree to it if asked, and don't even think about 
        fudging on it.  UUCP keeps log files of all the traffic to and 
        from your site, so he/she can check up on you, and probably 
        will.  Blow it, and you may find your email feed yanked in a 
        hot minute, and you'll be out looking for another site all over 

        If you find a site willing to provide a mail feed, you'll be 

             One or more phone numbers to a modem on their system
             The UUCP node name of their system
             An account and password for UUCP access
             Hours in which you may access the system

        The UUCP coordinator may want to know: 

             Your voice phone number
             Your modem phone number
             The name of your UUCP node

        If they ask you "what is your modem number, and when can I call 
        you", tell them that you'll be calling THEM, and that they 
        should put "Never" as the time they can call you.  This is 
        usually more handy than having them call you.  Or, if you want 
        your machine to be on a lot, tell them the hours you can accept 
        UUCP related calls from their machine.  There is a way you can 
        set up your system to accept UUCP calls in "slave" mode, so 
        that your UUCP neighbor can connect to your machine in the 
        background.  This will be covered shortly.  

     4.2 - Running as Master 

        When a system calls out, it is running in the Master mode.  In 
        order to do this you will need to have your modem set up to 
        return the result codes in English. UUCICO looks for the 
        "CONNECT" string to let it know the remote modem has answered.  
        You should also have your modem set up to drop the connection 
        if the remote modem hangs up.  The entries for 'hayes' in the 
        Device and Dialers files should work with most situations.  
        Sometimes, however, it is necessary to play with the modem 
        settings to get it to work properly.  The settings in Devices 
        and Dialers for 'zoom' are for a Zoom V.42bis modem.  These 
        settings have worked very well for more than a year on my 


     17    Running as Master                                  OS-9 UUCP

        Once you have installed the system and setup the various files 
        and have at least one real UUCP site in the Systems file, you 
        are ready to test your installation.  

        Be sure that you do not have TSMon or any other process running 
        on the port your modem is connected to.  Begin by typing: 

             uucico sitename 

        If everything is setup correctly, UUCICO should dial the remote 
        site, connect, login and perhaps even transfer some mail.  Once 
        it finished type this from the OS-9 prompt: 

             OS9: uulog 

        You should get something like this on your screen: 

        uucp fdurt1 (Mar 28-15:30:29) Calling system fdurt1 on port /t2
        uucp fdurt1 (Mar 28-15:30:55) Login successful
        uucp fdurt1 (Mar 28-15:30:56) Handshake successful (protocol 'g')
        daemon fdurt1 (Mar 28-15:30:57) Request to send 'D.fdurt1b10aM'
        daemon fdurt1 (Mar 28-15:31:45) Request to send 'X.fdurt1X10aK'
        uucp fdurt1 (Mar 28-15:31:55) Call complete (76 seconds)
        uuxqt fdurt1 (Mar 28-15:32:05) rmail D.fdurt1b10aM "kc2wz!bob"

        If you see anything else or a FAILED in the "Call complete" 
        line, something is wrong and you will have to correct it.  The 
        error message are pretty much self-explanatory.  

        If you failed to login, you probably have something wrong in 
        the chat script.  

        Getting the chat script right is sometimes the hard part.  Try 
        calling the remote while using a terminal program.  Capture the 
        login sequence without any sort of filtering.  Note the 
        sequence you have to follow in order to properly login.  Once 
        you can login yourself, just duplicate the sequence in your 
        chat script.  

        Make sure the system administrator of your feed (and you) have 
        your login name and password correct.  A difference of only one 
        letter will prevent you from logging in.  

        If you logged successfully, but UUCICO fails afterward, you can 
        run UUCICO with a higher debug level to narrow down the 

        If everything went well, congratulations!!  Welcome to the UUCP 
        world.  :-) 


     UUCPbb MANUAL                                                   18

     4.3 - Running As Slave 

        When a system is set up to take incoming UUCP calls, it is in 
        the Slave mode.  

        To run your machine in slave mode, create a line like this in 
        your /DD/SYS/password file: 

        nuucp,uucppass,2,190,/dd/cmds,/dd/usr/spool/uucppublic,ex uucico -r

        The user number in this example is "2", but this is not 
        important.  Note the higher priority of 190, and the "uucico 
        -r" command.  "-r" specifies slave mode.  Use your own password 
        instead of "uucppass", of course.  

        Then you need to set your system and modem up for slave mode.  
        Create a shellscript similar to this: 

             echo ate0q1s0=1 >/t2
             tsmon /t2&
             echo done

        Any UUCP neighbor that wants to call you while you're in slave 
        mode will need a "chat script" for your system, to know how to 
        log in.  Here is a sample one.  This example assumes my modem's 
        phone number is 555-1234, my uucp account is "nuucp", with a 
        password of "itsme": 

        kc2wz Any hayes 2400 5551234 "" r ogin: nuucp word: itsme

        This line, or one very much like it, will go into the "Systems" 
        file on your UUCP neighbor.  At this point that system will 
        know how to call your system and log in using slave mode, 
        whenever it might feel the need to do so.  This assumes that 
        your system is ready to accept the call.  

        If you don't plan on accepting calls in slave mode at all, but 
        just want to call them, tell them to put "Never" in that 

        If your systems needs to call out, it will first have to kill 
        TSMon on the port, other UUCICO will not be able to call out.  


     19    Setting Up News                                    OS-9 UUCP

     5 - Setting Up News 

        You need to create the following files: 

        1.   /DD/SYS/UUCP/active 

             This file will contain a list of all the Usenet newsgroups 
             you want to receive, one per line.  When setting up your 
             system, format each line as in the following example: 

                  rec.arts.anime 0 0
                  comp.sys.m6809 0 0
                  sci.astro 0 0
                  comp.os.os9 0 0

             (Each line consists of the newsgroup name followed by the 
             minimum and maximum article number in the system, which 
             starts out at 0 and 0 for a new newsgroup.) 

        2.   /DD/SYS/UUCP/distributions 

             This file contains a list of all the Usenet distributions 
             for your site, one per line.  

             Usenet "distributions" control how widely your posted news 
             article will be sent.  Some distributions are, for 

                  world       anywhere in the world
                  na          north america
                  usa         the united states

             You will have other distributions in your area, as well.  
             Here are the distributions for my area: 

                  nj          New Jersey
                  ny          New York
                  ne          Northeast

             Typically there will be a statewide distribution for your 
             state named after its two-letter code, i.e.  "tn" for 
             Tennessee, etc.  

             So figure out all your local distributions, then add them 
             to the world, na and usa distributions, and put them in 
             the distributions file, one per line, like this: 



     UUCPbb MANUAL                                                   20

     5.1 - Turning On Your News Feed 

        Once you figure out which newsgroups you want, you have to tell 
        the system administrator of your UUCP neighbor what you want to 
        get.  Tell him/her, for example, "I'd like a batched, 
        compressed newsfeed of comp.os.os9, comp.sys.m6809, and 
        ba.test."  (This is an example ONLY; check to see what 
        newsgroups would be best for your tastes, and for your area.) 

        This implementation can handle batched or unbatched, 
        uncompressed or uncompressed news, but batched compressed news 
        is most efficient.  The OS-9/6809 can only handle 12-bit 
        compression, which is usually the default.  OSK systems can 
        handle 16-bit compression.  You must have the utility COMPRESS 
        in your execution directory.  OS-9 COMPRESS is available on 
        Delphi, Compuserve and  Do not use the 
        16-bit version of COMPRESS for OS-9/6809, it is WAY too slow 
        for news.  

        You won't receive any news, or be able to post any news, until 
        your UUCP neighbor adds a line to their /usr/lib/news/sys file 
        that specifies that your system is to receive the specified 
        newsfeed.  Also, if your neighbor doesn't receive one or more 
        of the newsgroups you request, you won't be getting any 
        articles for it, either, and the administrator will probably 
        point that out.  

        The administrator will add your line to his/her sys file in 
        response to your request for a news feed.  

        You'll eventually start receiving your news articles, usually 
        in one big chunk once per night.  If you run uucico with debug 
        output turned on, you'll see "rnews" getting executed at that 
        point, in addition to the usual "rmail."  

        Make sure all your files are in readiness on your site before 
        you request your newsfeed turned on; you'll have a heck of a 
        time once the articles start flowing in, otherwise.  

     6 - UUCP?  What is it?  How Does It Work?  

     6.1 - What UUCP is NOT 

        UUCP is NOT a BBS program.  UUCP is NOT a terminal program.  
        Running UUCP does NOT mean you are connected to the Internet. 
        Although some sites on the Internet provide a way to access 
        their services via email, this does not mean you are on the 
        Internet. Connecting to the Internet is a bit more complicated 
        the running UUCP.  


     21    What UUPC is                                       OS-9 UUCP

     6.2 - What UUCP is 

        UUCP stands for "Unix-to-Unix Copy", and was an early file 
        transfer protocol supplied with most versions of the UNIX 
        operating system.  It has since been adapted to run on numerous 
        other machines as well, including IBM PC's, Macintoshes, 
        Amigas, and so on.  UUCP is more properly a suite (collection) 
        of programs which work together to transfer mail, news and 

        Each computer running UUCP is known as a UUCP "site", or 
        "node". There could be one or may users on a particular node.  

        Each UUCP site has one or more "UUCP neighbors" with which 
        files, email, and possibly Usenet news articles are exchanged: 

             * Files can be transferred from one system to another via 
                the UUCP command.  

             * Email can be sent or received.  It travels from system 
                to system, one "hop" at a time, until it reaches its 
                intended destination.  

             * Usenet is a worldwide network for the exchange of 
                messages, sort of like a very large, diversified, 
                sprawling BBS. Usenet "newsgroups" exist that are 
                devoted to just about any conceivable topic.  If one of 
                your UUCP neighbors receives a Usenet newsgroup on a 
                topic you're interested in, you can arrange to have it 
                sent to your site too, and can post messages to that 
                newsgroup that are sent out for worldwide distribution, 
                as well.  

        Some people may recognize this as being somewhat similar to the 
        way that the Fidonet network works.  

        Each UUCP node has a unique name.  Email is sent to users at 
        another site by addressing the mail to the "path" to that site, 
        which consists of the sequence of sites between your site and 
        the ultimate destination site, followed by the user account 
        name on the destination, separated by exclamation marks.  

        For example, in the following hypothetical example, the nodes 
        "coco3", "sandstorm", "gigsys", "papabear", "homebase", 
        "garage3", and "tatooine" are interconnected in the following 

            \              /  \                 \              /
             \            /    \                 \            /
              \          /      \                 \          /
               \        /        \                 \        /
                \      /          \                 \      /
                homebase       garage3              tatooine


     UUCPbb MANUAL                                                   22

        So, "coco3" has two UUCP neighbors, "sandstorm" and "homebase". 
        Site "gigsys" has three UUCP neighbors: "sandstorm", 
        "papabear", and "tatooine". The site "garage3" is what is known 
        as a "leaf" site: it is connected to only one UUCP neighbor, 
        "sandstorm". It is a "leaf" on the interconnection "tree" in 
        that it only generates and receives email (and possibly Usenet 
        news) for itself, and doesn't pass any traffic through for 
        anyone else.  

        So if someone at site "coco3" wanted to send email to someone 
        with the user account "susan" at site "garage3", they'd send it 


        If someone at site "homebase" wanted to send mail to user 
        "fred" at site "tatooine", they'd send it to: 


        Suppose someone at site "papabear" wanted to send email to user 
        "sally" who was also at site "papabear"?  In that case, it 
        becomes rather simple.  They'd send the email to: 


        Email sent to someone on a remote system is queued up to be 
        sent.  On a regular basis, you call up one or more of your UUCP 
        neighbors, at which time the two nodes connect and exchange any 
        files that are waiting to be sent or received by one or the 
        other.  After this is done, the two computers disconnect, and 
        each then processes any incoming files that require further 
        work.  Email may need to be distributed to a user on that 
        system, or queued up for transmission to yet another UUCP 
        neighbor, for example.  Or a Usenet news article may need to be 
        posted on your machine.  

        This is a hypothetical example.  Multiply that diagram a 
        hundredfold, and include tens of thousands of UUCP sites around 
        the globe, and you'll have a more accurate picture of exactly 
        what it is you're tapping into.  

        You and any other users on your machine will mostly use the 
        MAILX, UUCP, READNEWS and POSTNEWS commands.  

        As a Sysop on your system, you will run the "uucico" command 
        once or twice a day to connect with your neighbors and get 
        everyone up to date.  Also, when your disk starts getting full, 
        you'll want to run EXPIRE to delete Usenet news articles older
        than a specified number of days old.  

        UUXQT, RMAIL and RNEWS are usually run automatically by 
        UUCICO.  UUXQT is run after "uucico" has transferred all 
        files to and from your site that have been queued up for 
        transport, and you have disconnected from your UUCP neighbor.  
        It then runs RMAIL and RNEWS, as appropriate, to post any 
        email or news articles that may have just come across.  


     23    How Do You Get There From Here?                    OS-9 UUCP

     6.3 - How Do You Get There From Here?  

        To send email to someone, you need to know the name of their 
        node, and the names of all the nodes between yours and 
        his/hers.  If your friend Sally had an account "sallyd" on 
        system "burp", and "burp" was connected to system "why", and 
        system "why" was connected to "sandstorm", you'd do this: 

                mailx "sandstorm!why!burp!sallyd" 

        Finding a path between your system and another is an arcane 
        art.  :-) 

        The quotes are necessary to prevent the OS-9/6809 shell from 
        interpreting the exclamation points as "pipe" characters.  

        A single dot character at the left margin will terminate the 
        mail entry.  Mail then queues the mail up to be sent to 
        "sandstorm" the next time you call them with uucico.  

     7 - UUCP Command 

        The uucp command can be used to initiate file transfers to and 
        from the remote system.  The remote system usually won't let 
        you put a file just anywhere...  usually there is a 
        /usr/spool/uucppublic directory to which anyone is allowed to 
        write files, though.  So to transfer your startup file to your 
        immediate UUCP neighbor "sandstorm", for example: 

             uucp /dd/startup "sandstorm!/usr/spool/uucppublic/startup"

        and to read it back:

             uucp "sandstorm!/usr/spool/uucppublic/startup" /dd/startup2

        This would just queue up a job to do the transfer; uucico would 
        do the actual work.  This means that people who know what 
        they're doing can send you files (and read your files) 
        remotely, so you might want to be security conscious and NOT 
        run uucico from your root account (user 0).  Also, make sure 
        the permissions on your files are set such that whatever 
        account you run uucico under can ONLY do things on your system 
        that you feel like permitting.  

        The directory /DD/USR/SPOOL/UUCPPUBLIC is your version of 
        standard /usr/spool/uucppublic. Make sure anyone can write in 
        that directory, so that anyone wanting to transfer a file to 
        your system will be sure to have a place to put it.  

        If you know enough about the way the network's connected, and 
        the various machines involved are configured in a way that 
        allows it, you can transfer files between machines that aren't 
        immediate neighbors, like this: 

        uucp a_file "sandstorm!gigsys!tatooine!/usr/spool/uucppublic/file"


     UUCPbb MANUAL                                                   24

        The above command would cause the file "file" to be transferred 
        from your hard disk to the /usr/spool/uucppublic directory on 
        system "tatooine", travelling there by ways of intermediate 
        systems "sandstorm" and "gigsys".  

     8 - File Server 

        Rick Adams has written a mini-listserver program which is 
        included in UUCPbb.  At the present time the server is somewhat 
        simple.  It will allow users to request files you have placed 
        in a special directory.  This directory is defined in the 
        /DD/SYS/UUCP/Parameters file.  

        Read the file FILESERV.MAN for full instructions on using 
        setting up and using the server.  

        While the server is simple now, it will not be for long.  ;-) 

     9 - Final Word 

        I would like to see UUCPbb develop into an OS-9 Community 
        Project. Towards that end, I have released it under the GNU 
        General Public License. You are free to give away (but NOT 
        sell) and modify the source or even use the source provided you 
        comply the the GNU license.  

        I will be maintaining UUCPbb, so if you have bugs, 
        improvements, comments, critisms or even nice things to say 
        :-), please pass them know.  I don't have the last word on how 
        to do everything in C. If someone can come up with a better 
        (and PORTABLE!) way of doing what I did, let me know.  

        In order to avoid requiring everyone to constantly download a 
        huge file for minor updates or wait a long time between 
        revisions, a UNIX-like diff utility is in the works.  (It will 
        run both on the CoCo and OSK systems.) With this utility 
        changes will be easier to pass along.  Any DIFF files will 
        ALWAYS be referenced against the current official version of 
        UUCPbb. This will ensure that everyone is working with the same 
        sources.  The original site which updates, patches, additions 
        will be on the OS-9 archive site on the Internet. Currently, 
        this site is  I am hoping a separat 
        directory will be created for UUCPbb related files, so y'all 
        won't have to search all around the directories on chestnut.  
        From chestnut, files will migrate to Delphi, Compuserv and 
        other BBSs.  

        If you want to help with this project, contact Jeff Shepler at  

        There are other things I would like to do with UUCPbb to make 
        it better.  Check the TODO list.  If you see something you want 
        to work on OR you have, like me, been quietly hacking on Rick's 
        code and come up with something you want to contribute, drop me 
        email.  Before you start working on something check with me 
        first.  Someone else may be working on same task.  Rather 


     25    Introduction                                       OS-9 UUCP

        pointless to two people duplicating each others work when you 
        could working together.  

        Obviously, there are some things that you can do under OSK that 
        you can't do due to limitations of the CoCo and OS-9/6809. 
        Where possible please try not to make none portable changes.  
        If you do, please use the following #ifdef/#endif to allow 
        selectively compiling the code: 

             #ifdef OS9    Code specific to OS-9/6809
             #ifdef _OSK   Code specific to OS-9/68K or OS-9000
             #ifdef _OS9K  Code specific to only OS-9000

        So put on your thinking caps!  And have fun!  

             Bob Billson <> 1994 April 2