view docs/nitros9guide/os9guide.docbook @ 726:a05075926716

Debug is part of the manual now. Template added for 'asm'
author roug
date Sun, 05 Jan 2003 11:17:50 +0000
parents 08ac38971d5b
children 0f49e436c9e2
line wrap: on
line source

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<book id="os9guide" lang="en">
 <title>OS-9 Operating System User's Guide</title>
 <subtitle>for OS-9 Level I</subtitle>

  <publishername>Cleglen Publishing Limited</publishername>

  <holder>Dragon Data Ltd., and Microware Systems Corporation.</holder>

  <para>All Rights Reserved. Reproduced under license from
Microware Systems Corporation.</para>


