view level2/modules/kernel/fallram.asm @ 2494:98e7cb7b3dda

Prevents RS-232 bit at $FF20 from being toggled. RG
author robertgault
date Sun, 04 Apr 2010 02:17:24 +0000
parents 5ecf6e023a64
children 039ddb7c8ad7
line wrap: on
line source

* System Call: F$AllRAM
* Function: Allocate RAM blocks
* Input:  B = Desired block count
* Output: D = Beginning RAM block number
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FAllRAM  ldb   R$B,u        Get # blocks requested
         pshs  b,x,y        Save regs
         ldx   <D.BlkMap    Get ptr to start of block map
L0974    leay  ,x           Point Y to current block
         ldb   ,s           Get # blocks requested
srchblk  cmpx  <D.BlkMap+2  Hit end of map yet?
         bhs   L0995        Yes, exit with No RAM error
         lda   ,x+          Get block marker
         bne   L0974        Already used, start over with next block up
         decb               Dec # blocks still needed
         bne   srchblk      Still more, keep checking
* Entry: Y=ptr to start of memory found
* Note: Due to fact that block map always starts @ $200 (up to $2FF), we
*       don't need to calc A
L0983    tfr   y,d          Copy start of requested block mem ptr to D (B)
         lda   ,s           Get # blocks requested
         stb   ,s           Save start block # 
L098D    inc   ,y+          Flag blocks as used
         deca                (for all blocks allocated)
         bne   L098D        Do until done
         puls  b            Get start block #
         clra               (allow for D as per original calls)
         std   R$D,u        Save for caller
         puls  x,y,pc       Restore regs & return

L0995    comb               Exit with No RAM error
         ldb   #E$NoRAM
         stb   ,s
         puls  b,x,y,pc

* System Call: F$AlHRAM
* Function: Allocate RAM blocks from top of RAM
* Input:  B = Desired block count
* Output: D = Beginning RAM block number
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FAlHRAM  ldb   R$B,u        Get # blocks to allocate
         pshs  b,x,y        Preserve regs
         ldx   <D.BlkMap+2  Get ptr to end of block map
L09A9    ldb   ,s           Get # blocks requested
L09AB    cmpx  <D.BlkMap    Are we at beginning of RAM yet?
         bls   L0995        Yes, exit with No RAM error
         lda   ,-x          Get RAM block marker
         bne   L09A9        If not free, start checking next one down
         decb               Free block, dec # blocks left to find count
         bne   L09AB        Still more needed, keep checking
         tfr   x,y          Found enough contigous blocks, move ptr to Y
         bra   L0983        Go mark blocks as used, & return info to caller