view lib/ @ 3220:9ccec98c9897

Updated IDE Driver makefile so it will have place holders for dsk, dskclean, and dskcopy so that make does not error out when chaining into the driver tree to build disk images where applicable.
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:10:50 -0600
parents 3b7b5021f8bc
line wrap: on
line source

* net - network routines
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2010/01/08  Boisy G. Pitre
* Started.

               section   bss
nbufferl       equ       128
nbuffer        rmb       nbufferl

               section   code

space          fcb       C$SPAC
devnam         fcs       "/N"

getopts        leax      nbuffer,u
               ldb       #SS.Opt
               os9       I$GetStt
setopts        leax      nbuffer,u
               ldb       #SS.Opt
               os9       I$SetStt
* Set Echo On
* Entry: A = path to network device
* Exit:
*        Success: CC carry clear 
*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
SetEchoOn:     pshs      a,x
               bsr       getopts
               bcs       rawex           
               ldb       #1
               stb       PD.EKO-PD.OPT,x
               bsr       setopts
               puls      a,x,pc

* Set Echo Off
* Entry: A = path to network device
* Exit:
*        Success: CC carry clear 
*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
SetEchoOff:    pshs      a,x
               bsr       getopts
               bcs       rawex           
               clr       PD.EKO-PD.OPT,x
               bsr       setopts
               puls      a,x,pc

* Set Auto Linefeed On
* Entry: A = path to network device
* Exit:
*        Success: CC carry clear 
*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
SetAutoLFOn:   pshs      a,x
               bsr       getopts
               bcs       rawex           
               ldb       #1
               stb       PD.ALF-PD.OPT,x
               bsr       setopts
               puls      a,x,pc

* Set Auto Linefeed Off
* Entry: A = path to network device
* Exit:
*        Success: CC carry clear 
*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
SetAutoLFOff:  pshs      a,x
               bsr       getopts
               bcs       rawex           
               clr       PD.ALF-PD.OPT,x
               bsr       setopts
               puls      a,x,pc

* Put the path passed in A in raw mode
* Entry: A = path to network device
* Exit:
*        Success: CC carry clear 
*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
RawPath:       pshs      a,x
               bsr       getopts
               bcs       rawex
               leax      PD.UPC-PD.OPT,x
               ldb       #PD.QUT-PD.UPC 
rawloop        clr       ,x+
               bpl       rawloop
               bsr       setopts
rawex          puls      a,x,pc

* Attempts to open and setup a path to the TCP server
* Exit:
*        Success: A = path to network device, CC carry clear 
*        Failure: B = error code, CC carry set
TCPOpen:       pshs      x,y
               lda       #UPDAT.
               leax      devnam,pcr
               os9       I$Open
               bcs       openerr
               bsr       SetEchoOff
               bsr       SetAutoLFOff
               puls      x,y,pc

* Informs the server that we are killing a session
* Entry: A = path to network device
*        Y = pointer to token string (nul terminated)
* Exit:
*        Success: CC carry clear 
*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
TCPKill:       pshs      a,x,y
               leax      tcpkill,pcr
               ldy       #tcpkilll
               os9       I$Write
               lbcs      connectex
               bra       writeport

* Informs the server that we are joining a session
* Entry: A = path to network device
*        Y = pointer to token string (nul terminated)
* Exit:
*        Success: CC carry clear 
*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
TCPJoin:       pshs      a,x,y
               leax      tcpjoin,pcr
               ldy       #tcpjoinl
               os9       I$Write
               lbcs      connectex
               bra       writeport

* Attempts to connect to a TCP/IP host via the server
* Entry: A = path to network device
*        X = pointer to host name string (nul terminated)
*        Y = pointer to port string (nul terminated)
* Exit:
*        Success: CC carry clear 
*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
               pshs      a,x,y
               leax      tcpconnect,pcr
               ldy       #tcpconnectl
               os9       I$Write
               bcs       connectex
               ldx       1,s
               lbsr      STRLEN
               tfr       d,y
               lda       ,s
               os9       I$Write
* write space
               leax      space,pcr
               ldy       #1
               os9       I$Write          
* write port (we worry about response later)
writeport      ldx       3,s            get original Y on stack
               pshs      a
               lbsr      STRLEN
               tfr       d,y
               puls      a
               os9       I$Write
               leax      acr,pcr
               ldy       #1
               os9       I$WritLn

* read response from server
* Entry: A = path
               leax      nbuffer,u
               ldy       #nbufferl
               os9       I$ReadLn
               bcs       connectex
               lda       ,x
               cmpa      #'F
               bne       connectex
* failure case: read number and return it with carry set
               leax      5,x             skip over "FAIL "
               lbsr      DEC_BIN         error will fit in B
               coma                      set carry
connectex      puls      a,x,y,pc
acr            fcb       C$CR

* Requests to listen on a port
* Entry: A = path to network device
*        X = pointer to parameter string (nul terminated)
* Exit:
*        Success: CC carry clear 
*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
TCPListen:     pshs      a,x,y
               leax      tcplisten,pcr
               ldy       #tcplistenl
               os9       I$Write
               bcs       connectex
               ldx       1,s
               lbsr      STRLEN
               tfr       d,y
               lda       ,s
               os9       I$Write
               leax      acr,pcr
               ldy       #1
               os9       I$WritLn
               bra       readresponse

* Disconnects the TCP/IP host via the server
* Entry: A = path to network device
* Exit:
*        Success: CC carry clear 
*        Failure: B = error code, CC carry set
TCPDisconnect: os9        I$Close

tcpconnect     fcc         'tcp connect '
tcpconnectl    equ         *-tcpconnect

tcplisten      fcc         'tcp listen '
tcplistenl     equ         *-tcplisten

tcpjoin        fcc         'tcp join '
tcpjoinl       equ         *-tcpjoin

tcpkill        fcc         'tcp kill '
tcpkilll       equ         *-tcpkill
