view 3rdparty/utils/boisy/grep.asm @ 2494:98e7cb7b3dda

Prevents RS-232 bit at $FF20 from being toggled. RG
author robertgault
date Sun, 04 Apr 2010 02:17:24 +0000
parents 0e08f0830fd8
line wrap: on
line source

* GREP - Pattern matching utility
* The usage for GREP is:
*        Grep <-c> "pattern" [file]    (in that order)
*        The -c option tells grep to search with case sensitivity.
*        The pattern must be enclosed in double quotes (").
*        If no file is specified, input is taken from StdIn
*        Use:  asm #16K grep.a o=grep
*        You may have to modify the "use" directive...
*        I got tired of waiting for someone to write this, so I took
*        the challenge.  I'm sure there are others who could use this.
*        As always, you're free to distribute this source as long as
*        long as this header is intact with the code.  Enjoy!
* By: Boisy G. Pitre
*     Southern Station, Box 8455
*     Hattiesburg, MS  39406-8455
*     Internet:

         nam   grep
         ttl   pattern matching utility

         use   defsfile

         mod   Size,Name,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+1,Start,Fin

Name     fcs   /Grep/
Ed       fcb   $01

MaskByte rmb   1                       Byte used for masking case
Path     rmb   1                       path of file (or StdIn)
StrSiz   rmb   1                       Size of pattern
Counter  rmb   1                       Counter for pattern size
ByteCmp  rmb   1                       Buffer to store masked byte
LineSiz  rmb   2                       Size of input line
SrchStr  rmb   80                      Line buffer
numflag  rmb   1		print line numbers if set
linecnt  rmb   3		up to 999999 lines
linestr  rmb   7		buffer for 6-digit number+space
Line     rmb   250                     Line max is 250 chars
Stack    rmb   200
Params   rmb   200
Fin      equ   .

HelpMsg  fcc   /Usage:  Grep <-c> <-n> "pattern" [file]/
         fcb   C$CR
HelpLen  equ   *-HelpMsg

Start    clr   Path                    Clear path (assume StdIn)
	 clr   numflag
	 clr   linecnt
	 clr   linecnt+1
	 clr   linecnt+2
         lda   #%00100000              Assume masking
         sta   MaskByte

Parse    lda   ,x+                     Get char off cmd line
         cmpa  #C$SPAC                 is it a space?
         beq   Parse                   yep, get next char
         cmpa  #C$CR                   is it a CR?
         beq   Help                    Yep, premature, so show help
         cmpa  #'-                     is it a dash?
         beq   Parse2                  yeah, go to option handler
         cmpa  #'"                     is it a quote?
         beq   GetStr                  yep, go to pattern handler
         bra   Help                    else wrong usage, show help

Parse2   lda   ,x+                     get char after dash
         anda  #$DF                    and mask it
	 cmpa  #'N		is it an N for line numbers?
	 bne   Parse3		nope, try C
	 sta   numflag		set the line numbers flag
	 bra   Parse		and resume parsing
Parse3   cmpa  #'C                     is it a C for case sensitivity?
         bne   Help                    nope, bad option, show help
         clr   MaskByte                else clear the mask byte
         bra   Parse                   and go back to parsing routine

GetStr   leay  SrchStr,u               point to pattern buffer
         clr   StrSiz                  and clear the size variable

Store    lda   ,x+                     get char
         cmpa  #'"                     is it the ending quote?
         beq   ChckFile                yep, see if a file was specified
         cmpa  #C$CR                   is it a CR?
         beq   Help                    Yep, in middle of quote!  show help
         ora   MaskByte                else mask char
         sta   ,y+                     and save it in buffer
         inc   StrSiz                  increment the size by one
         bra   Store                   and get the next char

EOF      cmpb  #E$EOF                  Is error an end-of-file?
         bne   Error                   nope, other error
         bra   Done                    else we're done

Help     leax  <HelpMsg,pcr             Point to help message
         ldy   #HelpLen                load length
         lda   #2                      to StdErr
         os9   I$WritLn                and write
         bcs   Error                   exit if error

Done     clrb                          clear error register
Error    os9   F$Exit                  and exit!

ChckFile lda   ,x                      get char
         cmpa  #C$CR                   is it a CR?
         beq   ReadIn                  yep, we'll use StdIn
         cmpa  #C$SPAC                 is it a space?
         bne   GetFile                 nope, its a filename char
         leax  1,x                     else increment X
         bra   ChckFile                and get the next char

GetFile  lda   #READ.                  Open for read
         os9   I$Open
         bcs   Error
         sta   Path                    and save the path

ReadIn   ldy   #250                    max. read = 250 chars
         leax  Line,u                  point X to line buffer
         lda   Path                    load A with path number
         os9   I$ReadLn                and get a line of chars
         bcs   EOF                     if error, check for EOF
         sty   LineSiz                 save bytes read
* count lines in BCD, 6-digit version (3 bytes)
	 lda   linecnt+2
	 adda  #1
	 sta   linecnt+2
	 bcc   Match
	 adca  linecnt+1
	 sta   linecnt+1
	 bcc   Match
	 adca  linecnt
	 sta   linecnt

Match    ldb   StrSiz                  load B with pattern size
         stb   Counter                 store it in counter
         leay  SrchStr,u               point Y to pattern

Loop     dec   LineSiz+1               decrement line size counter
         beq   ReadIn                  if at end, read in another line
         lda   ,x+                     else load A with char at X (line)
         ora   MaskByte                mask it
         sta   ByteCmp                 store it in comparison location
         lda   ,y+                     load A with char at Y (pattern)
         cmpa  ByteCmp                 compare it with saved byte
         beq   GetNext
         bra   Match                   else start from beginning of pattern
GetNext  dec   Counter                 decrement counter
         beq   doline                  if at end, print the line (match!)
         bra   Loop                    else check next char

doline   tst   <numflag
         bne   bcdtoasc

PrnLine  leax  Line,u                  point to line buffer
         ldy   #250                    max. chars = 250
         lda   #1                      to StdOut
         os9   I$WritLn                and write the line
         bcs   Error                   exit if error
         bra   ReadIn                  else get next line

	 leay  linestr,u
	 ldb   <linecnt
	 bsr   btod			convert all 6 digits
	 ldb   <linecnt+1
	 bsr   btod
	 ldb   <linecnt+2
	 bsr   btod
	 ldb   #C$SPAC
	 stb   ,y
	 leax  linestr+1,u		but print only last 5
	 ldy   #256
* to print 6 digits change previous 2 lines to leax linestr,u/ldy #257
	 bra   PrnLine2

btod	 pshs  b
	 bsr   btod2
	 puls  b
btod2	 andb  #$0F
	 addb  #'0
	 stb   ,y+

Size     equ   *