view 3rdparty/packages/pacos9/ @ 3220:9ccec98c9897

Updated IDE Driver makefile so it will have place holders for dsk, dskclean, and dskcopy so that make does not error out when chaining into the driver tree to build disk images where applicable.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:10:50 -0600
parents 06508da42c98
line wrap: on
line source

         NAM    MOVPAC
         TTL    Move pacman routines

*     Program segment to be compiled using Level II RMA
*           This is not a mainline program segment
*                 Written by Larry Olson

*         use    /dd/defs/os9defs.a

STACK    EQU    100

         SECTION bss

*    Local variables

         RMB    STACK


         SECTION code

MVPAC:   nop

*      Read joystick

JOY      lda    PATH        Set path to window
         ldb    #$13        Setup for SS.Joy
         ldx    PORT,U      Get selected port
         os9    I$GetStt
         lbcs   ERR1
         stx    JOYSTX
         sty    JOYSTY
         sta    BUTTON
*    Cycle is used to animate pacman

CYC      dec    CYCLE       Decrement cycle counter
         bpl    MVRT        If >0 continue
         lda    #2          Reset counter to 2
         sta    CYCLE

         sta    MOVFLG,U

*    Check direction of joystick & move pacman

MVRT     leay   ARRAY,U     Point to start of array
         ldd    POFSET      Get pacman offset in array
         leax   D,Y
*    X reg now points to pacman position in array
         ldd    JOYSTX      Get joystick X value
         cmpd   #37         Is it greater than 37 ?
         blo    MVLFT       Go to move left

         inc    MOVFLG,U

         lda    1,X         Get adjacent byte from array
         lbmi   MVDWN       If wall then go check for down
         ldd    PCXLOC      GET pseudo screen X location
         cmpd   PXNEW       Is it equal to actual location?
         beq    SKIPR
         addd   #8
         std    PCXLOC
SKIPR    ldd    PXNEW       Get actual screen X location
         addd   #8          Add 8 to it
         std    PXNEW       Put it back
         ldd    PYNEW       Get screen Y location
         std    PCYLOC      Set pyold = pynew
         ldd    POFSET      Get pacman array offset
         addd   #1          Increment it
         cmpd   #1793       Is it off screen to the right ?
         bne    STBUF1
*   Erase pacman on right side of screen
*   Before moving pacman to left side
         lda    #37         Set for blank pacman
         sta    PBFN        Put it in putblk code
         ldd    #572 
         std    PXLOC
         ldd    #85
         std    PYLOC
         lbsr   PUTBLK      Go erase pacman

         ldd    #44
         std    PXNEW       Reset pac screen X to 36
         subd   #8          Set pseudo X location
         std    PCXLOC
         lda    #1
         ldd    #1726       Move pacman to left side
STBUF1   std    POFSET      Store pacman array offset
         leax   D,Y         Point to pacman position in array
         lda    #25         Set pacman direction buffer
         sta    BUFF          for right facing pacman
         ldb    #1
         lda    B,X         Get the byte at this spot
         bmi    MVPAC1      Branch if wall
         bita   #6          Check for a dot or pill
         beq    MVPAC1
         lbsr   ERPILL      Go erase pill or dot
         bra    MVPAC1
MVLFT    ldd    JOYSTX      Get joystick X value
         cmpd   #27
         bhi    MVDWN
         inc    MOVFLG,U
         lda    -1,X        Get byte 1 move to the left
         bmi    MVDWN       Branch if wall
         ldd    PXNEW       Get new pac position
         subd   #8          Subtract 8 from it
         std    PXNEW       Put it back
         std    PCXLOC      Set pxold = pxnew
         ldd    PYNEW
         std    PCYLOC      Set pyold = pynew
         ldd    POFSET      Get pacman array offset
         subd   #1          Decrement it
         cmpd   #1725       Is it off left side of screen ?
         bne    STBUF2      If not then store hcount
*   Erase pacman on left side of screen
*   Before moving pacman to right side
         lda    #37         Set for blank pacman
         sta    PBFN        Put it in PUTBLK code
         ldd    #44
         std    PXLOC
         ldd    #85
         std    PYLOC
         lbsr   PUTBLK      Go erase pacman

         ldd    #572
         std    PXNEW       Update screen location too.
         std    PCXLOC
         ldd    #1792       Move pacman to right side
STBUF2   std    POFSET      Store pacman array offset
         leax   D,Y         X holds pacman position in array
         lda    #28         Set pacman direction buffer
         sta    BUFF          for left facing pacman
         ldb    #-1
         lda    B,X         Get byte from array
         bmi    MVPAC1      Branch if wall
         bita   #6          Check for dot or pill
         beq    MVPAC1
         lbsr   ERPILL      Go erase pill or dot
MVPAC1   lda    BUFF
         adda   CYCLE
         sta    PCBFN
         leax   PUTPACM,U
         ldy    #8
         lda    PATH
         os9    I$Write
         lbcs   ERR1

MVDWN    leay   ARRAY,U     Point to start of array
         ldd    POFSET      Get pacman array offset
         leax   D,Y         X holds pacman array position
         ldd    JOYSTY      Get joystick Y value
         cmpd   #27         Is it greater than 27 ?
         bhi    MVUP        If not, then check for up move
         inc    MOVFLG,U
         lda    69,X        Look at byte one line down
         lbmi   LEAVE       Branch if wall
         ldd    PCYLOC      Get pseudo screen Y location
         cmpd   PYNEW       Are they the same ?
         beq    SKIPD       
         addd   #3          Add 3 to it
         std    PCYLOC
SKIPD    ldd    PYNEW       Get actual screen Y location
         addd   #3          Add 3 to it
         std    PYNEW       Put it back
         ldd    PXNEW
         std    PCXLOC
SKIPD2   ldd    POFSET      Get location in array
         addd   #69         Move down 1 line
         cmpd   #3692       Off screen at bottom?
         bne    STBUF3

         lda    #37         Blank pacman buffer
         sta    PBFN
         ldd    #316
         std    PXLOC
         ldd    #166
         std    PYLOC
         lbsr   PUTBLK      Go erase pacman at bottom

         ldd    #300        
         std    PXNEW
         std    PCXLOC
         ldd    #07         New Y scrn location
         std    PCYLOC
         addd   #3
         std    PYNEW
         ldd    #33         Move to top of array
STBUF3   std    POFSET
         leax   D,Y
         lda    #34         Set pacman direction buffer
         sta    BUFF           for down facing pacman
         ldb    #69         Look one line down
         lda    B,X         Get byte at this spot
         bmi    MVPAC2      Branch if wall
         bita   #6          Check for dot(2) or pill(4)
         beq    MVPAC2      Go move pacman
         lbsr   ERPILL      Go erase pill or dot
         bra    MVPAC2      Go move pacman

MVUP     ldd    JOYSTY      Get joystick Y value
         cmpd   #37         Is it less than 37 ?
         lblo   LEAVE
         inc    MOVFLG,U
         lda    -69,X       Get byte from array, 1 line up
         bmi    LEAVE       Branch if wall
         ldd    PYNEW       Get pac screen Y location
         subd   #3          Subtract 3 from it
         std    PYNEW       Put it back
         std    PCYLOC      Set pyold = pynew
         ldd    PXNEW
         std    PCXLOC      Set pxold = pxnew
         lda    #31         Set direction buffer
         sta    BUFF          to up facing pacman
         ldd    POFSET      Get pacman array offset
         subd   #69         Move up one line
         cmpd   #33         At top of screen?
         bne    STBUF4

         lda    #37         Blank pacman buffer #
         sta    PBFN
         ldd    #300        
         std    PXLOC
         ldd    #13
         std    PYLOC
         lbsr   PUTBLK      Erase pacman at top

         ldd    #316
         std    PXNEW
         std    PCXLOC
         ldd    #169
         std    PYNEW
         std    PCYLOC
         ldd    #3692
STBUF4   std    POFSET      Put it back
         leax   D,Y         X holds pacman array position
         ldb    #-69
         lda    B,X         Get byte at this spot
         bmi    MVPAC2      Branch if wall
         bita   #6          Check for dot(2) or pill(4)
         beq    MVPAC2      Go move pacman
         lbsr   ERPILL      Go erase pill or dot
MVPAC2   lda    BUFF        Get current pac buffer
         adda   CYCLE       Add cycle count
         sta    PCBFN       Set putblk buffer
         leax   PUTPACM,U
         ldy    #8
         lda    PATH
         os9    I$Write
         lbcs   ERR1

LEAVE    lda    MOVFLG,U
         bne    EXTCHK
         ldx    #2
         lbsr   WAIT

EXTCHK   ldb    PACMAN      Get # of pacmen left
         cmpb   #6          Only a total of 6 allowed
         beq    MVDONE      If already 6, then exit
         lda    SCRBCD,U
         anda   #15         %00001111 strip high
         cmpa   EXTPAC,U    Compare it with goal
         blo    MVDONE      If not =, then exit
         incb               If =, then give bonus-
         stb    PACMAN        pacman to player
         inc    EXTPAC,U    Increment goal
         ldd    #181
         std    PYLOC,U
         lda    #28
         sta    PBFN,U
         lda    #30
         ldb    PACMAN
         subb   #1
         std    PXLOC,U
         ldd    #600
         subd   PXLOC,U
         std    PXLOC,U
         lbsr   PUTBLK

MVDONE   rts                Return to MAIN

PALCHG:  clrb
         stb    STRLGH      Save counter
         leay   STRING,U    String to output
         leax   G1OFST,U    Point to ghost tables
         lda    10,X        Get #1 ghost status
         cmpa   #1
         bne    TEST2
         ldd    #$1b31      Palette set code
         std    ,Y++        Put it in string
         ldd    #$043d
         std    ,Y++        Put it in string
         inc    STRLGH
         lda    #2
         sta    10,X        Make ghost run from pacman
TEST2    lda    30,X        Get #2 ghost status
         cmpa   #1
         bne    TEST3
         ldd    #$1b31      Palette set code
         std    ,Y++        Put it in string
         ldd    #$063d
         std    ,Y++        Put it in string
         inc    STRLGH
         lda    #2
         sta    30,X        Make ghost run from pacman
TEST3    lda    50,X        Get #3 ghost status
         cmpa   #1
         bne    TEST4
         ldd    #$1b31      Palette set code
         std    ,Y++
         ldd    #$053d
         std    ,Y++        Put it in string
         inc    STRLGH
         lda    #2
         sta    50,X        Make ghost run from pacman
TEST4    lda    70,X        Get #4 ghost status
         cmpa   #1
         bne    TESTCK
         ldd    #$1b31      Palette set code
         std    ,Y++
         ldd    #$033d
         std    ,Y
         inc    STRLGH
         lda    #2
         sta    70,X        Make ghost run from pacman
         beq    OTDONE
         lda    #4
         tfr    D,Y
         leax   STRING,U
         lbsr   OUTSTR
OTDONE   rts

*           erase pill subroutine
*        Erases DOT or PILL from array
*             and updates score
*    On entry, X reg points to spot in array
*    B reg holds 1 byte offset 1,-1,96 or -96
*    A reg holds byte at that point in array

ERPILL   cmpa   #6          Was it a bonus ?
         beq    ERBON
         bita   #4          Was it a power dot ?
         beq    ERDOT
         anda   #1
         sta    B,X         Erase power pill from array
         lda    #32         Add 20 to score
         sta    POINTS+2

         ldd    DOTTOT
         addd   #1
         std    DOTTOT

         lda    #100        Set timeout counter
         sta    POWFLG
         lbsr   PALCHG      Go change color of ghosts
         bra    ADDUP

ERBON    clra
         sta    B,X
         lbsr   SETBON      Go to Bonus Routines(in SCRNS)
         lda    #154        Add 100 to score
         sta    POINTS+2
         bra    ADDUP

ERDOT    anda   #1
         sta    B,X         Erase dot from array
         lda    #1          Add 1 point to score
         sta    POINTS+2    Put it back

         ldd    DOTTOT
         addd   #1
         std    DOTTOT

*    Add points to score

ADDUP:   leax   SCRBCD+3,U
         leay   POINTS+3,U
         ldb    #3          Set loop counter to 3
         andcc  #%11111110  Clear carry
ADLOOP   lda    ,-X         Decrement X and get a byte
         adca   ,-Y         Add new points
         daa                Decimal adjust bytes
         sta    ,X          Put result back in score byte
         decb               Decrement loop counter
         bne    ADLOOP      Loop till done

SHIFT    leay   SCRASC,U    Point to asc string
         leax   SCRBCD,U     Point to score bytes
         ldb    #3          Set loop counter to 3
         stb    SHCNT       Set loop counter to 3
         clrb               Clear leading zero flag
SFLOOP   lda    ,X          Get a byte of score, bump pointer
         lsra               Shift high nibble to low
         beq    TSTFG1
         incb               Set leading zero flag
TSTFG1   tstb               Is leading zero flag set ?
         bne     ASCSET1
         lda     #-16       48-16 = ascii space
ASCSET1  adda    #48        Add ascii offset for number
         sta     ,Y+        Put result in score string
         lda     ,X+        Get bcd score byte again
         anda    #15        Mask off high nibble
         beq     TSTFG2
TSTFG2   tstb
         bne     ASCSET2
         lda     #-16
ASCSET2  adda    #48
         sta     ,Y+
         dec     SHCNT
         bne     SFLOOP     Loop 3 times

JUST1    leax   SCRPOS,U    Point to score string
         ldy    #9          Output 9 characters
         lbsr   OUTSTR      Go output string


*     Noise maker when pacman eats a dot

*WOCWOC   lda    PATH
*         ldb    #$98
*         ldx    #$3202
*         ldy    #3000
*         os9    I$SetStt

*         ldy    #2000
*         os9    I$GetStt

*     Return to MAIN

*SCDONE   rts
